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Sarah (7799 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of NieR: Automata in Video Games
May 3, 2020 (Updated May 3, 2020)
This game looks amazing. The world they've created here is bleak yet beautifully rendered. The characters are well styled (even if a little inappropriate, but that's to be expected from a Japanese game). The score and music is beautiful. Maybe overly dramatic at times but it really helps build tension and drama in the game. The gameplay itself is a cross between Final Fantasy and a Devil May Cry style game, with a variety of side quests, upgrades and levelling up available alongside a non-turn based open fighting system. For me I actually preferred this style of fighting to the FF games as it's more like a real battle rather than everyone taking turns. There is a lot of detail in this game too, but without going to quite the extremes FF games do. It never quite feels as huge and unmanageable.
The story is different and how the gameplay unfolds took me a while to get used to, especially when you get on to the second and third parts of the story. But when you get over the initial irritation you soon come to love the game play and how you discover all the different aspects to the story. Especially the rather sweet & emotional sides to the characters.
However there are some downsides. The fighting is very repetitive and despite various types of bosses, there is rarely any skill involved to defeating them - continuously shooting and hack and slash seems to be the standard. There's also a lot of grinding involved in this game and it can get a bit irritating. The machines also regenerate very quickly and it can get quite tiresome to run in & out of areas within a space of minutes and have to defeat the same baddies over and over.
Also, unless you're willing to dedicate a large portion of your life then it seems near impossible to get 100% completion. I'm at 72% and have done virtually all of the side quests and endings. Admittedly I havent quite finished yet but when I do I doubt I'll have anywhere near 90% - maxing out weapons and levelling up to level 99 to defeat an otherwise undefeatable machine just doesn't appeal.
Finally, the idea behind the 26 endings to this game is one I'm still undecided on. In a way it feels like a "choose your own ending" style thing like the old Goosebumps books, however it's not obvious how to get these endings (I looked them up). Maybe it's because I'm not a fan of wandering everywhere in an open world trying & hitting absolutely everything, it's a bit of a slog. But knowing where to find the endings for me made them a little more entertaining.
Overall this is a very enjoyable game and definitely an 8/8.5. If they had cut out some of the grinding and slogging commonly found in rpgs to make it more achievable to get 100%, I'd definitely rate it at least a 9.

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Paul Kellett (118 KP) rated Fallen Land: A Post Apocalyptic Board Game in Tabletop Games
May 9, 2019
On first opening the box, you are greeted with a few punchboards, the game board and a ton of cards, there is a lot contained in such a small box.
After punching and organising everything, I read the rules, painted the little plastic faction tokens and made some character inventory sleeves to help keep the play area neat.
The rules are really well written and easy to follow & understand with plenty of examples and pictures. there is a helpful index on the inside back page so you can quickly find anything you need mid-game.
The first solo variant is basically just a "reach the victory point win in as few turns as possible" - a great way to quickly learn the basics of the game and very enjoyable. It will be good if you just want to play a fairly quick (60-90 minute) survival/exploration game.
The second solo rule set is where the game really kicks into high gear. You choose a number of opponent factions depending on how much of a challenge you want and during the Town Business Phase, roll a D10 for each faction, comparing the result to a chart in the book to see what each faction does. these results can boost each faction up one or both of the victory point tracks (getting to the top of either one is a win) or more importantly, initiating PvP combat against your faction.
While this is still not the same as playing against real opponents, it offers a great challenge that will test your luck and skill to beat.
So what sets this game out as a solo gem? It's one of the most immersive games I've played. It's part open-world survival boardgame, part rpg and part story book.
You are the leader of a faction of survivors following a devastating war that destroyed the US leaving pockets of survivors trying to eke out a living among the radioactive ruins. As you make your way around the map, trying to secure vital resources or checking out points of interest, you will be drawing encounter cards and trying to complete them.
You control a team of 5 characters plus a vehicle if you are lucky and start the game with 10 items (from assault rifles to baseball bats, med kits to body armour and everything in between) which you can equip to each character any way you see fit. Some characters will get a bonus if they have certain items and some items can grant boosts to your entire party.
Here is where the RPG feel comes in. Each character and Item has a row of skill attribute boxes along the bottom edge of the card with skills such as Combat, Survival, Medical, Mechanics and Diplomacy. Your character card has a maximum carrying capacity and each item a weight so your character can only carry a certain number of items.
Skill checks are simple, you add up the total values in each attribute column of your character plus his/her equipment. Every 10 is an automatic success. Then you roll a D10 and must roll equal to or lower than the unit value. So, if your combat total is 14, then you get 1 success for the 10 and then must roll 4 or less to get a second success. This makes equipping items very important as not only do you want your skills to be as high as possible, it's often preferable to store an item for later if it would result in a lower unit thus making the die roll harder.
On to the encounters. There are a lot of them. Seriously, loads and each one on them has a mini story delving into another aspect of life after 'the war'. These add so much to the feeling of being immersed in a full world and are varied and well written. Each encounter will list a series of skill checks and the number of successes you need to pass. This is Ameritrash at it's finest Read a story, roll a bunch of dice and the deal with the outcome. A successful result will see you off with a new stash of items, victory points or maybe even new characters you can rotate into your team to replace injured members or just improve your chances with better skills.
There is so much in this game, the sheer number of cards is immense. the replayability is sky high as you will never see everything this game can offer. There are character combinations that complement each other if used together (what are the chances of drawing a husband and his wife together out of a deck of over 100 cards?), locations and storylines that trigger bonus effects if you have the right gear and 10 different factions each with their own skills and bonuses.
This game is certainly not for everyone - if you don't like luck-based games then you might not enjoy the amount of dice rolling and card drawing in Fallen Land.
The art is also divisive. It's very stylized and cartoony but it works with the feel of the game. It's not a pretty experience, everything is broken and destroyed, it's a harsh, Mad Max world of brutal survival and the art on the cards kind of fits this feel and to be honest, most of it ends up covered up and you concentrate more on reading the stories and trying to survive.
All in all a great so experience and a fantastic, brutal multiplayer game.

Goddess in the Stacks (553 KP) rated The Book of M in Books
Sep 7, 2018
We enter on Max and Ory in an abandoned hotel, running out of food and supplies. Max has lost her shadow, which means she will soon start forgetting. Everything. (There are rumors that Shadowless have died because they forgot to breathe or eat.) We learn it's been a few years since the phenomenon started happening, and flashbacks tell us the story of those early months. Like any good dystopia, it is a world-altering process. Governments are gone because no one remembered to run them. Food and other supplies are dwindling because farmers, shippers, manufacturers forgot what they were doing and how to do it.
But with the forgetting comes - magic, of a sort. Ory comes across a deer in the forest that instead of antlers, has wings sprouting from its forehead. Because someone forgot that deer shouldn't have wings - and so it happened. Forgetting that something can be destroyed can make it indestructible. Forgetting that you left a place can take you back to that place. Forgetting a place exists can make that place no longer exist. It's not a very controllable kind of magic. And it's dangerous - you can never be quite sure what you'll forget, and you can affect other people with it.
And the forgetting starts with losing your shadow. Ory gives Max a tape recorder, so she can record things she might forget. He posts signs around their hideout to remind her of things, like "Let no one in. Ory has a key." and "Don't touch the guns or the knives." But Max knows she is a danger to Ory, and so while she can still remember enough to function, she runs away.
The book mostly concerns Ory and Max's journeys across the country; Max trying to find something she's forgotten, and Ory trying to find Max. The adventure is gripping, heartbreaking, and at times confusing. (Mostly on Max's end, as magic warps things around her.) There are a few side characters who also have viewpoint chapters. Naz Ahmadi is an Iranian girl training for the Olympics in the US - in archery, which comes in quite handy. We also have The One Who Gathers, a mysterious man in New Orleans who has gathered a flock of shadowless.
If you ever played the roleplaying game Mage: the Ascension, and remember the concept of Paradox, this book reminds me of that a lot. (Is it a surprise that I'm a tabletop RPG geek? It shouldn't be. I own almost all of the old World of Darkness books, and currently play in a D&D game, and hopefully soon a second D&D game!) Anyway. Paradox. Where doing magic too far outside the bounds of acceptable reality punishes you, so you have to weigh the potential consequences against the magic you want to do.
I really enjoyed this debut novel; it is a very original take on a dystopia, and raised a lot of questions about personality, memories, and what makes a person the person you remember.
You can find all my reviews at http://goddessinthestacks.com

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