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Weapon X: Days Of Future Now
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Recommended to me by a friend, and sadly, I don't feel like I can review this fairly. While the book itself is solid X-Men stuff and good art abounds, it's very much a coda in the Weapon X saga. A wrap up to a VERY long, VERY involved story arc... of which I have no knowledge or information. I come to the Xverse from the 90s cartoon, the movies and a handful of TPB stories like Age of Apocalypse and God Loves, Man Kills. I just don't have a frame of reference to go on with this story. I'm sure some of the events (and deaths) are meant to be epic OMG moments, but I wasn't there for all the set up, so they were left empty.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Fifty Shades Freed (2018) in Movies

Feb 12, 2018 (Updated Feb 12, 2018)  
Fifty Shades Freed (2018)
Fifty Shades Freed (2018)
2018 | Drama
Mercifully brief compared to the other two (1 more)
A good advert for celibacy
Once More Unto the Sex Dungeon
(Hey, I know no shame, I will admit to watching this.) Yet more underwhelming shenanigans from the crayon of E.L. James, as thinly-characterised everygirl Anastasia and mysteriously alluring ripped billionaire Christian Grey embark upon married life together.

More of the same mixture of blandly aspirational low-octane soap opera and profoundly unerotic softcore porno; difficult to say which is more boring. Scores somewhat over the second one by actually having a sort of thriller subplot, which means there are moments which approach being dramatic. Supposedly edgy and transgressive saga concludes with the most conventional image of domestic happiness imaginable; says it all really. One quite funny line: too involved to repeat here, alas.
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (2002)
2002 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Overall, I do not think the prequels are all that bad. They're not the best, but, I still find them watchable. My family, in preparation for the Rise of Skywalker, have been re-watching the Skywalker Saga.
Yes, some of the lines are strange, like the sand thing. BUT, that chase of Zam after the 2nd assassination attempt on Padme? One of the best sequences in the film. Seeing Yoda lightsaber duel for the first time? I remember the gasps in the theater (I probably saw it at least 6x in theaters).
The romance is cringe-worthy, but it has to happen. Had I been watching it by myself, I'd have skipped those chapters.
Also, this film introduced the Clones, which led to the fantastic Clone Wars series.
How the West Was Won (1963)
How the West Was Won (1963)
1963 | Action, Western
Sprawling account of fifty years of American history, as encountered by various members of one pioneer family. Starts with the initial settlement of the west, takes in the Civil War, the coming of the railroads, and concludes with the triumph of law and order (well, sort of).

At least partly sold on the sheer number of stars involved, but in the end there's hardly any John Wayne, not much more Jimmy Stewart, and probably a bit more George Peppard than you'd honestly care for. It's quite naive, sentimental stuff, in many ways, and the technical side-effects of it being shot in VistaVision are very obvious. There's some magnificent photography, the odd effective cameo, and very occasionally a moving moment - but too often this is stodgy and episodic rather than a stirring saga.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2016 | Action, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Covered about 30 yrs of saga plot holes. (0 more)
Was literally a plot filler. (0 more)
Plot filler : a star wars story
Ok so Rogue one looked like it had the potential to be something new and continue to grow afterwards, but what we got was a movie that was literally just made to cover decades of plot holes, piss off fans and cash in on a major franchise!
This was the Suicide Squad of the star wars universe, only better characters, better story and people kinda enjoyed it.
It had its usual great VFX but a more darker grittier tone which worked well with the story.

Unfortunately this movie didn't even have any of the good scenes from the trailer which one can only assume ended up on the cutting floor.