Blood, Dragons & Lions: How Alienation and Science Led Me to Spiritual Enlightenment and Innovation
In the late 70's life was tough for anyone growing up on a gritty council estate in the North of...
Money, Blood and Revolution: How Darwin and the Doctor of King Charles I Could Turn Economics into a Science
Economics is a broken science, living in a kind of Alice in Wonderland state believing in multiple,...
Economics as Social Science: Economics Imperialism and the Challenge of Interdisciplinarity
Roberto Marchionatti and Mario Cedrini
There is a growing consensus in social sciences that there is a need for interdisciplinary research...
Change of Time and Change of Measure: Advanced Series on Statistical Science and Applied Probability
Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen and Albert N. Shiryaev
Change of Time and Change of Measure provides a comprehensive account of two topics that are of...
An Introduction to Research, Analysis, and Writing: Practical Skills for Social Science Students
The book covers the whole project from topic choice to written delivery, and teaches practical...