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Obsessed (Lizzy Gardner, #4)
T.R. Ragan | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Boo! That ending?! BOOOOOO!!! >_< What kind of thing is that to do to your faithful readers, Ragan? Meanie.

Now onto an actual review:
<b>Obsessed</b> is a turning point in the series. Not only is it set two years after [b:A Dark Mind|17061185|A Dark Mind (Lizzy Gardner #3)|T.R. Ragan||23398072], but the bad guy hadn't been killing until something happens in this book. Plus, he has a name and we sorta know who is is. The first seventy or so pages were rough going for me. I felt such a disconnect to the characters and stories involved. After that though, it suddenly clicked and I flew through the rest of the book.

The plot is interesting, and as always, keeps to a steady and fast pace. I liked how Ragan switched it up in this book, so it wasn't the same ol' serial killer trope. As for the characters, I miss that Jessica isn't in it much, but do think Kitally brings a fresh and quirky vibe. Lizzy feels mostly the same, but I still felt as I did with the last book that she should be in it more. She's moving foward in her life and I want to move with her. While I always appreciate the fact that the relationship between Lizzy and Jared never takes up much of the story, I could have screamed when he suggested that maybe it was time Lizzy hung up the P.I. business. What the heck? Why don't you give up your fancy-smancy F.B.I. job instead? That attitude should have gone out in the 80s and it really seemed out of character for him. Anyway, Hayley keeps self-destructing but I'm glad to have seem some kind of movement or growth (in a way) in this book. Her self-destruction continues, and while the semi-ending seems a bit forboding, I still have hopes she might start to heal in a future book. Now for that ending. Oh, that ending! A cliff-hanger? So cruel. Afer reading the first four in a fairly quick manner, I was going to take a bit of a break, but now, yeah, don't think that's going to happen. Grr.

In a nutshell, this series has been compulsively readable and this entry is no different. <b>Obsessed</b> is just as good as the first, a smidge better than the first, but maybe not a good as the third.

Received courtesy of the Amazon Vine Program.
Jar of Hearts
Jar of Hearts
Jennifer Hillier | 2018 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Compelling, twisted story
Fourteen years ago, Georgina "Geo" Shaw's best friend, Angela Wong, disappeared without a trace. The girls were only sixteen years old. Now Geo is a successful executive--and it comes to a surprise to everyone (except Geo) when she's arrested at her pharmaceutical firm for her role in Angela's murder. It turns out, fourteen years ago, Geo was involved while her older boyfriend, Calvin James, killed Angela and buried her remains in the woods behind Geo's childhood home. Calvin has gone on to become a serial killer known as the Sweetbay Strangler. But to Geo, he's Calvin, her first love, despite their abusive and turbulent relationship. For all these years, Geo carried the secret of what happened that fateful night with Calvin and Angela. She told no one, not even the girls' best friend, Kaiser Brody, who is now a detective with the Seattle PD and working on Angela and Calvin's cases. Geo is sentenced to prison and all her secrets appear to be out in the open. But are they truly? And what does it mean when more bodies start appearing, killed in the same manner as Angela?

This was just a great thriller. It alternates its viewpoints, with pieces of the novel told from Geo and Kai and changing between the past and the present. The result is completely captivating. I was mesmerized by this compelling and well-executed novel, which draws you in from the start. The characters in this one are excellent; rarely do you get two such strong vivid main characters, but I felt drawn to both Kai and Geo.

The story slowly works its way back to that fateful night. Hillier unravels things so adeptly that I was kept guessing for quite some time, meticulously starting to work out pieces of the plot, feeling quite triumphant when I was proved right. This novel is just so intricately plotted and incredibly creepy at times--it's simply a pleasure to read. It's deep and dark, propelled by its wonderfully written characters. Honestly, I can't rave enough about both the plot and the characters.

Overall, you can't go wrong with this one. It features compelling characters and a twisted, dark story that will keep you reading until the very end. I need to track down more of Ms. Hillier's books and soon! Highly recommend.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
Mindhunter - Season 1
Mindhunter - Season 1
2017 | Crime
The Content (1 more)
The Concept
The Characters (0 more)
Slow Yet Twisted
I had a friend recommend this show to me and I thought, alright I'm constantly attempting to figure out why people's minds work the way they do, this could be interesting. Let me tell you right off the bat, push through that first episode, I promise you it gets more interesting. The first episode is a disaster, there's too much shoved in there (one second Ford is an active agent, then suddenly he's teaching, straight after he's at college, then he's working in the BSU) it was dull at best and dead confusing at worst. While the content is interesting, the characters and the relationships are odd and strained. Ford comes across like an actual serial killer (especially when he does that creepy wide-eyed stare *shivers*), he's socially awkward, his mannerisms feel stunted and strange and overall he is not a likeable character. I like to feel connected in some way to the characters I'm watching and at this stage Ed is more relatable than Ford (which is terrifying because - actual murderer there ?). The girlfriend is even worse, they both feel just - forced (and what's with the weirdly placed sex scenes?! They don't add anything to the story at all!) There's oddly placed scenes which are weird and don't make sense (Carr and the tuna/invisible cat - why - just why was that in there? It wasn't necessary and what was the point of that? Was it supposed to be creepy? Unsettling? Because for me it was just random and pointless). Tench is the only consistant, interesting character (who, bless him, smokes waaaay too much). Overall the show is slow, which admittedly can be a good thing, especially because at first they see so much resistance to the idea that people aren't always just 'born bad', but it never really picks up speed (like you're kind of expecting it to). The last episode is very odd, Ford becomes confusing and erratic, which is a complete 360 from his dead-eyed emotionally inept character in the first episodes. Is he having a breakdown? Is he realising he shares traits with the violent killers he's interviewing? The ending didn't make sense to me at all. I give the show an 8 for content because it is super fascinating, and appropriately disturbing but character wise it's definitely a 5, you just never really 'connect' with anyone. That being said, I will watch the next season, because it's still an interesting show, though it will be at the bottom of my 'to watch' list.
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter #1)
Red Dragon (Hannibal Lecter #1)
Thomas Harris | 1981 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really wish I read this when I was in high school. This book really would have been right up my alley. The story was so complex that I would have devoured it within days. This would have been one of those books that I stayed up late reading under my covers. However, reading this book showed me how much I have changed & how my tastes in books have changed as well. Personally I am not a huge fan of mysteries. I find them dull, and typically I avoid them. The weird thing is that I love mystery thrillers. I have always found them fascinating especially if it is a psychological thriller.

Red Dragon is that psychological thriller that is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat once you get passed the half way mark. The beginning of the book dragged for me. I would have loved more of an action packed thriller vs. a mystery turned thriller. Though the first half was essential for establishing characters I truly felt that it dragged. I'm typically used to a book that jolts you into the action instead of taking a lazy river ride to a waterfall. I want the rapids. So, due to the first half, it took me forever to finish. One thing that I really liked about the first half was how much it messed with my mind. Honestly I had trouble reading it before I went to bed simply because of the dreams it created at night. I had to make sure every door and window was locked before I went to bed simply to help sooth my mind so that I could get some sleep.

Though the story dragged for the first half, the second half made up for it. I found myself entranced by the thriller aspect of the writing & loved how complex the story truly was. It has been years since I last watched Red Dragon (the movie) so at times the story felt fresh and new. It was weird, sexual in strange spots, and honestly something that I have never read before. Thomas Harris was able to create a serial killer that will make you cringe, sympathize with, and wish they were dead all at different moments. It was fascinating to read.

All in all, I enjoyed the book. It isn't my favorite book but it was an interesting read that makes me yearn to watch the movies again. I probably will not continue on in the series but I'm happy that I did take the time to read it.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Thirteen in Books

Jul 1, 2018  
Steve Cavanagh | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating

I can't even begin to explain how much I enjoyed this book ... it was so good, I didn't want it to end and I'm not one who normally reads courtroom books but I was drawn to this because of the serial killer angle .... I know, I know, I'm a little strange in my reading tastes! Don't judge me ?

Now, this is the first book I have read by this author containing Flynn and although it would have probably helped with background information to have read previous ones, I don't feel it is absolutely necessary but I will certainly be seeking them out after reading this.

Anyway, this book is basically about the murder of a starlet and her supposed lover - they were found by the husband who allegedly beat him to death with a baseball bat and stabbed her repeatedly. In comes Flynn as part of the defence team who becomes 'the' defence team following a few revelations whereby the main lawyer (who is employed by the studio) is told to withdraw. Meanwhile, someone is going to great lengths to be on the jury ... welcome to Joshua Kane, a very disturbed individual.

Flynn is a fantastic character; I adore him - so likeable and not 'up himself' like many lawyers seem to be portrayed ... he's "normal" ... well, if you can call a previous con-man with a shady history normal but it does give him a unique view of things which certainly comes in handy in his line of work.

Joshua Kane is far from normal but what a great character he is - such a good baddie!!

The supporting cast were equally as good and all had their part to play in this fantastic book.

The chapters are written alternatively between Flynn and Kane and whilst Flynn's are written in the first person, Kane's are written in the third; this was, I think, a stroke of genius as it gives different perspectives from Flynn who's trying his best for his client to Kane who is cleverly manipulating things from the jury box. The pace of the book is perfect; there's plenty of action, thrills, twists and turns that had me hooked from page one.

This is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the best books I have ever read and one of the very few that I will read again.

Many thanks to the publisher, Orion Publishing Group, via NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review - thank you so much, I absolutely loved it and cannot recommend it highly enough.
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
1988 | Horror
6.1 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Tina Shepard isn't your normal, everyday girl. When she was younger, she overheard her parents having a heated argument that got really ugly. Tina decided to run out onto a boat in the nearby lake. Her father runs out to try and talk her into coming back to shore and that's when Tina's extraordinary abilities are revealed. Her father winds up dying in an accident caused by Tina's telekinetic powers.

In the present day, Tina and her mother are off to a cabin in the woods with Tina's psychologist, Dr. Crews, in hopes of making progress so Tina won't have to return to an institution. A group of young twenty somethings are gathered next door for a surprise birthday party. Both houses just happen to be in the Camp Crystal Lake area. Tina gets upset at Dr. Crews during one of their sessions and runs out to the lake. Her emotions get the best of her and she winds up resurrecting Jason, who's still chained to the bottom of the lake, with telekinesis. Not too long afterward, Tina starts having premonitions of people being gruesomely murdered by a man in a hockey mask. Is she going crazy or are these terrifying visions a reality?

As it stands, this is my guilty pleasure of the franchise. I love the concept and think it would be a really solid Friday the 13th sequel if it wasn't for the MPAA butchering this film. Most of the gore has been cut and it really hurts the film as a whole. This also begins Kane Hodder's reign as the masked serial killer for the franchise, who seems to be a cult favorite as the best Jason.

Speaking of Jason, he looks the best in this film. It may just be my opinion, but in addition to loving undead Jason, the make-up effects and his costume are just phenomenal in this one. As ugly as he looks when his mask gets ripped off, this is the film that makes him look the most flattering. That's not saying much for a guy who's been chained down at the bottom of a lake for ten years and killed multiple times, but at least he doesn't look like he has down syndrome this time around. If an uncut or director's cut of some kind ever makes the light of day, it'll probably wind up being in my top three F13 films. Easily. Here's an idea of what was cut from the film:
The Poisoning Angel
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Some people may already know of the prolific French serial killer of the 1800s. Hélène Jégado, over a lengthy period of forty years, is thought to have murdered at least thirty-six people, most likely more, in the region of Brittany. By being hired as a cook in a wide range of establishments throughout her life gave her the opportunity to poison people through their meals, predominantly with arsenic. Jean Teulé, a French novelist, combines his own imagination with the historical statistics in order to create an insight to the tale of this infamous poisoner.

The tale begins at the beginning of the nineteenth century, when Hélène is only seven years old, in the small hamlet town Kerhordevin, Plouhinec. Nicknamed Thunderflower by her mother, a name that she is often referred as throughout the narrative, she becomes fascinated with superstitious stories about Death’s henchman, Ankou. In order to extinguish her fears of this formidable character – something she later claims – she decides to become Ankou beginning with the poisoning of her own mother. Soon after she sets off on her first of many journeys to work as a cook, where her killing spree begins.

It may seem surprising that she were not caught earlier on in her murderous career, especially with entire households succumbing to their deaths, but - at least in Teulé’s telling - the Breton’s still held strong belief in their old Celtic superstitions and altered between worshipping Hélène as a saint for not dying herself, or accusing her of witchcraft and bringing misfortune wherever she went. It is not until Hélène is approaching the age of fifty that the police begin to investigate, arrest and finally send her to the guillotine.

Each chapter begins with a map, detailing Hélène’s journey through Brittany so that the reader can see just how many places she went doing Ankou’s work. Teulé also turns this disturbing historical novel into a black comedy with the inclusion of two wig makers from Normandy who happen to go where Hélène goes, although are completely unconnected to, to whom bizarre misfortunes constantly fall.

<i>The Poisoning Angel</i> is an interesting tale and absurdly fascinating at times. From time to time it could fall a bit dull with the repetitiveness, but in a way it could not be helped, as it remains a fact that Hélène Jégado poisoned a large number of people. Melanie Florence must be commended for her translation from the original French, something that is by no means an easy feat.

JT (287 KP) rated Halloween (1978) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
Without a doubt Halloween was one of the finest horror films ever made, John Carpenter was spot on with his portrayal of a serial killer descending on a small American town.

Michael Myers was to become a horror icon and even though it spanned seven sequels, the original will always be the best in many people’s eyes. It is certainly my all time favourite horror film. Carpenter’s cinematic vision of Halloween was brilliant right from the opening credits. The long and short camera angles coupled with the “was he there or wasn’t he” shots of Myers were sublime.

The sinister musical score as well is paramount in making this film a household name in its genre. Jamie Lee Curtis was a scream queen for the 70s and although the acting talents were not up to scratch, it made no difference to the overall outcome of the film. Michael Myers was a disturbed child and after committing a horrific murder when he was just six years old he was committed to a mental institution where he escaped to stalk Laurie Strode, his long lost sister.

His the perfect boogeyman, and during the first part of the film he stalks Laurie sometimes just appearing out of shot as a blur between trees of a faceless driver passing by in his car. Laurie of course has no idea who he is but starts to feel like she is being watched, and her fears are finally realised one night descends and Carpenter ramps up the tension to breaking point.

What I love about this film is the pure simplicity of it, with a budget of just $320,000 it grossed $60m world world and was a massive hit with horror fans the world over. It didn’t want for fancy special effects, and the musical score was hardly a masterpiece but it did the job and it did it well. It is the model slasher flick and most of what has preceded it (maybe with the exception of the first Scream) have not been able to stand up in competition.

We’ve had Freddy and Jason, and we’re still having to sit and watch teenagers heading to remote and desolate locations to be butchered in a variety of unique ways while pints of blood are splashed across the screen. Halloween doesn’t require that, it will have you jumping out of your seat at least more than once and it just goes to prove that simple scares are the most effective.

Becs (244 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
Style: Formal, serious.

Point of View: Third person – each chapter is either Nick Dunne or Amy Dunne, never both.

Difficulty Reading: I struggled with the first half of the book. Don’t get me wrong, I was excited to read it because the movie was bomb as f*ck. The movie had me sitting on my toes the entire time, but this book was such a drag. Once you get about halfway through, that’s when it gets good.

Promise: The book promises a thrilling crime mystery and it does deliver it. But it delivers it in a way that makes the book almost seem repetitive as he said, she said.

Quality: It was a well-written book, I’ll give the author that. But there was a lot of swearing – and I cuss like a sailor. That kind of took the appeal of the book down quite a few notches.

Insights: If I could change anything about the book: take some of the cuss words out – it’s way too much, make the first half of the book more gripping – you lose readers because it’s boring.

Ah-Ha Moment: When Nick Dunne realized that Amy Dunne was just f*cking with him, he knew it but couldn’t tell anyone because then it would seem like he was the one who set the whole thing up.

Another moment was when Amy Dunne killed her old friend. I was like ‘what are you doing woman’ the entire time I read it.

Favorite Quote: “A lot of people lacked that gift: knowing when to fuck off.” – I feel this is the best representation of who I am as a person and of people nowadays.

“Sleep is like a cat: It only comes to you if you ignore it.” – Any quote that talks about cats are always great.

What will you gain: An interesting but hard read. If you don’t have the time or patience, put this book down.

Aesthetics: The copy I bought had the cover poster for the movie and it was nice to imagine Nick Dunne as the man on the cover. The first page of the book was what drew me in, the whole staring at the back of Amy’s head and thinking of breaking it open to mush your hands with her brain just appeals to me in a way that’s hard to describe. (I promise I’m not a serial killer. Yet…) Then as I read more, I struggled until I hit the point of the plot doing a massive U-turn and actually becoming interesting.

“There’s a difference between really loving someone and loving the idea of her.”
Primary Victim
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Primary Victim by Christopher Cihlar
Genre: Crime Fiction, Crime thriller
Rating: 4.5/5

Summary (from back of book): A serial killer whose victims don’t die. An innocent man who believes he is guilty. A police officer who may solve the crime but in doing so gives the killer exactly what he wants. A legal defense that challenges the very core ideals of justice.

Primary Victim is a thriller that tests both the psychological breaking point of an individual and the strength of the legal system governing society.

I’ll admit up front that I have a weakness for crime fiction—but this book was amazing. Words escape my mind as I try to explain how blown away I am by this book. I gasped and grinned and nearly cried and laughed at the surprises thrown at me through this stunning debut novel.

The psychological aspect of PRIMARY VICTIM was mainly found in the “Victim,” Brice. I won’t say what happens to him, but it amazed me as his mind began to twist and change through the course of the story.

The plot: PRIMARY VICTIM was full of twists and turns that I never expected, and it had me sitting on the edge of my seat the entire time. I couldn’t put it down! The viewpoint alternates between the criminal, the police officer, and the (living) victim, and switches back and forth at the most inconvenient places, forcing you to read on.

Characters: All the characters in PRIMARY VICTIM were strongly developed with real personalities. I hate books where people are just to perfect to be real (what I call “happyland syndrome”)—this book had the good guys and the bad guys, the the ones you hoped it all worked out for them, and the ones that you wished would be the next to die because they were such jerks (cough Nick cough).

 By the end of the book I wasn’t sure what Michael (the criminal) was going to pull out of his hat, and was, from the very first page to the very last, impressed with Michael’s genius and creativity. At times I actually found myself almost cheering for him, but had to remind myself that he was the bad guy. It was almost hard to see him as the bad guy at times, because of his “work—” Michael considered himself a God in a world that needed one and didn’t have one, victimizing the people that he thought needed to be victimized.

Brice and Sarah were such a perfect yet sad couple, and for the sake of keeping the review spoiler-free, I won’t say anything… but I thought I was going to cry at one point.
Writing: The writing was the weakest point of this book. The prose itself seemed written in an unfamiliar style, minimizing comas in the sentences, and it made for a harder read. I caught myself occasionally re-reading sentences and paragraphs to understand what had happened. Aside from the prose, the vocabulary was broad enough and the pacing was good.

As of now, PRIMARY VICTIM is unedited, but there is only an occasional grammatical error, formatting error, or typo scattered through the book. However, all in all, it didn’t take away from the story.

Content: There was brief mention of sex between husband and wife (example: “they made love,” no other details, and the fact that they’re married made it that much better), and an occasional foul word from an angry officer, but other than that this book was refreshingly clean. I applaud Christopher for writing a crime thriller with low content—especially compared to some of the other crime thrillers out there. Maybe he can start a revolution. It’s true, people—you can have a good book without excessive sex and language!

Recommendation: Ages 14+ to lovers of Crime fiction, thrillers, and psychological thrillers.