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Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) created a post

Feb 8, 2021

Hey folks,

So I am finally back to writing reviews on a regular basis and it is all thanks to an awesome site called BGCP.

The site formerly organised comic cons up in Scotland, but more recently are looking to expand and establish their online reputation.

And if you would like to take advantage of a fantastic opportunity, they are currently looking for more writers to join up.

Please note that this is not a paid gig initially, but if you are looking for more exposure for your reviews and like the idea of working with a bunch of talented, like-minded people then this is for you.

The reviews will all be comic book based, this includes MCU and DCEU movies as well as reviewing graphic novels and comic books themselves.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, please follow the Facebook link above to apply.

Dirk Wears White Sox by Adam & The Ants
Dirk Wears White Sox by Adam & The Ants
1979 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Every single song on here is incredible and all their imagery really captured my imagination. I just loved that everything was black: they were in black leathers, the album cover was black and it was just so stylistically arresting for me. 

 I just loved how it sounded really smart too. He sounded to me both dangerous and educated, a [combination] I found really intriguing. I didn't always understand what the lyrics were about, but I got the sort of gist. I was a young teenage girl in Scotland and I'd grown up in a very conventional family and this just felt dangerous and exciting to me. It was the sort of life that I wanted to pursue – whatever is on that record, the sound of that record, that's what I wanted to pursue in my life. I wanted smart boys [laughs] dressed in black leather sounding dangerous. That's what I wanted, and that's what I went after [laughs]. "
