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Grave Mercy (His Fair Assassin, #1)
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Grave Mercy</i> is the first book in Robin LaFevers’ trilogy <i>His Fair Assassin</i> set in Brittany in the middle ages. Young Ismae Rienne escapes from her new, abusive husband to the sanctuary of the convent of St. Mortain, where she learns that she was sired by the god of death. She, like the other sisters of the convent, has been blessed with certain gifts as a result. Their job is to be the handmaidens of death and help to kill people on behalf of St. Mortain.

Ismae’s task is to live in the high courts with a man named Gavriel Duval in order to remove the traitors that threaten the soon to be crowned duchess, Anne. While she is there she begins to suspect that one of the allies is a traitor, but whom? She also begins to fall in love and feels torn in two when the convent demands his death.

It takes a long time to understand what is going on in <i>Grave Mercy</i> especially as a lot of it involves politics of an era of long ago. Towards the end it begins to become more exciting once the reader has worked out who are the good characters and who are the bad and all that is left is to discover how it all resolves itself.

There is something about death and murder in historical fiction that is more gruesome than in contemporary novels. This is another reason why the book was difficult to read.

Initially the amount of names listed on the “Dramatis Personae” at the start of the book was a little daunting however not all of them are key to the plot. The main character, Ismae, is likable and her strength and independence is admirable especially as women did not have much control over their lives at that time. Most of the other characters also existed in real life as, although in part a fantasy novel, LaFevers’ has kept it as historically accurate as possible.

Looking at the reviews on <i>Goodreads</i>, over 900 readers have listed <i>Grave Mercy</i> as Young Adult. After reading the book there is nothing to suggest that it was written for that age group. Admittedly the characters are very young: Ismae, 17, and Anne, 12; but in the 1400s they would have seemed older than society regards people of that age today. The romantic element of the novel is the kind you would expect to find in adult historical novels rather than books for younger readers.

Overall this is a book for people who appreciate historical and political fiction but also like an element of fantasy and romance. It is written really well but to be able to engage fully with the story you need to be really interested in the subject matter.
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The magic continues in Charlie N. Holmberg’s latest novel <i>The Glass Magician</i>. It is three months since the ending of <i>The Paper Magician</i> and Ceony is still apprenticing under Magician Thane – now mostly referred to as Emery. Despite the near death experiences of both the characters in the previous book, Ceony is well on her way to become a Folder – a magician that uses paper.

When an explosion occurs at a paper mill that Ceony is visiting, she realizes that not all her problems have been solved. Her defeat of an evil Excisioner has resulted in two more wanted criminals on her tail. Mistakenly, Ceony believes she can tackle this problem by herself, putting those she loves in danger.

As well as the characters from the first book, <i>The Glass Magician</i> contains a few new names including Delilah, an apprentice of a glass magician, who is a similar age to Ceony. Through Delilah the reader is introduced to another form of magic using glass or more precisely, in the case of this novel, mirrors.

In comparison to <i>The Paper Magician</i> there is a more romantic theme running throughout the book. Events of the past have brought Ceony and Emery closer together causing Ceony to fall in love with him, however she is uncertain whether Emery feels the same way. Even so, fantasy or steampunk remained the key genre.

A criticism I had of the first book was that the characters felt far too modern for the time period it was set in. The case was the same in <i>The Glass Magician</i>, although this may be more to do with the author’s writing style and therefore was unlike to differ. On the other hand the events in this book were more plausible and therefore less confusing which ultimately makes this a slightly better story.

Readers need to have read <i>The Paper Magician</i> before starting this book, as it requires knowledge of previous events, which are vital to the story line. If you loved the first book it is almost guaranteed that you will love the second.
Deadly Curiosities
Deadly Curiosities
Gail Z. Martin | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
DNF at 60%.
The cover grabbed me and the synopsis made me think this could be quite a fun read.It turned out it took a lot of reading. That&rsquo;s not to say it was bad or anything, for me it was just okay; nothing special. I just prefer shorter books. And ones with less description. (I&rsquo;m probably the only one who feels like that!)

And for them to have at least a bit of romance in them. By the half way point I&rsquo;d given up on anything romantic happening. There wasn&rsquo;t the slightest whiff of it at all. I like a bit of action in stories but I love it when it ends in some sexual tension between characters and there was nil. I&rsquo;m a romance reader and I, wrongly, assumed that this would be like every other UF book I&rsquo;ve read where there would be some romance mixed in the storyline.

Getting past the lack of romance, I liked the abilities of Cassidy and Teag. It was a refreshing change to read about something different. Not that I don&rsquo;t love my shifters and vampires but every so often it&rsquo;s nice to get a different take on things and seeing the history of items when you touch them and being able to piece together information on the internet and through books as a Weaver were definitely new to me.

I must confess that the lack of romance in the book put me off and I struggled to become interested in the storyline. I&rsquo;m not the biggest fan of ghost stories and I&rsquo;m no history buff so having to read all the back story of the Charleston really put me off.

Being honest, I have to say that this wasn&rsquo;t my sort of book at all but if you like urban fantasy books with lots of description/back story with the occasional flashbacks and no romance, then this is likely perfect for you.

Alex Kapranos recommended Kimono My House by Sparks in Music (curated)

Kimono My House by Sparks
Kimono My House by Sparks
2017 | Pop, Rock
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It was difficult to choose a Sparks record. I think Sparks are unique. Even though they’ve progressed through the early seventies ‘Visconti sound’ – it’s not glam rock, it’s something else. It’s of its time because it influenced so much of what came after it. I don’t think it was really like anything before it, but then they progressed and switched to Giorgio Moroder and those early 80s records like Angst In My Pants, and then they went Eurodisco in the nineties too. One of my favourite Sparks songs is 'When Do I Get To Sing ""My Way""'. That captures again that melancholy, it’s such a wonderful, wonderful song but wry with a sense of humour too. Lyrically I think it’s an incredible record because it was at odds with what was going around at the time. You had John Lennon doing the confessional ballad songwriting about 'this is the emotion I feel' and it’s very bare. And then you have the preposterous fantasy of prog rock. Whereas to me they approached lyrics more from the perspective of writing a film script or someone writing a novel, or even more from the Cole Porter type of lyric writing. It was based around characters and there’s extremes of emotion, like the song 'Equator' which ends the record. It’s about arranging to meet someone on a particular place on the equator at a particular time and it sets up this romantic premise, and the character gets there but the other lover isn’t waiting for him. You have this heartbreak and even though Russell is singing it in the first person, it seems to be written from a third person perspective. You have these characters created by Ron for Russell to articulate, in the way a scriptwriter would write to bring a character to life. It’s one of those records I literally wore the groove out to. Ron’s arrangements too, how he got a rock band into play how an orchestra would, but not in a pretentious way at all. The melodies are really direct and cool. It’s a real joy to listen to."

    B50 — Face Changer Camera

    B50 — Face Changer Camera

    Photo & Video and Social Networking

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    Wanna have fun? Or shock your Mum? The answer to ‘How?’ is Banuba. Banuba is the go-to selfie...

Broken Realms (The Chronicles of Mara Lantern, #1)
Broken Realms (The Chronicles of Mara Lantern, #1)
D.W. Moneypenny | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

<i>Broken Realms</i> is a brilliant science fiction novel and first installment of <i>The Chronicles of Mara Lantern</i> by D. W. Moneypenny. Set in present day Oregon it deals with metaphysical ideas and bizarre creatures – a very intriguing read.

Mara Lantern is a young adult who has left school to work in a gadget repair shop where her amazing natural talent for restoring machinery is put to good use. At the commencement of the book she is being driven to the airport by her New Age obsessed mother in order to fly out to San Francisco to visit her father. Once the plane is airborne it is clear there is something terribly wrong. Bright blue light flashes throughout the aircraft and the passengers around Mara appear to be distorting: growing fangs and snouts, and changing eye colour. What is even stranger is a redheaded boy is running down the aisle closely pursued by a clone of Mara.

In an attempt at an emergency landing, the plane crashes into the Columbia River – a crash impossible to survive – however everyone does. All the passengers and crew are pulled out of the river unharmed; all except Mara who is strangely found unconscious on the pavement with a head wound.

Detective Daniel Bohannon is assigned to the case investigating the cause of the crash, but when some of the survivors start displaying super-human or animalistic traits it becomes clear this was no ordinary situation.

Whilst the investigation continues, Mara begins to deal with what she saw on the plane. With the help of a fellow survivor, Ping, and the redheaded boy, Sam (who claims he is her brother) she begins to learn that her world, her life and human existence in general is not all she believed it to be.

Although <i>Broken Realms</i> is accurately described as a science fiction and fantasy novel there were times, particularly during the police investigations, that it also felt a little like a crime thriller. There is nothing particularly bad about that but to begin with it was as though there were two different genres competing with each other depending on which character point of view was being read.

What helped to make this book so great were the excellent writing skills of D. W. Moneypenny. It was written so clearly that vivid images came to mind whilst reading. The pace of the narrative was fairly quick and at no point did it ever stop being exciting.

Another good thing (admittedly others may not see it as such) was that there were no romantic attachments between any of the characters to detract from the main storyline. This meant the novel was completely focused on the plot without any unnecessary interruptions.

<i>Broken Realms</i> is a highly recommended book for science fiction and fantasy lovers. It does, however, leave the reader wanting to know what is going to happen next. So now the wait for the next book in <i>The Chronicles of Mara Lantern</i> begins.