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Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition
2017 | Action/Adventure
Amazing Graphics (2 more)
Captivating Storyline
Repeat Playability
Some repetition although never felt tedious (0 more)
A Visually Epic Tale of a Future Dominated By Machines
Horizon Zero Dawn tells the tale of Aloy, an outsider in a future ruled by machines who needs to find her place in the world. A story which reaches from her younger years to adulthood and leads us through interweaving story arch from tribe acceptance to standing side by side with royalty.

Take down an array of machines with just a bow and arrow or create multiple strategies using an armoury of inventive weapons. The combat is sleek, often offering multiple ways of achieving your goal. The storytelling is deep and rich with a cast of hundreds of characters, each with their own interesting backstory to be discovered. Controls are superb, rarely limiting your ability to interact with the environment. Graphically stunning (I played this on a standard PS4 but there are significant improvements to be had if you own a PS4 Pro).
For the collector in you there is plenty to find here albeit easy enough to complete with the maps available for purchase.

This version of the game comes complete with The Frozen Wilds DLC which opens up an additional region to the north of the map with new, deadlier enemies to tackle as well as an entirely new story arch to discover. You can also unlock New Game + which (once the base game is complete) allows you to restart the game with all the weapons, armour and collectibles you have found already. New Game + increases the difficulty significantly bringing new challenges to an already discovered map (which in itself is vast to say the least).

All in all, Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition is an incredible story of survival in a hostile world. One of the top games of 2017 for me (if not the best). Certainly deserves all the awards it received and thankfully paves the way for a sequel through multiple unanswered questions. I award Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition 9/10 and a must have for any PS4 owner (exclusive to PS4).

Review Setup Used:
PS4: Standard 500 gig base model
TV: LG 50PZ570T
Audio (interchanged): LG 5.1 Surround BH7440 OR Turtle Beach Wireless PX4 Headphones
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
If you hear the sound of a million screaming girls coming from your local theater, then you already know that the newest film in the Twilight Saga, “New Moon” is here. Picking up where “Twilight” left off is the love triangle between emo babe, Bella (Kristen Stewert), her star-crossed boyfriend/vampire, Edward (Robert Pattinson), and the heartfelt affectionate werewolf, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). But this film isn’t just about this century’s most discussed love triangle. “New Moon” takes Twilighters deeper into the history and mythos of these loveable monsters. Further expanding the Twilightverse is the introduction of the Volturi, the vampire royalty, who keep their kind a global secret, with serious consequences for those who break their code.

If you were bored during the slow buildup of “Twilight” then “New Moon” should be an exciting change, filled with fast cars and strong CGI. And the visuals don’t stop there, with backdrops ranging from the rainy forests of Washington to the sunny streets of Tuscany, this film goes far beyond the scope of the last.

Most impressively the acting has improved, especially on the part of Jacob Black who is charming in “New Moon”, a significant improvement from his irritating portrayal in the first film. Did I mention that he has gained a six pack? No, not just the abs, but also in the form of his wolf tribe (yes, I know there are only five wolves, but who can resist a good six pack turn of phrase?).

I only wish there had been more interaction with the Volturi. Surely there was a way to skip an unnecessary emotional Bella scene for a better understanding of the cruel nature of these creatures. Still the chemistry between Bella and the two men of her dreams is undeniably heart wrenching in this cinematic chapter.

Lovers of Twilight will also rejoice over the clever dialogue, which immediately took me back to key moments in the books. Moreover, the action-filled storytelling might just be the final straw for the remaining people out there on the fence about tackling the hefty novels.
Monster Hunter (2020)
Monster Hunter (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Everything (0 more)
Absolutely Disastrous
Monster Hunter is the 15th feature film directed by Paul WS Anderson and is based on a popular gaming franchise of the same name. This is not Anderson’s first attempt at a video game movie, as he is arguably best known for giving us the Resident Evil movie series and the 1995 version of Mortal Kombat.

As is the case with the examples above, this film is in no way faithful to the source material. I am not a huge fan of the Monster Hunter games but I have played enough of them to know that they are nothing like what we get in this generic action movie filled to the brim with clichés. Frankly, this movie runs the gamut of mid 2000’s mediocre action film clichés like it is following a formula from a textbook.

When reviewing any movie, – even one as trashy as this, – I always try to find some positives before tearing through the poor elements, but I am genuinely struggling to find anything here that didn’t annoy me or make me cringe. Even the one thing that you would think would be a positive, – the fact that the movie’s runtime is only 103 minutes long, – still isn’t a positive because the film still manages to feel so long and dragged out.

Anderson is a decent director, I know this from Event Horizon and the first Resident Evil film, but at this point in his career it genuinely seems like he isn’t even trying anymore. I’m honestly convinced at this point that the guy just looks at the box art for whatever video game series he is adapting and decides that is all of the research that he has to do.

The technical aspects of this movie are garbage. The editing is abrupt and extremely cheesy with no flow or cohesion, just a ton of hard crash zooms and awkward transitions. The score sounds like royalty free suspense stock music that a freelancer might download for background music for a low budget Youtube video.

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