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A Sherlock Holmes Devotional: Uncovering the Mysteries of God
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every once in a while I read a book that is just trying way too hard to be cool. Sadly, this is one of those books.

Sherlock Holmes was an amazing detective. The Bible is an amazing book. So why not make a Sherlock Holmes devotional? The answer is because the two are about totally different things, and when you try to make a secular thing spiritual, you end up with poison.

I requested this book with suspicion (the same publisher had a bunch of other awesome-looking books, and this was the only one I was iffy about), but I hoped it would surprise and maybe impress me. Sadly, it’s actually worse than I imagined.

For example: The first devotional is about the Case of the Cardboard Box, where a woman has a package delivered to her with two severed ears. The devotional goes on to praise Sherlock for solving the crime, and then diverts to “We can hear the voice of God. Sherlock said the ear is amazing. See how these two are connected?” And yes obviously that’s a paraphrase. But it was the point of the devotional.

In staying in this same idea, let me tell you a story and give you a practical on how it made me feel.

Did you know in the Appalachian mountains, some people put Mountain Dew in their babies bottles? It’s cheaper than milk and the kids get addicted to it young. Obviously it causes major health issues like diabetes and sever obesity, the kids end up loosing their teeth before they even break skin, and (though I haven’t researched it, I’m sure) that some have died.

In the same way, the Bible tells us that newer Christians thrive on smaller amounts of doctrine, simple statements of truth. In the new testament, a Christian not moving past that stage is considered an adult still drinking baby milk. But the milk isn’t enough, and eventually, their faith will die if they don’t move forward. So Mountain Dew is like Baby Milk. See how the two are connected?

Sorry, but this book isn’t baby food. It’s poison. I love Sherlock and I love Jesus. But I find this book offensive
Enola Holmes (2020)
Enola Holmes (2020)
2020 | Adventure, Crime, Drama
Lavish slab of Holmesian schlock, which managed to get Netflix sued by the Conan Doyle estate on the grounds that it depicts Sherlock Holmes having emotions: frankly, this is the least of the film's divergences from the canon. The great detective's slightly manic younger sister is home-schooled by her mother, and then goes off to London when said matriarch vanishes on her sixteenth birthday.

Doesn't really bear much resemblance to the original canon, nor to the realities of Victorian London or much else, really: there isn't a great deal of detecting going on, but there is a lot of earnest messaging about finding your own path and giving the patriarchy a good kicking. Has clearly had some money spent on it; Brown has a certain presence and Cavill, while arguably miscast, is less problematic than you might expect. For a film which appears to be aimed at a fairly young audience there are some moments of surprisingly nasty violence, but on the whole it's fairly inoffensive. I imagine members of the target audience will probably enjoy it a lot more than me; I think I'll be sticking with Young Sherlock Holmes when I'm in the mood for this sort of thing.
Six of Crows
Six of Crows
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (45 Ratings)
Book Rating
New Verisom of Sherlock Holmes
Where do I start? Before I read Six Of Crow there was a trilogy before it. And I read it before Six Of Crow came out so when I got my hands on it. I already knew about the world the setting took place. And I recommend anyone to read the trilogy FIRST has there are people, and inside jokes you will miss if you don't but nothing major or important.

But Six Of Crow it self. Was a fanominal book, it was new and different, and there was twist in it I didn't see coming. Six Of Crow left a mark on me where I put it in my Jewel Collection. Kaz is an choas Sherlock Holmes, he dosen't help if there isn't anything in it for him. His gang all have different personalities and back stories. They each add a new element to the story, you get to know them like friends. I don't think there is a si gle thing Leigh could have done to make this story any better. I couldn't put the book down, I wanted to know what would happen. Also there are some good lessons you could learn for it.

I highly highly recommend this book to anyone willing to expand their taste in genre.
King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword (2017)
King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword (2017)
2017 | Action, Drama
Charlie Hunnam (0 more)
David Beckham's cameo (1 more)
Everything else
Absolutely awful
I think this is possibly the worse film of 2017 so far. Guy Ritchie's usual style just does not work in this setting. Strange, as it worked very well in the Sherlock Holmes films, but it just doesn't work here. The CGI is awful, the casting is terrible (the mage and David Beckham's cameo to name just a couple) and the story itself is just nonsense. The only thing that does work in this film is Charlie Hunnam, who is likeable and charismatic, surprising considering what he's got to work with script and story wise.