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Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra
Charlie Thorne and the Curse of Cleopatra
Stuart Gibbs | 2022 | Children
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Charlie’s Following Cleopatra’s Footsteps
Charlie Thorne is once again on her own, and she’s decided to find out what Cleopatra left behind over two thousand years ago. To do so, she needs to slip into the apartment of a rich Egyptian playboy. Naturally, things don’t go as planned, and Charlie finds herself being chased by not only the man’s security, but several different countries’ agents. Can she dodge them and still find what Cleopatra left behind?

This series has a couple of issues for me. One is Charlie, who can come across as a perfect character for far too long. Eventually, we do see some weaknesses, but it takes a while. I suspect this is something that adults will pick on more than kids do. Then there’s the data dumps. We need some of that information to have the context for the action, but it can get to be a bit much. However, overall, I do like these books, and this one in particular. There are plenty of action sequences and twists. I’m curious where the series is going to go from here. I like the core cast, yes, even Charlie. And I mentioned the action, right? Fans of good stories will enjoy this book.
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (2015)
2015 | Action, Drama
What a Blast
Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is back for this fifth installment where he gathers a team to stop an international terrorist group called The Syndicate.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
The Mission: Impossible franchise has a way of hopping from one locale quickly to the next and Rogue Nation is no exception. Every location brings them to a different point in the journey, a means to an end, which makes things fun to follow. There’s always something happening that manages to up the visual ante from one scene to the next. My personal favorite was a crazy car chase through a crowded city. Director Christopher McQuarrie really manages to capture the intensity of this moment as cars and motorcycles weave in and out of tight spaces. This is just one of many heartpacing sequences that are visually stunning.

Conflict: 8
While the movie doesn’t skimp on the action, Rogue Nation isn’t quite as intense as other movies in the franchise. Not to say that this movie will put you to sleep by any means as there is plenty to keep the viewer occupied. One scene (actually the scene right before the car chase I love) involves Ethan having to capture data from an underwater security system. I could take a stab at describing it, but I couldn’t do it justice. It’s intense and fun to watch at the same time. I remember watching it for the first time in theaters and screaming out loud at the movie screen as Ethan found himself racing against times. It’s action sequences like that that make me wonder why more people don’t love movies.

Genre: 7
Pretty damn good…but I’ve seen better, particularly in the franchise itself. It falls just a couple notches shy of being great. Despite falling just shy of a classic, it manages to hold its own and gives me a good time with every watch.

Memorability: 10
Car chases. Underwater security fields. Tom Cruise suspended in mid-air hanging on to the side of an aircraft. And, most importantly, Tom Cruise running. This is a movie that reminds you why it’s fun to go to the theater. Rather than beat you over the head with deep messages, it hits you with high-intensity action that inspires a rewatch.

Pace: 9

Plot: 8

Resolution: 7

Overall: 89
I won’t lie to you, I hope they make a million of these movies because it never seems to get old. Since the second film (which was a pure nightmare), the franchise not only bounced back, but continues to improve and stay fresh. Mission: Impossible—Rogue Nation is just a flat-out good time.
Ocean’s 8 (2018)
Ocean’s 8 (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Crime
Sandra Bullock stars as Debbie Ocean, sister of Danny Ocean (George Clooney) from the previous Oceans movies. She begins the movie in jail, being released on parole and promising to go straight. She has 45 dollars in her pocket and manages to get to New York, scam herself some free makeup and a hotel room, and pretty much everything else she needs. She's clearly just like her brother, able to con her way to getting whatever she wants.

After that it's all a bit of an incoherent blur for a while. She's got a plan, she knows people who can help, they know people that can help, so they all start joining forces and forming some kind of plan, starting with an old accomplice, Lou (Cate Blanchett). The sloppy plot building is papered over with cool music, witty dialogue and snappy editing techniques similar to those in the far superior Ocean's 11. It's a frustrating and dull start to the movie.

Once the team of girls are all together though and they begin working through their plan, things loosen up a bit and are a bit more enjoyable. The heist they're planning is to steal a very expensive Cartier necklace from the neck of movie star Daphne Kluger (Anne Hathaway) while she attends New York's Met Gala, and under the watchful gaze of a team of security guys. With the help of a hacker (Rihanna), a fashion designer (Helena Bonham Carter), a pickpocket (Awkwafina), a jeweller (Mindy Kaling) and another old con partner (Sarah Paulson), the details of the heist are slowly refined - security cameras hacked, the necklace analysed and recreated via 3D printing. When it comes to the heist itself, it all plays enjoyably enough, but everything goes far too smoothly, with no real tension or suspense or any suggestion that they might not pull it off. Once again, it just feels inferior compared to Ocean's 11.

Sandra Bullock is the only one here displaying real screen presence, which is a real shame when you consider the talent involved. Cate Blanchett feels underused and Anne Hathaway is the only other actress making any real impact. Everyone else just feels wasted, too restricted to the roles they need to carry out in order to get the job done, with not much else going on.

We didn't really need another Ocean's movie. The quality of the previous series diminished with each one anyway and although I'm all up for the refreshing change of an all female heist movie, I felt this would have been much better overall without the whole 'Ocean' connection and the need to live up to the previous movies.
London Has Fallen (2016)
London Has Fallen (2016)
2016 | Action
6.1 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Few years after saving the President in “Olympus Has Fallen”; Mike Banning (Gerard Butler), returns to save the day in “London Has Fallen”. When the Prime Minister of England dies unexpectedly, the leaders of the world gather in London to attend the funeral. The lack of advance preparations necessitated by the sudden passing makes security teams very nervous as several of the most prominent Western leaders are going to be gathered in one place. Banning is waiting for the birth of his first child and is contemplating resigning from the Secret Service despite his long-standing friendship with President Asher (Aaron Eckhart). Despite this, Banning nonetheless agrees to accompany the president to London to provide his security detail with his leadership and experience.

Banning decides to shake things up a bit and deviate from their posted itinerary which keeps their exact travel schedule known only to himself and a couple others. Things seem to be going as planned when a series of devastating attacks erupt all over London. Not knowing who can be trusted and where the enemy will strike next, Banning and the President are forced to battle an enemy that seems to be everywhere and always anticipating their plans as they attempt to reach safety.

from an action film. There are plenty of solid car chases, firefights, explosions, intrigue, and of course an abundance of bad guys for the hero to dispatch. The film works well as Banning is not afraid to let his emotions show but is also steadfast in his duty to protect the President no matter the cost. Banning is not an unstoppable killing machine or the one man army that is so common amongst action films as he is a dangerous and skilled person who is still able to admit he cannot do this alone and seeks help when it is needed.

Eckhart is given more to do this time out than simply play hostage and it is great to see him getting down and dirty at times when the action heats up. The film does take some moments to indulge in what many might call flag-waving jingoism with its over-the-top patriotic message which considering Butler’s Scottish heritage does seem a bit out of place at times. That being said, “London Has Fallen”, is a rare sequel that is as good if not better than the original and Director Babak Najafi keeps the film moving at a breakneck pace yet keeps the film a character driven story that never lets up once the action revs up.

Here is hoping that Banner and Asher have another outing in the near future as “London Has Fallen” is a real surprise and a great thrill ride from start to finish.
Red Eye (2005)
Red Eye (2005)
2005 | Action, Mystery
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
For some people, being on an airplane is one of the most terrifying and traumatic experiences they will have to endure. For Lisa Reisert, (Rachel Mc Adams), her trauma is about to extend far beyond her dislike of flying.

Rachel works at a fancy Miami hotel where here main focus is taking care of all manner of high end clients such as the Secretary of Homeland Security. Lisa is forced to take the Red-Eye flight from Dallas to Miami to return to work on time following the funeral of her Grandmother, and as it tends to go with travels, there are all manner of delays that keep her from departing at the scheduled time.

It is during one such delay that Rachel meets the charismatic Jackson Rippner (Cillian Murphy), and as fate has it, they end up sitting next to one another after spending some time in a restaurant bar waiting for their flight to board.

As their plane ascends into the dark and stormy weather, a change occurs in Jackson, and he reveals that he is on the plane to ensure that Lisa follows his instructions, as failure to do so will result in the death of her beloved father.

Jackson reveals to Lisa that he works for interests who want to send a message so as the person in charge at the hotel, and then she must reassign the visiting Secretary of Homeland Security and his family to a room other than his usual one.

Trapped at 30,000 FT, with a psychotic Killer, Lisa must face her fears and find a way to outwit the killer in order to save her father the Secretary and perhaps herself from a situation borne of insanity and desperation.

Director Wes Craven is best known as the man behind the “Scream” and “Nightmare on Elm Street” series as well as countless other horror and suspense films has crafted a mix bag with “Red-Eye”, as the first half of the film is hampered by the uninspired final segments of the film.

What starts out as an interesting premise with many opportunities for suspense and tension are lost as the film unwinds. Early to middle segments of the film do have moments of suspense and some great exchanges between the two leads which makes the saggy and uninspired finale all the more disappointing.

Mc. Adams and Murphy are very good in their parts as is Jayma Mays in a supporting role as all three are talents to keep an eye on for the future.

That being said, the early moments of the film do deliver the goods and if you can get around the by the numbers finale, then you might find yourself enjoying the film.
Nightworld (2017)
Nightworld (2017)
2017 | Horror, Thriller
5.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Brett Anderson is a grief stricken for police officer, he retired from the force after his wife’s death, he takes a job as a security guard in an apartment in Bulgaria which leads him to get caught up in a mystery about the apartment which brings him past back to haunt him. Jacob is a former guard that lost his eye sight, he knows the mystery about the apartment and helps guide Brett through the strange events. Martin is the apartment manager and needs to find a new guard to watch over any problems in the apartment when he is away. Zara is the waitress at the local café that offer a romantic angle for Brett, while filling in the blanks about the history of the apartment.

Performances – Jason London is solid enough in the leading role, most of what he does is ask questions which is how the audience must learn what is going on. Robert Englund as the elderly figure that is trying to help works well because he is the biggest draw for the film. Gianna Capaldi and Lorina Kamburova are both fine they never get out of first gear for their performances though.

Story – The story here follows a man that needs to rebuild his life, get given a job as a security guard for an apartment building that has secrets he can’t even imagine. The pace of the story is slow, because we have a lot of building up with little to no hints to what the big conclusion will be, the final third of the film lets everything go, making the early parts of the story more interesting, the time loss angle does feel tagged in for no reason and by the end you still won’t completely understand what just happened. The reveals in the film are big, though they could be considered overkill for what could have be a much more subtle story.

Horror – The horror comes from the nightmares Brett suffers before the big reveal in the final act which shows us just what has been going on.

Settings – The whole film is set in one building, it shows how the layers can hold secrets and the mystery about the building is key t the story being told.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are used well when needed, we don’t go over the top with them and the best one are used for the final act.

Scene of the Movie – Behind the door.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Starts too slow for the ending.

Final Thoughts – This is a slow burning horror thriller, it does reward us with a manic ending which is worth the wait for, only it does take too long to get there with little hints to help us understand the ending.


Overall: Slow though rewarding.
The Bletchley Circle  - Season 2
The Bletchley Circle - Season 2
2014 | Drama
Strong female lead (0 more)
This continues on from the first series of The Bletchley Circle, following for friends and former colleagues after WWII.
This series is split in two. In the first part, one of their fellow former colleagues is accused of murder. Can these ladies unravel the truth and prove her innocence? In the second part, as the ladies caused a few headaches for the military in uncovering their secrets and shady ways they find they have lost their security clearances so some of the women are no longer able to carry on with their jobs such as translation work. So they have to give other avenues to make money and it winds one of them up in a very sticky situation.
As before, I really warmed to the characters and was genuinely sad when one moved on to another life. I grew to love these women; I felt they were almost my friends and I actually cared for them and their outcomes.
You could feel the suspense of them closing in on the truth but realising time was running out. It really kept me gripped until the end.
I do love how they made being intelligent cool by being steps ahead of the police but also in forming such bonds with one another.
We could learn a thing or two from these ladies and their bravery.
Triggered Response
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An explosion in a secret defense lab changes the lives of three men forever...
His brain was on fire, and he fought going back to the raging inferno of his private hell. Despite the power he now possessed, he couldn’t even remember his name. According to the news, he was Brayden Sloane, former security expert at Cranesbrook Labs, now wanted for murder and kidnapping. He couldn’t remember that, nor the woman who claimed to be his wife. Claire Fanshaw needed Bray to find her friend who'd disappeared following the explosion. Until Bray regained his memory, she'd stick to him like glue. But what would he do when he realized the woman in his bed was a stranger? And what would she do if the cops were right about Bray?

This story is excellent with mystery, twists and turns, and romance with a little ‘what if’ fantasy thrown in. Even if you have not read the previous two novels you can read this one as enough information is filtered back through the story so you won't feel lost.
The author has done a great job for the final book in the series. Well constructed plot and wonderful developed characters
Three authors made it work and leaves you wanting more. Very hard to put down.

I received this ARC from the author and this is my honest and voluntary review.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Quantum of Solace (2008) in Movies

Mar 1, 2018 (Updated Mar 2, 2018)  
Quantum of Solace (2008)
Quantum of Solace (2008)
2008 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Twenty-second Bond film was initially greeted like an outbreak of flatulence in a crowded train, but with the benefit of a few years it has become clear it's not quite as bad as all that. The first proper sequel in Bond history sees the commander in pursuit of the mysterious Quantum syndicate, a hunt that takes him to the Caribbean, Europe, and South America.

Still a very untypical Bond film, with an austere, bleak mood; likely to feature prominently in pub quizzes as the answer to the questions 'which is the shortest Bond movie?' and 'in which film do Bond and the Bond girl not actually do it?' You can see the influence of the Bourne series in the attempt to turn Bond into a more edgy, self-doubting figure, and the general distrust of security agencies as a whole; but these things are not really the stuff of a good Bond film, and nor is a plot revolving around a plan to topple the government of a country most viewers would struggle to find on a map.

Competently-staged fights and chases, particularly the final set-piece, but most of the jokes fall flat and, well, it's just not really fun enough to really work as a piece of Bond. Commendable attempt though, and not actively painful to watch.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated Orange Is The New Black in TV

Sep 30, 2019 (Updated Sep 30, 2019)  
Orange Is The New Black
Orange Is The New Black
2013 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Characters, storylines (0 more)
A lot of plot points felt rushed (0 more)
Great show from begging to end
Contains spoilers, click to show
Orange Is the New Black often dubbed as OITNB is an American drama television series created by Jenji Kohan which aired on Netflix.
The show ran for 7 seasons beginning July 11, 2013 to July 26, 2019 and is Based on Orange Is the New Black: My Year in a Women's Prison; by Piper Kerman
The show primarily focuses on Piper Chapman, a public relations executive with a career and a fiance until her past suddenly catches up to her. she is sentenced to spend time in a minimum-security women's prison for her association with a drug runner 10 years earlier.
Forced to change office grey for prison orange, Chapman edges her way through the corrections system in an attempt to adjust to life behind bars whilst making friends & enemies with the many eccentric, unusual and unexpected people she meets.

I didn't start watching until roughly season 4, but was quickly tagged as a fan and was always eager to see what happened next ( 9pm, 3am whats the difference right.....)

Although its was a great show some plot details seemed blurred or rushed at times causing me to ask myself, wait what? But strong physical acting and vocal timing truly helped dig in those finger Nails & shivs and not let go.