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Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Vengeance in Books

May 10, 2018  
Zane | 2016
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wicket is a world famous performer. She dazzles crowds wherever she goes and she's sold more albums than most artists. She is known to her friends, which are very few as Ladonna Sterling and even fewer know her as Caprice Tatum. When Caprice was 15 years old, she was brutally attacked by the people she trusted. Having been cut as a young girl by her mother her life hadn't been the easiest, but she never thought anything like that would happen. Now as she approaches her fortieth birthday she hopes to get vengeance against those who wronged her.

It has been a while since I've read one of Zane's books. I used to read her books a lot when I was in my early twenties. This book took quite a different turn that I wasn't expecting. There is always sex involved in her books, but this one was not the same.

Wicket has a lot of issues that have stemmed from her childhood. She has never gotten the kind of therapy necessary for the type of trauma she has experienced in her life. Now she has issues with intimacy and finds it difficult to connect with people in general. Sure her fame as a little to do with it, but trust is not something that comes easily.

The book started out slowly for me. But once Wicket made her big move, it started to pick up. This young lady had been through a lot of hardship in her life. Without those things, she may not have made it this far in her life, but no one should have to go through all of that to find happiness. Zane always made me look at events in my life to know that things can be much worse and for a lot of people out there they are.

Zane had a new book released earlier this year that I can't wait to read [b:Three-Piece Meal: A Novel|32920252|Three-Piece Meal A Novel|Zane||53537928]
Letter to My Daughter
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Maya Angelou has long been one of my favorite authors. I have even performed her poetry during my high school day in regional speech & debate tournaments. [b:I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings|13214|I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings|Maya Angelou||1413589] was her first book that I read as an adolescent. Her words are always inspiring and listening to her read [b:Letter to My Daughter|4016515|Letter to My Daughter|Maya Angelou||4062985] was incredible. Reading her books always leave me feeling refreshed and alive, but hearing the emotion in her voice while she was reading her words, gives the book even more enjoyable. Hearing her voice crack as she talks about being beaten and raped almost brought me to tears. It made me feel a deeper connection to Ms. Angelou.

It's ironic that this book is called <u>Letter to My Daughter</u> when Maya Angelou doesn't have a daughter. She claims women such as Oprah Winfrey, Rosa Johnson Butler, Valerie Simpson, Brenda Crisp, and Frances Berry allowed her to be a mother to them. This book goes through different aspects of Maya Angelou's life from childhood living with her grandmother, to becoming an undeveloped woman who thought sex would bring in her breasts. And it did, but they were filled with milk.

We as women go through many struggles in life. A lot of the time, we put ourselves on the back burner in order to take care of those around us. In this book, Maya Angelou proves to us that no matter the struggle, if we work hard and put ourselves first, we can accomplish anything. She had it just as hard, actually harder than any of us and look at all she had done in this world.

I recommend this book to all the women I know. It will leave you feeling empowered, strong and on top of the world.
Well, I read this book in under twenty-four hours easily, and that is with two toddlers to keep me on my toes. With all of the positive reviews out there, I'm surprised it took me this long to get to this book, even despite the over-abundance of vampires in fiction literature.
Cat is like a Midwestern version of Buffy, with a healthy dose of vampire genetics to add to her coolness. Bones' style, looks, and British accent remind me of Spike, so he quickly became my favorite character in the book. These factors alone are enough to get me hooked on the series, but Frost's ability to write hot sex scenes without any of the cheesiness that is prevalent in the romance genre just adds to the appeal.
There were a few small things I did not like, such as the death of certain characters, but I can see how these events served to move the plot along. There were many unpredictable twists and turns in the plot that constantly had me guessing as to what would happen next - and reading to find out. The humor was very entertaining without becoming center-stage in the plot, and I especially loved the dynamics between Cat and Bones. I would have loved to read all two hours of dirty talk that Bones dished out to Cat as part of her training, his forthrightness with her regarding his feelings was intoxicating.
The ending was noble, but not what I would have preferred. Still, it sets up wonderfully for the next book, because I just know that Bones will be hunting Cat down like he promised. Plus, there is lots of untapped potential in Cat's abilities, and I have to wonder if she does not have the same abilities as other vamps with her green eyes. On to One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 2)!
Dead Sexy Dragon (Dragon Heat, #1)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I recently went back to NetGalley after a long duration and saw this was still sitting on my shelf. About two and a half years later. Oops. I sent it to my Kindle again and was surprised to see it show up. I figured it was high time I read and reviewed the story. Luckily it's about novella length, maybe shorter, so I thought it'd be fast and easy.

<b>Dead Sexy Dragon</b> is the first book in a paranormal series featuring shape-shifting (you guessed it!) dragons. Cora's the heroine fleeing from some trouble to her late brother's best friend and old Marine buddy, Stig Wyvern (I see what you did thar). Unfortunately for the both of them, it's his time of the month. Just kidding, but he goes through a nine-day period every three years where he's in heat. Sadly it's not called <a href=""; target="_blank">pon farr</a>.
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Anywho, they've been hot for each other for years but neither of them knows it. Naturally. Pretty soon, like the next day, they have loads of sex after she finds out he's a dragon. The sexual interactions take up around 40% of the book and treads the line between romance and erotica. Some stuff happens that I don't want to give away, but Cora ends up in peril, and then Stig. It's a romance so obviously you know how it ends.

The story is pretty rushed, and the first couple of pages were a bit rough, but there are some interesting ideas here, so I just might pick up the next book and see where it's going. In the end, it didn't rock my socks, but it was an entertaining way to spend an hour or so.

Received from Netgalley for review.
The Ever After
The Ever After
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What would you do if you found out your husband had an affair? Would you try to end the marriage, or work it out? What if sex was not a part of the affair, would that make a difference? These are the questions that Josie has after she finds out that her husband, Frank, has been having an affair for the past seven weeks. Should she stay or go? He's so great with the kids, but what about her? This book takes you on Josie's journey from her discovery of the affair, to her final decision on whether to stay with her husband or get a divorce.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I'm not sure what I would do if infidelity was a question in my marriage. I think, we can all say what we would do, but until we are faced with that situation, I don't think we fully understand how we would feel. Love is a tricky thing and when you find it with someone, it can be devastating when they break that love apart.

When Josie finds out about Frank's affair, her world is turned upside down. She has to find out the answer to all of her questions. She doesn't know if she will ever be able to trust Frank again or how she is going to live without him, as well. This is the man who is the father of her children and the man she has shared a bed with for so many years. But how could he betray her like this? They both decide to go to counseling. But Josie has conditions that Frank must agree to before she will even entertain the fact of sharing just her time with him. Will he agree or will they just end up going their separate ways.

This book is good for any married woman to read and may help you if this is a situation that you may be going through in your life.
Suspiria (2018)
Suspiria (2018)
2018 | Horror
Does it cut it?
#suspiria #suspiria2018 is a #disturbing, uneasy & cold remake of the 1977 #cultclassic which instead of being a straight up copy refreshingly tells its own spellbinding tale of female identity both visually & metaphorically. #suspiria the #darioargento #original holds a special place in my heart not only is it intoxicating, visually magnificent & nerve shreddingly atmospheric its also clearly the main inspiration for my favourite movie of all time the #neondemon as well as proving #horror films can indeed be #artistic too. So here we have the #remake & i must say what a cracking piece of cinema it is too. Where as the original is visually striking the remake goes for a more cold, drab less saturated look but make no mistake about it its still all #gorgeous to take in & this new palette works in the films favour creating yet again such an unnerving sense of threat, dread & unknowingness lurking in every scene. Sound design is incredible too with dialog volume constantly ramped up & layered over silent scenes which lingers in your ears inducing spine tingling chills every time. Metaphor riddled the movie feels like one big jigsaw requiring multiple views to really delve into all of its subject matter. Running themes of the relationship between a #mother & her daughter are strong here & how a mother can influence, have a hold on, controller & manipulate her child for good or bad are unnerving & unsettling realistic portrayed. While objectification, favoritism, sexuality, desire & #feminisum also play a big parts here Suspiria isnt afraid to show the deceitful, manipulative, cold, calculating, unforgiving, sexually manipulative & selfish traits women/humans can portray too. A fantastic movie with exceptional performance from #dakotajohnson thats surly destined to become a #cult classic of its own some day. Suspiria is brutal, #wicked & #sinister & had me gripped, shocked & engaged the entire run time. A great achievement & proof remakes can be done well. #odeon #odeonlimitless #scary #creepy #empowerment #fiftyshadesofgrey #sex #dancing #italian #tildaswinton #german #callmebyyourname #friyay
The Favourite (2018)
The Favourite (2018)
2018 | Biography, History
Something special
#thefavourite will not only leave you #feeling uncomfortable, vulnerable & #disturbed but your brain challenged & your thoughts running rampant. At its core #Favourite is a 3 way power struggle between its lead characters but what's oh so staggering about it when taking a closer look is the sheer depth & intricacy going on here around this already strong base. As these 3 #women duke it out for the top spot the stakes & #madness just seems to escalate more & more. What's so #terrifying is what the effects of all these petty & #selfish acts/behaviour are having on the country they are all in a sense running. Layered cleverly with numerous metaphors this #film is not only visually #creative but sound work & scenes are overlapped to #haunting effect at times eg a scenes of #gun duels symbolizing the #fight for control between 2 characters or #sex representing characters being dominated or #humiliated. Each character is played well with all 3 having interesting, deep & complex personalities & as we watch each of them fall, rise & fight for #power my opinion on each of the changed drastically. I also loved the many scenes showing the welthy having fun in silly, wasteful, cruel & inhumane ways while the poor struggle & taxes increase. Cinematography is excellent with so many fantastic wide shots, low camera angles & an almost static style fish eyed cctv camera feel at times making most scenes feel intimate, close & personal. Score wise its unnerving feeling almost like stabbing knives or wires pulling constantly at your senses which helps ramp up the intensity of every scene keeping you on edge all the time. With a fantastic ending & downright gorgeous production design The Favourite is an interesting & very relevant look at power/control & how it can be easily manipulated & abused to sickening effect. Well worth seeing even though you may leave with a headache from its sheer intensity haha. #odeon #odeonlimitless #queen #royal #thursdaythoughts #silly #filmbuff #filmcritic #review #thefavoritemovie #congress ##politics #political #drama
The Festival (2018)
The Festival (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Mud spelt backwards
#thefestival #thefestivalmovie is overlong, overstuffed, unfunny, repetitive and out dated dribble. After enjoying all 3 seasons of #theInbetweeners I found by the time the films were released the formula was starting to become tiresome and predictable. So now along comes The #Festival and I'm sad to say nothing has changed at all. Within the first ten minutes I found myself exhausted by its relentless #humour and its need to shock, its all just far to simple/predictable and tries nothing new at all going for cheap #laughs over quality every time. Acting is also at times borderline atrocious with most scenes feeling far too scripted and forced. I found none of the characters likable and even during the standard ups and downs of the story you can see things coming from a mile off so I just couldnt sympathise or warm to any of them. Considering they are at a festival #music is not integrated well here, there's #famous hits blasted out over montages but very rarely are we treated to artists blaring from stages or shown bands on stage. This is #teenage humour at its most garish with no jokes hitting their mark/done better in other films and most out stay their welcome. Not many people were laughing in my screening either except one teen who was roaring from start to finish. I appreciate I may not be the target audience for this type of film any more but I cant help but feel with this kind of film now days once you've seen one you've seen them all. Overall it does nail the shit side of attending a festival extremely well but it lacks so much in atmosphere that its almost impossible to enjoy the cliched barebones story or care for its dull characters. A complete waste of my time and I just cant recommend it to anyone accept giggly #teens. #odeon #odeonlimitless #funny #silly #sex #camping #dj #joethomas #drunk #jermaineclement #noelfielding
#filmreview #filmbuff #filmcritic #inbetweeners #uk #british #joke #party #drinking

ClareR (5674 KP) rated The Ghost of Hollow House in Books

Jun 9, 2019 (Updated Jun 9, 2019)  
The Ghost of Hollow House
The Ghost of Hollow House
Linda Stratmann | 2019 | Mystery, Paranormal
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Victorian ghostly mystery.
This is a mystery set in Victorian England (1872), a time when women were the weaker sex and unable to tolerate anything vaguely ‘upsetting’. Mina Scarletti clearly hasn’t seen the memo about this. She’s intelligent, witty and brave - she’s also 4 feet 8 inches tall, and she has what appears to be a severe scoliosis. So those who don’t know her are surprised by her outlook on life and her independence. Mina is a great character, as are Dr Hamid, who is her physician and travels with her, and Nellie, her friend.

Nellie is invited to stay with an old friend, Kitty, from her stage days, and her wealthy husband. They have a large house in the country and it appears to be haunted. The maids won’t stay overnight, and Mrs Honeyacre (Kitty) is beside herself. Her husband is a big follower of spiritualism and the occult(it was very fashionable at this time), but just not in his house.

It’s a slow burner, but when the action gets going, it really does go for it. I’m no expert on Victorians, but the attitudes and daily routines rang true, and the characters were all interesting and on the whole, likeable - especially Mina. I loved how she consistently surprised the male characters: they expected a meek and mild, sickly girl, and got an outspoken and independent woman instead.

I hadn’t realised when I began to read this, that it was the fourth in a series. I didn’t feel that I missed anything by not reading the first three, and it definitely could be read as a stand-alone. However, based on this novel, I would think that books 1-3 will be going on to my ‘to read’ pile!

If you like Victorians, mysteries and possibly ghosts, then this is a book that you’ll enjoy. I did!

Many thanks to Sapere books for my copy of this to read and honestly review.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Moon Called in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Moon Called
Moon Called
Patricia Briggs | 2006 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (29 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you, Patricia Briggs for proving to me that there is still some amazing urban fantasy/paranormal fiction out there. I am so used to reading paranormal romance that I was actually pleasantly surprised that I became so completely wrapped up in the plotline that I didn’t even notice the lack of sex scenes and romance.

There are so many things to love about this novel. From the fantastic world the Briggs creates to the even more interesting characters that fill the pages. Briggs took the time to explain the world just enough for us to understand the races and world without making us bored from over description. There were some things that I felt Briggs could have left out bit what’s a little background info?

I also enjoyed that Briggs’ female protagonist, Mercy, was not the stereotypical lead. She was smart enough to take care of herself and keep herself out of trouble, or call people who could. In no way was she kind of woman who, while enjoying her independence, thought she was a superwoman who could take on anything and everything by herself and come out on top. I loved her sarcasm without the bitchiness and her wit without the “know it all” attitude.

It wasn’t just Mercy that made the storyline interesting, it was all the characters. I found myself interested in all the characters from different races that befriended or aided her, not to mention the entire werewolf pack.

I do have one complaint about this the novel, but it has more to do with Briggs than the story. While the storyline was intriguing and kept me turning the pages, Briggs writing style irked me. At times, it felt dry and I was just reading words. Briggs also liked to throw in random words that I had never heard of in my life. I am a fairly intelligent girl and I know me some vocabulary, but I had no idea where Briggs pulled these words from. At least they were easy to figure out from context clues.