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Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors
Alice Feeney | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An excellent twisty thriller
Adam and Amelia Wright win a weekend away to Scotland--and this romantic getaway might be the only thing to save their rocky marriage. Screenwriter Adam spends most of his time working, much to the frustration of Amelia. Adam also suffers from prosopagnosia, or face-blindness, and sometimes Amelia wonders if he'd even recognize his own wife in a crowd. They know this weekend could make a huge difference in their marriage, but what they don't know: they didn't win this trip. And someone really doesn't want them to save their marriage.

"We both know this weekend away is a last chance to fix things. Or at least to try. He hasn't forgotten that."

This was a really fun thriller, honestly! Just one of those creepy and mysterious reads that kept me guessing most of the entire time. It's told from the point of view of both Adam and Amelia and interspersed with Amelia's letters that she writes to Adam each year on their anniversary (but does not let him read). We also have a third point of view, from a mysterious other character. How does everyone fit together? Enjoy trying to figure it out!

"My husband doesn't cheat on me with other women, or men, he has love affairs with their words."

Everyone is keeping secrets in this mystery, leading to a wild ride. The setting is amazing, a cold, dark, and snowy atmospheric Scotland that serves as another character in our twisty thriller. Every thing seems ominous and foreboding, as Adam and Amelia traverse the snowy countryside and mysterious house they are staying in.

Overall, this is a great and thrilling mystery, which keeps you guessing. It's a surprising page-turner, that also delves into the themes of marriage and writing. 4+ stars.

I received a free ARC of this book from Macmillan in exchange for an honest review.
In the two months since the end of My Fair Lady, Eliza Doolittle has gone to work for Emil Nepommuck, Henry Higgins’s chief rival. This is just one of the many reasons that Higgins decides the take Nepommuck down. However, when the man turns up murdered, Higgins becomes Scotland Yard’s chief suspect and Eliza and Higgins must team up to figure out what really happened to the man.

This is a delightful continuation of the characters from the famous musical (or more accurately George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion which inspired the musical). The returning characters are perfect, and the new characters are just as engaging. The plot twists and turns on the way to a thoroughly entertaining climax, and the humor mixed in is a delight. I can’t wait to see what happens to this duo next.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
This novel by Christine Merrill does feature as it's hero a character who first appeared in a previous book, but I hadn't read that and it really doesn't matter as Lady D stands quite well alone!

The Lady Driscilla of the title is the responsible older sister who is on her way to Scotland to save her flighty younger sister from a great deal om imprudence and probably a great big scandal! When Druscilla is harassed by an oily, unpleasant merchant on her journey, our hero's gentlemanly side takes over and he ends up assisting Druscilla - in more ways than one!

This was a fun romance with believable characters and understandable objections and misunderstandings to be overcome. Even getting near the end of the book I couldn't quite see how everything could be resolved satisfactorily - but of course it is! In fact I would have liked to have 'seen' a little more of our hero and heroine's adventure!

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) created a post

Feb 8, 2021

Hey folks,

So I am finally back to writing reviews on a regular basis and it is all thanks to an awesome site called BGCP.

The site formerly organised comic cons up in Scotland, but more recently are looking to expand and establish their online reputation.

And if you would like to take advantage of a fantastic opportunity, they are currently looking for more writers to join up.

Please note that this is not a paid gig initially, but if you are looking for more exposure for your reviews and like the idea of working with a bunch of talented, like-minded people then this is for you.

The reviews will all be comic book based, this includes MCU and DCEU movies as well as reviewing graphic novels and comic books themselves.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please follow the Facebook link above to apply.

Dirk Wears White Sox by Adam &amp; The Ants
Dirk Wears White Sox by Adam & The Ants
1979 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Every single song on here is incredible and all their imagery really captured my imagination. I just loved that everything was black: they were in black leathers, the album cover was black and it was just so stylistically arresting for me. 

 I just loved how it sounded really smart too. He sounded to me both dangerous and educated, a [combination] I found really intriguing. I didn't always understand what the lyrics were about, but I got the sort of gist. I was a young teenage girl in Scotland and I'd grown up in a very conventional family and this just felt dangerous and exciting to me. It was the sort of life that I wanted to pursue – whatever is on that record, the sound of that record, that's what I wanted to pursue in my life. I wanted smart boys [laughs] dressed in black leather sounding dangerous. That's what I wanted, and that's what I went after [laughs]. "


Stuart Braithwaite recommended Fun House by The Stooges in Music (curated)

Fun House by The Stooges
Fun House by The Stooges
1970 | Punk, Rock
8.9 (9 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Iggy's probably my favourite singer and I was thinking about choosing one of his solo records, but when you see my next one you'll probably figure out why I didn't choose that. Again, what can you say about Fun House? It's just so primal, a rock & roll record, and I can't think of anything like it. From the box set you can tell that it didn't just appear, they worked incredibly hard to get it that good, take after take after take. It's just amazing, totally powerful. To be able to capture something that probably was more of a live experience and make it sound like they're in the room with you… one of my neighbours has got a ludicrous stereo, and we'll just listen to Fun House, insanely drunk, on his stereo. It's almost like you're there, melting your face. It was a fun night… you should come round, it happens most Fridays. That's how countryside life in Scotland goes."


Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated Bloodmagic (Blood Destiny, #2) in Books

Aug 1, 2023 (Updated Aug 1, 2023)  
Bloodmagic (Blood Destiny, #2)
Bloodmagic (Blood Destiny, #2)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
99 of 235
Bloodmagic ( Blood Destiny 2)
By Helen Harper

After escaping the claws of Corrigan, the Lord Alpha of the Brethren, Mack is trying to lead a quiet lonely life in Inverness in rural Scotland, away from anyone who might happen to be a shapeshifter. However, when she lands a job at an old bookstore owned by a mysterious elderly woman who not only has a familiar passion for herbal lore but also seems to know more than she should, Mack ends up caught in a maelstrom between the Ministry of Mages, the Fae and the Brethren.

Now she has to decide between staying hidden and facing the music, as well as confronting her real feelings for the green eyed power of Corrigan himself.

I really enjoyed this. I love that it’s set in the UK the story is really good the characters are well written i absolutely love Mackenzie she is a strong female lead.
Outlaw King (2018)
Outlaw King (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, History
After more than eight years of war with King Edward I of England (Stephen Dillane) the Scottish Nobles swear allegiance to the crown, ending the brutal. This includes Robert Bruce (Chris Pine) who is one of two men in line to be King of Scots. But by pledging his loyalty to they agree to be under the supervision of the Earl of Pembroke, Aymer de Valence (Sam Spruell). Robert’s father, Robert Bruce Senior (James Cosmo), had pushed for the peace with England but when he dies and the younger Robert is in charge a new fight for independence seems eminent. When the last remaining outlaw, William Wallace, is killed by the English Robert knows the time to fight is now. He decides to meet with his rival for the crown, John Comyn (Callan Mulvey), to have a united Scotland fighting for freedom. When Comyn denies Robert’s request and tells him he will use the information to be named King by Edward I, Robert kills him. This proves costly as it divides the Scottish Lords. Robert is determined and will take a small group loyal to him and fight one of the largest and most feared armies in the world.

This film is based on historical events and follows Robert the Bruce in his guerilla warfare battle for independence against the English. The film definitely seemed to take some poetic license with the story, but overall it feels realistic. Set in the medieval Scotland this is both a gritty and beautifully shot film. The wide shots show the beautiful country and coasts of Scotland. Then the day to day life and the battle scenes are dirty and grimy. The film is a brutal as advertised not only in the battle scenes but also throughout the film. Director David Mackenzie (Hell or High Water, Starred Up) crafts a well thought out story that moves briskly along. I had a couple of issues with the CGI not being super realistic. One brutal scene where someone drawn and quartered, I’ll let you research that, and the body looks like a blob rather than a torso. There were also some awkward cut scenes that didn’t make sense to me. Really not making sense. The opening sequence of the film is done in one shot and might be one of the most impressively shot sequences I have seen in a movie in a long time. The performances are also really good. Billy Howie, Prince of Wales, is a good antagonist and Aaron Taylor-Johnson, James Douglas, is a marvelous madman protector of the Robert the Bruce.

I enjoyed this movie in the theater and think a Netflix view is going to be perfect. It is brutal so the faint of heart should be prepared to look away multiple times. It may get compared to another famous Scottish film from not too long ago and I think this is a nice update. But this is not that film, both in good and bad ways. I enjoyed my watching experience and will definitely catch it streaming on its release date.

Kelly (279 KP) rated Outlander in Books

Nov 26, 2018  
Diana Gabaldon | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (52 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well researched historical background (2 more)
Intriguing characters
Jamie Fraser
Like many other reviewers of this book, the genre of this story is not my first go to. This aside, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Outlander.

The novel is set in two different time periods, the first the aftermath of the Second World War, the second during the 1740s and the build up to the battle of Culloden. One of the strengths of this book, is that Diana Gabaldon has researched the historical settings of this novel well, and paints a fantastic image of the times for the reader. With a background in the study of history, I am normally the first to start picking faults in the historiography of a story, however in this case, I was unable to, and instead able to relax into the plot line itself. The novel also encouraged me to carry out further research into Scotland in the 1740s and even visit the Culloden battlefield (and of course the Fraser stone).

The characters in the novel are well thought out and all have their faults as well as strengths (which in my eyes makes them more believable). Clare, the main character is a strong willed and independent woman, however can be outspoken before her time. Jamie is a character that see through Clare’s eyes and as such, we understand why she falls in love with him, is at times held by the constraints about how men and women should act in marriage during the 1740s, and struggles to cope with Clare’s independence.

As readers we are led through a story of 1740s clan culture in Scotland (including the brutal behaviour of the British officer Jack Randall), as well as the emerging love story between Jamie and Clare. This is ultimately a love story, but sexual scenes are much more subtle in text than the dramatisation of the TV series. As is often the case with books that have been dramatised onto the screen, we also get a much deeper insight into the feelings and emotions of a character, which often struggles to translate onto screen.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and eagerly await picking up the sequel to find out what will happen next to Clare, Jamie and Frank.

Dave Eggers recommended Local Hero (1983) in Movies (curated)

Local Hero (1983)
Local Hero (1983)
1983 | Comedy, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"If I had to have one favorite movie that I’ve seen a hundred times, it’s probably that. I’m not really sure why I first liked it; I must have been fourteen or something like that when I first saw it. It’s always meant so much to me. Peter Riegert plays a maybe 40-year-old businessman who’s in the oil business and is called and sent up to the coast of Scotland to look into buying some land where they found some oil and he has to negotiate with the local village. [He] thinks it’s going to be a very tough thing to sort of uproot all these people, [and] the comedy is that they’re only too happy to sell out. They’re just trying to negotiate the price up as much as possible. It unfolds at its own pace, and he falls in love with this town and with the sea and cares less and less about the deal. He more and more wants to trade places with the local innkeeper and move to this town and stay there. A beautifully made film and I feel like there was a rash of movies right afterward that sort of tried to capture what he achieved. These people sort of coming to some little town and being transformed. It’s so touching and so funny and warm, and has so many moments of grief and elegance and delicacy. It’s got beautiful music by Mark Knopfler. That might have been the first movie that I felt that strongly about at that sort of formative time. But it’s very strange to feel like that’s the movie, you know? It doesn’t have some young protagonist. [But] from then on I was obsessed with Scotland and Ireland. Wanting desperately to go up there, and then when I did, it was very similar to that feeling. I went [on] a Bill Forsyth binge and watched all of his movies, like Gregory’s Two Girls, and Comfort and Joy, and Breaking In, even, with Burt Reynolds of all people. I wish he were still making movies."
