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A new antique shop has opened in Sleepyside, and when Trixie and Honey visit the shop, they find Carl, the owner, rude. But Trixie really gets suspicious when he asks them to do him a favor on a weekend trip to Paris, and they find themselves being followed after doing it. What have they stumbled into?

While not among my least favorites in the series, I certainly do see the flaws. The plot drives the book more than logic and the author has to twist things around in pretty painful ways to get to the climax. Having said that, I do enjoy the climax, and I think the idea behind the mystery was good. Some of the series regulars are reduced to cameos, and this is the infamous books where Trixie knits.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated The Truth in Books

Sep 24, 2019  
The Truth
The Truth
Naomi Joy | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
So what is the truth?
If you like unreliable narrators, then this is the book for you. The Truth is in fact questionable - not the book, the narrators version of events. What can I say without giving the game away? Well, no one in this novel is someone that you’d want to know, they all do immoral, unpleasant things, and I enjoyed it 🤷🏼‍♀️

I do like an unlikeable main character, and even though when I was reading this, I was telling myself that I should give her a chance, and that circumstances had made her the way she was, I still found her thoroughly unfriendly and rude.

The last third of the novel was particularly good, and really made the book for me. Everything is explained, and it was utterly fascinating: the fact that this is based on a true story blew my mind!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and Naomi Joy for reading along.

Ross (3284 KP) rated After Life in TV

Apr 11, 2019  
After Life
After Life
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Gervais tries to break the mould again
Once again we see Ricky Gervais try to break the mould for a sit-com, this time by covering some pretty deep and heavy topics. While the humour is still there, it comes through fairly infrequently and is a little off kilter, when compared to the drama of the series.
Gervais plays Tony, a journalist on a local free paper who has recently lost his wife to cancer. Tony has simply given up on life and, while he cannot bring himself to end it, he seems to have decided to just do whatever he wants, no matter the consequences. He is rude to people in the street, makes his colleagues' working days miserable, and while he visits his dad in a care home regularly he clearly hates it and is just doing it out of duty.
Most of the comedy comes through in Gervais doing what he does best - being rude and nasty and way over the top in insulting people. The humour here is more for the shock value (calling a 6 year old a tubby little c**t for example) rather than a more considered layer of humour. As Tony has decided he can just do whatever he wants and hang the consequences, he takes a stand against stupid rules (the scene where he takes his nephew for tea in a café was brilliant).
I preferred the drama side of the series - him trying drugs, meeting new people and gradually softening over the series were some very touching moments and very well written. However when weighed against the comedy it just seems incongruous. I think Gervais needs to think about whether he wants to write a drama (and tone down the comedy a little more) or a comedy (and try less to push the boundaries).
Tony's epiphany was a little rushed/hard to spot. It seems that after 5 episodes of not caring about anything, the 6th starts off with him suddenly being a changed man out of nowhere. There were small moments where he seemed to soften but there was no sudden realisation big enough to justify the change of heart in the last episode.
This was a pretty hard hitting, emotional series, but I think it lost a little of the impact by having Gervais in it and trying to shoe-horn his sense of humour into it.
George&#039;s Marvellous Medicine
George's Marvellous Medicine
Quentin Blake, Roald Dahl | 2016 | Children
8.0 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
humorous child's book (0 more)
Where I found this book: I read The BFG in 3rd grade and basically fell in love with Roald Dahl. I went to my local library very soon after and looked for any Roald Dahl book. I came back with George’s Marvelous Medicine and I’m the better for it.

How it’s written: From George’s perspective, you get to see how awful his grandmother is and his hilarious remedy for it. Then read as the madness continues when it’s time to give grandma more medicine.

What I like about this book: For me, it was one of the funniest things I had read up to that point. My own grandma would say rude things to me and my sisters, which I guess is why I was drawn to this book. A combination of the hilarious writing and the wonderful plot had me absorbed by this book when I was young.

Final Thoughts: There is always something so ridiculous and curious about Roald Dahl’s work. He really knew how to make reading fun.

If you'd like to read more of my reviews, check out
Retribution (C.J. Townsend #1)
Retribution (C.J. Townsend #1)
Jilliane Hoffman | 2004 | Fiction & Poetry, Law
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The pros: This is a quick read that has some interesting legal theory and fairly smooth writing. Little of what's written would likely fly in the real world, but it's still interesting.

Cons: The plot is a mess of serial killer, legal eagle, Cuban, and rape case cliches. The rapist is a mysogonistic caricature who has so little control over himself that any personal setback should have landed him in jail years ago. ASA Townsend is strong and well-respected to the point of Mary Sue status, yet falling apart inside and seems to be discovering that having sex with the right man can help heal her trauma. (Blech.) No rape or murder is ever 'run of the mill', but these are Hannibal Lecter-esque in their brutality. There are multiple Hispanic/Latin characters and they are cocky, rude, gross, and have hilariously terrible fashion sense: none are likable. And there is a 'twist ending' out of nowhere just when you think the case is wrapped up.

In conclusion: If you're stuck without anything else to read, this isn't horrific. But I personally wouldn't recommend searching it out.
Random Minds
Random Minds
2017 | Adult, Party Game
Multiple games to play (3 more)
Very funny and unique cards
As many players as you like
Fun party game
Instructions could be clearer (0 more)
This is a very funny card game to play with friends/family who have a rude/silly sense of humour. You can play with as many people as you wish, and the more people you play with the more funny stories you make up. There are many different cards and different types of card (Action/Person/Object) so you can make a lot of unique combinations to make each other laugh. There are several different game modes you can try and even a drinking game.

 I have only played a couple rounds of the normal game mode of this so far where one deck acts as your "base" cards and then you get 5 cards of each of the other decks. With your 10 cards you have to make a story including your base card from the pile you have selected. The base card is your starting point and can be anywhere within the story you create (beginning/middle/end). You can play as little or many cards as you like to make your story (10 Max) and the goal is to make your selected person laugh more than anyone else. Your selected person for that round chooses the winner out of everyone's stories and then they win the base card which acts as a point, and then you replace your used cards with new ones and the next person selected chooses the winner out of the next round. That is just one game mode and there are more that you can try out.

The only cons with this is that the instructions are not the clearest to understand, but once you figure it out and get used to it you can have plenty of fun with this game. And also even though there are decent sized decks to play with, if you have a few people playing you can go through the cards very quickly and then you could get the same cards over and over again, which isn't a problem but I hope the release new expansion packs in the future so you can get some new cards you haven't seen before.

** This is a very fun party game but it can also be offensive, rude and vulgar so it is best played with people of a certain kind of humour who will not get upset at the topics in this game.
Keep Clear: My Adventures With Aspergers
Keep Clear: My Adventures With Aspergers
Tom Cutler | 2019 | Biography, Education
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An honest account of Aspergers.
Keep Clear was such an interesting, informative and frank book. It gives a look into the life of Tom Cutler as he receives his Aspergers diagnosis. Immediately, he realises why he has always struggled in social situations and why people consider him to be rude and inappropriate. He then goes on to tell the story of his life and how Aspergers influenced it.

I really enjoyed this book as it gave me a lot to think about. It wasn’t all scientific based information - although that was there too. The anecdotes were sad at times, particularly his loneliness and depression when he started at university, but there was also great humour and the ability to laugh at himself.

Actually, I think there are a lot of people out there who could do with reading this. It explains so well that ‘high functioning’ doesn’t mean ‘easily able to cope’, that those with Aspergers need as much consideration as anyone else on the autism spectrum.

I will definitely be using what I’ve learnt in this book at work, as well as in everyday life. Thanks to the Pigeonhole for introducing me to such a great book, and to Tom for reading along with us and answering questions.
82 of 220
Savage Monarchs ( Nocturnal Academy 4)
By Margo Ryerkerk and Holli Hook

Escaping the academy was just the beginning.

I've made it out of Nocturnal Academy.

No longer do I exist to please the vamps. Now, as a member of the Winter Court, my job is to execute them. But maybe my new standing is no better than being a courtesan. Now I am to become an assassin for the King of the Winter Court. The rules of the game might've changed, but I'm still a pawn.

If the King of the Winter Court thinks that I'm going to turn into a mindless soldier after everything I've been through, he's in for a rude awakening. I'm going to do this on my terms while keeping a wall around my heart at all times.
I will not be vulnerable again.

Life, however, has other ideas. Like throwing in a friend from my past and worse, Thorsten, a handsome jerk of a vampire who has messed with my mind and feelings one too many times.

I might've left Nocturnal Academy, but I'm far from safe.

Best one yet I think. Onyx finally has some answers and revenge on her mind. Looking forward to what she does now.
The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
Wickedly fiendish, clever and funny!
After nearly a year, I finally made it out to the cinema and decided this would be my film of choice. I wasn't disappointed.

Director Yorgos Lanthimos is quickly becoming one of my new favorites. After directing interesting wisp films like The Lobster and The Killing of a Sacred Deer, I was anxious to see this film for sure.

The story involves the increasingly ill Queen Anne and the two women who vie for her affections. Their efforts start civil but eventually become more deranged both trying to outdo each other with their fiendishly clever and diabolical deeds.

I found the film quite funny as well as some of the dialogue is really quite gaudy, scandalous and rude. (Don't watch if you don't like the "C" word).

Other than the screenplay, the trio of Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, and Rachel Weisz are all a joy to watch, especially Emma Stone who you really haven't seen play a tart before like this. Her striking beauty comes through as well even when she is covered in dirt or without any make up.

The sets, locations and classic film score all add to the majesty of this magical film which will undoubtedly be nominated numerous times throughout this award season.

Certainly not for everyone, but I loved it!


Erika (17788 KP) Dec 26, 2018

I'm looking forward to this even more now! I'm seeing it in 2 hours!


Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 26, 2018

Let me know what you think!


Sarah (7798 KP) rated Crawl (2019) in Movies

May 30, 2020  
Crawl (2019)
Crawl (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Laughably bad
This isnt the type of film I'd usually be interested in, but when you're stuck at home & this is the latest Sky premiere, it seems rude not to watch it.

To be fair, this film made me laugh so it was fairly entertaining. However I'm pretty sure this wasn't intentional. It made me laugh at how cheesy and bad and cliched it was. The script is terrible, and the majority of scenes are predictable and cliched. Like the swimming and motivational speeches in a lull between gator attacks, and the characters seemingly strange and inexplicable actions and doing completely the wrong thing (like shouting for helping metres away in a category 5 hurricane). This really made me giggle, but also made me want to bang my head against the wall it was so cringeworthy.

The effects too are pretty terrible. They dont look too bad in the darker more cramped basement scenes, but everything else looks pretty second rate. There's a decent amount of gore but even this gets ridiculous when you start to consider the amount of injuries these characters are obtaining without dying.

To be quite honest, this isnt the worst creature horror I've ever seen but it is definitely not the best. I'd suggest Lake Placid might be a better option.