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    Dom Mendoza (8 KP)

    Mommy Bear, Book Devourer

    A houseful of kids means this mom craves her alone time. In that time, I read, write, and enjoy...


    Jennia (2 KP)

    Anglophile, bibliophile, cat-o-phile

    Stay at home mom who is passionate about volunteering, reading, and traveling

    Last Active: May 25, 2018

    Sable (0 KP)

    Eternally excited and confused

    Mama to 4 wild boys and a boy cat. Wife to the best man ever. Always busy exploring new things.

    Last Active: Mar 13, 2018

    Emma Applegate (0 KP)

    Book Worm

    I am almost permanently attached to my kindle and love settling in with the other half to watch...