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Night's Edge
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Dancers in the Dark" by Charlaine Harris is set in the same universe as the Southern Vampire/Sookie Stackhouse stories, but with none of the incredibly annoying characters. How refreshing! It does go back to the same stuff Harris explored in her Shakespeare series and one of her standalone books (<i>Sweet and Deadly</i>? I can't remember if it was that one of the other, as they don't stand out in my memory too much anyway). The story wasn't terribly, though, and I was engaged. I kept thinking while reading, "Didn't I read another short story or novella in this universe about dancers?" Anybody else remember? I hate it when my memory goes wonky like that.

"Her Best Enemy" was too hackneyed, bringing in too many old standbyes. There's a tough girl reporter who is really a sweet woman who just needs a good man after a bad one took everything she had, a sexy man who is tougher than he looks and better able to protect her than even he knew, etc. I don't remember reading anything really strong by Maggie Shayne yet, but she's definitely on the romance side of the paranormal romance street, so that may explain my lack of enthusiasm.

Barbara Hambly's contribution, "Someone Else's Shadow," has us back in the world of dance. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one and the first story in a dance-themed anthology (they probably are, already, and I just don't realize it yet). It was the strongest story of the three (with reason, as Hambly is certainly the most experienced and IMNSHO best writer of the three). Sound plotting, good reasoning, likable characters who are well-rounded and believable, neither perfect saints nor disgusting sinners.

I kept thinking of Hope while reading the last story because the main character dances and teaches belly dance, and there's a lovely quote from the first time she dances in front of her love interest, <i>"It's all dancing. Skill infused with joy. Weaving jewelry out of dreams."</i>

Gail (4 KP) rated All Tyed Up in Books

Jun 4, 2018  
All Tyed Up
Julia Harlow | 21016
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
All Tyed Up by Julia Harlow
The story follows Isabella Beachwood and Ty Griffin. Their Journey Begins a little bit shaky. Isabella has this attitude and it’s just like no he might be a player, he’s hot, he’s sexy and he’s got this charisma that she knows women are all over him. Then there’s Ty he’s just like wow this voluptuous woman is just too hot I need her. I got the feeling that he was just going to take over and commander her.
Ok I enjoyed this book. I laughed and even got a little teary eyed. At first I was in love with Isabella. She is a independent woman doing her thing. But as the book progressed she became snobbish to me. For instance the part where she misjudged him and thought that he was married and had a baby. How in the world did he end up apologizing to her when she jumped to conclusions? Then she had the nerve to say that she needed to think about it for a couple days. I was like girl get over yourself this man did nothing wrong and yet you're punishing him. And then there’s Tiberius Griffin( AKA Ty). Man he is delicious sounding everything about him just sounded so perfect. Until he let her basically boss him around I mean what alpha male let’s the woman boss him around? I understand let her take control every now and then but you know he basically gave in to her every demand. I like that she wrote about body image because so many women have body image issues and it’s something that affects us everyday. But anyways on a good note I really love the authors writing. I thought she wrote the characters well and from her perspective they were perfect the way they are. I really enjoyed the funny parts and don’t let me forget the sex. It was hot! hot! hot! So if you’re looking for a book that’s sweet, tempting and fun this is definitely for you.

T.N. Nova (30 KP) rated Why I Trust You in Books

Jun 24, 2018 (Updated Jun 24, 2018)  
Why I Trust You
Why I Trust You
Colette Davison | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why I Trust You by Colette Davison is the third book in the Why I series. You can find our reviews for Why I Left You and Why I Need You by following the links. Each one can be read as a stand-alone and is loosely tied together by recurring characters.

I started reading the Why I series from the very beginning and have followed Colette throughout the series. I fell in love with her writing from the first page. Each book is an amazing work of art and her latest release - Why I Trust You - did not disappoint. In fact, while I love the first two books, this book goes above and beyond. It has to be my absolute favorite - and that says quite a bit.

Martin is a computer developer who is on a mission to find the best graphic artist for his latest game that he’s crating. An overachiever who turns everything he makes into gold has quite the high standards for the person he hires. Ryan is an artist who is in an abusive relationship but wants to get out of it. He wows Martin with his art designs for the game that’s being developed. Both men have trust issues from their past.

There is so much I can say about this book. It’s sweet, sexy, hot and loving. So many feelings that this story draws out of you! There are times when I actually found myself laughing out loud and other times when I wanted to beat the living daylights out of Ryan’s ex, Zane. The story grabs you by the arm, draws you right in, and refuses to let you go until the very last sentence.It’s a must-read for anyone who loves a good romance with characters who are working toward bettering themselves and overcoming obstacles.

I’m a complete and total #TeamMartin and #TeamRyan fan! Thank you Colette! (less) [edit]
Mar 31, 2018 [edi
The Pisces
The Pisces
Melissa Broder | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been wanting to read this one for a while; you know how much I like my mermaids! This one is male, and not as predatory as other books I've read, but still good. This is one of the books from my summer TBR list, and the second book I've read from that list so far.

I feel like this book is better classified as Contemporary Fiction than fantasy; the existence of the merman is the only magical thing about it. Everything else is an exploration on love, obsession, and the lengths people will go to to meet their needs. Broder manages to wax philosophical but with a frankness that keeps everything relatable; from missing ex-boyfriends to worrying about Tinder dates, to thinking about the empty abyss of the ocean at night, Lucy's inner dialogue speaks to the anxiety within all of us.

I went back and forth as to whether I actually liked Lucy or not. I did like her for most of the book, but then she had to go and be stupid and I'm not sure I can forgive her for that. It does illustrate how far some people will go when they're obsessed with something, so it's realistic, I suppose. But I'd rather the cost had fallen on Lucy instead of the innocent bystander.

The ending of the book wasn't entirely satisfactory. It wrapped up the story, sure, but the next to the last paragraph introduced a question that hadn't otherwise been considered, and leaves it unanswered. Which is a pet peeve of mine. It's not philosophy, it's a question of is she or isn't she, and that's not something the reader can really theorize about.

Overall, I really liked the book. There were a couple of events that annoyed me, but for the most part, this was a good summer read. It largely takes place on the beach, it's at turns funny, sexy, sad, and weird. I think it's mostly deserving of the hype it received.

You can find all my reviews at
Wanted- Bad Boyfriend (Island Classifieds #1)
Wanted- Bad Boyfriend (Island Classifieds #1)
TA Moore | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great easy read
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

Everyone thinks Nate should have a boyfriend, NEEDS one to be happy. But is ok by himself, mostly. So he hatches a plan with the island's resident bad boy. Pretend to be together for a bit, the Flynn can do his thing, dump Nate and everyone will leave him alone. Only, there are a couple of problems with said plan: both are surprised by the chemistry between them, and actually, Flynn turns out to be quite a good boyfriend. And it becomes a case on not pretending.

I LIKED this book. I did not love it though, and *insert wailing sound* I don't know why!

It's well told, from both Flynn and Nate's point of view, in the past tense. It has some sexy bits, some funny bits, some difficult reading bits and some emotional bits.

We don't get all of Flynn and Nate's history in one go, it comes along bits at time. In fact, much of Flynn's history is still unexplained. I still don't know which of those rumours were true, and just why he did not return for his father's funeral.

It does throw a CORKER twist at you though! I did NOT see that one coming, not at all!! There I was, merrily reading away *don't tell anyone* on a quiet Sunday afternoon at work, and BOOM!!! Moore throws that at me and I'm like SAY WHAT NOW!?!?!?!?!? Out loud! I rarely am vocal when reading (more so when listening) and my colleague is like "Are you okay?" And I'm like "but look what she did!" Seriously well played with that Ms Moore, very VERY well played!

Like I said, it's well told, well written and well delivered. I saw no spelling or editing errors to spoil my reading experience and I read it in that one afternoon.

I'm just sorry I didn't love it though.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Take It All
Take It All
Quin Perin | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
smut, in its most pure and beautiful form!
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the authors, that I write a review was not required.

Quin and Perin write. smut. Pure and simple, down and dirty SMUT. If you don't like smut, steer clear cos let me tell ya, this here is one excellent SMUT book!

Now, I've decided that daddy kink really doesn't do anything for me, not really, but I did read The One With Daddy, since it's the first one in this little smut-fest. It's well written, but from only Dave's point of view. It's sexy, it's hot, HAWT, but it's not really my thang.

The One With The Politician, however, was right up my street! Again, told only from The Politician's point of view, it's all about him getting his rocks off since his wife ain't giving him what he really needs. And boy does he get them off! Hot, HOT HOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!

The One With The Jock? I need more of these two! I feel there is a longer story that they need to tell, a story out there, somewhere, in the minds of Quin and Perin and I hope they write it! Please write it!

Then there is a bonus read, that I also feel needs a longer drawn out tale! Reece and Elijah clearly have chemistry, even if they have yet to touch!

These four stories are NOT romances: they are purely and simply sex. And I make NO apologies for loving books such as these! Sometimes, you just need to read about two guys who have explosive chemistry getting down and dirty with each other!

Keep em coming, please God, keep these sorts of books coming at me, cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED them in my life!

S0, only because they are so bloody short, and only because one character in each pairing has a say...

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Roxanne (13 KP) rated The Ritual in Books

Nov 14, 2018  
The Ritual
The Ritual
Adam Nevill | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
2.5 stars rounded up.

I found this book quite difficult to rate as I was very much in a love/hate relationship with it, some bits were great and I was sucked into the story whilst on the edge of my seat but then on the other hand some parts had me rolling my eyes. This book is split into two parts but I can't say that I enjoyed one part more than the other...both kind of just went on a bit too much. This book could have been so much shorter without losing anything, there was just too much yapping on about nothing, extended sentences with no meaning, I just wanted everyone to get to the point they were making.
I like to be scared by horror stories, I like to be given goose-bumps but unfortunately I just didn't feel it. There was, however, a nice bit of gore that kept me going and I did like most of the characters. It was an interesting story, original but unfortunately I found it a bit dull in places.
I'm not sure if others would agree with me, maybe I'm being too sensitive but I did find the book to be pretty sexist. Women, as a whole, were just demeaned which left me feeling pretty uncomfortable. The language towards females was pretty grim and the unpleasantness of the male characters was described as feminine. Each wife was described as horrible, mean, selfish, vile and was to be thrown away with the trash and the main character's girlfriend was mentioned about three times. She meant a lot to him but all that we were told was that she had a sexy overbite and he wanted to bed her. For a novel this big and in depth I expected to be able to get to know the characters more but it left me wanting.
I can't say I would really recommend it to be honest, I think my expectations were too high as I was very much looking forward to reading this one...nevermind.
Sin&#039;s Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3)
Sin's Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3)
Shelby Rhodes | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sin's Thief (Vampires of Vadin #3) by Shelby Rhodes
Sin's Thief is the third book in the Vampires of Vadin, and I'm still denied my Kaiden and Asher pleasure! However, I am consoled by the amazing story of Cecil and Sin. Not only is Cecil the complete opposite of Sin in looks, deportment, and behaviour, but he is also the opposite in age. Cecil is only eighteen, whilst Sin is approximately six thousand! Talk about cradle robber!

It works though! Trust me on this. It really does.

Cecil may be young in years, but he has ages worth of experience in abuse and horror. His mother left him, his father is an alcoholic and thinks nothing of physically abusing his son. No, Cecil hasn't had it easy, which is why it is hard for him to trust either Sin, or anyone else he is introduced to.

This story is poignantly written in so many places. It's not just steam and sexy times, although they are there too. We learn the full extent of how Cecil's experiences have changed him. We learn about Sin's history, and his beast. Both these characters have more in common than you might originally think.

Once again, this was excellently written, with no editing or grammatical errors. There is one humdinger of a cliffhanger ending though, so consider yourself warned. We reunite with previous characters once again, and I loved the little updates about Adrian and Xavier, plus Stephen and Jayden.

I can't wait for the next book to see where that's going - and then I may also get a hint about Kaiden and Asher. Please, Ms. Rhodes, I'm begging you! Highly recommended by me.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Salvaging Love (Rescue Me #1)
Salvaging Love (Rescue Me #1)
Sara Ohlin | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies and fluffers too!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
Faced with the destruction of her beloved neighbourhood, Ellie is given a month to persuade lawyer and new block owner Jackson to renovate, rather than rebuild.
This appears to be only the second book Ms Ohlin has written. And I really rather enjoyed it!
It's light a fluffy in places, and dark and deadly in others. It's funny and sexy in places, its heavy and emotional in others. It spans a huge range of emotions and all are extremely well portrayed and delivered.
Ellie is a vet (as in animal doctor, not ex service person) and Jackson is lawyer to the criminal underworld in town. Jackson is jaded and buys the block as a new career. Ellie loves her community and fights Jackson all the way. But Jackson is, quite literally, smitten as a kitten with Ellie and it really doesn't take much for Jackson to see what Ellie does.
Jackson's job clashes with his personal life in a way I so did NOT see coming at me and I loved that! I absolutely did NOT have a clue that was coming at me, and I must have shouted out, cos my daughter stuck her head round the door and asked if I was ok! It was a blinder of a plot twist! Very well played, there, Ms Ohlin, very well played!
It does carry some darker story lines: parental/spousal abuse, as well as animal abuse. Some of this is described in great detail. Readers may have triggers.
Both Ellie and Jackson have a say, and I loved that they did. Ya'll know I need to hear from everyone!
This is billed as book one in the Rescue Me series, and I cannot wait to see who comes next, and what Ms Ohlin pulls out of her hat for them!
4 very VERY good stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
My Pulse (Town of Broward #1)
My Pulse (Town of Broward #1)
Hanna Dale | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really does creep up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

You know what? I really REALLY enjoyed this book! You'll laugh at me though, cos its first person, present tense AND multi point of view!

If you follow my reviews, you'll know that this, for ME, is the worst way for a book to be written and I have dumped many a book when realising it is written this way. I am, however, so very glad I did NIT dump this one!

So, I went to look to see what else I have read by Ms Dale, and lookit! This is the first book by this author name and I was extremely impressed!

I love the family legend of how each and every one of them would know who their other half was instantly, much like you get with the mates thing in shifter books, but there are no shifters in this book. A witch is mentioned, when Owen is telling Tristan about the legend, and the family legend itself borderes on paranormal, but thats all.

I loved that who was causing problems for Tristan wasn't obvious, and there were a lot of red herrings thrown about!

I loved Stella, Tristan's daughter, and how Owen took to her immediately, with the help of his dog, Huck and that Owen had that MINE moment for Stella as well as Tristan.

It's deeply emotional in places, hilarious in others. Dark and very deadly in places, and super sexy in others. Owen's family are a lot of fun, but Tristan's are . . not so much. I loved the hints that pop up to maybe future books in this series, and I hope I picked those clues up correctly. Be fun, I think, but I sense some of them might be way WAY more emotional than Tristan's!

Can't quite stretch to 5 stars, but a good solid, GREAT . .

4 star read!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**