Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Baby Dinosaur Rescue in Tabletop Games
Apr 21, 2021
The island’s volcano is about to erupt! We HAVE to get these baby dinosaurs to safety FAST! Place the game board on the table with the lava tracker token on the highest lava spot. Depending on how challenging you want your game, place all your dinosaur tokens at the bottom of the board ready to move to safety. Shuffle the cards and deal each player three. You are ready to truck it to the safety of a neighboring island.
On your turn you will play a card from your hand and move any dinosaur to the next-closest open spot that matches the card you played. So if you play that Fish Bone card, move one dino to the first Fish Bone spot on the board you see. Draw another card and it’s the next player’s turn. Do they also have a Fish Bone? Great, play it now because the next-closest open Fish Bone spot is the one PAST where you last placed a dino moving them even further ahead!
Uh oh, have a Lava card in your hand? You HAVE to play that first. When a Lava card is played, no dinosaurs move, but the Lava token moves down one spot closer to obliterating the island!
Play continues in this fashion of playing cards and hopefully leap-frogging dinos to move further ahead on the path to safety. Players are playing cooperatively, so either everyone wins when all the dinos get to the other island, or everyone loses because the island has been burninated.
Components. Any game with a trumpet-playing character already has great components. But, the board and chips are good sturdy quality, and the cards are as well. If you find that you will be playing this one quite a bit I would suggest sleeving the cards as they are handled a lot during play.
We love this game and my son requests it more than any other game we own. It is simple, fun, and tense at times! What we love about this game as parents is that it teaches children about cooperative gaming. No dinosaurs are owned in the game – everyone is trying to save ALL the dinos, not just “THEIR” dino. It also teaches that sometimes you have Lava cards and are unable to help the team, and that’s okay because another player will pick up that slack and make the team better. Gotta love educational games with great themes! Pick it up online as I haven’t seen it in stores anywhere.

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The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) rated Survive: Escape from Atlantis! in Tabletop Games
Apr 10, 2018
This is a great game, the only way to improve it would be to make it 6 players, and add more versions of the creatures, which I've heard the new version does add squids, dolphins and more players. Or as I would call them, Flipper and The Kraken.
I own the old version. which was missing pieces and I got another copy that was missing pieces and created a frankenstein of parts to make the whole. I've seen people playing it online and it hits me in my nostalgic place. I'd love to break this out again and play.
Oh the pictures I would paint in my head as a kid.
The heroic triumph of getting my people to safety.

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Crawl (2019) in Movies
Dec 2, 2019
She arrives and eventually locates him being trapped within the basement of his home. The water is rising quickly. She has to quickly assess the situation and attempt to get hr father to safety BUT...
I had a great time watching the girl and her father attempt to subdue their attacker as well as traverse the winding paths under the home to find safety and/or rescue. The claustrophobic feelings came over me quickly along with a sense of hesitation not knowing where the next gator encounter would come from.
As long as you can suspend your disbelief as to the likelihood of this situation actually happening you are in for a good ride. The CGI beasts were well done as they moved over both land and under water their presence was believable and terrifying.
I had a great time watching this!

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