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The Sea Gate
The Sea Gate
Jane Johnson | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Mystery, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is told from a dual perspective by Becky and Olivia. Becky is tasked to make the old crumbling house livable for Olivia. Becky is lovely, but quite a troubled character. Grief, unsatisfying love life, fear of illness and other things occupy Becky’s mind very often… I really liked Olivia in this novel, at present she is this tough old cookie but when we start delving into her childhood, we can see how wonderful she truly is. I enjoyed Olivia’s parts because she was very mysterious throughout this book, and I really enjoyed all the little discoveries that author had to offer with every single chapter.

I liked the narrative and how all the events were flowing throughout the pages. Present mixed with the past, never left me bored, and I was hooked to find out what will happen next. This novel has a lot to teach us, not only about self-discovery but also about how it was to live during WWII, especially when you are young, want to be carefree, but are left to fend for yourself with a very annoying child bestowed on you. I see a lot of the author’s experience in this book, such as life in Cornwall, true love for the sea and great knowledge about Morocco and it’s people.

I loved the writing style, it feels serious, but at the same breezy and enjoyable. The topics discussed in this book were abusive relationships, self-discovery, romance, survival, small community and it’s ways of life etc. The chapters are very well designed and didn’t leave me feeling bored. I liked the ending of this book, and I think it rounded up this story very nicely. So, to conclude, it was a very pleasantly surprising novel, filled with intriguing, different timelines as well as absorbing characters and their life stories.
Battleship (2012)
Battleship (2012)
2012 | Action, Sci-Fi
The Board game brought to life
Alex Hopper is a Lt in the Navy and is about to be kicked out after a fight with another countries commander during RIMPAC (A series of naval exercises to determine who is the best) When all of a sudden a group of UFO's come crashing down and seal his destroyer and a few other ships is an barrier. He needs to figure out a way to defeat these beings and restore order to the sea. What better way than to have a system that involves the rules of the great board game Battleship.

Movie has a good cast with Kitsch, Rianna,Skarsgard and Decker. The storyline and plot however is very cheesy and you can figure out what is gonna happen before it does. Some of the action sequences make this movie at least a one time watch. Also has a decent soundtrack
Lady Bird (2017)
Lady Bird (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama
Good but nothing special
Watching this film, I can see why it was Oscar nominated as it is your typical Oscars film. It reminded me a little of Manchester By The Sea, just with less of a storyline.

This is basically a coming of age drama, but sadly there isn't much that happens in it. Don't get me wrong, it's a fairly entertaining and watchable film. And watching a part of someone's life is interesting, to the point where I wish the film could have perhaps gone on a little longer. The problem is, you come out of this film feeling a little indifferent. The acting was good and the storyline interesting, but I came away thinking I wouldn't have any interest in seeing it again or recommending to anyone. Saoirse Ronan gives a very good performance though and I think she has a very good career ahead of her.
34 of 235
King of Khoth ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 12)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

Dragon shifter, Angus Callanach, is returning to his home realm after one of the Vampire Princes reopens the portal to Khoth. Having spent two hundred years as the majordomo at Zeum, he is ready to once again take up his mantle as the king of the Cuelebre. Life seems sublime when his millennia long search for the love of his life, Keira ends. That is, until he discovers she has no recollection of him or their relationship and she is firmly in the clutches of his archenemy, Cyril, the Unseelie King. Keira wakes up in a strange cave, clueless about her identity and the world around her. Everything she is told comes into question the moment Angus crashes into her life. Kidnapped for the second time, she is taken to Khoth and discovers she is a powerful sea dragon princess with intimate ties to the Cuelebre. Overwhelmed by it all, she swears off relationships so she can focus on regaining her identity, but the passion that ignites between her and Angus is hotter than the fire he breathes.

Absolutely one of my favourite stories so far! I love the dragon shifters I love Angus and Mack in this was her brilliant funny self. It was such a feel good instalment to a series I have grown to love. It also sets us nicely up for Brhics story.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Adrift (2018) in Movies

Jul 10, 2018  
Adrift (2018)
Adrift (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure, Drama
A very sad true story
I hadn't read many good reviews for this film so I honestly hadn't been expecting much, but it is actually quite good.

The film works well as it doesn't follow a linear narrative which would've been a little boring. Instead it opts to throw us straight into the immediate aftermath of the disaster, but flashing back to the couple and how they met, and how they came to be at sea. It also helps that Shailene Woodley is a great actress and very engaging and believable. This film wouldn't have worked half as well without her in it. Sam Claflin is perhaps a tad underused and I think there parts of this that maybe go a tad overboard (sorry) on the romance side. The effects may be slightly dodgy at times but the scenes at sea and in the aftermath are so harrowing and disturbing enough that it takes your mind off everything else. There is also a small "twist" in this which even I didn't see coming, which was quite refreshing. My only criticism is that despite it's short run time, the film does drag in a few parts and most of this run time is spent either on the boat or in flashbacks. Very little time is given to the ending so it feels a bit rushed and not quite wrapped up properly.

Overall though a very good and heartwrenching true story. Definitely one that could put you off sailing for life!
Dark Matter
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
91 of 220
Dark Matter
By Michelle Paver

January 1937 Clouds of war are gathering over a fogbound London. Twenty-eight year old Jack is poor, lonely and desperate to change his life. So when he's offered the chance to be the wireless operator on an Arctic expedition, he jumps at it. Spirits are high as the ship leaves Norway: five men and eight huskies, crossing the Barents Sea by the light of the midnight sun. At last they reach the remote, uninhabited bay where they will camp for the next year. Gruhuken. But the Arctic summer is brief. As night returns to claim the land, Jack feels a creeping unease. One by one, his companions are forced to leave. He faces a stark choice. Stay or go. Soon he will see the last of the sun, as the polar night engulfs the camp in months of darkness. Soon he will reach the point of no return - when the sea will freeze, making escape impossible. And Gruhuken is not uninhabited. Jack is not alone. Something walks there in the dark.

This was good I enjoyed the atmospheric feel of it and the version I have has picture of the arctic not sure if they all do. I think I was expecting something chilling and scary but this really wasn’t for me I got caught up in others reviews I think. While it was well we and I did like it I just didn’t find it as good as I was expecting.
Janna of Castle Ambrose
Janna of Castle Ambrose
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Inappropriate mix of Young Adult and sexual content (0 more)
Janna of Castle Ambrose is the first book in The Serpent Riders series by the versatile Jordan Elizabeth. Set in the fictional land of Hamlin, Janna, who lives in Castle Ambrose, loses her father, brother and sister when an usurper invades the kingdom and slaughters hundreds of people. From then on, Janna has vows that the new king will be destroyed, however, it is not until she is 18 and discovers two of her friends are alive and imprisoned in the capital city that Janna finds the will-power to escape her tattered home and put the world to rights.

With the aid of a secret ability to freeze people and being the only person in the country to know of the existence of sea serpents, Janna sets off to the capital where she worms her way into the castle by becoming the apothecary's apprentice. To save her friends and defeat the usurper, Janna must round up rebels across Hamlin. Yet, as she adjusts to her life in the city, Janna realises there are two sides to every story and she may not be on the right side after all. With the rebels rallying troops from across the sea, she may be too late to prevent another civil war.

The story ends with one side becoming the victors and Janna's sea serpents earning their right to come out of hiding and being accepted by human society. The narrative is fast-paced with days, weeks and months speeding past within each chapter. There is an eclectic mix of characters whose personalities pull the story in different directions.

Janna of Castle Ambrose contains some adult scenes that may be unsuitable for younger readers. Although no sex scenes occur per se, they are eluded to in heavy detail. This is a new aspect to Jordan Elizabeth's writing, however, the young adult writing style clashes with the adult material.

Being the first book in a series, it is clear the story is going to continue, however, as the main issue has been resolved, the plot of the next book is unguessable. We shall just have to wait and see.
Pretty Reckless (Addicted Hearts, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pretty Reckless by Jane Anthony

Five Stars

OMG! Yes this book was amazing. The author really knew how to put her words into emotions that you could feel. I laughed, cried and felt a variety of emotions. I wanted to be a shoulder for them to lean on when life just couldn’t give them a break. Kat was destructive and wild. There wasn’t a moment when I didn’t fear for her. Her change was powerful. Chase was a vast ocean of issues. He gave so much to Kat that I worried he would end up back in that sea of addiction. They were so toxic together. One wanting so much for the other. And the other not knowing what they were worth. Even though their relationship was toxic they were perfect for each other. They were puzzle pieces connected by curves and edges. I really enjoyed this story and the way the author presented these characters to me.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Keane (2005) in Movies

Apr 10, 2021 (Updated Jul 4, 2021)  
Keane (2005)
Keane (2005)
2005 | Drama, Mystery
If this serves as nothing more than a vehicle for Damian Lewis' ticking-time-bomb performance, then in all honesty there are worse ways to go than this I guess. Always engrossing but very much of-its-time, when these sorts of minimalist indie character studies mistook being jittery and off-kilter for being profound (whereas nowadays they mistake being robotic and dull for being profound... I kinda want these ones back lmfao). It seems concerned with shocking in the moment but doesn't leave much left over to chew on. It's not that there's no emotion, there's some - it just feels like there should be more. Though Lewis' Earth-shattering acting brings this character to resounding life amidst the sea of beaten-path elements on display - 99% of the positives I can give to this movie are because of him. Nearly worth it if you're into showy performances like I am, you're free to ditch the rest of it.
Sophia (The Brides of San Fransico book 4)
Sophia (The Brides of San Fransico book 4)
Cynthia Woolf | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
few pages in but not as good as books 1-3, but could get better. (0 more)
romantic western
taken from amazon-Working long hours in a New York City bakery is not at all what Sophia Hayes had planned for her life. When her fiancé breaks their engagement her to marry her thinner, blonder, more beautiful sister, Sophia knows it is time to do something drastic, something completely unexpected. All she's ever wanted is to have a husband and family of her own. Agreeing to be a mail-order bride seems the perfect answer.

Robert Langley has been a sailor his entire life. As Captain of the Sapphire of India, his last cargo made him a very wealthy man, but his time at sea cost him much. His wife was killed in an accident while running away with another man leaving him a widower with four young children who barely recognize their own father. A mail-order bride seems to be the ideal solution. He simply needs a willing woman to warm his bed and a compassionate woman to raise his children. Love is not an option.

Sophia's sister is not content to leave well enough alone. When her husband dies unexpectedly, she makes her way to San Francisco to do what she has always done...take what she wants. And the moment she sets eyes on her sister's new family, what she wants is Robert Langley.

Sophia has always believed her stunning, talented sister deserved the best in life. But this time Sophia is in love, and she's not going to surrender without a fight.