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Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the Google Stadia version of Watch Dogs Legion in Video Games

Nov 9, 2020  
Watch Dogs Legion
Watch Dogs Legion
2020 | Action/Adventure
The latest in the popular Watch Dogs series has arrived with Watch Dogs: Legion and ushers in an exciting new chapter in the series. Set in a near future London; players take on the personal of operatives for a hacker group known as Dedsec.
In the aftermath of a bombing by an entity known as Zero Day in which Dedsec is blamed; London has become a police state thanks to a private security company named Albion who were installed to keep the peace.

Players must complete various infiltration and hacking missions across the sprawling city to get the needed evidence behind the attack as well as correct various criminal injustices that arise during the course of the game.

Since the game takes place in a very large and highly-detailed city; there are some vast distances players must travel to complete their various missions. Thankfully there are numerous cars, trucks, busses, bikes, scooters, boats, and more which can be used to navigate the city. Late in the game I became a big fan of using the Underground to move around the map and be closer to a mission objective.

Once on mission players can hack security systems by completing puzzles or using a Spider Drone to navigate air vents to hack cameras and other systems. Hacking is such a vital part of the game that players will soon become very skilled at hacking security systems, copying digital access keys, computers, and so much more.

One of my favorite things to do was to hack a large cargo drone and ride it to a destination. While it did move slower than other vehicle options; it did allow me to avoid many of the circular roads of London which added to the at times extended travel.

Another bonus of using the drone was being able to pick up cargo from containers to construction explosives and use it as a bomber in various situations.

Combat is a very big part of the game as while players can opt for stealth at times; combat is unavoidable on many of the missions. Your weapons are based on which Operative you select and they are a varied bunch. One had a pistol and a Taser while another had an Assault Rifle and a Grenade Launcher. The diversity of weapons are as varied as the operatives as players can recruit new members by assisting and performing various side missions.

This leads to one of the more interesting aspects of the game as players can opt for a permanent death or can have their fallen operatives become unavailable for an amount of time as they sit in jail or the hospital.

This allows players to recruit medics and Barristers to the team as having them will reduce the amount of time that a player is unavailable for use. The game is broken down into chapters and each of them allows players to complete the main story missions but still has numerous side missions and recruiting options available.

Players can also earn money by delivering packages and other activities which can be used to purchase new clothing to enhance their look and mix things up as they play. The operatives are a great mix of genders and ethnic diversity which allows players to really experience character variety which is not often seen in games.

While the game had some glitches at launch a recent patch for the PC greatly improved the performance of the game and made it a highly immersive and enjoyable gaming experience.
The city is so vast and as players who know Assassin’s Creed, The Division, and Ghost Recon will know that Ubisoft are masters are creating very detailed and sprawling cities. It was great fun to go by various London landmarks in the course of my missions and floating over Parliament on a drone was a great gaming moment.

The game also offers a nice mix of enemies as while there are many soldiers to contend with; being able to dispatch them with weapons or hand to hand is always fun as is having to avoid a huge contingent of drones and security forces who are in intense pursuit.
The game had some sound issues as I mentioned at the launch but they were resolved with a new patch and the various voices and sounds of the city combine to make a very immersive gaming environment.

The graphics of the game are very solid although some of the character facial animations seem a bit dated at times but in no way detract from the game.

In the end Watch Dogs: Legion is a winning new entry in the series and I look forward to the online option of the game which is due in December.

4.5 stars out of 5
Skyscraper (2018)
Skyscraper (2018)
2018 | Action
Not the Worst, But...
When a former FBI hostage team leader is hired to survey the security of a skyscraper, he finds himself in a battle to save himself and his family after terrorists take over the building.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 2
I remember watching the first ten minutes of the film thinking, “Is this ever going to pick up?” I could have showed up late and missed nothing. No intrigue, no strong plot advancement. Just…blah.

Characters: 7

Cinematography/Visuals: 2

Conflict: 10
If nothing else, Skyscraper succeeds by moving the story along with action. There is always something happening from death defying leaps to shootouts with thugs. It’s never really a boring film, just more flat than anything. For the most part, I appreciated the consistency of movement.

Genre: 4

Memorability: 2

Pace: 9

Plot: 8

Resolution: 6

Overall: 60
I honestly thought I would end up scoring Skyscraper lower. It does what it sets out to do, lull you into a mindless stupor with action, but so does the Transformers franchise and that’s not very good either. It’s a brainless movie with no real substance. If you can deal with a movie that has too many over-the-top scenes to count, Skyscraper might be worth your time.
As technology advances and virtual reality becomes a standard in gaming - the storyline of Eye of Minds becomes more possible. All you have to do is lay down, let these wires invade your body and the virtual becomes your reality. It simulates pain, hunger and all other aspects of daily life. You can play games similar to Call of Duty by running around and pulling the trigger yourself rather than mashing controller buttons. You can spend real world money to upgrade your games or yourself. Whether your virtual self actually resembles you or not is a matter of personal preference.

We meet Michael, Sarah, and Bryson in the VirtNet. They are best friends even though they have never met before in "the wake" or real life. The three get drafted by the VNS, VirtNet Security, to find a dangerous man called Kaine who has been destroying people' virtual and waking lives.

Their coding abilities and determination are put to the test in a series of trials. They don't make it out unscathed and their lives are changed forever. A must read if you're a fan of the author, books involving technology or action, or just YA novels in general. I definitely recommend it and can't wait to finish the series.
A Christmas Peril: A Theater Cop Mystery. Book 1
J.A. Hennrikus | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Retired cop turned theater manager Edwina “Sully” Sullivan should be focusing on her theater’s production of A Christmas Carol. After all, the name star they’ve brought in can’t remember his lines, and actors are leaving in frustration. But what has captured her attention is the murder of Peter Whitehall. He’s not only the wealthiest man in town, but also a distant relative and the father of her friend Eric. Thanks to his security system, the police know someone in the family is the killer. Despite her intentions, Sully gets drawn into the puzzle. Can she figure out what happened?

This is a wonderful start to a new series. With my love of A Christmas Carol and live theater, I was looking forward to it, and it didn’t disappoint at all. The mystery is a modern-day twist on the isolated house mystery, and it is strong, with some surprises before we reach the logical end. Sully is already a wonderfully developed main character. There are some strong supporting characters here, and I’m looking forward to seeing the rest grow as the series progresses.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Skyscraper (2018)
Skyscraper (2018)
2018 | Action
It’s not really bad (0 more)
Straightforward plot (2 more)
Repetitious action
Poor script
High concept turned searching for a title
Skyscraper believe it or not features a building that is a skyscraper in it. This poor opening to this review reflects the poor standard this film has.
Dwayne Johnson is a family man who, 10 years after a botched mission that results in him losing his leg, works as a security consultant to highlight any dangers in the pearl, the building in Hong Kong considered the tallest in the world. Johnson is set up and the building is set alight, with Johnson’s family in it. He naturally goes to the rescue and the terrorists who have taken control of the building decide to use this to their advantage.
It had potential. Some out of the box thinking could have turned this film within its genre confines on its head but it doesn’t taken the opportunity and the result is a rather standard affair.
It is neither Johnson or the director’s, Rawson Marshall Thurber, finest hour nor can it be seen as a guilty pleasure film. That said, let’s hope the filmmakers learn their lesson from it and make better films in the future.
Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018)
Escape Plan 2: Hades (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Following up “Escape Plan”; Lionsgate and Sylvester Stallone have teamed up for “Escape Plan 2: Hades”. This time around Dave Bautista is teamed with Stallone as security expert Ray Breslin (Stallone), is trying to find a locale known as “HADES” where one of his top operatives Shu Ren (Xiaoming Huang), has become an inmate.

Life in the high-tech Hades is harsh as inmates are matches up to fight one another and the place appears to be escape proof.

In a race against time, Breslin must find out all he can about HADES and find a way into the prison in order to break out with his man before it is too late.

The film has good production values for a home video release. It may not have the grand scope of the previous film but it does have enough elements to entertain. I would have liked a bit more screen time for Bautista and Stallone but with a third film already reportedly shot, it would be great to see where the series goes next.

For now, the film despite some flaws is entertaining enough for fans of the original and does make for some decent viewing at home as long as you set reasonable expectations.
Imperfect Sword (The Lost Stars #3)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The third book in [a:Jack Campbell|55547|Jack Campbell|]'s (aka John Hemry) 'The Lost Stars', this continues the story of Gwen Iceni and Arrur Drakon from the star system Midway in the wake of their revolution against their former Syndicate rulers.

This also takes place mostly alongside the events of [b:Steadfast|576565|The Steadfast Tin Soldier|Hans Christian Andersen||2146970], with 'Balck Jack' Geary making a brief cameo about two-thirds of the way through, for reason explained in that other book.

The bulk of this novel concerns a preemptive attack on a neighbouring star system in which a former Syndic CEO has set up his own little Empire: an Empire that will, in time, threaten the security of Midway itself. As is usual, however, things are not as they seem ...

If you've read any of the other novels in this series, you will know pretty much what to expect: internal politicking, massive space battles (following Newtonian laws rather than the Space Opera of, say, Star Wars), and - especially in this book - ground battles,with Iceni and Drakon still just as unable as ever to admit their feelings to each other!

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated End of Days (1999) in Movies

Nov 21, 2019 (Updated Nov 21, 2019)  
End of Days (1999)
End of Days (1999)
1999 | Action, Horror
6.3 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Arnold vs. The Devil
Arnold has foughting alot of things over the years and the last thing that you expect him to fight is the devil and well that happened. And out of all the years it came out, it came out in 1999, before the new millennium and its about the devil to come and raid the new millennium. If you filp 666 you get 999 like in 1999 was the dumpest thing in this movie. That and other movies like a grandma overpowering Arnold, how is that possible, well its not, but it happened. Also the devil's pee is fire? IDK.

The Plot: A private security guard finds himself caught up in an apocalyptic conflict. The Devil's only chance of getting out of his eternal prison is to mate with a chosen girl in the last hour of the millennium, and the guard finds himself having to protect the woman from an enemy in whom he does not even believe.

I feel bad for Gabriel Bryne, such a great underrated actor. He was in this and Stigmata the same year. Both about faith, religion, god and the devil.

I like this movie, its entertaining, its so good its bad, its so bad its good.

If you havent seen this movie, than watch it.
P2 (2007)
P2 (2007)
2007 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Escape From The Garage
P2- is a really good movie. I liked the suspense, thrills, its psychological espect, the horror and the mystery.

The plot: Angela (Rachel Nichols) is working late on Christmas Eve. When she finally decides to leave, she goes down to the parking garage to get her car, but it won't start. Thomas (Wes Bentley), the garage's security guard, offers to help. He also invites Angela to dinner, but she refuses. Thomas, crazed, knocks her out. She wakes up in Thomas' office, chained to a chair and in different clothes. Now Angela must fight for her life in order the escape from the garage.

The film re-unites Alexandre Aja, Grégory Levasseur, and Franck Khalfoun, who had previously worked together as director, writer and actor, respectively, on the 2003 horror film High Tension. According to Aja, when asked about the comparisons with Tension, he said: "With a strong plot in the vein of High Tension, P2 gives us a chance to further explore the survival aspect of the terror movie."

P2 was featured in an ad campaign on the social networking website Myspace, where a trailer for the film could also be streamed.

Its a really good horror thriller.
Deadpool 2 (2018)
Deadpool 2 (2018)
2018 | Action, Comedy
I'll refrain from gushing, but needless to say, this movie was wonderfully entertaining mindless violence. Just what I look for in a film. I'm still cheesed off that there wasn't a midnight screening, but it was a wonderful showing with loads of us packed in to see it. There's no denying that a packed house makes for a better experience. We were all laughing and cringing together, such fun.

As you can see just a little further down the screen, I saw this another two times, and I'm still not convinced that I saw all the little nods to other things. Top tip for the DVD commentary... one with actual commentary, and one with Peter just telling you what all the little things were.

Speaking of Peter, he is definitely one of my top five things about DP2. He's magnificent, and I genuinely panicked when bad things started happening to X-Force... and damn the script writers for lulling me into a false sense of security.

Bit of a spoiler alert here if you haven't seen it... I love the credit scene... but who in their right mind would give Deadpool a time travel device?! What about that seemed sensible to you, Negasonic Teenage Warhead? WHAT?