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Abandon (Abandon, #1)
Abandon (Abandon, #1)
Meg Cabot | 2011 | Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I read Meg Cabot's Vanished series (previously published as 1-800-WHERE-R-U) and have drawn the same conclusion about Abandon as I did about that series: She's a fabulous story teller and can weave a wonderful intriguing mysterious story that is highly addicting (I read Abandon in five hours without stopping) but she's not a very good writer.

Let me explain: The ARC was 304 pages. If she had cut out all the unneeded phrases, descriptions, and dead wood that slowed the story down and made it harder to read, it would be closer to 200. If it were shorter, she'd have more space for more of that great plot line that she's so good at developing. But instead, I'm stuck tripping over ungrammatical sentences and awkward phrases—and let's not forget whole unnecessary paragraphs with details that don't matter, set off by dashes right in the middle of the sentence, because that's just such a good thing to put in a novel—that force you to go back and read the sentence several times so your brain doesn't get to twisted.

As for the story itself: I can't praise it enough. It was a mystery I had to solve, and some of the small clues I figured out, and others I didn't. I loved that I could figure out stuff about the same time Pierce did, but I also loved that I didn't figure out the major mystery of the story until I was supposed to. Some novelists make it too obvious, but Cabot had just enough to make it work.

I liked Pierce, but there were a few times I wanted to shake her and tell her to grow up and be honest. That is one of the reasons I couldn't stop reading, though. I wanted to see what happened because of the choices she made. And then there was the time I wanted to slap her: of course John was in love with her, why did she think he was acting like that? silly girl. Yet I couldn't have mean thoughts towards her because I liked her (and, okay, I have a soft spot for crazy main characters). John? He was quite amazing. Wild thing. Dark troubled boy. Dangerous. John needs to climb out of that novel and through my bedroom window and be my boyfriend.

The pacing and tension was perfect: I started reading and didn't stop until about five hours later when I closed the book at the end. I couldn't stop reading. That's the kind of book I like.

Now if only Cabot could write. Yes I have read worse writers, but she would be so excellent if the interior monologue of the character was less frustrating.

Content/Recommendation: No language, no sex. Ages 15+
Risky Business (1983)
Risky Business (1983)
1983 | Comedy
Solid 80's Romantic Comedy
Things get crazy for Joel Goodson (Tom Cruise) when his parents leave for the weekend and a call girl shows up at his door. A quiet weekend alone turns into one full of sex, drugs, and...pimps named Guido?

Acting: 10
Before Tom cruise commanded the screen with a number of memorable action and sci-fi films, he played the role of a young high school kid completely unsure of himself. His innocent charm is instantly likable. He's vulnerable, but not in an annoying kind of way. Amazing performance, not just from Cruise but from the supporting cast as well.

Beginning: 10

Characters: 10
I love when characters aren't the same people they started out as in the film. Character development can be hard to manage in film because you have such a short window of time to pull it off successfully. I respected and appreciated the development of Joel and Lana (Rebecca De Mornay). Joel goes from being a kid who can't tell if he's coming or going to a confident kid that acts older than his age. Hiding underneath his new exterior is a boy that's still scared to death as his life's stakes are now realer than ever. Lana enters the film cold and removed from her situation and leaves with a warmer heart and more of a vulnerable side. It's refreshing watching these characters mature right in front of you.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
Tom Cruise sliding across the floor in just a button down and socks. That slow motion wind-filled moment where we meet Lana for the first time. The L train scene. These are just a handful of moments that define this film and make it a memorable experience. Director Paul Brickman captures these shots just right to create a lasting impression.

Conflict: 6
The full conflict of the film doesn't really present itself until you're over halfway done with the film. Up to that point Risky Business feels like more of an aimless adventure. A good time without any stakes involved.

Genre: 7
Very original romantic comedy that is unique in its premise. It has a solid realistic feel in the way the characters think and react. Joel knows he needs to stay away from Lana, yet he can't help himself in being drawn to her. If Forgetting Sarah Marshall is one of my pinnacles for rom-coms, Risky Business is certainly in the wheelhouse.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 7

Plot: 7

Resolution: 4

Overall: 79
It's a film I will watch anytime I see it's on. While it didn't rewrite the history of cinema, Risky Business manages to hold its own as a good watch, even if the ending was a little underwhelming.

Annie Chanse (15 KP) rated Wintersong in Books

May 25, 2018  
S. Jae-Jones | 2017 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (19 Ratings)
Book Rating
It was okay.
Contains spoilers, click to show
[Warning: May contain spoilers]

I SOMEWHAT enjoyed this book. It is very much like "Labyrinth" meets "Beauty and the Beast." The premise is a bit too much like "Labyrinth" for me to be entirely comfortable calling this a "unique" book. Goblin King -- thin, blonde, mischievous Goblin King nonetheless -- comes to earth for a bride. A game ensues in which the stakes are as follows: the girl wins, she gets to take her sister and go home, leaving the Goblin King behind forever. The Goblin King wins, he gets to marry the girl. Sound familiar? Yeah. I thought it might.

I was a little turned off by this at first, but the author quickly adds in enough individuality to make the book her own and separate from the "Labyrinth." I don't want to give away any key plot points, so I am not going to go much further in the description of the book.

I will say, however, that the book is very prettily written, and that music is prominently featured throughout. Thankfully, the author writes music well, and it makes the book quite lovely to read, image-wise.

It is listed as a Young Adult fiction book, but I'd say that is not quite the right categorization for this book. The sex scenes are a little too descriptive for YA, and I worry about the poor librarian who is going to get chewed out because a religious mother catches her thirteen year old daughter reading it. Ha.

The plot was okay, if a little overdone, and the pacing was nice; it flowed well. There were no draggy bits, and nothing seemed too rushed. I'm not sure how I feel about the relationship between Liesl (the girl) and the Goblin King, which is, at times, very Beauty and the Beast and at other times, more Joker and Harley Quinn. :-/ I wouldn't say it was the healthiest of young marriages.

Still, overall, it is a solid 3.25-3.5 star book. I recommend it to lovers of romantic fantasy. Not ideal for hardcore fantasy geeks, though.

Oh, and also, if I see the word "entire" again, as in "I gave myself to him, entire" or "I am Elisabeth, entire" or "He finally gave himself to me, his body, his soul, his trust. Der Erlkonig, entire" one more time, I might punch someone. The author really needs to get over that little quirk. I would hate to see it repeated in the sequel, since she made use of it about ten bazillion times in the debut novel, and she has completely lost her right to EVER use the word "entire" again.
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1)
The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty, #1)
A.N. Roquelaure | 1999 | Erotica, Fiction & Poetry
7.5 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anne Rice wrote a trilogy of books under the pen name A. N. Roquelaure, based on the fairy tale Sleeping Beauty. These books were titled The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty, Beauty's Punishment (Sleeping Beauty), and Beauty's Release: The Conclusion of the Classic Erotic Trilogy of Sleeping Beauty. Yep, you read it right - erotica. The set is the only thing I have ever read by Anne Rice, and the only erotica books I have ever read. I have told maybe one or two other people that I have read the series, because it just does not match up with my "good girl" persona, and it resulted in the shocked expression I was expecting. Why would I read such an abomination? One part boredom, one part fairy tale superfan, and three parts secret naughty indulgence/curiousity (one for each book) - I found the books at a slow point while working at a bookstore, and sneakily read them at the customer service desk when I had nothing else to do.

In the first book, Beauty is awakened from her hundred-year sleep with a deflowering by the Prince. He takes her to his kingdom, where she is trained as a sexual slave and plaything, but she fails to be obedient, so is sent to brutal slavery in the neighboring village. In the second book, she is sold at auction and a power struggle ensues as she refuses to be completely broken by her various punishments. Actual plotline wanes in this one until towards the end some of the psychological aspects of sexual slavery are explored before Beauty is kidnapped for a Sultan. In the third book, the various characters all reach closure in varying forms as the sexual aspects of the plot take on a more religious and philosophical tone, as opposed to the crudity of the European castle and village. By the end of the series, it felt more like I was reading a study of a lifestyle for the education and not so much for the indulgence.

The sexual scenes are extremely explicit and graphic with the theme of sado-masochism replete throughout the text, but amazingly, there is still a plotline and decent character development. The first book was my favorite of the three, simply because that is the only book of the three that actually uses the fairy tale in its plotline, and by the third book much of the sex seemed vaguely repetitive and did not affect me as intensely as it did in the beginning. I would even dare to recommend it to those who are of the appropriate age.

I likely have A. N. Roquelaure's influence to thank for my unquestioning devotion to the Kushiel's Legacy series by Jacqueline Carey, now that I think about it...
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Snarky, crude, smart, bitchy, strange, dirty (in more ways than one), superficial, gory and more-y, HAPPY HOUR OF THE DAMNED is a hard book to describe in few words. Besides calling it zombie chick-lit urban fantasy, which is such a disservice. Amanda isn't the type of main character I usually enjoy reading about, I admit I'd rather read about someone more sympathetic than a label-conscious, cocktail swigging, loose, uppity, self-absorbed diva. But guess what, I actually liked her. Go figure. Now I wouldn't want to hang out with someone like her in real life, but in a book, it's all in good fun and I definitely will pick up the next two Amanda Feral books and hope there's more to come.

I loved the snarkiness, the footnotes (how many fiction authors actually do that?), the memoir-style writing, the cleverness of it all, it's a very good book. So why didn't I give it a higher rating, you may be thinking. Or maybe you're not. Whatever. Well, it did lose me a couple places and the plot meandered a bit in the beginning, and I'm still not sure what the master plot entailed (or is it entrailed? LMAO :D) exactly, as the plot did get a bit confusing towards the end. That could have just been me, I'm not the brightest at times. However, I think I did get the gist of the whole thing, so I wasn't left completely confused. In addition, I didn't find myself absorbed in the book, meaning I could put it down without withdrawal symptoms, so that brings my rating down slightly. I found the best thing to do with HAPPY HOUR OF THE DAMNED was to just let the book take me for the bizarre and fun ride the author had in store for the readers.

I'm sorry to hear that the series is in trouble, as it's much better than a lot of urban fantasy out there. We snarks of the world need these brainy reads (the fun kind) to survive, so in a way, we're zombies too. You may be wondering, "What can I do to help a good author out?" Well, go buy it! But only if you don't mind foul language, queasy and disgustingly gory scenes and imagery, sex in all it's kinkiness (which is mostly mentioned in passing), brand name designers, in-the-gutter-humor and more! All for the low, low price of $6.99. Have your credit card handy, operators are standing by - okay, I'm done with my infomercial sales pitch now. But really, if you do mind the aforementioned descriptions of what's covered inside, why are you looking at a zombie book anyway?
3.75 stars - just because I can.
For Fox Sake (Fetish Alley #1)
For Fox Sake (Fetish Alley #1)
Susan Mac Nicol | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
fantastic start to a new series
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, that I write a review was not required.

We met Tate and Clay properly in their book, Feat of Clay, in the Men of London series. This is the first in their own spin off series. It would probably help for you to read that book before this one. It will give you a better understanding of what both Tate and Clay went through before this book. That book for me is a brilliant 5 star read.

As is this one!

Granted, this is a much lighter read, with some very funny laugh out loud moments, particularly between Tate and the club owner, Relio. The fact that he is Clay's ex brings out the green eyed monster in Tate and he knows it, but he can't help himself!

The dead customer of Relio's club is why he called Clay, along with Tate, to partake of their investigations business. Clearly, the people involved were hiding something, they just need to figure out what.

Enter, if you will, Fetish Alley. Relio's club is at the end of the alley that caters to all things fetish. Some you'll have heard of, some not. A collection of shops selling all manner of naughty things await those who enter. But there is still a possible murder to solve, and Tate and Clay need to get to the bottom of it.

I loved the little one or two liners at the beginning of each chapter, which look like text messages between Tate and Clay. They proper made me chuckle! Loved the "old man" digs that Clay gets since he turns 40 during the course of the book. LOVED the pop up by Draven, Jax and Dare from the other books in the Men of London series.

And I absolutely need more of Tomas and Relio! I've no idea what happened between them here, but clearly SOMETHING did. And THEIR book (please let them have their own book, PLEASE!) is gonna be fun!

Considering where the book is set around, I didn't find it as explicit as some of Ms Mac Nicol's book but it IS sexy and hot. The fact that Tate and Clay are a well established couple makes a huge difference. Yes, there are sex scenes, but mostly you got shut down at the good bits! Loved that though!

A fantastic new series, I look forward to following what happens next, both in the Alley, the club and with Tate and Clay.

5 stars, that are still speckled with paint!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Underwriting
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hook is the hottest new dating app. It's location based and as long as two users match each other they can "hook" up in a matter of minutes.
Jost Hart, Hook's creator, believes it's time to follow in the steps of Facebook and other apps and take his public. He enlist Todd Kent with L.Cecil to help with the IPO. Todd barely knows Josh, having just met him briefly at a strip club months before, but is grateful for the opportunity seeing the potential in the app since he is one of it's users.

Kelly Jacobsen is also a Hook user, one of about 500 million. She has just accepted a position at L.Cecil after interning there over the summer. Now, back at Stanford, she reaches out to Tara Taylor, her mentor during the internship, letting her know of the decision. Tara is very excited for Kelly, this along with being named as part of the IPO team for Hook is really making her week. But after making this decision and spending a night out with friends, the next day, Kelly is found dead, with a drug overdose as the explanation. Her friends and family are baffled by this as this is something she would never do.

The death of a young co-ed and the introduction of a new company going public. Could these events be related in any way? Could Hook somehow be involved with Kelly's untimely demise? As the buzz for the IPO grows so does the speculation of the security of the app and it's users.

With so many changes happening so quickly, what will be the outcome? This book is filled with sex, lies, and billions of dollars, never a great combination when dealing with murder!

When first reading this book I was shocked at the number of different characters introduced so quickly. The book was fast paced from the start. ou meet the team of L.Cecil bankers in charge of the underwriting. From the guy at the top, to the little-a analyst who is crunching all of the numbers. You meet the guys in Silicon Valley from the creator of the app, to the engineers, that help to keep it running.

Everyone has their own agenda in this deal. To be bigger, better, and more powerful than before. And with billions of dollars on the table, the deal would do just that. This was an intriguing book, that thoroughly kept my attention. After reading one night I had very vivid dream about the book. I was sitting at the table with everyone, trying to make the deal work. It was a bit crazy for me. There are parts of this book that leave you with your mouth hanging open as you can't believe what you just read.
Today Will be Different
Today Will be Different
Maria Semple | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eleanor wakes up with the resolution that today will indeed be different. She will be a better person, a better mother, and a better wife. She will pay more focused attention to her son, Timby. She will have sex with her surgeon husband, Joe. She will go to her poetry and yoga classes. She will wear real clothes. She will pleasantly lunch with a friend she doesn't quite care for. But it doesn't take long for Eleanor's plans to quickly derail, as a series of mishaps rapidly start to add up: Timby is sick, it appears as if Joe is no longer going to work (and lying about it), and Eleanor's lunch date isn't what it seems, either.

I may be the only person left on the planet who hasn't read [book:Where'd You Go, Bernadette|13526165] (sometimes I'm stubborn about reading "it" books, ok), so I cannot compare this novel to that one. That may be for the best. This is the second novel--in a row--that I contemplated just not finishing, and again, that is so rarely my style. This book felt like a slapdash series of paragraphs thrown together about a crazy woman whose motivations and actions made entirely no sense.

The book veers back and forth in time: while the main action occurs all in one day (the one Eleanor vows will be better), she flashes back to her past, telling the story of her childhood, a long and confusing saga with her sister, Ivy, and Ivy's husband, and how she met her own husband. She also covers her time as working as an animator. It all happens sort of randomly and often in a stream of consciousness. This occurs among the crazy, insane happenings of Eleanor's day, where she sets off a series of bizarre actions that-to me-made no sense and came across as completely irrational. She was not endearing, she was not a little silly: she was just weird and somewhat unhinged, and I'm honestly not sure how she was still allowed to care for poor Timby.

There were a few glimmers about the frustrations of modern motherhood and marriage in this novel, but most were buried by the bizarre ramblings and incoherence of the plot. Some plot pieces were never resolved, some just popped up for no reason, and some dragged on and on endlessly. Maybe I'm just not familiar with Semple's style, but I have to pass on this one.

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The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo
The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo
Amy Schumer | 2016 | Biography
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amy Schumer's book comes out at a time when it seems like every celebrity in the world has a book out: some collection of essays about their life, showcasing how funny they are and what their life is like as a celebrity. In Schumer's, we hear about her life from childhood to her post <i>Trainwreck</i> success and nearly everything in between: her friendships, her relationships, her parents, and her growth as a comedian. And, of course, a lot about sex. The book is told in a series of chapters - essays if you will - each one covering a particular moment in Schumer's life. They don't go in any particular order, but cover the gamut of her range of experiences.

I found this book to be a refreshing and engaging celebrity book. It carried a surprising depth. I don't know a ton about Schumer, but loved <i>Trainwreck</i> and have had a crush on her for ages. That crush has only intensified upon reading her book, as I discovered several similarities between us: introverts who love hotdogs and have complicated relationships with their mothers, who both internalize stress to the point where it makes us sick. We're a match made in heaven! But, seriously, Schumer is an excellent writer, and her book is an easy read, with well-written and wonderful essays that range from humorous to serious (and often both).

Her book avoided all of my usual celebrity autobiography/memoir/essay pet peeves. In this book, we really learn about Schumer, instead of just a few token stories. I was fascinated to hear about her career trajectory: you get a great look into how hard she worked in her early years as a comedian. In addition, we actually get a lot of insight into her early life-- her childhood and teenage years. What I love is that she comes across as a real human being, instead of giving us a book that is simply full of polished, trite jokes and well-worn stories.

In fact, while parts of the book make you laugh out loud, other places make you empathize with Schumer. The book is funny, but not too funny or fake funny. And it's serious without preaching. She covers topics such as sexual assault, gun control, her father's MS, her relationship with her parents, and other serious childhood experiences that molded her, with a realism that is refreshing. Sure, there are a few "woe is me" moments about how hard it is to be a celebrity, or what it's like to have money, but they are few and far between. By the end, I admired Amy even more as a person and a comedian, and my crush will continue on stronger than ever.

Hannah May (3 KP) rated Rolling Dice in Books

Mar 8, 2018  
Rolling Dice
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
It maybe because I was struggling with my work load and social life, that I found it difficult to really get into this story. The Kissing Booth and Out of Tune hooked me from the first word. I'm saddened to admit that Rolling Dice did not. There are a number of things about this novel that really let it down. The first, I think, is the lack of character development. Throughout the novel, I was waiting for Madison to grow some back-bone, maybe some common sense, especially when it came to Tiffany and Bryce. I have been in Madison's shoes. I have made friends with people who, in their own sly way, put me down and made me feel small. And I put up with it, because I was too timid to say anything, because I was afraid of losing the only people who wanted me around, or who wanted to be my friend. I guess some part of me wanted her to learn from my mistakes and do things differently. I was satisfied, however, when Madison kept refusing Bryce for sex and told him he was being a jerk. I was not surprised, when he cheated. He annoyed the hell out of me! Madison was too much a damsel in distress for me; always worrying, always looking back, reminding herself of the pain and humiliation she endured in Maine. She may have reinvented her appearance, but NOT her emotional and mental state. Those are the things that need to change first. Everything else can wait. I would have also liked to see more back story on Madison's life in Maine and the death of Dwight's father. That would have been MOST interesting!The second was the plot. I liked the idea of "new girl comes to town and struggles to find her place at school," but I would have liked to see more conflict. I would have liked to see Madison really struggling with her feelings and loyalties, both for Tiffany and Co. and Dwight. The lastly was the ending. I was disappointed. Madison retreated to New York to escape the drama. What seemed like a good move at the time, only put her back RIGHT where she started. That was the time to show everyone what kind of person she was and not be intimidated. Instead, she ran away. Not happy with the ending at all, but it was redeemed by the rekindle of Madison and Dwight's friendship/ relationship, whichever it turned in to. Overall, not her best book, but I did enjoy Reekles' writing style, language and in depth understanding of high school life and everyday teenage struggles.