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Midnight Hunt (Bonded By Blood Vampire Chronicles #3)
Midnight Hunt (Bonded By Blood Vampire Chronicles #3)
Arial Burnz | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
We have moved forward 80 years with book 3, and Broderick is still mourning the loss of his Davina to consumption. He suddenly feels the urge to leave Scotland and ends up in Germany where, after a few stops, he starts to dream again. This shocks him as the only time he has dreamed was when he was with Davina. The prophetess turns up and tells him snippets which are enough to entice him in Monika's direction. Monika is the reincarnation of Davina, but without the abuse that Davina went through. She is a Fire Witch, her grandmother is an Air Witch, and her father has been turned into a werewolf! Not only that but Angus is around and causing trouble again.

Exceedingly well-written, with Monika/Davina being a completely new, sassy character, whilst still retaining the charms of Davina. It's no wonder Broderick couldn't resist. This is a wonderful continuation of the series and I can't wait to see where else we shall go. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 24, 2016
The Treasure of Rigmore House (Betwixt the Sea and Shore #3)
The Treasure of Rigmore House (Betwixt the Sea and Shore #3)
Claire Kohler | 2024 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE TREASURE OF RIGMORE HOUSE is the third book in the Betwixt the Sea and Shore series, set in 18th-century Scotland, complete with Selkies, Kelpies, Trows, and Banshees!

We have seen Muireall in the previous two books. We see a different side to the one she usually presents in this story, together with the reasons for her behaviour. And then we have Niall, also known from the first two stories. If he's back in town, then trouble will surely follow... right?

The slow-burn between these two was a delight to read, especially when Muireall lets herself be true to who she really is, rather than who she is expected to be. Both of these characters have a redemption arc for differing reasons, and it was good to see it happen.

It was also good to see Briony and Adaira moving forward with their lives, and how it intermingled with Muireall and Niall's.

A great addition to the series that will both satisfy and leave you wanting more. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 26, 2024
The Isle (2018)
The Isle (2018)
2018 | Thriller
The story was ok but it could have been over a lot quicker as their was not much contect to it. (0 more)
It was one of those films that you got half way though and start clock watching hoping it will be over soon. And you could tell the film was rushed out (0 more)
Should have left it on the isle
So i went to see this one at everyman cinema stratford upon avon where they also had a Q+A session with the two directors, alex and the woman who plays the part or the murdered victim was all their.

Now for me and the wife we feel that the film dragged on to long to the point I was falling asleep as it became that boring, i would say that if you liked the VVITCH then you may like this one but if not then its one to avoid as its the same kinda film.

As for fizz and ginger themself well lets just say they had a question possed at them during the Q+A "why did the people leave the island? Was it bacause of the highland clearances, fammine or the weather conditions?" Trying to get themself out of it they said "it was a combination of every thing" well at the end of the Q+A with me and the wife being scottish we had to give them a history lesson, the highland clearances happened in the 1600s after the battle of culloden, now if you know scotland this is the top end of the country and their "island" is not far from glasgow the bottom end of Scotland, added to this the clue highland clearances the island is in the lowlands, and adding even further after the battle of culloden the english pushed north slaughtering anyone wearing a kilt and banded the bagpipes and bonny prince charlie escaped the the closed island before going to france which was the isle of sky where people still live they would have seen that this does not match up.

On top of this the people left the island in the late 1800s, the highland clearances was 1600 so they were 200 years out of date the reason we know this is because the wifes great grand mother lived on the island.

For a film was written over a 2 year period and made on a small budget and film with in 4 weeks with trained actors this film would have been better being dumped in the loch never to be seen by the public but i guess we all need to start some where even if we open our gobs to make ourself look intelligent rather than be honest with the public and say we really dont know why they left
The Ice Twins
S.K. Tremayne | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.1 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Angus and Sarah Moorcraft are struggling to keep their marriage in tact after the tragic death of one of their twin daughters. To escape from the memories of the incident and to hopefully push past other issues including alcoholism and infidelity, they move to an isolated lighthouse on an island just off the coast of Scotland, which Angus inherited from his grandmother. It starts promisingly enough for the family, until it becomes apparent that their surviving twin, Kirstie, is very likely Lydia, whom they thought had died. Things begin to spiral further out of control as their daughter appears to be being haunted by her dead sister (whichever one that may be) and both parents begin to go a bit crazy, Sarah especially. Secrets get revealed that threaten to shatter the already fragile balance they're maintaining until finally the truth about the accident comes out. The concept is pretty creepy and the setting is perfect for it. The characters aren't exactly likable, but no one is really as contemptuous as some recent "protagonists" in other novels, which makes it easier to root for them. Once things really get rolling, the twists come out pretty fast and furious and the suspense builds to a somewhat shocking conclusion. Unlikely to be the thriller of the year, but a very entertaining read that is perfect for the Halloween season.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Skyfall (2012) in Movies

Jun 22, 2018  
Skyfall (2012)
Skyfall (2012)
2012 | Action, Mystery
You almost get the sense at the moment that Eon (makers of the Bond films) quite enjoy the cachet and prestige (and huge box office) associated with these films but would really secretly rather be doing another kind of film. Hence the effort, throughout the Craig movies, to get away from the trusted and (when well executed) lucrative Bond formula and do something different.

Hence this, which is not as earnest or obviously Bourne-inspired as Quantum of Solace, but still departs from the playbook in a number of key ways. It's a very introspective Bond film, quite glum and dark (though Bardem tries his best to have some fun with his role) - there's no main Bond girl per se (unless you count Judi Dench), and the exotic location for the finale is eschewed in favour of the London underground and foggy Scotland. As a change of pace it is striking, but if every Bond film was like this I think people would soon get sick of it (as the reaction to SPECTRE perhaps proved). Still, much good stuff here, Naomie Harries, Ralph Fiennes and Ben Whishaw make good first impressions, and there's some well-staged action. Whatever the influence this film ends up having on the franchise, on its own terms this is a fine film.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Outlaw King (2018) in Movies

Nov 11, 2018 (Updated Nov 11, 2018)  
Outlaw King (2018)
Outlaw King (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, History
Most of the early notices for this film appear to have focused on Chris Pine's full-frontal nude scene, rather than the fact it's clearly the work of people who loved Braveheart so much they decided to make their own version. Early 14th century Scotland suffers under the yoke of English oppression; nobleman Robert the Bruce decides to stand up and do the right thing, even if it does mean breaking his word and murdering his rivals. Much shouting and many mud-spattered battle scenes ensue; the CGI button marked 'arterial spray' gets pressed a lot.

All right if you like this sort of thing, I suppose: some interesting mediaeval detail sneaks in, but most of the characterisation deals in stock types and the film-makers never quite persuaded me of why I should genuinely care about this story. Bruce spends much of the film brooding, which is not really Pine's strong suit, but there are some solid supporting performances (Florence Pugh is predictably good in a very thin part). The battles are well mounted and the scenery is nice; I imagine many people will enjoy this much more than I did. For the record: Chris Pine's winky is barely visible, far less so than Florence Pugh's boobies, which have attracted much less critical attention (now that's what I call a double standard).
Journeyman (Raven Series #2) [Audiobook]
Journeyman (Raven Series #2) [Audiobook]
Heather Atkinson | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Having listened to and thoroughly enjoyed the first in the series, Raven, I was intrigued to see what further escapades the assassin/bounty hunter was going to get mixed up in.

Now Raven was good but Journeyman is better!

Damien, Raven's brother, receives a coded message from their father One-Eye (aka Nik) that means he is in trouble. Unable to contact him and with only a vague idea of where he was going, they set out to try and track him down somewhere in Scotland.

One-Eye is being tracked by a killer from his past who he thought was dead. He is injured and has to 'hide out' in a small Scottish village on the Isle of Skye. Whilst recovering, One-Eye is getting to know the eclectic residents of the village when one of them is found murdered but who did it and why?

With good, strong characters, loads of action, a great and unexpected twist and quite a few laugh-out-loud moments, this was a really enjoyable listen and I look forward to the next in the series.

The narrator does a great job with all the different characters; she really had her work cut out with this one and did it well.

Thank you to W.F. Howes Ltd and NetGalley for enabling me to listen to Journeyman and share my thoughts.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Ice House in Books

Mar 7, 2019 (Updated Mar 7, 2019)  
The Ice House
The Ice House
Laura Lee Smith | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A story of forgiveness and redemption.
A thoroughly enjoyable, gentle story, of a couple who own an ice factory in Florida. Johnny MacKinnon emigrated to the US years ago, found a job in an ice factory, where he met the owners daughter, fell in love and married her. Years later Johnny and Pauline are running the factory. Johnny had left his son and ex-wife in Glasgow, and he and his son have become estranged. Corran, Johnny's son, has a heroin addition. He has been clean for a while at the time of the story.
After Johnny collapses at the factory and receives bad news from the doctor, he decides to return to Scotland and visit his son and his new granddaughter.
This is such a lovely story. The characters are so well written and such likeable people. You can see that Johnny is really trying to deal (or ignore!) his medical condition and to mend fences with his son. Whilst Pauline his wife, left behind in Florida to deal with a huge problem at the factory alone, is struggling with the decisions she made as a younger woman - and who can blame her for making them? Corran is trying so hard to be a good father and clearly struggling.
This is such an emotional book that made me both laugh and cry. It's well worth reading.
Many thanks to Readers First for my copy of this book.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated All That's Dead in Books

May 27, 2019  
All That's Dead
All That's Dead
Stuart MacBride | 2019 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Darkly humorous and thrilling
Having read and thoroughly loved one of Mr MacBride's previous outings starring Logan McRae - A Dark So Deadly - I was thrilled to be accepted by the publisher, HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction, via NetGalley to read and review "All That's Dead" before publication in return for an honest and unbiased review.

This instalment had a lot to live up to and, overall, it hit the mark with it's dark humour, the fantastic characters, the setting, the twists and all wrapped up in an excellent plot amongst the backdrop of domestic terrorism and the independence movement in Scotland which although results in a fair bit of English-bashing, does mirror Brexit (oh how I hate that word!) in many respects which makes it topical and current too!

I did have a few niggles that did irritate me somewhat ... one or two of the characters who were supposed to be Police Officers did not come across as very believable; they were overly childish and not very good at their jobs. In addition, I found the word "sooked" extremely annoying for some reason - not sure why but it just wound me up.

I am absolutely certain that it would be better to read the series in order, it does work as a standalone pretty successfully and although the niggles prevented me from awarding this a 5 star read, I would still recommend it.
The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
1940 | Classics, Drama, Horror
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vincent Price (0 more)
See No Evil
The Invisible Man Returns- is a great sequel to "The Invisible Man". I love "The Invisible Man", he is in my opinion the best universal monster. He's funny, dramatic, crazy, and invisible.

The plot: Wrongly accused of murdering his brother, Geoffrey Radcliffe (Vincent Price) is found guilty and sentenced to die. But when sympathetic Dr. Griffin (John Sutton) injects him with a serum that renders him invisible, Radcliffe is able to escape and search for the real culprit. With Inspector Sampson (Cecil Kellaway) of Scotland Yard hot on his trail, Radcliffe begins to suspect that a recent hire in his family's mining company might have the answers he seeks.

Following the commercial success of Son of Frankenstein, Universal Studios announced the development of The Invisible Man Returns in March 1939.

In May, Joe May was announced as the director of the film with either Boris Karloff or Bela Lugosi hinted at playing the lead.

Vincent Price when he was not covered by bandages or special effects only appears as himself for one minute in the film. Price spoke on the film saying that the special effects were done with Price being draped in black velvet and working against a set draped in black velvet. Price also spoke about working with Hardwicke, who he recalled "didn't like doing this film; he was facing home problems at the time. We became very close."

Its a great movie.