Global Response
Health & Fitness and Medical
Comply365 gives Global Response app users fast and easy access to consolidated information and basic...

Farm Machinery
Farm Machinery is the standard book on the current theory and practice of farm mechanisation for...

SpongeBob SquarePants Super Bouncy Fun Time
Games and Entertainment
They’re baaack! It’s jellyfish migration time and jellies are everywhere! Help SpongeBob catch...

Survive: Escape from Atlantis!
Tabletop Game
Survive is a cutthroat game where players seek to evacuate their pieces from an island that is...
BoardGames ChildhoodGames Underratedgames RetroGames

TomTom GO Mobile
Navigation and Travel
GET THERE FASTER with the all-new TomTom GO Mobile app >> Drive up to 50 FREE miles every month The...

Awix (3310 KP) rated Dirty Work (1933) in Movies
Feb 19, 2019
Not quite one of the boys' first-rate shorts - obviously there is boundless potential in the notion of Laurel and Hardy as chimney sweeps (Ollie falls down the chimney, off the roof, etc, etc, while Stan destroys the interior decorations of the house), but the mad scientist plotline feels oddly grafted on and the concluding scenes are peculiar rather than funny. First two-thirds makes the film more than worthwhile, though.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Jurassic Park (1993) in Movies
Jun 11, 2019
Jurassic park is story of a mans dream to bring back the Jurassic age on an (presumably) uninhabited island. After inviting his grandchildren, Dr alan Grant an archaeologist, ellie satler another archaeologist and ian malcolm who's just along for the ride to witness this ground-breaking creation,they quickly become endangered when the parks security parameters fail and they have to outrun and out smart their way to safety with a dinosaur at every turn, and a kitchen scene you'll never forget (that's right, kitchen!)

Erika (17789 KP) rated The Four Feathers (1939) in Movies
Jan 28, 2018

The Search for Home
In April 1994, ten-year-old Beatrice came face to face with the Rwandan genocide when machete...

Extreme Survivors: 60 Epic Stories of Human Endurance
The story of 60 of the most astonishing stories of human endurance and endeavour. Now available as a...