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I Have Life: Alison's Journey
I Have Life: Alison's Journey
Marianne Thamm, Alison Botha | 2016 | Biography, Crime
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first heard about Alison Botha on a true crime podcast. What happened to Alison and her will to survive really piqued my interest. When I discovered her biography, I Have Life, I knew I had to read it right away. While what happened to Alison was beyond horrific, her will to survive and her outlook on life afterwards were inspirational.

Reading about Alison's abduction, rape, and attempted murder will definitely leave you with your jaw on the floor. Alison holds nothing back about anything throughout her biography whether it is the horrific events that happened to her or her will to survive emotionally after her wounds have healed. Marianne Thamm, the journalist that Alison told her story to in order to write her biography does a wonderful job of tying everything together for the most part. About halfway through though, I felt like I Have Life stopped being a biography and started becoming a self-help book with Alison writing (speaking to Thamm) about how to become a happier person. Luckily, this only lasts for a few chapters, but I felt like maybe the chapters about being happier and such should be in a self-help book. (Alison gives talks around the world about her ordeal, so perhaps that's why these chapters were included?) Otherwise Marianne Thamm's writing of Alison Botha's biography was flawless. I was immersed the whole time. I felt like I was right besides Alison the whole time. I kept wanting there to be a different outcome when Alison was abducted by Frans even though I knew there wouldn't be. I felt like Alison really wants the stigma for rape survivors to be no more (and she's right as there shouldn't be any stigma attached). I felt like everything I wanted to know about Alison was answered in I Have Life - from what happened to Alison at the point of her abduction, the rape, the brutal attempted to murder, to the trial of her rapists and attacker to how her life was like at the writing of the book. Like I said, Thamm and Alison don't really leave anything to the imagination of which I was grateful.

All in all, I Have Life is a deeply disturbing book to read, but it does have a great outcome. It is well put together, and Alison Botha comes across as such a strong inspirational woman. Alison's story is full of hope and wisdom throughout. I would definitely recommend I Have Life: Alison's Journey as told to Marianne Thamm for those ages 18+ who are into true crime or for those that just want to see how strong the human will is to survive.

Charlotte (184 KP) rated The Mistake in Books

Mar 20, 2021  
The Mistake
The Mistake
Mandy Swiftson | 2020 | Contemporary
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although this is a review it will also serve as a letter to Mandy and any other person who has been in this or similar position.

Also this is trigger central with physical and emotional abuse, rape, bereavement, suicide attempts and self harm. If ANY of this affects you please seek help.

Let's start at the beginning.....yes maybe it was a mistake BUT remember you were being MANIPULATED. At the point you made that first 'mistake' he had already done the ground work, he'd slowly started controlling you and your didn't have a real choice.

He was a master of manipulation and deception, he already knew what words and phrases to use to get compliance........he had experience of it, he relished it. The guy had plausibility and knew how to create a good story....a believable one, well, multiple stories. The story to fool authorities, the story to fool family and friends, the story that became the script of your life.....this is NOT your fault! Whether due to generally being a trusting person or (for Mandy) being vulnerable from a previous bad relationship, you were taken advantage of.

Hope is a make or break feeling, meeting number 4 full of hope for things to get better was bittersweet. I don't have children but can only imagine what emotional trauma was caused from the very first moment of fear for the children. I take my hat off to all the survivors who steeled themselves and did what was necessary to protect their babies. Mandy did what was needed, not for her but her babies.....that's selflessness right there.

MB passing, for goodness sake! It's fluffing heartbreaking. Not going to lie I cried, for MB, for someone that deserved happiness but yet again was dealt a crap hand in life.
   Totally unimpressed with flakey bake, I won't say anything else as I'll just swear a lot.

I've actually met Mandy a few times. She came across as outspoken, independent and strong in person, as well as fun (She's serious about the changing hair colours).
    Having read this I have no doubt of the strength of this amazing woman. Followed for years by many demons yet still able to stand up and carry on, able to put into words, write a book, about things that most people wouldn't be capable of imagining let alone have touch their lives. A true inspiration.

I know how depression can creep up on you, stalk you, cloak itself so self doubt sets in......I also know how hard it is to ask for help but please ask, it's a lifesaver.

A story of freedom, survival, heartbreak, despair, hope and love as well as so much more.

This is a tissues and chocolate read from start to finish.
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Thirteen Reasons Why: (TV Tie-in)
Jay Asher | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (108 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not for those who are suffering from depression (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
As a school librarian and in light of the recent Netflix adaptation of this book, I felt that I should read it.
Firstly, I don't think this book actively promotes suicide. I actually think it is the intention of the author to make us think about how our actions affect other people's lives. It is not about revenge. It is about changing your actions...making time to talk to that person you think may need someone to talk to....being kinder. Listening to the tapes makes Clay appreciate that a person's actions can influence another's life in ways you do not realise and that making an effort to really get to know someone else can help them be happier if they are struggling.
However, this is definitely not a book to be given to someone who is suffering from depression. This is not a self-help book. Hannah is in a cycle of self-destruction, a downward spiral she is not able to escape from. She has already made up her mind that she cannot carry on and I am not sure she can be diverted from her course in the end. Mr Porter tries to help her talk, but unintentionally confirms the decision she has already made. I have not suffered from depression myself, but am very aware of what this can lead to and I can see that the book could be read in a way which could offer suicide as an option to someone who is in a dark place.
If you are worried about whether to recommend this book, or allow a young person to read this, my advice would be that this is not a story for younger children - this is a dark and sometimes sexual story and does have a rape in it. I would not recommend this book for anyone under the age of 15/16, because of this.
In addition, be aware that this is not a story for someone who suffers from depression as it can be read in a way which seems to offer suicide as an acceptable option if you can see youself in the same place as Hannah finds herself, although this is not its intention. Be aware of who is reading this book. It is, however an interesting read and does open the discussion about suicide, just be careful about who you recommend this to and do talk about it with them both before and afterwards.
Having said all this, I did enjoy reading the book and don't believe that the author intends anything dark by it or suggests intentionally that suicide is a way to get revenge on others.
The Netflix series worries me far more than the book itself. This strings out the story in a way which seems to glamorise Hannah's tapes and the idea of revenge on those that caused her suffering to make it into a "teen drama full of angst". I would be very worried about letting youngsters watch this series.
 The Netflix series is horrific. This oringinally had a certificate of 15, but this was been amended to 18. The tv show definitely does not leave you with the same feelings as the book and most certainly is not for children. The final episode even shows Hannah sitting in a bath and cutting into her veins with a razor blade. Please do not watch this if you liked the book. Jay Asher, you should be ashamed that you had anything to do with this!

LadyDahlia (2 KP) Jun 3, 2018

I agree with what you are saying about being worried about the show more than the book. The graphic nature of Hannah's suicide shouldn't be shown to younger audiences or anyone who's suffering from suicidal thoughts. Hannah cutting her veins was extremely distasteful on the producers part, completely disregarding what mental health professionals say about showing a suicide in a show.

Sparks (Shock Me, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Barclay Publicity in return for a fair and honest review.

This book continues where Shock Me finished and you are left not knowing who to trust or where to turn. Donna, Spencer and Rebecca feel that they can only trust each other and Donna also feels the extra responsibility of trying to keep them safe too. There are a few more new players which help keep this book fresh and moving forwards. Donna, Spencer and Rebecca find answers to questions they had but also uncover more secrets. Just how long has this been going on and how widespread is it? Throw into the story the usual self confidence angst and boy troubles that high school brings and you are swept away into Donna's story.

The intriguing part for me about this series isn't so much the story, as fantastic as it is, but the characters themselves. Each character is individual with their own thoughts, feelings and flaws. You are never sure when reading what you will get - a bad boy who decides to be good, a good guy who does something against his conscience, an unknown who acts in a way different to that you expected - it's all here and much more.

A brilliant continuation to the series which leaves you gasping for breath on a cliff hanger ending. Highly recommended.
Six of Crows
Six of Crows
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (45 Ratings)
Book Rating
New Verisom of Sherlock Holmes
Where do I start? Before I read Six Of Crow there was a trilogy before it. And I read it before Six Of Crow came out so when I got my hands on it. I already knew about the world the setting took place. And I recommend anyone to read the trilogy FIRST has there are people, and inside jokes you will miss if you don't but nothing major or important.

But Six Of Crow it self. Was a fanominal book, it was new and different, and there was twist in it I didn't see coming. Six Of Crow left a mark on me where I put it in my Jewel Collection. Kaz is an choas Sherlock Holmes, he dosen't help if there isn't anything in it for him. His gang all have different personalities and back stories. They each add a new element to the story, you get to know them like friends. I don't think there is a si gle thing Leigh could have done to make this story any better. I couldn't put the book down, I wanted to know what would happen. Also there are some good lessons you could learn for it.

I highly highly recommend this book to anyone willing to expand their taste in genre.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Jul 11, 2020  
Stephanie Raffelock stops by my blog today to discuss her inspirational self help book on aging titled A DELIGHTFUL LITTLE BOOK ON AGING. Check it out, and enter the GIVEAWAY to win a signed hardcover of the book and/or a set of 50 pocket inspirations!

All around us, older women flourish in industry, entertainment, and politics. Do they know something that we don’t, or are we all just trying to figure it out? For so many of us, our hearts and minds still feel that we are twenty-something young women who can take on the world. But in our bodies, the flexibility and strength that were once taken for granted are far from how we remember them. Every day we have to rise above the creaky joints and achy knees to earn the opportunity of moving through the world with a modicum of grace.

Yet we do rise, because it’s a privilege to grow old, and every single day is a gift. Peter Pan’s mantra was, “Never grow up”; our collective mantra should be, “Never stop growing.” This collection of user-friendly stories, essays, and philosophies invites readers to celebrate whatever age they are with a sense of joy and purpose and with a spirit of gratitude.

Nicky Wire recommended Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon in Music (curated)

Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon
Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"The drum sound! The greatest bass sound ever! The rawness of it. ‘Isolation’ I absolutely love, and obviously we covered ‘Working Class Hero’. It’s really tight but there’s something about it that feels like they haven’t rehearsed much either - you see the film and they’re all coming in on the hoof. There’s some kind of bluesy nastiness - and I’m not a fan of the blues either - but there’s something about it, John Lennon’s guitar is really good on it, I think his guitaring was underrated actually. There’s so much savage bitterness there, ‘Mother’, just to start with the fucking bell chiming. I love that savageness. He’s having a go at McCartney, but he does it with so much wit, he can always glide over the top of it. I wish I had that ability, not to always drag it down with pure pettiness. “I don't believe in Elvis. I don't believe in Zimmerman/ I don't believe in Beatles” - I don’t think he could get “The Beatles” in, so it’s just “don’t believe in Beatles”. I love that album. There was a lot of that on [Wire’s solo album] I Killed The Zeitgeist actually, and there’s a lot on this album. I tried to learn that critical self-examination. I think John was a lot more psychoanalytical, he could use what he considered help, where as I was fucking on my own."

The Unexpected Joy of Being Single
The Unexpected Joy of Being Single
Catherine Gray | 2018 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Positive and uplifting
I really wish that I had read this book a lot sooner. I’ve been struggling with being on my own for the past year and its been difficult because everyone else I know is coupled up or married, and being single in your thirties is a pretty daunting experience. Whilst I’ve been feeling a lot better within myself recently, this book is truly a wonderfully uplifting read.

Catherine Gray is a great writer. She really knows how to talk to her audience, and fill her writing with an equal balance of humour and seriousness. She knows what she’s talking about to, and it’s nice to read about someone’s view on this topic without it being preachy or smug. Not once does Gray come across as condescending to her readers. You can tell every word is from her personal experience, and throughout this entire book I could match this to my own personal experiences. It’s a wonderful thing to read a book and feel that the author truly and entirely understands what you’ve been feeling and thinking. The book itself is full of personal stories, anecdotes and also a tonne of meaningful quotes and statistics. And it’s all put forward in such a positive and happy way, yet without really slandering those who are coupled or married. This has really reinforced my current way of thinking and whilst not actually a self help book, this has done wonders to help and make me realise I’m not in the wrong for how I feel and think. This has made me the happiest I’ve felt in a long time. I wish I could give this to my coupled and married friends to them rethink how they treat their single mates, but sadly they’d probably get offended!

I highly recommend that anyone single read this, especially if you’re approaching or over 30 and in need of a positive outlook - you can’t get a better one than this.
Sweet as Pie by Beth Bolden
Sweet as Pie by Beth Bolden
Beth Bolden | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
it's more about letting go of your self imposed shackles and trusting those around you.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Luca heads to Indigo Bay to help rescue a branch of the family business ran by his aunt and cousin. He expected to set them on their way, and be gone. He did NOT expect to be run over by the owner of the bakery in town! Oliver knocks Luca's heart, and then Luca is fighting with himself, when he could be happy. but his family NEED him, right?

I think I knew I was gonna love this book, right when Oliver nearly ran Luca over! Their meet-cute was just that! Then there was the second nearly knock down and its game over for the both of them!

I loved this, I really did! Luca is grumpy, and bossy and takes it all out on making sure the family restaurant businesses are being run under a tight ship. They work well cos Luca makes them. Oliver is a polar opposite in personality but no less a man who knows hard work. They are suited for each other, and it they know it very early on. but Luca lives across country and only in town for a few weeks. Oliver can enjoy Luca for a while without falling head over heels, right??

Turns out, not so much! But what I especailly loved about this was that while Luca and Oliver knew this had a time limit, they still jumped in with both feet. They did not actually say those three little words, not until they were making proper plans, but they showed them to each other, in every way. They both knew.

It's not especially angsty, thats not needed here. It's steamy, oh yes, but it's more about letting go of your self imposed shackles and trusting those around you.

Some characters from The Food Truck Warriors series play a part here, but I haven't read those.. . . .yet!

5 pound-gaining inducing stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Anger Management: The Complete Guide to Achieve Self-Control, Overcome Impulsiveness, and Managing Your Emotions by Tommy Foster has a title (or rather a subtitle) that is a little on the long side, but I am pleased to say that this is not a long winded book. The book can be finished in a day or two but I encourage those looking to benefit from it to read it slower.

This book rightly starts out with a disclaimer that it is not responsible for anything that someone may decide to do after reading it. It then moves onto an introduction and explains what anger is and where it comes from. These ideas will continue to pop up through the remainder of the book. It talks about the different types of anger that someone can have depending on what is going on internally and what caused the anger in the first place. Once of the main focuses of this book was how anger can effect our lives and relationships in both a positive and negative way depending on how we handle the anger itself. The ways that anger can do damage to our own self-image and even cause an endless loop of brooding and depression are also discussed at length.

Once the background information has been well established the book moves on to different ways of managing anger. Multiple ideas are offered. Some such ideas are to try to see things through the eyes of the person you are angry at or to actively listen because miscommunication could be an underlying cause. There is even an entire section towards the end devoted towards anger in the home and how to fix it before it gets out of hand and tears the family apart.

I liked how this book presented anger as a natural and healthy emotion. All too often anger is seen as a negative emotion and this book works to dispel that myth. The tone is also understanding and offering explanation instead of condescending, a welcome change. What I didn’t like is that unfortunately this book is in desperate need of a good editor. I am not typically one to complain about spelling or grammar but this book had issues that I could not ignore. In spots it actually becomes difficult to read because of these errors and the wording.

People wanting to get a handle on their anger will benefit from this book the most. At the same time those who find themselves frequently around someone who has problems with how they express anger will benefit by learning where that anger comes from. I rate this book a 2 out of 4. While this book really could be a helpful guide I can not give it a higher score in its present state. People that feel they could benefit from a self-help book such as this one are encouraged to ignore the errors and read it anyway.