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The Silent Second
The Silent Second
Adam Walker Phillips | 2017 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good, but Not the Tone I Was Expecting
Chuck Restic has spent twenty years in HR, and he’s good at his job – making sure employees get along so they don’t sue each other or, more importantly, the company. That’s how he first meets Ed, who has had a complaint filed against him. Ed seems like a nice guy, and their meeting goes well, but then Ed disappears a couple of days later. A plea from Ed’s family to figure out what happened to him intrigues Chuck. He’s recently separated from his wife, and he wants to do something to fill his time away from work, so he uses his boredom as an excuse to start poking around. The trail quickly leads to real estate around Los Angeles, but how could that have led to Ed’s disappearance?

I’d seen the author speak at a library event a while ago, and I thought this book sounded like fun. While I certainly enjoyed it, I found the book to be darker in tone than I was expecting. There were a few laughs when Chuck was in HR mode, but for the most part, this felt more like a hard-boiled book. But that’s my only complaint with the book. I really did like Chuck – in fact, I could identify with him a bit too much. (Maybe that was part of my problem.) The rest of the cast are just as strong and become well-rounded people as we learn most about them. The plot was great with plenty of twists and an ending I didn’t see coming. The book was light on foul language and didn’t get too graphic with the violence or sex, which I most definitely appreciated. This is a solid debut, but pick it up when you are in the mood for something on the darker side.
Making Up
Making Up
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Cosy Felton is almost done with school and ready for her next adventure. She's 22, living in Las Vegas and about to get her degree in hotel management. Currently, though, she is working at a sex toy shop to help with her bills and when Griffin Mills walks in, she can tell he is a fish out of water. Griffin drew the short straw when he has to go and buy toys for his friend's bachelor party, but he doesn't mind when he sees Cosy. Cosy is not interested in dating a customer, but this customer is insanely good looking and easy to talk. Griffin isn't in town for long, so this will just be fling, or will it?

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to read and review this title.

I instantly fell in love with this book. It grabbed me right from the start and it didn't let me go. I had to find out what was going to happen next. You never knew what was going to happen next. Just when you think that Cosy and Griffin had found their stride, there is something to throw a wrench in their plans.

I liked these characters. They seemed like people I would know in my real life. Although, I don't think I would know too many billionaires. Cosy seems like a girls girl and someone I would want to be friends with. I'm not sure about her sister though.

Overall I really liked this book. And I can't wait to read more books in this series. Even though this is a series, each book is a stand alone. I've read one other, I Flipping Love You
Happy Reading!!
The King (After hours book 1)
The King (After hours book 1)
Ivy Fox | 2020
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
"How far would you go to get the one man you've been dreaming about all your life?"

I am such a cliche.

I have the hots for my boss.

Well, he's not really my boss since that job title belongs to my best friend in the whole wide world and as much as I love her to death, I don't exactly spend countless hours imagining licking her hard abs with whip cream like I do her business partner.

Too much?


My bad.

Unfortunately, when my head is on the magnetic, breathtakingly gorgeous Dean Knox, I get carried away.

I can't promise that outbursts like this one won't happen again, so fair warning.

I've been working at Royal Magazine for two years now, and although I love it, watching the man I'm crushing on, surrounded by gorgeous beauties, twenty-four seven, is kind of a bummer.

But lo and behold, I think I might have just found a way to get what I want.

I might have to lie, steal, cheat and basically lose all my morals in the process, but if it gets me the man of my dreams, then it will be worth it.


I guess there's only one way to find out.

Wish me luck. I think I'm going to need it.
I actually loved it! Not sure if it’s me being over emotional after a tough day but I got emotional reading it! I started it within 1.5 hours I’d finished! Loved it!! Edie is just adorable and Dean is hot as hell! The sex scenes were hot and heavy which I think Ivy Fox does so well! They are never repetitive. Really enjoyed it