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From the Shadows
From the Shadows
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
From The Shadows
I'm not an avid reader of crime thrillers as I often find them unbelievable, predictable or rediculous. This is neither. I was gripped from the beginning and found it hard to put down. Just one more chapter was my continuous mantra. Like Jane Harper's brilliant novels, as well as the character, the setting itself shines like the main character. Here the cold Highlands of Scotland paint the bleak setting for the dark crimes unfolding.
Bravely, Halliday doesn't feel the need to add romance or standard go to characters to make it work. He relies on his storytelling and strong individuals and how refreshing to see a book featuring a social worker that isn't female or a do gooder.
I'm gobsmacked this is a debut, it reads like a hardened crime writer who is a master at their trade. I can imagine this becoming an ITV drama in the future and look forward to the next installment. An absolutely cracking read for any crime or thriller fan.
Highland Hearts
J.P. Bowie | 2016
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book takes place in Scotland which I am sure is a massive surprise considering the title! Callum has a flat in Edinburgh, but goes to the Highlands to see the house that he has inherited from the grandfather he has never met, and now never will. Upon his arrival, he meets his next door neighbour and the spark between them is instantaneous.

With a hint of the supernatural about it, just enough to give Callum a nudge, this story is well-paced and thought out. It moves smoothly, giving the characters enough time to get to know each other even if they do go to bed together the first night - because no one ever does that in real life, right?!

This book simply ticked all my boxes. With excellent characters, whether you like them or not, a back story that completes the picture, romance, steam, supernatural, sadness, hope - it's all here. I loved every word and didn't want it to finish. Absolutely recommended by me.

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dead Man's Grave (DS Max Craigie #1)
Dead Man's Grave (DS Max Craigie #1)
Neil Lancaster | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One of the best books I have read this year and one of the best in this genre I have read for a very long time!

I have never read anything by Neil Lancaster before but the blurb sounded right up my street so gave it a punt and I'm so glad I did because what a brilliant start to a series.

Max is a very interesting character with a strong back story which most definitely adds to the story as a whole. There are some dark moments interspersed with lighter times and I particularly like the relationship Max has with his boss, Ross, and colleague, Janie, which felt authentic.

What can I say ... brilliant characters, gripping story line, excellent pace, full of tension and action featuring historical feuds, revenge, dirty coppers, gangsters and all set in beautiful Scotland ... just a fantastic book all round really and I can't wait for the next instalment.

Thank you HQ Digital and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Made in Scotland: My Grand Adventures in a Wee Country
Made in Scotland: My Grand Adventures in a Wee Country
Billy Connolly | 2019 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Had me laughing almost from page one, Great story telling technique, down to earth (0 more)
Great and Insightful
First let me say that i think Billy Connolly is a genius. I know a lot of people know him as a comedian, but he is so much more. I have seen him act, sing, make people laugh and write fantastic books, this is one of them. I love how it starts with someone asking a question and it just develops from there. His way of writing makes it feel like you are just sitting somewhere in a cafe and talking to a friend. Its warm and welcoming and very down to earth. I have seen the tv programme that accompanies this book and if you have , then you definitely need to read this as well. From being at school to working in ship builders, from one night gigs to sell out shows. Everyone who reads this will see that no matter where Billy Connolly lives in the world, his heart will always live in Scotland. A fantastic book :)

Awix (3310 KP) rated Into the Night in TV

May 31, 2020  
Into the Night
Into the Night
2020 | Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller
The cheap gag about Into the Night would be to declare it the best Belgian apocalyptic SF disaster thriller mini-series ever made, but it deserves better than that. Not entirely unlike Lost, but without the plane actually crashing: passengers and crew of a commercial jet find themselves desperately travelling west, perpetually, as the sun's rays have suddenly become lethal. Characters come into sharper focus, tensions within the group build, there are many incidental crises and problems.

It's done with a slightly broad brush and occasionally becomes a little contrived, but there are great performances from the ensemble cast and it soon becomes genuinely gripping and tense, though not without the odd moment of black humour ('I'm going to die in Scotland... with Belgians!' despairs one character in the first episode). Not sure what they're going to do if it gets a second series, but this is a fine piece of entertainment. (Right-thinking people will surely watch the original version, with subtitles if necessary: the English dubbing is not great.)
Brave (2012)
Brave (2012)
2012 | Animation, Comedy, Family
The digital wizards at Pixar have an incredible dossier of Academy award-winning animated films. Their latest film “Brave“, is a prime example of the bold new direction for the company behind such classics as “Finding Nemo“, “Toy Story“, “The Incredible’s“, and “Monsters, Inc.” just to name a few. This time out Scotland provides the setting for the animation masters to weave their magic, and they do in a splendid 3-D feast of sight, sound, and color that captures the breathtaking beauty of the Scottish Highlands.

For Princess Merida (Kelly Madonald), life is filled with joy and frustration. As the daughter to King Fergus (Billy Connolly), and Queen Elinor (Emma Thompson), she has to walk a fine line between the duties and expectation of her mother and her freewheeling lifestyle of daring and adventure. The young Princess is content to ride through the countryside astride her horse Angus, and perfect her already admirable archery skills.

When Merida learns that her parents have summoned the other major clans so that a worthy suitor can be chosen, Merida rebels openly at their plan and causes great embarrassment to her family during a competition. In a fit of rebellious anger, Merida rides into the woods, and comes upon a witch who promises to create for the young princess a spell that will forever change her destiny. Although not done out of malice, the spell has some on expected consequences that threatens the future of the kingdom as well as the safety of Merida’s family.

The film has some outstanding performances, not the least of which is Connolly, who was an absolute delight whenever his character was on screen. Supporting work by Craig Ferguson and Robbie Coltrane complement the leads well. Since my mother is a Scot, I am all-too-familiar with not only the history but culture of Scotland. I had been concerned when I first heard the project that it would play up on certain stereotypes and miss the true complexity and splendor of Scotland and its people, as well as it’s extremely rich history which is filled with numerous technical and literary achievements over the centuries.

Thankfully my concerns were allayed very early in the film not simply because of the amazing visual detail of the movie but also because of the lovable but quirky characters. The writers and animators managed to capture the very nature of the people and the culture, which is no easy thing in an animated film. Kudos for the casting of the mostly Scottish cast who played their roles with relish. I can honestly say hearing King Fergus address the clans brought to mind my aunts, uncles and cousins thanks to the distinct Scottish brogue. I especially liked the fact that when conflict erupted (of course) amongst even the best of friends, there are some very clever ways that laughs were gained without turning the characters into buffoons or being overly cute.

While the film plays it fairly safe with the story, Pixar’s first female heroine gives us a very fun and enjoyable tale that offers something for the entire family without talking down to the audience or having to resort to crude humor. A few scenes may be a bit intense for youngsters and while it will not be cited for any technological breakthroughs Brave, nonetheless, is highly entertaining.
Private Investigations (Bob Skinner Series, Book 26)
Private Investigations (Bob Skinner Series, Book 26)
Quintin Jardine | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
MoMo’s Book Diary loved Quintin Jardine’s Private Investigations and eagerly recommends this as a thrilling 5 star read

I have read most of the “Skinner” books, starting from the first one published back in the early 90s when I lived in Edinburgh. Now I live in the northern isles but am always drawn to books about southern and central Scotland.

In this instalment we find former Chief Constable Bob Skinner has moved into the world of private investigation.

Eden Higgins is Bob Skinner’s first client. Eden, the brother of an ex-girlfriend of Skinner, wants him to look into the police investigation into the theft of his very expensive, luxury yacht. The police were unable to trace the very large yacht and the insurance company are refusing the pay out the full amount.

Whilst on his way to meet Eden Higgins, Bob’s car is bumped by another as he is reversing from a parking space. The driver of the other car leaves the vehicle and takes off immediately on foot. Bob Skinner then finds the body of a young girl in the otherwise empty boot of the now driverless car. Bob quickly finds himself involved in both cases.

There are many twists and turns in this fast paced instalment where each chapter brings new developments in one or other of the cases. There is reference to the changing Police Force set-up we have faced in Scotland over recent years and this fits with the bigger picture of Skinners backstory and the tension between him and some of his ex-colleagues.

The author expertly leads the reader through the investigations and has a way of bringing each character to life with enough backstory that even if you have never read any other “Skinner” book you will be able to relate to the characters and the personal and professional relationships they share with Bob Skinner. I would say that if you have never read any other Skinner book you will want to change that after you have read this one – I am now going to go back to my bookshelf and re-read them again. If you can, then do read them in order – it adds to the enjoyment being able to follow his private life and life within the Police service.

I would like to thank Headline and BookBridgr for the ARC received prior to publication.

This review is also published on my blog - and amazon

ClareR (5652 KP) rated The Poison Bed in Books

Jun 17, 2018  
The Poison Bed
The Poison Bed
E. C. Fremantle | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder and Intrigue in the Jacobean Court.
Based on a true story, this is set in the Court of James I of England and Wales (James VI of Scotland). Robert Carr is a favourite of the King. There has long been much discussion about how far his favouritism went, and about how he possibly had homosexual tendencies.
Anyway, this story is based around the true story of how Frances Howard and her husband Robert Carr were charged with the murder of Thomas Overbury, and kept in the Tower of London for quite some time. This whole story illustrates the power of the Howards (particularly Frances' Great Uncle) and the intrigue of the Royal Court. Everyone has great aspirations, and will do whatever it takes to achieve them.
The characters, I felt, were well drawn and either unpleasant or terribly naive - no middle ground. I do like historical fiction, especially when it appears to be well researched, as this does. It's important to give the characters life as well, and that's what this book does really well. An exciting, intriguing story. Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and the publisher for the chance to read this book.
Cold Granite (Logan McRae #1)
Cold Granite (Logan McRae #1)
Stuart MacBride | 2005 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Gritty Police procedural.
If you are not going to manage with descriptions of horrendous crimes committed against young children though I would step away from this one.

Listening to the audio of this book narrated by Steve Worsley felt a lot like curling up in front of the TV to watch a post-watershed BBC police procedural series set in Scotland. If you like a good dark down to earth police procedural then this may well be up your alley.

Logan McRae is just returning to work following sustaining horrific injuries in the line of duty and is thrown straight back into the thick of it when the mutilated body of a young boy is discovered. Numerous threads, involving various cases and a smattering of personal life then intertwine to give a very solid down to earth police procedural. OK, I could of done with Logan being a bit less obsessed with every bit of leg he saw but for the time and place set probably fairly accurate…

First in a long-running series and as there's not much on the TV at the minute I'm on board for more of these

Kevin Murphy recommended Local Hero (1983) in Movies (curated)

Local Hero (1983)
Local Hero (1983)
1983 | Comedy, Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Bill Forsythe film, Scottish and unassuming. He came to the states and he worked with Peter Riegert and you’ll recognize Peter Capaldi as a very young man named Donnie. It’s so sweet, and yet savvy, and I think that’s the same thing with Local Hero — it’s a comic film that captures a tremendous amount of sadness and that’s really hard to pull off, to have a character who’s fundamentally sad, and then finds something wonderful and risks it being taken away from him. That’s the complication of the film. He’s the oil man that comes over from this huge air conglomerate in Houston and his mission is to come over to this small town and buy the town and turn it into an oil refinery. It was a precursor to things like Northern Exposure. Instead of having aggressively quirky characters, all of these characters are people I’ve met when I’ve been to the British Isles and Scotland, and yes they are that eccentric. Peter Riegert is wonderful in it. It’s slow and it’s soft, but it’s hilarious, and the music is by Mark Knopfler [of Dire Straits]. I’ve never shown this to anyone who regretted seeing it."
