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Genre: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Crime Thriller, Romance

Rating: 5/5

My Summary: Charlie isn’t your average detective/police officer—she works for the new futuristic law enforcement department called ITF. The world has changed since the other dimensions have been discovered. Aliens (who hate being called aliens) now live on earth with humans, and some humans possess supernatural powers. Charlie and her Siren-partner, Hank, have been working on a disastrous case—trying to track down the source and destroy a new drug that is putting people all over Atlanta in comas. But after they begin digging deeper, they discover a whole new level of their assignment: one that puts Charlie, her ex-husband, her daughter whom she loves more than anyone or anything in the whole world, everyone in Atlanta, and the rest of the world, at stake… and only Charlie Madigan can save them.

The Better Part of Darkness is a fast-paces riveting debut novel that holds you by the neck until the last page. I’ve never enjoyed science fiction so much in my life.

This book had the perfect combination of sci-fi, crime, thriller, and romance to make it an addicting read to lover of any genre. The writing makes it wonderfully plausible and incredibly witty, and the characters were the kinds that you cheered for.

Charlie was my kind of girl—totally kick-butt in every way, shape, and form. She was tough as nails, rock-hard, dedicated to her job, but she had her soft spots for those that she held closest to her.

I will be sitting on the edge of my seat for the sequel of this book, titled “The Darkest Edge of Dawn.” 5 stars and two thumbs up to you, Kelly Gay: you just made my bookshelf.

Content: This book is not for the easily offended. There was language and sexual aspects of the book that make it an adult novel, though there were no sex scenes.

Recommendation: Ages 17+ to anyone who wants to read a really exceptional book.

**Thank you to Sarah from pocketbooks for supplying my review copy!**


Becs (244 KP) rated Ready Player One in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fiction, Dystopia, Fantasy

Audience: Young Adult

Reading level: High School +

Interests: science fiction, fantasy, video games, 80’s

Style: Sci-Fi

Point of view: First person.

Difficulty reading: It started off great and I flew through the first half of the book. It’s towards the 55%-75% mark that was a bore for me. But the ending was great!

Promise: Dystopian Sci-Fi video game world

Quality: Minus the 20% that was pretty darn boring and long, the book as a whole was a great read.

Insights: I’m not a huge gaming geek, so without Cline explaining half the time what these gaming terms are, I’d be as lost as a pig in a supermarket. For that, I thank him. It was nice seeing a Dystopian world set in the future that was still in our lifetime. I have never read anything like that – cool to see how Cline wrote it.


Okay, I knew Aech was hiding something. But I could not figure out what it was for the life of me. But when Aech and Parzival first met, in real life, face to face, I WAS NOT EXPECTING him to actually be a ‘her’.

This was me:

Favorite Quotes: “Going outside is highly overrated.” – Yea, I feel ya too. I just want to stay in and read all day every day. Who needs a job, who needs to eat, all we need are books. Am I right?

“You’d be amazed how much research you can get done when you have no life whatsoever.” – I mean, you’re not wrong.

“One person can keep a secret, but not two.” – Secrets, secrets are no fun. Secrets, secrets hurt someone.

Aesthetics: The whole book is an 80’s aesthetic that I love. Plus, it gives a brief inside scoop on the whole “if we don’t care for the planet now, there will be nothing in the future” debate. Which is true, we should care for the planet more than what we do now. I mean we only live on Earth just as much as everybody else. The copy of Ready Player One that I have, is a 2015 Special Edition copy – I love the cover on it.

“People are more than just the way they look.”
I have wanted to read Flatland since I read the reference to it in Gödel Escher Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid which was a set text at university. As the book is out of copyright it was one of the first that I downloaded to my eReader.

The book (although really a novella rather than a full novel at only 88 pages) works on two levels; firstly the story revolves around A Square, an inhabitant of the two dimensional space that is Flatland. Most of the book describes the rigid social hierarchy of the regular polygons that make up the people - the more sides a person has the higher their social standing. Irregular shapes are despised and usually executed. The second half involves investigation into the nature of dimensions when A Square first of all dreams of a one dimensional land, then is shown three dimensions and zero dimensions by a spherical person from the three dimensional land.

The first half is a satire on the rigid class system of Victorian society - it is particularly disparaging of women, who being lines rather than shapes are very much second class citizens, even having their own doors into and out of houses. This half shows the book's age, it was written in a different time and looking at it from more than 100 years later a lot of the discussion is overlong and unengaging. This part has not aged at all well.

The book only comes into its own when A Square has a dream about a land of one dimension, populated by lines of varying length, the longest line being the King of Lineland. The two dimensional dreamer attempts to persuade the King that is he could step sideways he would be able to see that his land of a single line was limited. Of course the King can conceive of no such direction as 'sideways' and rejects the suggestion as ridiculous.

A sphere from the 3 dimensional land of Space then visits Flatland, appearing as a circle of varying size as he passes through the two dimensional space. He tries to persuade Square that if he could move 'up' or 'down' he would be able to move beyond the rigid plane of his existence. Obviously the square cannot understand a direction which doesn't fall into two dimensions, until the sphere pulls him up and then he can look down to see Flatland spread out below him. He has an epiphany and is determined to spread the word on three dimensional space. The sphere also visits a zero dimensional land. However when the square suggests that if the sphere could somehow move in a new direction he might be able to enter four dimensional space the sphere is very quick to say how ridiculous such a notion is.

In this way the ideas behind dimensions are communicated quite effectively, including being able to deduce the properties of a four dimensional regular shape by extrapolating the properties of lines, squares and cubes. It is then clear how properties of higher dimensions can be calculated without our poor three dimensional minds actually being able to perceive of it.

Flatland is regarded as one of the very first science fiction novels. So is Gulliver's Travels but that has very little science and to my mind is more of a fantasy book. Despite Flatland having very little in the way of story and plot (although there are twists in the story) and the first half isn't really story at all but social commentary, it definitely describes fantastic worlds and imagines what the results would be of living in such places. This seems to me to be the very concept behind science fiction.

In conclusion, I would not recommend this to everyone as I think its appeal is quite limited. But for anyone of a mathematical bent who likes science fiction, it's always good to see where it all started.

Sassy Brit (97 KP) rated Godeena in Books

Jun 5, 2019  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this military, science fiction adventure, Godeena, Croatian author Stjepan Vareševac-Cobet delves into a world of modified soldiers, and alien monsters in this imaginative sci-fi fantasy adventure.

Brigadier Henry Broncon is sent to gather prisoners from a high security prison to complete a military mission that guarantees certain death to any of those who attempt it. But what’s it matter? Henry is a Cyber and modified with cybernetics. He won’t die. And what of his team? They’re dangerous prisoners who don’t even deserve to live. They’ll not be missed. Without this mission, they were never going to escape their prison sentences anyway.

I did find some sentences and point of view changes a little jarring, which took me out of the story at times, but I appreciate the author is from another country and can write in two languages, which I can’t, so kudos for that. However, it is most likely because of this I also found the sentence structures of the dialogue stilted, and at times felt that some of these dangerous, violent prisoners were talking a little bit too well-to-do sounding for my liking.

That said, the author has a fantastic imagination and managed to write a fully formed adventure surrounding a group of hand-picked, hardened criminals, with no choice than to go on a fatal mission of which there may be no way back. It’s even got a touch of romance, too.
The Lovely and the Lost
The Lovely and the Lost
Jennifer Lynn Barnes | 2019 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Original title: Lost Causes
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

The Lovely and the Lost is the first novel I read by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. Considering she published almost 30 novels in genres I often read, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, and Young Adult, that is surprising.

In it, we are introduced to the Bennett family. Cady, the mother, is one of the best search and rescuers who also trains search and rescue dogs. Her son is Jude and her adopted daughter, Kira, was found by Cady in the woods many years ago. Rounding out the family is Phoebe, who prefers to be called Free, the 3rd in the teen's close-knit trio. The story focuses on a search and rescue and gives some detail on how to tray search and rescue dogs. All of the teens work with the dogs and are training to be search and rescuers.

The Young Adult novel is well thought out and well-written. The characters are flawed, show their limitations, their strengths, and feel real. While it would be enjoyable for all readers of YA, I feel middle school students would enjoy it the most.

I will definitely read one of Jennifer Lynn Barnes's series. As of 6/17/19, Goodreads lists 7 series.

This review was published on on 6/17/19.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Immortal Writers in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Immortal Writers
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

Words are the most powerful form of magic. Jill Bowers creates a unique fantasy concept in this soon to be published adventure novel. When <i>Immortal Writers</i> begins, the genre is similar to many contemporary novels: characters living normal day-to-day lives. Eighteen-year-old Liz has just landed back in her hometown after touring to promote her new novel, the next in a popular fantasy series that won her the Best Young Fantasy Award. All she wants is to return to her apartment and go to bed, so being kidnapped was not part of her plan. Especially not being kidnapped by the formidable William Shakespeare.

What Liz and readers both learn next is a brilliant, awe-inspiring idea. Imagine that all the world’s most famous authors were immortal and lived together in a magical castle manipulated by the science fiction novelists. That is what Liz suddenly has to come to terms with. Although she is only young, her books show so much potential that she is already initiated into the Immortal Writers. But it is not only legendary writers inhabiting this fortress. When an author becomes immortal, their characters become real. Liz is shocked to come face to face with the handsome hero of her story as well as a few of her supporting characters. However that is not all that has crossed over into reality.

As well as the goodies, the evil characters have also been brought into the world. Kenric, Liz’s antagonist, has hidden himself nearby with hundreds of dragons. He wants dominion over the entire planet and the only person that can stop him is Liz herself. So begins an adventure of learning to use magic, sword fights, dragon attacks and inevitable, heart wrenching causalities.
As a writer, Jill Bowers has not quite got the level of standard that the top authors have achieved. This is evident from the lack of description and awkwardness of the prose throughout the first few chapters. Once the storyline is well under way it becomes a lot easier to read; whether her writing improves is debatable, but her imagination captures the readers attention and provides a thoroughly entertaining narrative.

It is not solely the plot, characters and action that will stay in readers’ minds – the overall concept is fantastic. Who would not want their favourite authors to live forever? I would love to meet a William Shakespeare who has adapted himself to modern day living. Even more exciting is the possibility of meeting fictional characters. Each reader is bound to start daydreaming about which of their most loved books they would like to become real. How great would it be to meet Harry Potter, or see a unicorn, or eat some chocolate made by Willy Wonka, or… the possibilities are endless.

<i>Immortal Writers</i> is the first novel in a series so there will be more books that focus on this amazing idea. From the preview at the end of this copy, it appears that the following book will be about different authors/characters, therefore will provide a whole new outline to wrap our heads around.

Fantasy fans should definitely seek out this series. The writing may not exactly be up to par, but the general storyline is unquestionably worth it. Encompassing, contemporary, adventure and romance genres, <i>Immortal Writers</i> is an incredible fantasy story based in the “real” world.
Sophie Breeze | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The style of this book is rather unique to me as it doesn't seem to hold to any one genre (0 more)
The only thing that I really did not like was the surprise factor of learning this is the first in a series. (0 more)
Surprise its the first book in a series.
Exile by Sophie Breeze is a great book. It is the first book in a series of unknown length as the second has yet to be released. The cover however says nothing about it being part of a series. Please keep in mind as well that Sophie was only nine years old when she started writing Exile, no small feat.

 A group of five kids live on the planet Mellania but are not accepted there. Mellania only accepts those without human DNA and unfortunately these kids are all half human. The kids live with Lucia, a demon whom they believe to be their friend until she takes them to Earth. Upon arrival they are almost immediately attacked and discover Lucia’s true intentions. Now on the run from an evil demon on a planet they are unfamiliar with the kids don’t know who to trust and the stress creates a rift in the group.

 Two of the kids go one way and the other three go another, wondering if they will ever see each other again. Soon it is clear that even apart they are not safe as both groups are attacked and tracked down by the SSC. Sadly even once they are with the SSC the kids don’t know who to trust and secrets start revealing themselves. Will they ever be able to feel safe again? Who is really their friends and who is just trying to use them for their own benefit?

 The style of this book is rather unique to me as it doesn't seem to hold to any one genre. It starts out as a science fiction heavy in politics and with an assassination. Then as the story moves on it seems to take a more fantasy element with question. While the politics remain through out they do not overpower the rest of the story. The only thing that I really did not like was the surprise factor of learning this is the first in a series. I found myself becoming increasingly confused as I came towards the end and things were no where close to a conclusion.

 This book is probably best for young adults with an interest isn’t science fiction/fantasy. They dynamics of the relationships between the hybrids themselves might be a little difficult for young readers to understand. Those who have enjoyed the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series should enjoy this book as well since they share many elements. I rate this book 3 out of 4 or 4 out of 5. I enjoyed this book very much and the twists actually surprised me. The only twist I did not like was how the book turned out to be the beginning of a series. While I have nothing against series I plan when I start a new one carefully and I imagine so do may others, because of this the book lost a point.
The Shape of Water  (2017)
The Shape of Water (2017)
2017 | Drama, Fantasy
A True Classic
A deaf woman working for a secret government agency finds a friend (and then some) when she stumbles across the creature the agency is hiding.

Acting; 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
Strickland (played by Michael Shannon) ensured that strong action and tension remained throughout the film. Every scene he is a part of leaves you waiting for something bad to happen. The two opposing sides, those wishing to destroy the creature and those wishing to save it, are locked in a game of cat-and-mouse until the last twenty minutes when it’s more like a head-on collision. There were quite a few close calls that had me wondering whether or not the protagonists would make it.

Genre: 10
Just a beautiful film for the ages. Call it a drama. Call it fantasy or even science fiction. Wherever it’s classified, it hangs up there as one of the very best. Checks all the boxes and does so many things extremely well.

Memorability: 10
Guillermo Del Toro has a way of leaving an impression on your brain with his visual imagery. The movie is just stunning to look at in so many ways with a number of shots that you can’t forget. Del Toro has created a home for the weirdo here, a place of comfort for those that are different from the norm. It’s a movie so unique in its charm that it’s near impossible to shake.

Pace: 10

Plot: 10

Resolution: 10

Overall: 100
The Shape of Water has a charm you can’t get away from. When it won Best Picture, I was shocked and upset. That was, of course, before I had actually seen the movie. I get it now. A true classic.
The Quiet at the End of the World
The Quiet at the End of the World
Lauren James | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A gentle end to humankind.
Another YA book, where I don’t honestly know why it has been labelled YA. Perhaps unless there’s rampant sex and violence in a book, only children will want to read it. Except I’m 45 (for now!). I love a bit of sex and violence as much as the next Science Fiction/ Fantasy reader, but I also acknowledge that a book can be a damn good read without those things - and this IS a damn good read.

It’s a ‘soft apocalypse’. A drift into the end of human kind. An exploration into what it is to be human, and ultimately: would the earth be better off without us on it? We all know the answer to that really, don’t we?

Lowrie and Shen are the two youngest and last born humans on Earth. A seemingly harmless virus rendered the entire human race infertile, although some already fertilised embryos remained. Lowrie and Shen are the last two babies born from those embryos. And there has been no cure discovered for the virus.

I really enjoyed this book. It was a refreshingly gentle take on apocalypse - no one is killed, no cannibalism, there are no murderous dictators. In fact everyone gets along and works together as a community.

There are some great characters other than the main ones: Mitch, the lifeguard robot who communicates using flashing colours is one in particular. I loved the records of Lowrie and Shen’s found objects at the start of each chapter as well. A real mix of the ancient (to the reader as well) and the modern (to the reader alone!).

A very thought provoking read in these times of climate crisis, and told in a way that makes it accessible to both young and old.

Ross (3282 KP) rated Dogs of War in Books

Sep 19, 2017  
Dogs of War
Dogs of War
Adrian Tchaikovsky | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclosure: I received a free advance copy of this novel from NetGalley in return for an honest review.
This near-future science fiction story surrounds the use of genetically modified, cyborg animals in security and warfare and the humane concerns around that.
Having read the author's fantasy series, Shadows of the Apt, I was already familiar with Tchaikovsky's style, and his liking for warfare and technology (that series including the development of a number of new technologies which are eventually used as weapons).
What I was not quite prepared for was how he would write if in the PoV of a cyborg dog (how can you prepare yourself for that?!). This took a little getting used to, but not too much (a little like Flowers for Algernon, the language starts off simplistic but develops). Rex's vocabulary is like that of a small child, but one that has learned certain military phrases. Rex just wants his master to acknowledge him with a "good dog" now and then.
The story develops through a government-backed incursion into rebel-held Mexico, then into the courtroom and beyond into the brave new world for suddenly free man-made creatures.
There are a number of topical issues dealt with here, using not-people to do unpleasant jobs, the burden of responsibility in warfare and also the dangers of cyber-linked machines/people.
I really enjoyed the book and how the different PoVs come across and also how the setting and the message keeps changing throughout so there are different concerns to be dealt with or discussed (without being preachy!).
I also enjoyed Tchaikovsky's descriptions of conflict and battle scenes: giving enough of a picture of the whole battle while focussing on key moments and events.
Overall, something of a departure from my usual book, but very much enjoyable. This wouldn't have looked out of place with Richard Bachman's name on it.