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How to Knit a Wild Bikini
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rating: 3.5

Nikki's bad knee has ended her career as a chef, and she has switched to being a personal cook for a journalist of a very popular men's magazine. Jay Buchanan needs a cook for one month, and no more. He has sworn off women for the rest of the year (due to women being so darn complicated) and is hesitant to hire a female cook. Desperate to get the job and pay the bills, Nikki claims to be a lesbian so he'll hire her and not be worried about his "year-without-women" coming to an end. Jay agrees, as long as she pretends to be his girlfriend… to get the clingy girl-next-door to give him some space. Nikki is now a girlfriend-fake-lesbian-chef-with-some-benefits. Emphasis on the some.

Nikki is pretty sure she can handle one month of cooking for a rich, stuck-up, spoiled, gorgeous man, as long as she keeps their relationship strictly professional, and keeps up her facades. But she doesn't take into account the idea of Jay falling in love with her… and her falling right back. But Nikki has some ghosts in her closet. Can she let go of them and learn to love Jay?

How to Knit a Wild Bikini was a cute, slightly sappy, yet enjoyable read. The characters were likeable—definitely likeable, in Jay's case—and the pacing was good. The writing wasn't horrible but it wasn't anything spectacular.

I gave it an extra half a star because it was addicting! I couldn't put it down. The title and cover could have been better, since there was no knit bikini, only the mention of one. I wouldn't read the sequel, but I did enjoy this one.

It was, in some ways, unrealistic. Nikki had a lot of stuff in her past, and her reactions weren't always in line with them. It surprised me how much the author was able to put into this story. There were a lot of little "mini-stories" woven into it… it almost felt ridiculous, but then again it was still fun to read. Sometimes, for a summer read, you just need a book that let's you goof off. This is one of them.

There was a fun combination of an untouchable free spirited woman, a stuck-up but slightly desperate sexy man, and hand-painted knitting needles. This one is perfect for an afternoon on a couch with a pair of knitting needles (If you're talented enough to knit and read at the same time. It does take skill.)

Content/Recommendation: Some language and sex. Ages 18+

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Wildwing in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wildwing by Emily Whitman
Genre: YA, romance, time travel, historical fiction
ISBN: 9780061724527
Published: September 21st 2010 by Greenwillow Books

Rating: 5

Addy isn't satisfied in her world, with her life, with the mean girls from school always telling her that she's worthless. She wants to be free, be respected, not have to work for her food every night. She knows she's better than what she's been given… and she's determined to find it. So when she stumbles into a time machine that brings her back to the time of castles and lords and falconers, and she is mistaken for a rich lady betrothed to marry the king, she believes she has found exactly what she wants to do.

But she didn't count on falling in love with a falconer, a nobody. If only she hadn't gone along with the lie, she'd be herself, a nobody too, and Will could be hers.

Addy must decide what she wants, and what is more important, and then fight to get home. But in the process she might lose the people she loves.

Wildwing drew me in from the first line and held me captive until the last words. A poor sweet lovable main character who isn't being treated fairly, she makes every girl understand her pain. Her insecurities are ours. She is one of the more relatable female protagonists I've read this year.

One thing I really liked about the story was Addy and Will's relationship. It wasn't based on pure physical attraction—although I'm adding Will to my list of literary crushes—they spent time together, they learned, they talked, they argued. It wasn't a shallow empty relationship, which is why it hurt so much in the end, and why the resolution was so sweet.

The plot started off so simple, and got more complex with every page. Addy's little schemes and ideas didn't always go through, and she had to improvise. It kept my heart pounding and my mind curious. The writing was very good, though nothing extraordinary. The characters were quickly developed, some became my friends and some were despicable.

This was more than a love story with a time machine; it was a beautiful enchanting story about a young girl who finds out for herself what is important, how to sacrifice, and how to truly fight for what she loves.

All in all I adored this story and recommend it to anyone ages 12+. No sex or language.

This review is copyright Haley Mathiot and Night Owl Reviews. Do not copy without permission.

Original review here:
One Scream Away (Sheridan, #1)
Kate Brady | 2009
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Seven years ago, Chevy Bankes did something horrific to Beth. She’s been living with her ghosts ever since then. Beth has learned to live on her own and has raised her daughter by herself. But she isn’t prepared to face Bankes when she finds out that he’s been released from prison, and that now he’s after her. Neil, an ex-FBI agent, has somehow gotten himself roped into the case. Now it’s causing him to have to dig up his own ghosts and face them, too. Can two people who lost love earlier in their lives learn to love each other, can Beth keep her daughter out of Bankes’ hands, and can Neil save the woman he loves from her worst nightmare?

One Scream Away was one of those books that you stay up late reading and that you can’t put down, and that you yell at whoever interrupts you because it was so addicting good. It was exciting, suspenseful, romantic, mysterious… everything a book should be.

Without giving away anything, there were many parts in this book that I felt my heart rip when I read what happened. The characters were tangible, like I could pluck them out of the book and set them on my table and watch the rest of the story play out. But they were also relatable, so most of the time I felt like the characters themselves.

Pacing and plot were fantastic in this one. It was impossible to see what would happen next, and Kate Brady keeps you guessing until the very last page, and surprises you at the end.

The writing was not the strongest point. It wasn’t bad per se, it just wasn’t very good either. Acceptably mediocre is the best phrase I can think of, because it wasn’t Dante, but it wasn’t hard to read.

My only other complaint was that a lot of the times, Brady describes what things look like, but not what things feel like. Although the characters were very relatable, I found my own imagination supplying the feelings of the characters while I read this.

Content: There was no elicit sex in this book, although scenes are mentioned and skipped over. There was a lot of language (hey, we’re talking about FBI agents and Police officers and Serial Killers here.) and some rather vulgar details. Murder is not exactly pleasant. Although it wasn’t mapped out in extreme detail, the images left in the reader’s mind are ones that are not for the faint of heart. Or stomach.

Recommendation: Ages 18+

Jayme (18 KP) rated Turtles All The Way Down in Books

Apr 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 15, 2018)  
Turtles All The Way Down
Turtles All The Way Down
John Green | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (60 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (3 more)
Accurate depiciton of mental illness
Didn't have an "easy" or cliche "fairytale" ending
I’ve been meaning to pick up a John Green book for a very long time, but it wasn’t until I heard good reviews of this book that I finally did. My initial thought after finishing the book is this: I now understand all the hype.

I read a great deal of YA fiction, but it is not very often that I finish the book feeling whole. Not because the ending was that of a fairy tale — John Green has a reputation for ensuring those endings don’t exist in his novels — but because the book was just so well-written. I feel as if many YA writers sit down to write books, but forget who their audience is. They are writing a much more washed out and juvenile version of what teenagers are actually like today. They are afraid to let their characters cuss or talk about sex, as if neither action actually exists among young adults. YA authors tend to stray away from the reality of teen behavior, but this book faced realities in a compelling way.

The novel follows Aza, a sixteen year old with an obsessive compulsive disorder, as she navigates the implications of her illness on her relationships with other people. Simultaneously, Aza and her best friend Daisy make it their mission to find Davis Pickett’s billionaire father wanted by the police, and it just so happens that Davis is an old friend of Aza’s from camp.

I appreciated the way the Aza, Daisy, and Davis (as well as the other secondary characters) were facing so many different conflicts (i.e. grief, financial classes, love, mental health, college decisions) at once, because that is exactly how the world works. Real teenagers do not fixate their lives on one specific conflict for extended periods of time, rather they balance several conflicts. I love the way this book was able to depict that struggle to maintain a balance in such a way that allowed readers to follow each plot line to the very end.

I loved the characterization, as they all felt tangible. Their mannerisms and tendancies were displayed through each appearance on the page. There was not a single moment in any interaction that made me feel as if the personalities of these characters were lost, not even in the dialogue (which was also incredible). This attention to detail is something that will drive me to pick up another John Green novel in the near future.
I love that Cat Crawfield works for the government with a "Special Forces" team, instead of the usual rogue behavior that I read in many Urban Fantasy series. It's interesting that it takes Bones this long to find Cat, and by a seeming coincidence at that. It occurred to me while reading that if Bones really was as good at what he does as he says he is, then he would have found her within the first year easily.
Skipping ahead to the best part about this series, in my personal opinion, is the sexual chemistry between Cat and Bones. I confess, my curiosity about chapter 32 of this book, after reading a book review that made vague hints about it, is what propelled me to start this series. I actually read that chapter first once I got my hands on this book to satisfy my curiosity, and words can not describe how hot this chapter is! So often, I find that sex scenes in novels abuse cliches or do not use the details adequately for my personal tastes, but this chapter throws conventional decorum out the window without disgusting me or making me too uncomfortable to read. Plus, the more fantastical aspects of the two characters made for some unique and handy details that Jeaniene Frost used quite well to create such heat between Cat and Bones. Yes, I read that chapter several more times before I turned the book back into the library.
Cat Crawfield has really grown into a character of strength and determination from the first book, Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 1). She knows how to use her abilities to their maximum potential and her self-confidence is strong enough to stand up to even her mother. No longer is she like a pupil to Bones' instruction, but an equal to him in every way that matters. Bones is just as cocky and alluring as he ever was - I wouldn't change a thing about him. It is obvious that he has more than a few secrets up his sleeve, but I don't mind the wait.
I find it intriguing how Cat can alter perceptions and prejudices of the people around her as easily as she does, as is shown with the men on her team. This shows just how much potential she carries to change her world on a larger scale. I can't wait to pick up the next book in the series, At Grave's End (Night Huntress, Book 3).
We Own the Night (2007)
We Own the Night (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama
6.5 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Crime movie for crime movie fans
Contains spoilers, click to show
This is a crime film for crime movie fans. It has it all, from sex, violence, wires and gritty hits. But at its heart is family, here driven by the two leads, Mark Wahlberg and Jequium Phoenix, reunited in yet another of James Grey's films. The tone is dark, with a realistic look as we are taken on trip back to 1988 and a fictional cop family, led by the Deputy Chief Of Police (NYPD) Robert Duvall, who is the father to Wahlberg's up and coming cop, with Phoenix's nightclub manager, who is not a criminal as such, but is a disappointment to his family.

As the trio become embroiled in an organised crime syndicate, they find themselves under a very personal attack and must take down the mob boss to save their lives. The problem with this film is that it plods its way through, lacking enough tension or high key performances to carry, what to me, should have been a taunt screenplay. Instead, it's a bit flat, with Phoenix's trademark sleepy performance. On the other hand, it's quite good, driven by real motivations and characters, is what saves this from 5/10 rating is a fantastically low-key car chase which looked and felt phenomenal, ending with tragedy which would drive the story in a more dubious direction.

Phoenix will end up being granted special dispensation to become a cop in order to track down the mobster, a plot point that I found to be a little far-fetched, though maybe this sort of thing has happened, I don't know but it just tipped the film over the edge of plausibility. I feel that We Own The Night, the motto of the now disbanded NYPD Street Crime Unit, which is headed up here by the fictional Captain Joseph Grusinsky (Wahlberg) thinks very highly of itself as a top quality crime drama, up there with the likes of The Godfather (1972) and Heat (1995), but it is not. It's good and better if you like the genre, but this is a film set in the late 80′s, made in the style of The Godfather light, which was a quintessential 1970′s movie. It needed to pack more of a punch or have some of the style which films such as those of Michael Mann or Martin Scorsese.

A decent story, good cinematography and noble effort but failed to blow me away.
The Night Olivia Fell
The Night Olivia Fell
Christina McDonald | 2019 | Mystery, Thriller
9.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Each chapter of this story is told from two views, Olivia and Abi (Olivia’s mother). The story starts off intense and grabbing when Abi gets news that her daughter has fallen from a bridge and is now considered brain dead – but she is being kept alive because she is also pregnant. That plot thickens…

Olivia is a typical teenager. She gets good grades and is active in school sports and volunteers – most of the time she does so, so that her mother ‘stays happy and stays off her back’. It’s disheartening to hear, but as you read the story, you understand Abi’s need to ‘keep Olivia’ safe and know a need to know where she is, who she is with, and what she is doing. Although, there is such thing as a little too protective, but I won’t go into that, that’s not the point.

Olivia has a boyfriend, whom I swear has male PMS and wants sex (and Olivia is giving it to him, though she’s feeling the pressure) and a best friend who at one point was mad at her and got the whole class to stop speaking to her. So, these two characters are not exactly on a list of people to like or even tolerate.

Abi tries to find the truth behind how Olivia fell and how she became pregnant. A lot of secrets are revealed.

The more I read the story, the more I felt like this was turning into a morbid ‘Parent Trap’ story. I say this, because, during a college trip, Olivia meets a girl named Kendall, who could very well BE her twin.

So, I’m like, great, a twin separation story – Nope, I was wrong, which is not a bad thing.

I think I would have enjoyed this story a bit better if not for realizing who was responsible for Olivia ‘falling’. To me, it felt predictable. I also had some issues with some dialogue coming from teenagers.

“You made me look like a fool!” – Do ANY teenagers today say ‘fool’? That’s me being a bit nit picky, but I had to add it, just cause.

All in all, it was a decent story and I stayed interested, even through some of the ‘predictable’ scenes and the outcome of the story. I will say, I did make a few guesses, and I was only right once or twice. I’m not sure if that’s a upper, but I thought it was a good story, nonetheless.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated The Dirt (2019) in Movies

Apr 4, 2019 (Updated Apr 4, 2019)  
The Dirt (2019)
The Dirt (2019)
2019 | Biography, Music
Decent cast (0 more)
Feels false (0 more)
Brainless Fun
The Dirt is a Motley Crue biopic that debuted on Netflix last month. It is Jeff Tremaine's, (the director of the Jackass movies,) first narrative feature film. This should maybe give you some idea of what to expect within the movie. If Bohemian Rhapsody, Wayne's World and Jackass had a baby, this would most likely be the result.

Your enjoyment of this movie will probably depend on what you are wanting out of it going in. I am a casual Motely Crue fan, I only know a few of their songs and have a very surface level knowledge of their history. I was watching this movie for a bit of dumb fun after I had seen the trailer and it delivered exactly what I expected it to. If however, you are a die hard Motley Crue fan looking for an in-depth biopic with a sense of grit and realism, you will most likely be sorely disappointed.

The plot to this thing plays out like a Wikipedia article, in the sense that it hits all of the major beats of the band's history, but glosses over so much more and leaves any sense of nuance at the door. It is also incredibly cartoonish and cheesy, at no point in the film do you ever feel that you are watching the actual members of Motley Crue and it is always painfully clear that you are watching a group of actors in bad wigs playing faux, characterture versions of real people.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that the cast have anything to do with how shallow or glossy this thing is. I think that Daniel Webber did a decent job as Vince Neil and Douglas Booth is okay as Nikki Sixx. For some reason, Machine Gun Kelly plays Tommy Lee as a goofy, lovable rogue, as apposed to the aggressive violent abuser he is in real life. Iwan Rheon is by far the stand out as Mick Mars, the older, more jaded member of the group who totally dismisses the immature 'sex drugs and rock and roll,' bullshit mentality of his band-mates and comes away with some of the driest, funniest lines in the movie.

Overall, I gave this a 7 based on the brainless fun I had watching it, but it by no means feels accurate or realistic, nor does it feel like it's trying to be. Hardcore Motely Crue fans will probably feel like they were let down by this biopic, but I got exactly what I wanted out of it and enjoyed it for what it was.
Unbound (Colours of Love, #1)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Grace Lawson is about to start the greatest internship. She gets to spend three months in London, interning at Huntington Ventures. Jonathan Huntington, the company's CEO is a gorgeous guy who is almost always wearing black. Catching the red-eye to London from Chicago, and having to rush off the plane to make it to her new job on time, Grace runs(literally)into Jonathan Huntington at the airport. Making the mistake of thinking he was there to pick her up, she gets a ride with him in his limo(along with some colleagues he was actually waiting for) to the office. Feeling embarrassed the whole time.

Once at Huntington Ventures, Jonathan extends her internship from working in the investment department to working side by side with him. Grace or no one else in the company was expecting this turn of events. Jonathan has never had an intern working with him before. Will Grace be able to work this closely with Jonathan without falling in love with him? Everyone has warned her about this man, including Jonathan himself. This is going to be an interesting and exciting three months.

Unbound is the first in the Colors of Love series by Kathryn Taylor. I'm not sure how many books total are in the series. Book two Uncovered, is set to be released in the United States on August 17, 2015.

This book starts off a lot like 50 Shades of Grey. The virgin meets this wealthy, handsome man and is enticed by his power and the fact that he is unattainable. Jonathan's sexual desires aren't sadistic the way Christian Grey's are, I would say he's just a bit kinky. Then there's a little "Eyes Wide Shut"(Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman sex club movie) thrown in. I enjoyed this book. The erotic scenes are believable. I think a few words may have been lost in translation, though, as I believe this book was first written in German. For instance, the word clit is never used, but "sensitive place" is used quite a bit and, in my opinion, in those instances, clit would have been an appropriate word to use.

I'm not a big fan of Jonathan Harrington, he seems to be abrasive to everyone. Grace seems a little naive for a woman embarking on her own to London for three months. Maybe these two are meant to be or maybe we have another erotic romance series on our hands that we will grow to love to hate like 50 Shades and the Crossfire series. Either way, come on August for Colors of Love #2 - Uncovered.
Mindhunter - Season 1
Mindhunter - Season 1
2017 | Crime
The Content (1 more)
The Concept
The Characters (0 more)
Slow Yet Twisted
I had a friend recommend this show to me and I thought, alright I'm constantly attempting to figure out why people's minds work the way they do, this could be interesting. Let me tell you right off the bat, push through that first episode, I promise you it gets more interesting. The first episode is a disaster, there's too much shoved in there (one second Ford is an active agent, then suddenly he's teaching, straight after he's at college, then he's working in the BSU) it was dull at best and dead confusing at worst. While the content is interesting, the characters and the relationships are odd and strained. Ford comes across like an actual serial killer (especially when he does that creepy wide-eyed stare *shivers*), he's socially awkward, his mannerisms feel stunted and strange and overall he is not a likeable character. I like to feel connected in some way to the characters I'm watching and at this stage Ed is more relatable than Ford (which is terrifying because - actual murderer there ?). The girlfriend is even worse, they both feel just - forced (and what's with the weirdly placed sex scenes?! They don't add anything to the story at all!) There's oddly placed scenes which are weird and don't make sense (Carr and the tuna/invisible cat - why - just why was that in there? It wasn't necessary and what was the point of that? Was it supposed to be creepy? Unsettling? Because for me it was just random and pointless). Tench is the only consistant, interesting character (who, bless him, smokes waaaay too much). Overall the show is slow, which admittedly can be a good thing, especially because at first they see so much resistance to the idea that people aren't always just 'born bad', but it never really picks up speed (like you're kind of expecting it to). The last episode is very odd, Ford becomes confusing and erratic, which is a complete 360 from his dead-eyed emotionally inept character in the first episodes. Is he having a breakdown? Is he realising he shares traits with the violent killers he's interviewing? The ending didn't make sense to me at all. I give the show an 8 for content because it is super fascinating, and appropriately disturbing but character wise it's definitely a 5, you just never really 'connect' with anyone. That being said, I will watch the next season, because it's still an interesting show, though it will be at the bottom of my 'to watch' list.