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Valley of the Moon
Valley of the Moon
Melanie Gideon | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
New Time Traveler's Wife
received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

For fans of The Time Traveler’s Wife (Niffenegger, 2003) this captivating story by Melanie Gideon is an alluring, spellbinding work of fiction about loving, being loved and finding somewhere you belong. With a touch of time travel in an otherwise typical reality, Valley of the Moon will excite, enrapture and touch readers’ hearts.

It is difficult to give a synoptic review without giving too much of the plot away. In short, the book contains the two lives of complete strangers who meet under extremely unlikely circumstances. It is 1975 and Lux Lysander is struggling to make ends meet as a single mother in San Francisco. Estranged from her parents, Benno has become her life; Lux would do anything for him. The other half of the story begins in 1906 in the Californian Sonoma Valley. Joseph has achieved his dream of creating an Edenic community where races and classes can live in harmony. Greengage is a self-sufficient society where everyone is seen as equal, however, something happens to shake up the peace – literally. A huge earthquake mysteriously leaves the valley unharmed but completely surrounded by a deadly fog. No one can leave and no one can enter, that is until Lux does.

Until the two characters’ lives collide, the narrative is fairly typical, but it quickly takes on a theme that most minds would attempt to debunk. Through a wall of fog, Lux can pass between 1975 and 1906, whereas Joseph and his friends can only stay in their own timeline. Lux begins to live a double life: one with her son Benno and one with the antiquated lifestyle of the Greengage community. Unfortunately, it is only possible to pass through the fog on a fall moon, and not necessarily every month.

Lux’s modern appearance and colloquialisms baffle the community but she soon finds herself a place amongst the inhabitants. For a while, Lux is able to keep her two lives separate, but one slip up causes her to temporarily lose the love and trust of her only son. Torn between her own flesh and blood and the only place she feels she belongs, Lux has to decide how far she would go for the people she loves.

One of the key themes of the novel is relationship. Although romance develops toward the latter stages of the story, the majority is focused on familial love and love between friends. Lux and Benno’s relationship is particularly important, especially when their love becomes strained by Lux’s secret dalliance with the past. The other significant theme is about finding oneself. Lux lives in an era where, despite developments in women’s equality, single mothers are still shunned. Conversely, in 1906 where historically things were worse for women, the egalitarian society feels much more like home.

Lux’s temerity is to be admired as she continues to visit the past despite it being beyond the bounds of possibility. More applaudable is her determination to win back her son as well as her distant parents.

Despite being set for the most part in the 1970s and 80s, Valley of the Moon has a futuristic air about it, with an element of fantasy and science fiction. It is almost a version of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Lewis, 1950) but for adults, with more realistic themes. Melanie Gideon admits that she got the idea for the novel from the film Brigadoon (1954) in which the protagonist stumbles across a magical land in the woods. With similarities, Gideon has created her own version of this fairy-tale-like scenario.

Journeying through a range of emotions, Valley of the Moon is a story that engages readers from beginning to end. With ups and downs, the author explores the lives and personalities of the main characters, which develop beautifully over time. This book is not one likely to disappoint its readers.
The Ready-Made Thief
The Ready-Made Thief
Augustus Rose | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Narrative flow (2 more)
Wonderful ode to Duchamp
Intense story premise makes it hard to put down
Plot felt a little weak with many aspects that are just plain illogical (1 more)
Science conspiracy was quite frankly boring
A love letter to Marcel Duchamp
Well this book is certainly interesting, so much so that I still don’t fully know what to make of it. The Readymade Thief is a love letter to Marcel Duchamp, a French-American artist that became famous in the early twentieth century for his influence on conceptual art. He is most famous for his readymades, manufactured pieces that he turned into art. His stance on what constituted art is an idea that could be applied to the novel.

“An ordinary object elevated to the dignity of a work of art by the mere choice of an artist.”

It’s art if the artist says that it is art. There are connections if that’s what you want to see. Duchamp’s life and work are threaded throughout the story, even some very small references that are easy to miss, and this was actually pretty awesome. The study of Duchamp’s work I think made for an interesting aspect of the story, and I liked the ideas about the fanatical secret society and the dark sort of humor to the plot.

I have to commend Augustus Rose for his skill in creating a narrative flow that was so easy to take in. For the first half of the book Lee appears lost, like she’s treading water. It had a dream-like feel to it as Lee drifts in and out of different events. As the story goes on and the mystery starts to unravel Lee finds herself completely immersed. This steady shift in tone is reflected beautifully in both the pacing and the prose, from a drug-fueled haze to cold sobriety.

So why do I feel so undecided about this book? The devil is in the plot itself, which to me felt like it had too many holes and not well developed enough at points. Most of the Crystal Castle plot feels like it was thrown out of the window and I found it underwhelming. Then there was Tomi, the hacker. If there is one thing that is difficult to write about hackers and the deep web. I won’t go into many details about it due to spoilers, but there were a lot of pieces of this portion of the plot that was just plain illogical and almost pointless. I even checked with a friend of mine that is a student in cyber security to be sure. Frankly the deep web is almost romanticized in the book when it really shouldn’t be.

Also while I know that convenience was important for creating the dreamy flow that I mentioned earlier, a lot of things seemed a little bit too convenient to be believable a lot of the time. A good portion of the plot was easy to predict, but I was still compelled to read because I wanted to know more of the why than the what.

This book was a pretty cool read overall if you can get over the hangups that I had. It is the type of book that will leave you feeling confused right along with the main character throughout the entire book. All in all it was a mixed bag of mostly good things. It’s definitely an experience and worth the read in the very least to appreciate the tone and the feel of the writing which was really great. It’s the type of story I could easily see adapted to a television drama that I would watch in a heartbeat.

Kyera (8 KP) rated Winter in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Marissa Meyer | 2016 | Children
8.9 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
Update: Winter is the final book in the Lunar Chronicles series (although the story does continue in graphic novel form.) It is definitely one of my favourite conclusions, as the story wraps up well and is satisfying. The reader is not left with myriad plot holes and questions. As this is the fourth book in the series, you need to read the first three before delving into this one otherwise you will be confused and majorly spoiled.

The world building continued even in this book and most importantly we were shown Luna. Before that, they story took place predominantly on Earth in either the European Union, the African Republic or the Eastern Commonwealth. Once transported to Luna, readers were better able to get a sense of the disparity between the Lunar Aristocracy and the rest of Luna's citizens. The palace and surrounding area of Artemisia are ornately decorated whereas the outer sectors live in squalor. The stunning contrast is reminiscent of our own world and gives us a glimpse into the change that needs to happen.

Although this story was supposed to delve deeper into Winter and Jacin's relationship (which it did) I felt that it was overshadowed by the overarching plot. It was really nice to see the two interact and Jacin's character be developed more. He can seem cold and removed most of the time, but his demeanor completely changes when he is around Winter. He cares about her so much and will do anything to ensure her well-being. My one criticism about the book is that these two didn't receive the same relationship development and story time as the other three pairings.

You fall in love with these characters and follow them on their journey from mechanic to revolutionary, criminal to captain, or even unsure to (mildly) confident. They feel real and make their way into your heart. Iko was her usual precious self and I was so happy to see her woven more into the story. You don't want to see their stories end and thankfully they don't because the author is continuing the series in graphic novel form.

I would highly recommend this series to young adult/teen readers even if science fiction or fairytale retellings aren't usually your thing. They're so fantastically written that I think they appeal to broad range of readers and genres.

Original Review: I read the entire series over the course of four days, novellas included. That is how wonderful it is. As a fan of fairytale retellings, like Beastly by Alex Flinn, I had high hopes for this series and it did not disappoint. It gave the reader wonderful little homages to the classic fairytales while weaving the story through a world and characters all its own.

The world building in this novel was wonderfully done. As a reader, I could imagine the Lunar Palace as a place of opulence while those in the lower districts lived in poverty. There were a number of important characters and none of them were overlooked. You were able to learn about their personalities, histories, or relationships in a way that gave each depth. Each character had a unique personality and strength in the group. from fiery Scarlet to shy Cress and from flirty Thorn to tortured Wolf.

Sometimes conclusions to series just don't stand up to their legacy, but this was not one of those books. The author gave the reader everything they desired, climactic action scenes, wrapping up story threads while opening the door to future adventures, and leaving the reader satisfied. There's nothing worse than reading an amazing series that you become wholly invested in and then being utterly disappointed by the conclusion.

Recommended for anyone who liked YA, romance, fairytales, sci-fi, or really good books/series that you won't regret reading.
Day 21 (The Hundred, #2)
Day 21 (The Hundred, #2)
Kass Morgan | 2014 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is going to be much shorter as I've already reviewed the first book (plus this isn't out yet). Also, fair warning there will be spoilers in this one as its difficult to talk about without giving away any plot points or the development of relationships. I will attempt to reveal as little as I can.

While I am not well versed in the side affects and speed of oxygen deprivation, I suspect the portrayal of it is utterly inaccurate. What I do know is that a person can experience deadly CO (carbon monoxide) levels in less than a day when locked in an airtight room. Obviously, these people are not in an airtight room, but their spaceship is leaking the only oxygen that they do have at an alarming rate. One could calculate the time, but as I do not know the number of people in Walden or Arcadia, nor do I know the size of those two areas of the ship.

There is a <a href="">great article</a> for fiction writers that allows you to calculate the amount of time that your character would be able to survive in an airtight room. It also describes some of the effects that they would experience. While I do not expect the oxygen deprivation/carbon monoxide poisoning to be perfectly explained and accurate - I do expect there to be some degree of <i>believability</i>. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

Immediately upon the sealing of the craft, the author makes the reader believe that the people are already being affected. What makes the situation worse is that people begin to panic, using up the precious oxygen they need to rid their bodies of the carbon monoxide. In case you weren't aware, you take in oxygen so that it will bond with the carbon monoxide and be expelled from your body as carbon dioxide. (Obviously this is a very simple explanation, but I'm just trying to get the general idea across.) As they lose the oxygen around them, more and more carbon monoxide builds up in their lungs. With the number of people on the ship, I expect that after a few hours and certainly after a day they will have (if not run out) be dangerously low on oxygen. Yet, later on two of the characters have spent a number of nights together and the lack of oxygen hasn't caused them to fall unconscious.

With the size and population being what it is, it seems unlikely that there would be oxygen left (as it's steadily leaking out.) And if there was any that there would still be enough to breathe relatively normally. This is what immediately made the pseudo-scientist in me question how much research was done. Honestly, it doesn't take much to make it marginally realistic.

The characters are not as well thought out as they should be. Although flaws are to be expected, contradicting actions/personality aspects just make the reader confused. As obsessed as one character is with his sister, her well being, and at times her location - he seems to quickly thrust her aside when the new girl gives him attention. Just as before, the relationships are like roller coasters. One act tears them apart, then in the next moment all is well. Such an emotionally tiresome existence.

The first book had shadowy allusions to prostitution, a case of teen pregnancy, and the most emotionally indecisive characters that I have ever had the privilege to read about. This book has Stockholm Syndrome, inaccurate science, and trigger happy humans. As with the other book, it is enjoyable enough as a silly, simple read. Don't expect it to be more than that or you will be disappointed.
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
A Wrinkle in Time (2018)
2018 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
Story: A Wrinkle in Time starts when a trouble high school student Meg (Reid) hasn’t given up hope on being reunited with her father Mr Murry (Pine) after his sudden disappearance. Meg has become closed off from the world with her adopted brother Charles Wallace (McCabe) noticing the change in her. Meg, Charles and Calvin (Miller) get visited by Mrs Whatsit (Witherspoon) that opens up the possibilities for answers.

Mrs Whatsit takes the three children on an adventure through the universe with Mrs Which (Winfrey) and Mrs Who (Kaling), who believe they can locate Mr Murry after his research has taken him across the universe unlike anyone in human history.


Thoughts on A Wrinkle in Time


Characters – Meg is an outsider teenage girl, daughter of two brilliant scientists, with her father disappeared for four years now. She went from the popular out going girl to the shy closed off one. she has never given up hope of finding her father, which does leave questions about her relationship with her mother, she gets a chance to find her father with the will she shows in her heart. Mrs Which leads the three light entities that can help Meg travel the universe to find her father, she isn’t just guiding Meg, but the newest member of the team Mrs Whatsit. Mrs Whatsit is the bubbly member of the light entities, she is on her first mission of guidance which does see her make mistakes along the way. Mrs Who is the third member of the team, she is always positive like the rest only she gets the least amount of time to do anything of the three. Mr Murry is the father that has gone missing, he is a brilliant scientist that has always believed in travel through the universe to be possible and has been searching for a way to achieve. Calvin is the high school friend of Meg that ends up on the journey, he wants to support her even when it shows his own weakness in the world.

Performances – Storm Reid is the highlight of the film which sees her going on the adventure to find her father, this is a disappointing as we do have a talent cast, only they just don’t seem to shine on the levels you would expect them to reach.

Story – The story here follows a teenage girl that gets to do on an adventure across the universe in search for her father through the powers of light entities. This is a story that has come from a popular novel and is meant to show the science behind potential travel through the universe and how the power is within us all. This is a story that just drags along, it doesn’t offer anything to the world we are entering. This story could have so much potential and ends up just glossing over too much, making it a hard watch.

Adventure/Fantasy/Sci-Fi – The adventure side of the film shows the journey that takes the children across the universe to see just where one’s father has gone, this does show us the fantasy elements of the film in the sci-fi universe we end up going along.

Settings – The film is set in a fictional land where the people can travel to unknown planets in the universe, each one has its own unique look.

Special Effects – The visual effects used to create the different worlds look beautiful, only they don’t seem to make anything feel as important to the story.

Scene of the Movie – Understand other people’s problems from behind closed doors.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – This story just doesn’t become interesting.

Final Thoughts – This is a film that had so much potential only to fall so short, it has an amazing cast that just don’t get a chance to shine, the story just doesn’t get us going like it should do.


Overall: Disappointing.
*batteries not included (1987)
*batteries not included (1987)
1987 | Comedy, Family, Sci-Fi
Story: *batteries not included starts by introducing us to Frank (Cronyn), Faye (Tandy) Harry (Noble), Marisa (Pena) and Mason (Boutsikaris) who all are the remaining residents living in the middle of a building site, constantly being hounded by Carlos (Carmine) trying to force them to move out to the building can be demolished.

The lives of these residents takes a surprise turn when robotic aliens enter the apartment fixing the damaged caused within as the resident try to communicate with them. The Aliens become part guardians of the residents who continue to fight to keep their homes.

*batteries not included is a charming comedy fantasy that we get to see the serious side of the human life where people are forced relocated. I think this point comes through strong with each side be it the residents the rich or the thugs to remove the characters it all comes off great. We also get to see the unknown with the robots appearing in the story. overall this story is easy to follow and truly enjoyable throughout.


Actor Review


Hume Cronyn: Frank Riley is the café owner and husband to Faye, he does everything he can to look after her and run a business but it is his wish that comes true when the aliens arrive. We see Frank start to have to make the difficult decision about caring for Faye in her condition. Hume is good in this role leading the film.

Jessica Tandy: Faye Riley is the wife of Frank who is suffering with dementia, she spends nearly every moment of her waking day waiting for her son to return and making friends with her condition. Jessica is great in this role where we get to see the most laughs from her character.

Frank McRae: Harry Noble is the former fighter that now is a mute living in the building watching television most of his time. He finds a way to communicate with the aliens that the others can’t. Frank is good in this role where we get to see the stronger character with a heart of gold.

Elizabeth Pena: Marisa Esteval is a pregnant resident of the home who has been getting harassed by the people trying to get her out but she is strong independent woman. Elizabeth is good in this role going through her own struggles in the story.

Support Cast: *batteries not included has a supporting cast that is mostly just Carlos who is trying to chase them out and artist Mason living in the building, we don’t really have a need for a big cast to make this enjoyable.

Director Review: Matthew Robbins – Matthew gives us a truly enjoyable touching and charming fantasy film.


Comedy: *batteries not included has good laughs throughout mixing slapstick with jokes well.

Family: *batteries not included is one I do think the family can all enjoy.

Fantasy: *batteries not included throws us into a world where aliens can be friendly and not a threat.

Sci-Fi: *batteries not included uses the alien side of the story for the science fiction side of the story.

Settings: *batteries not included keeps most of the settings inside the building showing us how these unlikely residents could become friends.
Special Effects: *batteries not included has special effects which still look good today when it comes to the robots.

Suggestion: *batteries not included is one I do think people will enjoy. (Watch)


Best Part: Robots.

Worst Part: Not one.


Believability: No

Chances of Tears:

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 1 Hour 46 Minutes

Tagline: Five ordinary people needed a miracle. Then one night, Faye Riley left the window open.


Overall: Truly enjoyable fantasy comedy.
A Robot in the Garden
A Robot in the Garden
Deborah Install | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ebook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

What would you do if you found a robot in your garden? That is exactly what, as the title suggests, 34-year-old Ben has to answer on making this discovery early one September morning. Set in the near future where many people have androids in their houses to do the chores they do not wish to do, finding a robot is not a completely unsettling event. What is unusual, however, is that this particular robot is the opposite of the modern, shiny models: he appears to be a mishmash of Japanese fine art and something you would find on a scrap heap.

As Ben discovers, the robot, named Tang is broken and is in need of urgent care and repair. Ben becomes obsessed with trying to pry information out of the robot as to where he came from and to whom he belongs to. Bringing Tang into the house is the last straw for his wife, Amy, who after letting him know all his faults – unemployment, never achieved anything – walks out on him. Now alone, with no one else to worry about, Ben is determined to locate Tang’s creator and save the robot’s life.

What continues is a wild goose chase across America and over to Asia as the strange pairing – human and robot – follows hints and clues that could help them reach their destination. Along the way Ben gets to know Tang and learns to love him in the same way a father loves a child. No matter what mischief Tang gets himself into, Ben is always there to fix the situation. The only thing he cannot fix is Tang’s internal parts, and time is running out.

Initially the story was about a man who wanted to prove he could achieve something to show his sister and his, now, ex-wife that they were wrong about him. However later on in the novel Ben realizes he is changing for himself, not for anyone else, and the person – or robot – that has helped him to achieve this is Tang. On the other hand it is also a humorous tale that explores a character that is unable to connect to the world around him. Tang is like a human toddler who needs constant care and attention, and is fascinated by everything around him. With Ben’s love and attention he proves to the world that he is much more than a rusty metal box.

<i>A Robot in the Garden</i> is a gem of a novel that is guaranteed to make the reader laugh. It is also touching and emotionally engaging, with both heartwarming and heart wrenching moments. Deborah Install has created an accurate representation of a character that has no understanding of the happenings in the world around it, basing many hilarious instances on those of her young son.

Whilst reading this book I could not help but compare it to the film <i>Short Circuit</i> (1986) in which a robot is electrocuted and gains human intelligence. I kept picturing the storyline of <i>A Robot in the Garden</i> in my head and thinking up ways it could be portrayed on screen. Whether there are plans to make it into a film I have no idea, but I am sure it would make prize-winning picture.

Do not be put off by its science fiction classification; <i>A Robot in the Garden</i> is no <i>War of the Worlds</i> or <i>Doctor Who</i> type of story. Instead it is a brilliant piece if fiction suitable for all adults. Those with children will laugh at the similarities between Tang and their offspring, whereas those without will sympathise with Ben’s struggles to keep the robot under control. All in all a great novel.
The Keeper of Portals
The Keeper of Portals
V.S. Nelson | 2017 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the author in exchange for an honest review </i>

Awaiting young adult readers in early 2017 is a fantasy story unlike any other. <i>The Keeper of Portals</i> is the debut novel of V.S. Nelson, the soon-to-be-published author with an imagination worth sharing. Incorporating the familiar concept of time travel into a new way of visualizing the world results in a story that will leave minds reeling.

Nelson’s theory is that every aspect of life has a keeper, a creature in charge of making sure their assigned element functions smoothly. There are the major keepers responsible for time, causality and other things that cannot be seen, yet objects as small as buttons have their own keeper, too. Humans, of course, are unaware of these keepers, therefore fifteen-year-old Martin Lockford initially believes he is going mad when the Keeper of Portals reveals his existence in Martin’s bedroom.

Martin and his mother, with nowhere else to go, have moved into a dilapidated manor once owned by a distant relative. Whilst exploring his new room, Martin is startled by a disembodied voice claiming to be the Keeper of Portals. Having not spoken to anyone for 400 years, Portals is eager to show off his role in the flowing of the unpredictable universe. The keeper’s task is to make sure each door leads to the correct place – something that he demonstrates by sending Martin to the <i>wrong</i> places. However, there is one door in the manor that he has been unable to open.

The very next morning, Martin awakes to discover the sealed door is no longer locked and, being the curious boy that he is, goes through to explore. The mystery door does not only transport Martin to a different place, it sends him back in time to 1623. Here he meets the young Isabel, a maid, who is intrigued with the inventions of the future, especially from a personal hygiene perspective. However, she is not the only one curious about the 21st century.

The irascible master of the manor is not who he initially seems. With the desire to control everything, he places Martin and Isabel in a grave predicament, trapping them in the 17th century. At risk of creating a paradox, Martin needs to return to his own time – a difficult feat in itself – however, with the Keeper of Portals missing, the master has caused many problems that need to be solved, otherwise a whole new future will be born.

Admittedly, it takes a while for the story to warm up – the reader may be introduced to the idea of keepers fairly early on, yet the key storyline does not reveal itself until much later. After perseverance on the reader’s behalf, <i>The Keeper of Portals</i>, becomes an exciting mix of fantasy and science fiction, cleverly thought out to create an unpredictable scenario. Adventure after adventure, until bittersweet conclusion, keeps readers engaged and compelled to read on long after bedtime.

Although Martin is the protagonist of the novel, Isabel’s role is equally important. Despite women in the 1600s being deprived on the rights they have in this day and age, Isabel is an intelligent, independent girl, perfectly able to handle everything that is thrown at her. She is an inspiration to teenage girls.

Written with teenage readers in mind, <i>The Keeper of Portals</i> is suitable for fantasy-loving adults, too. With equipoise of adventure and intellectual theory, as well as a touch of romance, it is definitely a book to look out for. V.S. Nelson writes with clarity, exuding remarkable intelligence; let us hope that there will be more from where this came from.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Synchronic (2019) in Movies

Nov 7, 2019 (Updated Nov 10, 2019)  
Synchronic (2019)
Synchronic (2019)
2019 |
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm not sure quite what I expected from the synopsis, it didn't sound like it was going to be very sci-fi, and it wasn't... but it was. I know I'm not making sense. It felt much more like a crime drama than something with sci-fi in it. The sci-fi action blended well with everything around it that you almost don't notice it happening. If there was a fence I'd be sitting on the fence.

Anthony Mackie is only someone I've come across in Marvel movies ready so it was nice to have him in something a little different. His role of Steve has a lot of emotions behind it and I thought he managed to capture them really well. There are a lot of hints to something in his story and the balance between what he shows and his reality helped to sell Steve's reaction. This really makes me look forward to seeing him in more films.

Jamie Dornan has only really been on the periphery of my film watching, I certainly wouldn't have been able to tell you any films he's been in, as an introduction to him as an actor I was impressed. Again, there's a lot of emotion as his daughter goes missing and the tensions between Dennis and those around him were just right.

The two together made a great mix as friends, the bond felt like brothers and was an accurate depiction of the relationship and tension that comes with the horrible truth of illness and the burden that holds.

I liked how Mackie's story unfolded. Half the battle with illness is finding a focus and the mystery in this gives him that. He almost appears to be better while deteriorating in other ways. His purpose is a race against time just like his illness and he is able to choose a more noble cause for what may be all the time he has left.

Whether the science behind Mackie's illness is accurate or not I don't know but they give you a plausible explanation to follow throughout. There is however a moment that breaks the idea of the story... I think. Taking the drug sends the young users back in time, when they come down they are brought back to their present. This means that each pill is a two way journey. When he gets stuck in the past because he moves too far away from his incoming destination he figures he needs to take another pill (that he luckily has on him) and travel back. Fine. He does that successfully but he doesn't then acknowledge the fact that in 7 minutes he should be popping back to where he came from, I'd have been up off my arse a going for a run so I didn't accidentally pop back again. The other issue is that in the present when you pop a pill you go back in time... yet when he takes a pill in the past he comes to the present... Oh hell, I've opened up a can of worms thinking about this now.

The way they've done the effects around the sci-fi bits is very good, but massively affecting as you're drawn into the transitions, especially the first time because you don't know what they're leading to. It almost seamlessly blends together and the stages it takes work so well, and as I said above it doesn't feel very sci-fi

Synchronic was a nice surprise of a film, an interesting mix of genres that managed to keep itself from getting too unbelievable.

Full review originally posted on:
The Black Hole (1979)
The Black Hole (1979)
1979 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
Thoughts on The Black Hole

Characters – Dr Hans Reinhardt has been living on this ship alone for years, he has perfected energy harvesting which could help Earth, but has spent his time waiting on the edge of a black hole for somebody to find him, so he can continue to build his army and have witnesses to his desire to travel through one, he is welcoming to guest, while he speech could make him come off like a cult leader, always looking to recruit. Dr Alex Durant is one of the crew that is willing to listen to science over anything else, he quickly starts to see the positives in Hans’ plan looking to accept the idea he has created hoping to remain with him on the ship. Captain Dan Holland is quick to start looking around the ship, learning things aren’t always what they seem, he does what he can to make it look like the crew are following the instructions, but is always looking for the quickest way to safely get his crew off the ship. Charles Pizer is the weapons expert, he isn’t afraid to run into a battle, but he could find himself getting in trouble more often than not. Dr Kate McCrae has seen her father vanish off this ship, she has a connection with the robot which makes her valuable when it comes to dealing with situations that arise. Harry Booth is the engineer who has been worried about everything on board for too long, now he will cause the panic when he doesn’t need to. Vincent is the robot that is always going to help his crew, he isn’t scared of getting into confrontation.
Performances – Maximilian Schell in the lead villainous role does help us believe he can control people on everything in his genius mind. Anthony Perkins does well making see how easily somebody can turn to believe everything. Robert Forster does make for a great captain through the film, while the rest of the cast all work well with each other.
Story – The story here follows a research space travelling crew that discover a block hole and a ship on the edge, only to learn that the man living on the ship is the only one on the ship and he has bigger plans for his genius idea. This is a story that plays into the ideas of space travel that could see a black hole being one of the biggest problems. We see how one person could become made with power and how other could be torn between following him or escaping from him, leading to the crew needing to try and escape before they become his latest victims. This is one that could be something truly special and for the time it most likely was, but we have seen it done so many times through the years and is much better.
Action/Sci-Fi – The action is typical sci-fi action, we have laser guns, explosions and destruction on the ship, it isn’t anything overly fancy, but does what it needs to.
Settings – The film is set on the spaceship which shows the wide corridors and rooms that would be important to long distance space travel.
Special Effects – The effects in the film would have been great for the time, while some of the effects might have dated, they still get the peril over when the meteor strikes.

Scene of the Movie – The Meteor roll.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – Harry’s decision.
Final Thoughts – This is a sci-fi film that could have been the first of its type, it opened us up to an idea that could be faced by many if they went into space one day, even if the story seems to have been used a lot more in the future.

Overall: Ground Breaking Sci-Fi.