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Awix (3310 KP) rated Star Inspector (Zvyozdniy inspektor) (1980) in Movies

May 26, 2019 (Updated May 26, 2019)  
Star Inspector (Zvyozdniy inspektor) (1980)
Star Inspector (Zvyozdniy inspektor) (1980)
1980 | Sci-Fi
3.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Borderline-unwatchable Soviet-era sci-fi film, also known as Space Cop (according to the subtitles on the version I saw, anyway). The reappearance of a ship thought lost in space, and an attack on Space Police HQ, results in a patrol spaceship being sent to investigate, the search leading to one of those planets which looks suspiciously like a quarry. What ensues there is a joyless, repetitive trudge.

Feels like one of those films made by people who've had sci-fi explained to them over the phone, but who have no first-hand familiarity with the genre, or indeed much familiarity with storytelling in general. This is before we get to the primitive production values, the aspects of the story which don't travel well (the villains are a trio named Doug, Marge, and Steve), or the heavy reliance on technobabble plot devices. Has the general feel of an episode of Space 1999. There are some interesting psychedelic visuals on display, and the special effects are often amusing (this was not the intention), but this is grim stuff for the most part.
A Quiet Place (2018)
A Quiet Place (2018)
2018 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
John Krasinski directing. (1 more)
Something new to be worried about when aliens invade.
Some parts felt drug out too much. (1 more)
That baby crib though!
Silence is not golden.
I wanted to see this in the theaters when it came out but who really has that kind of money these days? Redbox is the best option for seeing all the new movies as soon as you can afford to in my opinion. This movie is a classic sci fi thriller. You kind of know what's going to happen just from the premise but it does manage to throw you a few curve balls and jump scares along the way. I can't say that I've ever seen an alien movie quite like this one so I enjoyed it's originality. The use of ASL was much appreciated as it is very rarely utilized in films. Some moments made me want to scream in annoyance but then ... I'd be dead if it was real, wouldn't I? I fully recommend watching this film if sci fi thrillers are your thing and even if they aren't.

David McK (3248 KP) rated Armada in Books

Jan 28, 2019  
Ernest Cline | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had high hopes for this one.

I quite enjoyed [b:Ready Player One|9969571|Ready Player One|Ernest Cline||14863741] and it's almost-plausible-near-future setting that read a bit like a mix between Bruce Willis's movie "Surrogates" with a dash of "The Matrix" thrown in, and always like a bit of sci-fi.

Unfortunately, this fell flat for me.

I don't know whether it's because it's not as believable (and yes, I'm futher aware that I'm talking about fiction here) as [b:Ready Player One|9969571|Ready Player One|Ernest Cline||14863741], or because I could tell where the plot was going within the first 100 pages or so - think "The Last Starfighter" meets "Ender's Game" with a bit of "BattleStar Galactica" thrown in for good measure, but - for me - this just didn't really do it.

Tricky second novel syndrome, perhaps?

N.B.: I did pick up on the numerous real-world sci-fi references :-)
Event Horizon (1997)
Event Horizon (1997)
1997 | Horror, Sci-Fi
A classic
Pretty much everyone I know within my similar generation absolutely loves this film, even one me and my brother both agree on, which is unusual.

This is still one of the best and scariest sci-fi horror films I’ve seen since this was originally released. It’s dark, ominous and full of blood and gore. The effects at the time were very good, although admittedly they haven’t aged as well watching it back now and some of the CGI especially looks a bit dodgy. It has a fantastic cast, it’s one of my all time favourite Sam Neill films and you can’t really go wrong with Jason Isaacs and Sean Pertwee either. The plot is fairly straight forward but very creepy, and this will always be the film that spawned the pencil through paper wormhole explanation (sorry Interstellar).

This film isn’t perfect by any means and has sadly not aged as well as it should, but for me it’s still one of my favourites and a true classic sci-fi horror, not far off the likes of Alien etc.
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Andy K (10821 KP) Dec 18, 2018

Have you seen Life with Ryan Reynolds? I liked that one too. Or Mandy with Nicolas Cage? That one is a bit out there but I loved it.


Christine A. (965 KP) Dec 19, 2018

I haven't seen either of them and just added them to my want to watch list that I keep on my phone.
Thanks for the suggestions!

Lifeforce (1985)
Lifeforce (1985)
1985 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Contains spoilers, click to show
Lifeforce is a typical English movie, bringing together myth and Sci-Fi with a number of familiar faces and one church being blown up (really, we brits even have to blow up churches in doctor who).
Lifeforce is part Quatermas, part (gender bent) Dracula with inspiration from Alien and various Zombie movies and a space ship that looks like the inspiration for Lexx. Add nudity and you have one hell of a Sci-Fi flick.
Lifeforce actually stands up quite well, most of the practical effects hold up but the alien energy does look like the Ghostbusters containment generator has, once again been shut off.
There is a hint of a backstory to the vampires and where they came from which could have been worked on but perhaps it was meant to be a set up for a sequel/prequel that never happened.
Life force is an exiting story and well worth a watch but there is a lot of nudity if you don't like that sort of thing.