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8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
70 of 230
Braving Fate ( The Mythean Arcana book 1)
By Linsey Hall

As chaos looms, a warrior queen is reborn
Scholar Diana Laughton can't shake her terrible nightmares. Dreams of battle, dreams of blood... dreams so vivid she's living them day and night. When demons invade her quiet life and she flees to Scotland, she fears she might be going mad. Or perhaps she's remembering a past life she never knew existed...

In the midst of betrayal, he must protect her
Mythean Guardian Cadan Trinovante is haunted by a tortured history he shared with Boudica, Britain's warrior queen. Now that she's been reincarnated and given a deadly task, he vows to protect her. He won't let her uncover the truth about their past. It would make her hate him--a fate he refuses to accept.

To succumb to seduction could prove fatal
Thrown together in a shadowy world that exists alongside our own, Diana must learn to fight the demonic forces that want her dead. When Diana attempts to seduce Cadan for information about her past, he aches to claim her. His greatest battle will be resisting a passion that has lasted centuries... and is prophesied to destroy them both.

I really liked it. I love anything mythological or history based and I’m going to be honest I didn’t have a clue who Boudica was so I I also went off and learnt who she was. The story was really good and the characters were interesting it’s definitely a series and author I’ll be following. It was a little brushed or a bit jumpy in places but overall a decent start.
Trelloran Seduction
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Trelloran Seduction is the first book in The Making of a Goddess series. It deals with a harsh environment that not all readers will enjoy. Not only are vampires involved, but women are 'sacrificed' on their 30th birthday, and their brain fluid taken from their bodies. Not only that, but a rape culture by Church is in full swing, only they call it 'Cleansing'. Add into the mix a nymph who can shapechange at will, who has been held captive for hundreds of years, and brainwashed into doing her duty to the priests who rape her, impregnate her, and then, once she gives birth, her babies are given to the vampires as food. Like I say, this is NOT suited to all readers!

However, the very things that make this book quite a dark one to read, also offer the hope of light. Two characters come together, both hurt and traumatised by their pasts. You see them slowly start to trust each other, to understand each other. Now, of course, it's not all love and light. This is a dark book, after all, and betrayal comes when you least expect it and from a direction that although known, you think is a red herring. It's not, and it hurts all the more because of that!

This is very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. This part of the story is nicely concluded, whilst leaving you with an opening to the next book. With plenty of action and suspense, this is a brilliant book that certainly kept my attention throughout. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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    Female Orgasms

    Female Orgasms

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    Customer Reviews Useful but needs work by Sayte21 ∆∆∆∆ I cannot believe the amount of useful...

Beauty from Pain (Beauty, #1)
Beauty from Pain (Beauty, #1)
Georgia Cates | 2013 | Contemporary, Romance
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well this is a backburner book (#1 on my to-read on Goodreads), having been on my Kindle since some time in January 2014 when it was released. I think I've put off reading it simply because of the "erotica" label it had on Goodreads. It wasn't exactly erotica, though. Yeah, they had quite a lot of sex but there was a romance to it, too.

So this starts with Laurelyn arriving in Australia with her best friend to spend time with her best friends brother for three months as he studies wine making there. On the first night they head out to a bar and take part in mic night? Laurelyn sings and plays the guitar (I think) and attracts the attention of Jack, a man looking for his next lover. Instead of the usual week/month, he plans to spend three months with his next bed fellow, giving her whatever she wishes for and making her feel special. Laurelyn catches his attention and he plans to seduce her into agreeing to his arrangement.

I guess if I was on the receiving end of an attractive rich guy wanting to spend three months with me, getting to know me and spending a lot of that time in bed, I'd enjoy it, too, but I have to admit I got a little bored with this. It was taking a little too long to get where it was going and I skipped entire sex scenes. The books 271 pages felt more like 500.

It had a rather promising start, apart from the slightly stalkerish behaviour of Jack as he tried to meet Laurelyn again, and I enjoyed the slow seduction and how he treated her. But then I didn't really see the relationship grow as such. It didn't work for me, personally.

By the end, I wasn't all that bothered about what was going to happen next with the characters so I won't be continuing the series.