The Little Mermaid (1989)
Movie Watch
In Disney's beguiling animated romp, rebellious 16-year-old mermaid Ariel (Jodi Benson) is...
The Living (The Living, #1)
Shy took the summer job to make some money. In a few months on a luxury cruise liner, he'll rake in...
Adventures in Physics & Pueblo Pottery: Memoirs of a Los Alamos Scientist
Francis H. Harlow and Dwight P. Lanmon
Francis H Harlow (1928-present) is a world class physicist, an expert on Pueblo Indian pottery and...
Embassytown: a city of contradictions on the outskirts of the universe. Avice is an immerser, a...
Alex is stuck. Stuck in Essex. Stuck in his childhood home. Stuck in a job he hates. The...
Mappa Malta
Navigation and Travel
Mappa Malta provides its users with a wide range of GeoLocation services, everything you need in one...
The Ten Commandments (1956)
Movie Watch
Enjoying a life of ease in the court of Egypt's pharaoh, Moses (Charlton Heston) discovers his...
Reedbound: A Year on Ireland's Waterways
Giles Byford, Jill Parkinson and Jill Byford
Life afloat suits some people, and with a business that's made living and working all over the...
The Real Persuasion: Portrait of a Real-Life Austen Heroine
Her father is a vain, foolish baronet, obsessed with his lineage but forced to quit his ancestral...
Red Sea Geothermal Provinces
D. Chandrasekharam, Aref Lashin, Nassir Al Arifi and Abdulaziz M Al-Bassam
"Today, over two billion people in developing countries live without any electricity. They lead...