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Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
1964 | Comedy
8.2 (25 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Strangelove — you can watch it again and again. Brilliant. To me, maybe the funniest movie ever made. Huge variety in the styles of the movie. Some of it’s shot like cinéma vérité documentary. Some of it’s very stylized. The mise en scène changes radically. When you’re in the bomber it’s hand-held — it might as well be Richie Leacock, or one of the Pennebakers making a movie; that’s how free-form it is. Totally realistic, even though you have Slim Pickens as the pilot of the jet that’s taking the atomic bomb to Russia. He’s hilarious, and yet you have a sense of this is really what it looks like — what their equipment looks like, what the gauges and the codes look like. They do a really funny sequence where they open up their survival box and there’s a condom, and there’s a 45, and it’s totally believable. And of course it ends with Slim Pickens riding the atomic bomb down like a wild horse toward Russia, and the world ending. And Sterling Hayden, absolutely hilarious throughout the movie, and Sellers playing five parts, I think. The scenes between him and Sterling Hayden, where he’s the British officer who’s been assigned to this airbase and Sterling Hayden is completely wacko and is convinced that they’re stealing his precious bodily fluids, because when he had sex he felt depleted. [Laughs]."

Ensnared by Innocence (Roaring Rogues #1)
Ensnared by Innocence (Roaring Rogues #1)
Larissa Lyons | 2021 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
ENSNARED BY INNOCENCE is the first book in the Roaring Rogues series and we are introduced to a Regency world where an Heiress can be sold off to pay debts, whether she wants to be or not.

Francine has no idea why her aunt is so adamant she accept the proposal of someone Francine dislikes intensely. In three months, Francine will reach her majority and then won't have to marry anyone. With that in mind, she approaches Blakely and propositions him.

This was a delightful book to read, with the relationship between Francy and Erasmus growing from mutual admiration to love. I would have liked a bit more about Erasmus shifting to a lion rather than just a sex scene, plus more about his Cubs. Still, that scene was steamy so maybe I missed something. There are some classic one-liners in here that made me chuckle, together with wonderful descriptions of the ton, the surroundings, etc.

The first book in a series that I have thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending. Looking forward to the next one.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Hers, Times Two (Hers #4)
Hers, Times Two (Hers #4)
Anna Adler | 2021 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female lead...check.
Two, hot, sexy male aliens....check.
Recipe for hot alien sex and action.....Oh hell yeah!!

Hers, times two is book four in what looks to be a cracking series! I've read it as a standalone as I've not read the first three books.... considering I'm wanting to know what happens next I'll be heading off to get the others pretty sharpish.

Liz is cool, confident and feisty, but, like the rest of us, she's fighting her own demons. Demons which put her and her crew in the path of danger. Not her fault but she really takes it to heart.
    I really like her, she's a dedicated friend and is an awesome pilot. She does annoy me a little as she tries to take too much responsibility for things she had no control over and beats herself up for it.....

Jackal and Zaster......the hot, sexy aliens.....and typical idiots that take forever to pluck up the courage to approach the woman of their dreams. I'll let them off though as they more than make up for it and the more we get to know and understand them it's easy to see why they're who they are.

I was entertained from start to finish and I even cried a few times, I'm such a softie haha
Lovecraft Country
Lovecraft Country
2020 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Lovecraft country was a total surprise to me, I expected something that was totally over the top and when I saw the opening scene of the first episode it looked looked I was going to be right. However the show soon settles down and, after the first episode finds itself ground in reality, even if it is a reality contain magic. A lot of the episodes have a Lovecraftian/Pulp feel (The strange case springs instantly to mind) but they are still set in a very real feeling world and some episodes throw a real emotional punch.
The first couple of episodes focus on a couple of characters which leave some of the supporting cast feeling a bit two dimensional to begin with but, by the final episode almost everyone has been filled out and some of the best emotion comes from the characters you'd least expect.
There is violence, racism, sex and magic in Lovecraft Country so you may want to keep younger viewers away.
The series has Lovecraftian themes but also pulls on other classic literature and still manages to steer away from the more conventional monsters , there are no vampires, no zombies and, even though it's called 'Lovecraft' Country his most famous creation, Cthulhu, only has a small cameo that has no effect on the story, favouring the Shoggoth as the go-to Lovecraft creation.

LoganCrews (2861 KP) rated Come to Daddy (2019) in Movies

Oct 25, 2020 (Updated Nov 26, 2020)  
Come to Daddy (2019)
Come to Daddy (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Thriller
Between this and the similarly experimental delirium of 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘉𝘊𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩, I'm convinced that Ant Timpson is onto something - I'm fine standing alone in really buying into his brand even though no one else seems to. I have the same major gripe here that I did with the latter movie though... cool it with the sex stuff, bro. It's funny a fair amount of times but not when it seems to be the only thing going on time after time after time after you'd already abandoned the enticing mystery of the first half way too abruptly. Otherwise this was awesome, the type of kooky but oh-so-lurid genre-bender that we used to see a lot of from 2011-2014 but sort of just dropped right off the planet at a certain point. One mega-mack daddy of a twist, rich visuals, a solid sense of humor, and all grounded by Elijah Wood's next-level performance (and intrinsically hilarious haircut). The first half is exquisitely tantalizing but it admittedly loses steam in the second half for me, which still has its assets in its own way of course (hey at least it's grisly). But none of that really matters too much because it wraps up on such a perfect moment. Flawed but *very* groovy.
Weak for Him (Weakness, #1)
Weak for Him (Weakness, #1)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so undecided on how to rate this...4 star?...5 star? So I'll settle for 4.5 stars. Maybe it's the whole obsession I have with books associated with the sex industry--escorts, prostitutes, strippers, porn stars. I just like to read them finding romance with someone who can crack their cold interiors.

And that is pretty much what happened in this. You could see that there was something between Jennifer and Finnley, some spark that could become great if they both gave in. But nope. Not that simple. Finnley had the whole I-won't-(not can't)-have-you-but-no-one-else-can-either thing going on, which I must say is totally unfair to Jennifer.

That being said, the way he paraded around his conquests at times I wanted to smack him and don't blame Jennifer for trying to find love somewhere else.

The continuous back and forth between Finn and Jennifer was at times annoying and at others I melted a little towards him. This was definitely a couple I got emotionally involved with.

That epilogue was very insightful and I am so glad that the author wrote it. It added an extra element to see it all from Finn's eyes.

I am very interested in reading the rest of the series.
Darling, All at Once
Darling, All at Once
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved how Cohen was a candy floss vendor at Juliet's sisters wedding. That just screams fun to me so I was enjoying this from early on. And then there's the slightly drunken sex after said wedding ends and I was drawn into this.

Cohen's boyish charms really won me over, as did his constant hoping for more with Juliet. Juliet, on the other hand, could deny her attraction and want for something more with him until she was blue in the face but it was pretty obvious after a while so about half way through when they gave in and became a couple I was really happy for them.

Of course nothing ever goes as planned and their relationship goes through a few rough patches but the baby brought them together for a lot of it. It was really cute. I seem to have a soft spot for babies and toddlers in my romances. They just add a touch of...tenderness to the characters. I melt a little when a big tough guy goes all gentle and sweet with a cute little kid--or even his pregnant girlfriend.

I really liked this, it was pretty high on cuteness in my opinion. I'm intrigued about who's going to star in the rest of this series so I will be keeping my eye out for other books in the series.
I adore this series! It is amazing!

I laughed, I cried, I laughed some more.

How can you not love Charley? She has this strange but sometimes brilliant way of thinking that makes you laugh out loud half the time. And Reyes? Come on! Reyes is hot! And he's incredibly sweet a lot of the time when he's not going all sever-your-spinal-cord mad at people who hurt Charley, though that's actually kinda hot, too, come to think of it :P

I love the progression of their relationship in this one. Having wild hot sex within the first 60 pages or so? Yeah! The post-its and him buying her things. I really think he loves you, Charley, and after what you did and said during those pages, I think you love him to. Aww, you'll make an amazing couple :')

For the first time ever (I think, anyway) I actually cried while reading one of these books. That scene near the end. God! I could hardly see the words in front of me because of the tears. You should have called Reyes, though, in my opinion.

And then that cliff-hanger question of an ending?!?! Girl, you have to say YES! of course.

Eagerly awaiting book 6 now to find out what she does say.
4.5 stars.

It took me a while to get into this, maybe it was the fact we didn't get the answer to the question from the last book straight away or because of the lack of anything sexual happening between Reyes and Charley in the first few chapters.

It quickly got back to it's usual level of crazy Charley plots and heated exchanges between her and her "nigh fiancé". Add in all the usual P.I./police/FBI stuff and once again it was another great book in the series.

I loved the car sex scene.
<a href=""; target="_blank"><img src=""; border="0" alt=" photo tumblr_ms31u5aQtU1rgff3fo1_500.gif"/></a>
That might sound a little strange but add Reyes, rain, a car bonnet and nakedness and you'll understand that was one hell of a hot scene. Especially if you've read the rest of the books in the series.

I'm happy about a lot of things that happened in this book but the ending has thrown me a little. I wasn't expecting it, anyway, and I'm intrigued as to where the ret of the series will go now and how many books there are going to be all together.

I'll definitely be keeping my eyes open for the 7th book in October :D


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