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101 of 235
Daring Provocation ( Shadow Veil Academy 3)
By Heather Renee

Sometimes patience isn't a virtue.

Facing off with Malina didn't go quite how Raegan hoped, but she isn't one to give up easily. Now, she's back at school and more than eager to do whatever is necessary in order to protect those she loves most.

When a team is assembled and training begins in class, Raegan and Enzo grow closer than ever, but their happily-ever-after isn't within their grasp just yet. As one obstacle after another appears in their path, it will take ever bit of patience Raegan doesn't have in order to make it through.

With the final showdown drawing near, their team travels to New Orleans in hopes of keeping the battle away from school, but even then, the collateral damage might be more than any of them could have ever predicted. With more than one life at risk, Raegan will be forced to make choices she might never be able to recover from.

I do think this was the weakest of the 3 and didn’t really get me excited until the end. Although I did enjoy it I found most of it quite predictable. The series on a whole was really good especially for those that like dragon shifters which are a weakness of mine 😂
Part of Fated Mates: an MM Paranormal Romance Charity Anthology!

One thing I love about J.P. Sayle stories is that she comes up with different shifters and problems. For instance, in A SCENT LIKE NO OTHER, Pierre is a skunk shifter and has faulty anal glands. Now, hand on heart, I can honestly say I've never read about either of those before. I'm just glad he wasn't called Pepé! 😁

Along with Pierre, we have Eliphas, a mage who works well with his ancestors' crystals, as well as being an amazing tattoo artist, specialising in protection. Pierre knows they are a triad, but it comes as a shock to Eli. This leads to cross-purposes, as Eli isn't sure he'd be happy with a third, not when he has Pierre. But Pierre has always known and, now he's got Eli, he wants to know when they'll meet their third. This leads to Pierre doing a spell without Eli's knowledge, which opens a whole can of worms he wasn't expecting.

A great introduction to these two characters, and I look forward to reading more.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 23, 2023
Sirens Desire ( Dark Tides book 3)
Sirens Desire ( Dark Tides book 3)
Devyn Quinn | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
2 of 230
Sirens Desire ( Dark k Tides book 3)
By Devyn Quinn

After defeating the covert agency that threatened to destroy her and her sisters, Addison Lonike grudgingly resumes her life as an EMT in Maine. She would love nothing more than to take on the dangerous Mer queen, Magaera, who is hell-bent on destroying them. But with two baby nieces on the way, she can't take the risk - that is, until Mason McKenzie arrives.

Captain of the naval task force on the hunt for Queen Magaera in the Mediterranean, Mason sees the perfect recruit in Addison. But while at sea, the pair is pulled under a wave of passion that threatens their independent natures - and their mission. An encounter with a new race of male sea-shifters further complicates Addison's desires. Now, she must choose between a life of the sea or fulfilling the deepest longings of her heart..

This is the last book in The Dark Tides series and it was overall a good book it didn’t quite blow me away but it concluded the series nicely. The series on a whole was really good following 3 sister who have to deal with people learning their secrets, they go through love loss and betrayal. It’s definitely worth it if you like mermaid centered romance.
The Half Wolf
The Half Wolf
Jay Northcote | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a different take on shifters!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted the audio file of this book.

Quinn has lived in Wales his whole life. He knows of shifters and their nomadic lifestyle. He also knows that they suffer a lot of prejudice. Meeting Kellan, a wolf shifter who’s camped out in the valley, throws Quinn out of sorts: MORE out of sorts that he usually feels. Their attraction is obvious, but Kellan knows he can’t have Quinn. Quinn is human and wolves and humans do not mate, do they?

I usually write a bit about the book first, then the narration, but sometimes I can’t do that because my reviews often take a life of their own and this is one such time.

Hamish Long narrates. It's so nice to NOT have an American accent in your ear, you know? Long’s talent is only just coming to my attention, and I LOVED the narration of this book. His reading voice is deep and clear, and I had no trouble keeping up with the tale. His voices for the different characters were, I thought, spot on. With a mix of Welsh, non-descript English accents fitting for nomads and even an American accent thrown in, they were varied but accurate. The voice for the rogue wolf was major creepy, but very apt. Long gets across all of Quinn’s continuing changes and feelings, and all of Kellan’s need for Quinn, but knowing he can’t have him, and how much it breaks Kellan to realise that he might have to walk away.

My only niggle, and it’s a personal one, rather than a technical one, was that at first, I thought it was Quinn and Calum, not Kellan. But at some point, there was a marked difference in the name’s delivery, and I noticed Kellan more. Might just be me and my rubbish hearing though.

The story itself is well written and well delivered. Different enough to be interesting and to totally hold my attention from start to finish. And trust me on this, that’s a tricky thing right now! (major book funk!) While I twigged something was a little different in Quinn early on, how that all played out was not how I thought it would.

The rogue wolf was called an omega here, and that’s different to other wolf shifter books and I did like that some things were tipped on their head, I really did.

Not especially heavy on the smexy stuff, but plenty of steam! It’s not really needed here, I don’t think. Quinn and Kellan have passion and attraction and that comes across well enough. It is violent though, when dealing with the rogue and I think that was needed.

Long seems to have narrated a fair few of Northcote’s books, I might have a few more hours listening on my audio list now!

4 stars for the book

5 stars for the narration

4.5 overall but rounded UP for the blog.
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Hunters' Watch Brigade: Initiation
Hunters' Watch Brigade: Initiation
Paula Millhouse | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hunters' Watch Brigade: Initiation by Paula Millhouse
Hunters' Watch Brigade: Initiation is the first book in the Hunters' Watch Brigade series, that deals with witches, vampires, demi-gods, shifters, and all other paranormal personnel.

Sam is a sassy, sometimes cheeky, female who is confident in herself and her abilities. Her father is Poseidon, and she has an easy relationship with him, even though she doesn't understand why he didn't stick around when she was a child. Max is her Maine Coon familiar (yes, she's also part witch). Max is more to her than that though, but he is resisting with every fibre of his being. He knows he can shift and become a guardian, but is worried about being taken away from Sam if he does so.

I loved these two, both separately and together. Things go full on between them once Max does shift, but then it wouldn't seem right any other way, considering all the time they have spent together.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, and I thoroughly enjoyed the pacing of this book, with smooth transitions from one scene to the next. It does end on a sort-of cliffhanger, so fair warning. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Dragon's wing (Kit Davenport book 2)
The Dragon's wing (Kit Davenport book 2)
Tate James | 2020
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Packed with action
Contains spoilers, click to show
I should have known my quest for vengeance would eventually be my downfall. I should have been more careful, more paranoid - but I'm glad I wasn't. Who knew that getting caught for my crimes would lead to so much happiness?

But joy can be fleeting...

It turns out, this battle is only just beginning. With ultimate power on the line, my faceless enemies will stop at nothing to capture me, dead or alive. I need to master my abilities, fast, or this could be the end for someone I care far too deeply about.

I'm Kit Davenport and this is going to be a bumpy flight.

We kick off with Kit and the boys paintballing it doesn't take long for Kit to land her self in trouble and her waking up ready to be sold as a sex slave. We follow Kit as she meets the mysterious buyer and new love interest Vali a Romanian mafia boss.

He helps her get back to the boys after she helps him heal from almost dying. Back with her boys we find out Vali Coles mysterious brother she's turned the both into Dragon shifters and someone just seriously wants her dead!!

This book is rammed with action in and out of the bedroom. I enjoyed it so much more than the first book and can't wait to read more.


Revelations (The Nephilim Series #1)
Revelations (The Nephilim Series #1)
A.P. Foote | 2020 | Horror, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
190 of 200
Revelations ( The Nephilim series book 1)
By A.P. Foote

Imagine a world where everyone lives in peace. Supernaturals aren’t real and the only thing you have to fear are humans. Got that? Okay. Now, forget all of it, because that’s not my world.
Moving from Plant City, Florida to Seattle, Washington was supposed to be my do-over. No reminders of the pain and no supernaturals. But I was very, very wrong. The angels disappeared long ago--so we thought--but vampires, demons, warlocks, shifters…you name it, they’re all over the place. They control this town and everything in it. Four of them even claim I am their destined mate. The worst part? The demon, Azazel, wants me. And not in the best way.
I’ve just discovered I’m Lucifer’s daughter as well as the most powerful Nephilim on the planet. But that doesn’t stop Azazel. He wants my soul and will do anything to have it.
With the help of my mates and a few unexpected friends I’ve picked up along the way, we will eliminate the threat while making a statement to anyone else who tries to disrupt order on this plane or any other. Easy, right?

This was exactly what I wanted I love anything written around the angels and demons scene also throw the geek or Roman gods in too! This was fast paced and kept you engrossed! A new author for me and I really enjoyed this book!
Traitor's Moon (Gladstone Shifters #2)
Traitor's Moon (Gladstone Shifters #2)
Alexander Elliott | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
TRAITOR'S MOON is the second book in the Gladstone Shifters series and it does follow on from book one so I definitely recommend you read that book just to get the full picture.

Ben and Evan are still trying to make their Pack a safe home but Wilburn still has other plans. Jack and William are 'on tour' trying to bring the reality of True Elders to other packs.

There is so much intrigue in this book, making it fast-paced and full of action without it being rushed. As a reader, you daren't blink in case you miss anything. And yet, there is still time for romance, for love, for hope. And not just for MM couples either. Personally, I think this is one of the best parts of these books - instead of just one romance, you get a couple or more!

The world-building is excellent and you also get the political structure and problems too. Although there are a host of characters, each one is fully fleshed out, making every single one of them completely believable.

This is a fantastic addition to the series and I look forward to carrying on with their stories. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jonah!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!