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Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Aaliyah in Books

Nov 8, 2019  
Katrina Cope | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When her mother was healed by angels shortly before she was born, Aaliyah has been able to heal others, both physically and mentally. In particular she helps out her friend Duan, a unique child born of both demon and angel.

Her sheltered existence is a great concern to her mother, and so she takes her young family away from their monastery home - and Duan - in order the live a 'normal' life. But Aaliyah can't help using her power, and draws unwanted attention to the family.

This book is the start of a new series, albeit one firmly rooted in Cope's Afterlife series. However it is not necessary to have read that series, nor the Witch's Legacy book which provides some additional background.

As usual with Cope's books it is the characters that shine out, everyone from Aaliyah and Duan to the villagers who are just desperate for Aaliyah's healing touch are realised perfectly. As the stakes are raised, not least by a dreadful prophesy and dark forces who want to use her gift for their own ends, both Aaliyah and Duan must decide where they belong and who they need the most.

As the story unfolds the stakes are skillfully raised, drawing the reader along, genuinely fearing for the fates of the main characters at each step. Sometimes it was hard to turn the page, knowing that the characters you have been getting to know so well will almost definitely end up coming to harm.

In this book Cope has managed to take the elements of angels, witches and shapeshifters and combined them into an engrossing and thrilling read that will appeal to young adults of all ages.
The Alchemist and an Amaretto (Guild Codex: Spellbound, #5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This starts with a paintball fight as the Crow and Hammer guild go against each other in an equal parts fun and training game. Afterwards our four main characters head back to the bar where the guild is based and discuss their plans for Christmas and it's decided they should all head to Aaron's parents house/guild/school for the holidays. Only things aren't quite as safe and secure as they seem at the school.

I do love these four people: Tori, Aaron, Kai and Ezra. They've grown into a tight-knit group over the previous books and I am really invested in their adventures - and their romances. Tori had previously dated Aaron but it didn't really last long and now she's realising her feelings for Ezra are a lot more than just friendship and she will do just about anything to save him from his inner demon. I'm very intrigued to see where that will end up going because he's always been the shy, sweet but deadly one.

As for the story of this one with the mutated shapeshifters. I kinda figured out who the bad guy was from pretty early on though I was a little surprised by just quite how deranged he ended up being.

It did surprise me by finishing at the 85% mark. I don't know what I was expecting since the story had wrapped up by that point. I think I was disappointed that I didn't have more to read of this group of friends. Since i got this from the KU library, I'm going to grab some more of the series soon.
A Creepshow Holiday Special (2020)
A Creepshow Holiday Special (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Horror
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Creepshow delivers the holiday themed goods once again with this Christmas special. Unlike the Halloween Special, this one is fully live action, and instead of being the regular two segments, it's one big 45 minute story.

The first half focuses on a dude attending a support group for people who are shape shifters, keen to find out exactly what he shapeshifts into. The group is filled with a few colourful characters who transform into all sort of things - tortoises, cheetahs, werewolves, boars. It's mostly dialogue but it's pretty fun. Adam Pally and Anna Camp head up the cast, and both seem to be aware just how silly the episode is and both ham up proceedings well enough. IMDb has listed Barbara Crampton, Marilyn Manson, Ali Larter and Keith David among others in the cast, but I'll be fucked if I spotted them anywhere!

The second half is when it gets festive when *SPOILERS* out of nowhere, it's revealed that Santa Claus hunts shapeshifters for a living and employs an army of shopping mall Santas to help him in his fight. Shit gets ridiculous as everyone transforms, Santa turns up in some crazy demon armour with actual robotic claws for hands, blood flies everywhere, scores of Santas are mown down by gunfire - it's so so dumb, but goddam entertaining.

There isn't really any underlying message here. Writer/Director Greg Nicotero just wanted to go all out and schlocky as possible, and I'd say he achieved his goal pretty effectively.

This holiday special is a boat load of fun, and another solid piece of evidence as to why Creepshow is an essential part of horror television. Ho Ho Fucking Ho!
Charmed & Dangerous
Charmed & Dangerous
Collected Authors | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First off, I think this is the first anthology I've ever given a 5-star rating for! Normally it's a 4-star as some stories are better than others but going for the average, it's a 4-star. I did the same with this collection - some I liked more than others - but the average rating is still 5 stars. There are new authors here (for me at least) and now I'm very happy as I can go searching for more of their books.

There is a little bit of everything for everyone here - the common thread being MM romance. Some are new relationships, and some are already established, but each story is individual and very well-written. Some (but not all) of my favourites were 'A Queer Trade', 'The Thirteenth Hex' and 'The Soldati Prince'. All different, all brilliant, all thoroughly enjoyable.

I could mention each and every one but you'd become bored so all I will say is that if you know at least one of these authors and like their work, then I can highly recommend this collection. If you don't know any of these authors but like M/M Romance, then I can highly recommend this collection. If you like a variety of M/M stories including shapeshifters, witches, a vaguely steampunk-type story, alternate realities etc, then I can highly recommend this collection. I'm sure you're getting the idea by now so there you go. I highly recommend this collection and loved it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 25, 2015
Witch's Legacy (Supernatural Evolvement #0.5)
Witch's Legacy (Supernatural Evolvement #0.5)
Katrina Cope | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first book in a new series by outstanding young adult author Katrina Cope is something of a big deal. Both her previous series are particular favourites of both mine and my teenage children. Set in the same universe as her Afterlife series, this tells the story of an ancient feud between witches and shapeshifters.

Living in a coven with her mother, Della has to put on a front of cruelty to fit in with the other witches, especially when her mother makes one of her frequent disappearances. One day she accidentally discovers a terrible secret that means that she must go on the run, attempting to survive in a modern world she is unprepared for and with few allies. With the whole might of the coven on her trail she must adapt and find friends to survive.

Once again Cope proves why she is one of the best young adult authors out there. Although the members of the coven do perhaps veer to towards a cackling stereotype at times they do come across and dangerous, evil and threatening. The other characterisation is up to the usual high standard. Della is a very likeable - and sometimes fallible- protagonist and grows as a person throughout her experiences. The other people she meets are also carefully described and have their own distinct personalities and goals.

The plot perhaps isn't complex, dealing as it does with setting the basics for the series to come, but does have a couple of twists if not any major surprises. But the story is always interesting and engaging and the reader will definitely be siding with Della and holding their breath as things get tight.

I very much enjoyed this and so will the young adult audience. 5 stars even though I know very well that every book in the series will just get better and better and I have left myself nowhere to go. But that's been the case with both of Cope's other series.
Moon Justice (Aurelia Fridell #2)
Moon Justice (Aurelia Fridell #2)
Ryanne Hawk, E.R. Pierce | 2015 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story picks up where Fractured Moon finished. Ceithin and Aurelia travel to Alaska for some much-needed time alone, where Aurelia can spend time learning about her wolf. Things are never that easy though and their time in Alaska is interrupted in the form of a Kodiak shapeshifter. They are also pressed to return home where they find that things have changed in their absence, and not always for the better.

There is a lot that goes on in this book and it will keep your interest as you turn the pages. However, I will say that there were a couple of things that 'niggled' at me once I had finished it. Firstly, the whole 'thing' in Alaska - I'm really hoping that it will lead to a more developed story with Garrett and Mars as I felt that it ended rather abruptly and without actually going anywhere. Then there was the whole 'madman raising an army' situation. It seemed like a lot of hot air about nothing. Now, don't get me wrong. The storyline itself was fast-paced and well-written. It's just that I felt parts of it could have been 'more', bigger somehow. It felt like a big build-up, with a good action scene before and then... poof, it was all over.

Don't get me wrong though, this story isn't rushed and does come to a satisfactory close. On the whole, I thoroughly enjoyed it which is why it gets four stars. I felt the story ended nicely for Ceithin and Aurelia and would love to know more about this family and their friends, hopefully starting with Garrett and Mars as they go to Alaska.

Recommended for fans of the paranormal and shapeshifters.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
August 5, 2016
Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)
Hex Hall (Hex Hall, #1)
Rachel Hawkins | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first thing that I found curious was that the author does not begin with when Sophie first discovers who she is, but instead begins with what incident propels her to switch to the paranormal-reject-filled boarding school, Hecate Hall - also affectionately known as "Hex Hall." The incident shows the softer side of Sophie, so it is easy to predict the choices she makes throughout the rest of the book.
Hecate Hall is similar to any other high school, just with a paranormal twist. The werewolves can still talk and walk upright, so they are not considered true shapeshifters. The fairies don't have to hide their wings, can turn into balls of light for travel, communicate through mirrors, as well as many other traditions of legend - but all seem to be pretentious snobs. The witches are divided into dark and light, and Sophie is unknowingly cast as a dark witch, though she can't guess how, which puts her in the line of fire from the other three dark witches on campus, who swing from classic "mean girls" to her best friends unpredictably. Plus, what school would be complete without the resident "hottie", whom Sophie can't help but fall for, especially since fate keeps putting the two of them together. And finally, two vampires also reside at school - though they are not considered equals - Sophie's roommate, Jenna, as well as a teacher condemned into hiding, none other than Lord Byron, the poet. While Lord Byron's role turned out to be a major disappointment, Jenna seemed to be the one with all of the secrets, even as she is repeatedly blamed for the new deaths cropping up.
Sophie is easy to like, with a fantastic sense of humor and strong moral sense. The flip-flopping emotions of the cast of characters matched the average teenager well, and made for many entertaining situations. The many surprises that saturated the plot made the book engaging, and I look forward to reading about what Sophie does with her new-found information about herself in the next book, Demonglass.
I received an ARC edition of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

As the title says, this is book 2 in the Eternal Mates series and as such I recommend reading Kissed by a Dark Prince first, although this is not altogether necessary.

A lunar month has passed since the end of Book 1 and during that time Sable has been dreaming of King Thorne but keeps telling herself that she isn't interested. She is aiming to be Commander in Archangel and is determined to make the mission to help King Thorne a success - but only for career options, of course! Thorne has also been dreaming of Sable and knows that she is his fated female but is at a loss on how to proceed. During which time he is also trying to find a way to stop his kingdom from being overrun and how to improve his subjects' lives (if they survive the coming battle).

Felicity Heaton has written another fantastic series that you can lose yourself in. There are aspects of most characters that you can either relate to or admire... and trust me, I did a lot of admiring of Thorne! But with elves, werewolves, dragons and vampires there is someone there to interest everyone. And I just have to say that I love how the Vampire Erotique Theatre makes a show (another fantastic series if you haven't read it yet).

This book has everything from shapeshifters, vampires, demons (obviously) to war, battles, portals and angels. It is a book to immerse yourself in and not come up for air until you've finished it. Claimed by a Demon King is smoking hot and if Thorne is inexperienced, then all the angels in heaven won't be able to help Sable once he gets some experience under his belt! A perfect blend of innocence and pure, unadulterated male who has found his match in Sable. May the gods help Hell, because with this pair, anything is possible.

Highly recommended for all fans of Paranormal Romance and Felicity Heaton.