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There is no journey into an evil mind, just the author's ego
God, if ever there is a narcissist, is the author writing this book. There are zero citations because he feels he's a good enough source by himself. This entire book is just pure self-promotion, with him speaking about one book or TV series he's been involved with in every single chapter, and his letters and interviews to serial killers are just a form of bragging rights disturbingly.

Ironically, there is little sincere empathy with the victims killed by these psychopaths, but just a titillation factor in this book, with the author essentially being a fanboy of these men and one woman. The book also inadvertently reveals how corrupt the American judicial system is, allowing white men to murder and defraud with impunity, while avoiding life sentences and even being granted parole after murdering three people in cold blood.

And with shockingly little psychology in this book, the author even "runs out" of his word count, so it ends abruptly. It is poorly written, as he repeats the phrase "elephants fly" etc. In every other paragraph, and I can now see why it has received low ratings on review sites. Not worth it.
Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders
Desert Blood: The Juarez Murders
Alicia Gaspar de Alba | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Gender Studies
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A page-turner of frightening speed. (0 more)
A Mystery Unlike Any Other
Gaspar de Alba brings a fine writer's sensitivity and the open heart of her heritage. The result is a novel that takes your breath away, page after page, and grabs your heart.

Desert Blood is a mystery unlike any other. Gripping, heart-wrenching, set against the tough, lacerating reality of border-town engaging mystery, but it is more than well-written entertainment. It is an important book that sheds light on the Juárez murders--the ongoing slaughter of young Mexican women in the border city of Juárez by persons unknown. Desert Blood weaves together its fictional tale and the known facts of these notorious crimes in a way that reveals the cultural and political attitudes that have allowed these murders to continue with the indifference--if not the outright complicity--of Mexican authorities.
Gaspar de Alba not only crafts a suspenseful plot but tackles prejudice in many of its ugly forms: against gays, against Hispanics, against the poor. It's an in-your-face, no-holds-barred story full of brutality, graphic violence, and ultimately, redemption. Offering a powerful depiction of social injustice and serial murder on the U.S.-Mexican border, this is an essential purchase for both mystery and Hispanic fiction collections.
The Serial Killer's Wife
The Serial Killer's Wife
Alice Hunter | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This isn't your usual 'serial killer' story; there isn't the plethora of bodies or frightening scenes of murder and mayhem but what it is is a surprisingly enthralling story that builds in tension and ends in an extremely, but strangely, satisfying way.

Alice Hunter has created a story that focusses on the wife of the suspected killer and I quickly became engrossed in her inner turmoil as to whether her husband was innocent or guilty, how she coped with the press intrusion, the fingers of suspicion pointing at her (surely she should have known or suspected something?) all whilst trying to look after her young daughter, Poppy, and run a business.

The short chapters helped the story to move quickly along and you soon find yourself passing a few hours before you know it. The setting of a small village added to the claustrophobic feel to Beth's situation. There are twists along the way and although I guessed most of them, I enjoyed watching how it played out and developed.

All in all, a pretty good book and an author I will look out for in the future.

Thank you must go to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.