Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods
United Nations: Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and United Nations: Economic
The Model Regulations cover the classification of dangerous goods and their listing, the use,...

Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Movie Watch
A young couple moves into an apartment only to be surrounded by peculiar neighbors and occurrences....

Merissa (12394 KP) created a post
Jul 12, 2021

The Shadow Play (2018)
The Chief of Construction Committee leaps to his death from a tall building. Yang Jiadong, a rookie...

Aho-Girl 4
A typhoon’s headed for Japan, and Yoshiko wants to make sure she’s ready to enjoy it to the...

YouTube Channel
I'm SwaggerSouls and welcome to my channel! I play all sorts of games and try to share the unique...

Investigating Human Error: Incidents, Accidents, and Complex Systems
In this book the author applies contemporary error theory to the needs of investigators and of...

Occupational Health Psychology
Irvin Schonfeld and Chu-Hsiang Chang
Occupational Health Psychology (OHP) is a rapidly expanding interdisciplinary field that focuses on...

The Refuge: My Journey to the Safe House for Battered Women
Until 1971, female victims of domestic violence were expected to 'kiss and make up' with their...

Safe House: Explorations in Creative Nonfiction
Mark Gevisser, Ellah Wakatama Allfrey, Hawa Jande Golakai and Beatrice Lamwaka
A Ghanaian explores the increasing influence of China across the region, a Kenyan student activist...