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Cori June (3033 KP) rated Dune (2021) in Movies

Nov 11, 2021  
Dune (2021)
Dune (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Visually amazing (0 more)
Kind of long (0 more)
I just saw this in theaters and was amazed by the visual effects. I am slightly new to Dune (never read the book or saw the 80s movie. Although I have caught references to it because I'm a scifi and fantasy nerd). So I was mostly going in blind.
 I did get confused with a few things that were happening I did eventually get enough that most of my questions got answers (and I figure those that didn't will be explained when I read the book).

The actors were great. And I found myself getting lost in the story on multiple occasions. On the times I thought the movie was dragging I'm not positive that it was completely the movie's fault as much as it being a combination of lack of knowledge on my part and the movie theater starting the movie late and playing a large amount of trailers beforehand, and usually when I thought this it was after a time i was confused.

I can't wait to see part two.
Defy the Stars (Constellation, #1)
Defy the Stars (Constellation, #1)
Claudia Gray | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn’t fully read the description of this one, and therefore didn’t know exactly what to expect when I started reading. What I found was a strong-willed, yet sympathetic protagonist with a bit of a chip on her shoulder, although not without reason, and an equally likable, and believable, android thrust together in an adventure spanning the galaxy.

Finding that as the only human around she is able to command Abel to do her bidding, Noemi orders him to help her find a piece of equipment that will aide her people in their was against Earth. Abel for his part would be happier to destroy Noemi, but his programming won’t allow it. There is some great character development as the two get to know each other and understand each others motivations. There is also more real science than I expected to get in a young adult scifi story, and that was a pleasant surprise.

This was my first encounter with author Claudia Gray, but if Goodreads is to be believed and there will be a sequel to Defy the Stars, then it will not be my last.