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One Enchanted Evening ( The Buckingham Hotel book 1)
By Anton DuBeke

London, 1936.

Inside the spectacular Grand Ballroom of the exclusive Buckingham Hotel the rich and powerful, politicians, film stars, even royalty, rub shoulders with Raymond de Guise and his troupe of talented dancers from all around the world, who must enchant them, captivate them, and sweep away their cares. Accustomed to waltzing with the highest of society, Raymond knows a secret from his past could threaten all he holds dear.

Nancy Nettleton, new chambermaid at the Buckingham, finds hotel life a struggle after leaving her small hometown. She dreams of joining the dancers on the ballroom floor as she watches, unseen, from behind plush curtains and hidden doorways. She soon discovers everyone at the Buckingham - guests and staff alike - has something to hide . . .

The storm clouds of war are gathering, and beneath the glitz and glamour of the ballroom lurks an irresistible world of scandal and secrets.

Let's dance . . .

Well I was not expecting that! I loved this book the only reason I put it down was to sleep! I never in a million years would have picked this book up as I’m not a huge fan of the author but it came to me through a surprise subscription and I’m so glad I decided to read it! Set in an era I adore with all the glitz and glamour as well as little dark little secrets of the characters that make them human. I really recommend this to anyone who likes 1930s drama settings.
Big Little Lies
Big Little Lies
2017 | Drama
The best thing about good programming is good writing!
I just finished binge watching all 7 episodes of this fantastic HBO limited series featuring a mostly female cast (I'm sure everyone knows of this by now).

The story centers around three women, all raising children trying to lead "normal" lives, but have hidden scars and emotional baggage in their relationships they are trying to work through. Tensions continue to escalate through a series of confrontations and slow burn emotional scenes, but the payoff is ultimately worth it. I am much more a fan of vague endings than most people, so I would say I thought they could have left out the final scene and left us to wonder what happened, but I'm sure I'm in the minority on that.

The acting is certainly stellar all around; however, the real royalty here is the screenplay. too often great writing gets overlooked since it's not the flashiest of production values, but this one should not be ignored. It shows that everyone you encounter in life is a human being with strengths and weaknesses. You have to take the good with the bad sometimes, or make the tough choices to save your situation and make a better life for yourself.

After finishing I read they are doing a second season. Not sure how I feel about that. It would be all right maybe if it was a completely separate story, but this is going to be a continuation. They are adding Meryl Streep so I guess that's a good start.

I will have to wait and see!

The Shattered Realm of Ardor Benn
The Shattered Realm of Ardor Benn
Tyler Whitesides | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic fantasy heist follow-up
I received an advance copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
The second Ardor Benn book is another epic tale of the ruse artist taking on the royal family. The first book saw Ard's efforts depose the current king and save the dragon race (and hence the world). Sadly, the replacement royalty is no better and the Great Chain is now scattered into different, warring islands. Ard finds himself embroiled in a plot to unearth the conspiracy that the new king's dead nephew, and the rightful heir, is not actually dead.
There is also an interesting new subplot where we see a university professor tasked with discovering new Grit types (the world's magic system, whereby different materials once digested and fired by a dragon produce different magical results). This angle, like the industrial/medical revolution is surprisingly thrilling, with additional intrigue as the results become the interests of some unsavoury characters.
Ard and Raek are once again superb and quickly put together a plot to infiltrate a secret criminal underworld and discover the whereabouts of the true king. The secrecy and plotting, and use of the world's magic makes for some excellent exciting passages.
There are the usual twists and turns along the way, as the security measures in place in the secret society make it hard for Ard to progress too quickly.
As with the first book, the true nature of this strange world is unveiled a little more over the course of the book in spectacular fashion.
A wonderful fun read.
Nightmare Alley (2021)
Nightmare Alley (2021)
2021 | Action, Crime, Drama
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In short, Nightmare Alley is a sometimes plodding and bloated piece that gets by thanks to a hugely pleasing aesthetic, and a great cast.

Firstly, there is no reason for NA to be 150 minutes long. One could argue that it gives us more time with the many characters introduced, but it feels gratuitous. The first hour and a half has its moments for sure, but it sometimes feels a little direction-less before the last hour hits, and things kick off a bit. It's an issue that certainly impacts proceedings, and I feel it could have lost 30 minutes and been a tighter final product.
Thankfully, the assembled cast is stacked with royalty. Willem Dafoe and Toni Collette are two of my favourite working actors, so having them both involved is a treat. Bradley Cooper, Cate Blanchett, and Rooney Mara are great as the main leads, and the rest of the ensemble is rounded out by some fantastic character actors - Richard Jenkins, Ron Perlman, Mary Steenburgen, David Strathairn - good stuff all round.
The overall visual style is wonderfully Del Toro, from the gloomy and misty carnival sights pierced by neon lights, to the snowy city scape of Buffalo, New York. A lot of the cinematography is gorgeous as well, hats off to Dan Laustsen, and is truly bought to life by a beautifully haunting music score from Nathan Johnson.

All in all, Nightmare Alley ultimately suffers from its pacing, and feels like a slog here and there. However, there are enough positives to carry it over the finish line. I look forward to checking out the black and white version in the near future.
Ryker (Owatonna U Hockey #1)
Ryker (Owatonna U Hockey #1)
RJ Scott, V.L. Locey | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not sure I liked Ryker!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

**This review will be short, I really dislike writing the three star reviews!**

Ryker is hockey royalty, coming up as 4th generation championship winning players. Jacob works his family farm with his mum and dad. Both end up at hockey camp for the summer, and are polar opposites in most things. Sharing a room brings them closer, then camp is over and they are on opposite sides of the country. When Ryker switches college to be closer to Jacob, will Jacob let him?

I can't put my finger on why this one didn't work for me, and ya'll know how much that does my head in! So, here's what I DID like.

Both Jacob and Ryker have their say, so we get both sides of the coin. Both voices are clear and very different, and their voice is in the first person. Each change is clearly headed, and comes as the chapter changes.

I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading.

I tagged it as a short read, because it does NOT seem as long as the billed 196 pages! One sitting read, too.

There are some characters from the series this one spins off, and that makes me want to go back and read THEIR series, or at least, Jared and Ten (Ryker's dad and step dad) stories.

I just . . . .DON'T know what didn't work!

Or at least, that was what I thought when writing this review. Now I'm typing it up, I *think* it might be Ryker himself. I dunno, maybe. Possibly.

So, gonna leave it at that.

3 good solid but maybe not for me, stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Lady of the Ravens
The Lady of the Ravens
Joanna Hickson | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Lady of the Ravens is based on the real historical character of Joan Vaux. I find historical fiction fascinating, especially those books which have a foot firmly placed in what was the real world.

Joan and her mother are taken in to the care of Margaret Beaufort, Henry VII’s mother, during the end years of the Wars of the Roses. She becomes a good friend to Princess Elizabeth in the time before she marries Henry, and goes on to be a Lady in Waiting and eventually the Lady Governess to the Princesses Margaret and Mary.

I really enjoyed all of the historical detail and what life was really like in Tudor England: the preoccupation with death and the many ways that a woman especially, could die, and the precariousness of children’s lives.

I had never really thought about the Ravens in the Tower of London (you’re never interested about the places that are on your doorstep as you’re growing up, I fear 🤷🏼‍♀️), assumed they’d always been there and that they’d always been seen as important to the realm. But in this novel, we learn that they were actually seen as vermin by the nobility and soldiers stationed there, until Joan and her servant looked after them, convincing others - royalty especially - of their significance to the safety of England and the Royal Family.

I haven’t read Joanna Hickson books before, but I really enjoyed the characters, the insights into the royal family, the uncertainty around the possible sons of York (Perkin Warbeck for one), the descriptions of everyday life - and just the evocative styled her writing.

Many thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins for my copy of this great book to read and review.
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
1974 | Horror
Tobe Hooper's seminal The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a straight up horror classic, that changed the face of the genre. It's influence can be seen all over the place, and it's notoriety is still prominent. To this day, TTCSM is still misunderstood by wider audiences. It's title, alongside it's "video nasty" reputation that stuck for decades, suggests that the viewer is in for a depraved gore fest, when in reality, this film borders on arthouse more often than not. Its brimming with iconic shots, and beautiful cinematography work courtesy of Daniel Pearl. In terms of gore, you don't see much of it. Pretty much all of the violent scenes are implied, and the movie shies away from showing anything explicit, a move that is incredibly effective.
Its pacing is pretty much perfect. The slow build first half is suitably uncomfortable, and full of great performances that keep it engaging. When things kick off, it grabs you by the throat and doesn't let go until the credits roll. Some incredibly well done sound design and tense music score compliment the breakneck final act, that is just an unencumbered assault on the senses. It's exhausting (in a good way).
Marilyn Burns' Sally is a badass final girl that causes the Sawyer family a whole bunch of trouble, and Leatherface is a wonderfully portrayed maniac - a genuinely terrifying MF, who has a sympathetic side. He's the main reason why TTCSM is still scary as fuck all these years later. The scares on display are all well earned, and the jump moments are startling and are far from being cheap.

What more can I say, TTCSM is truly one of the greats. It's uncomfortable, entertaining, extremely well put together, and is wholeheartedly deserving of its place in horror royalty.
WOW! This book. Was kinda an eye opener for me. I honestly did not know what to expect when I picked up this book to read. Growing up I was kind of a late bloomer regarding reading. Therefore, I never (and I mean never) read any YA fiction I would only read what was required of me for school assignments. I took a chance on reading this book because I thought the description sounded good (I have been trying to pick books solely based on descriptions). It did not disappoint me. Hannah Currie did a marvelously good job conveying many different characteristics of who we are as Sons and Daughters of the King. Princess (Lady) Mackenna is a very well-developed character, who displays strength when things don’t go as expected. All the while she is still silently searching for the answers her heart seeks. She does end up finding hope when she least expects it. Personally, I can relate to this story very easily (Not that I am royalty) but, I have always struggled with finding my place in this world and how God can use me. I think Hannah Currie did a great job covering this aspect in the story. Prince Thoraben (Ben) was also a great character. Though he was not the main character of the story, we do get lots of insight into his character, which I liked.
With some very interesting twists in this book that I wasn’t expecting, a dash of a very sweet romance (I absolutely loved that part), great characters and plot development I give this book a 5 out of 5 star rating. It was so good I literally could not put it down, and I can’t wait to read more books by Hannah Currie and I highly suggest picking this book up to read.

BookwormLea (3034 KP) rated Bridgerton in TV

Jan 11, 2021  
2020 | Drama, Romance
Memorable Characters (3 more)
Beautiful fashion design
Handsome men!
Based on a book!
I'm not a debutante in the 1800s marrying into royalty... (0 more)
Thank you Tik Tok!
Contains spoilers, click to show
I don't usually like period dramas or anything historical. But this, is art. The fashion is gorgeous, enough to make me buy a corset and several dresses in the style. And its quite funny for something set so long ago.

Daphne is the beautiful oldest daughter of the Bridgerton house, one of Londons richest. She is one of the debutantes set for marriage along with many other eligible bacholerettes and is highly sought after the Queen dubs her a Diamond. But since their father is gone, her oldest brother Antony is responsible for scaring off matches, and that he does. Leaving her with no choice but some hideous man who I can't even remember the name of.

Simon is the Duke of Hastings, taking over his fathers work after his death. He is very handsome and very rich. All the ladies want him and all the mothers want him for their daughter's. He happens to be Antonys best friend from their boarding school times and after meeting Daphne, they decide to fake a courtship so she can seem desirable again and he will be left alone. But without even realising, they start to fall in love.
After the Queens handsome nephew starts to fall for Daphne, and their plan seems to be working, he realises he wants her and 'defiles' her honour at a party. After a failed duel on her brothers part, they are to be married despite his refusal and his insistence that he can't have children or give her the big family she dreams of.
The Winner's Crime (The Winner's Trilogy, #2)
Marie Rutkoski | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dear <i>The Winner's Crime</i>,

You remind me of <i>Revenge.</i> Just... more fun.

Lady Kestrel is like Emily and the emperor is like Victoria or Veronica or whats-her-face, and her words are so carefully plotted, her moves so masterfully calculated - I've pretty much decided to not make an attempt to predict you. I find that not predicting sometimes is more fun and more enjoyable.

You are like any other movie or TV show consisting of royalty - espionage, drama, tension, gossip, the like. But I like you, and I enjoyed reading you. Kestrel is clever, but so is the prince and Arin and almost all the other characters in this novel. Yet, I still enjoy it. I enjoy the lies and deception, the drama and tension in the palace as Kestrel's wedding day gets closer and closer.

Thus, I find you more a guilty pleasure read. I find you such a guilty pleasure, I don't want to rate you, because if I do, it'll be a high one for sure. I can't high-five you - you're on a hold shelf already and that's just a fatal flaw of libraries, but it's a great feeling because someone else can enjoy the fabulousness of what you are. Then you'll be placed on a shelf somewhere else, or on a hold shelf again, traveling to another reader and then another, and your older sibling will repeat the same process.

And when your younger sibling comes around, s/he will be doing the same thing. In fact, it'll be your fault - you left everyone at a cliffhanger and all of us are demanding to know how this story will unfold.
<div style="text-align: right;">Sincerely,</div>
<div style="text-align: right;">Sophia</div>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>