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Alpha's Fingerling Surprize (The Weird & Wacky World of Shifters #2)
Alpha's Fingerling Surprize (The Weird & Wacky World of Shifters #2)
JP Sayle | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The potatoes are back, and this time, they're sprouting!
If you enjoyed the first book in this series, then you surely will also enjoy ALPHA'S FINGERLING SUPRIZE. It is time for Russ and Olowin to work out all their misunderstandings and hurt. We also get to catch up with Tala and Frenchie, plus their twins.

I know it's not to everyone's taste, but I do love these potato shifters! And it just goes to show how information can be withheld that really needs to be shared! Maybe if all the potatoes knew about the sprouts... well, it would be a whole different story, is all I'm saying.

Russ and Olowin are solid, once they get over their mutual hurts, and I was so happy to see that. The rest of the pack, however, has some issues. And it's not all cleared up here either. I am fully invested in this pack and the wolves (and potatoes) that live there. I can't wait for more stories, especially if they are as hot as this one.

Speaking of which, Olowin and Russ have a very healthy attraction to each other, but it isn't always referred to in detail. Sometimes, it is enough to know what's going on. Besides, Tala was traumatised enough for everyone!

A brilliant addition to the series that leaves me wanting more. Thoroughly enjoyed every word and looking forward to the next. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Hearts Held Hostage (Chronicles of the Serai, #1)
Hearts Held Hostage (Chronicles of the Serai, #1)
Jo Tannah | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Loved this!
Did you ever buy a book based SOLELY on its cover??

I did with this book! I have a *thing* for shifters and paranormal beings out of the norm, and I thought this handsome creature on the front was a Centaur of some description. THAT'S what pulled me in, and I found I had pre-ordered before I read the blurb.

And I regret nothing!

Jytrerd is not a centaur, but a breed of aliens who defended their peaceful outlaying colonies against the invasion from Earth. Ian, a captain in the space navy is captured, and finds himself in Jytrerd's household. Ian pulls to Jytrerd, pulls to his brooding instinct like no other ever did. He just needs to make Ian see how precious he is.

While not what I was hoping for, this short book, some 140 pages, pulled me in and did not let go. It has all the footings for a first in series, and I will be reading them as they come out.

It's very well written, first of Ms Tannah I've read. It's not overly explicit, but I didn't mind that, and nor is it overly graphic, but there is punishment here, and it's not pretty. Just enough to make you cringe, I think.


Only Jytrerd has a say! I was waiting, hoping, pleading that Ian would get a say, and he doesn't. And I so desperately wanted to hear from him, I really did! When he tells of how he came to save Woll, the youngling; when he finds himself burnt to a crisp for being insubordinate; when Jytrerd sends him away, and when Ian returns and finally gets Jytrerd to admit to his feelings. I NEEDED to hear from Ian, I really did.

And that's why I gave it 4.5 stars, but rounded them up to 5.

Merissa (11925 KP) rated Bloodlines in Books

Oct 18, 2018  
Denise Carbo | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bloodlines by Denise Carbo
Bloodlines is a story about shifters from another planet. They live amongst the humans now, in their clans, with mostly keep separate from each other. When one of Malcolm's clan member's turns up dead, he has a mystery on his hands - one that could lead to war. Add to that, he has an off-the-scale attraction to the hotel's new manager, and Malcolm's life is about to get rather complicated.

This was an easy enough read, with no major plots twists or intrigue to deal with. The 'big bad' was pretty clear from the start, but weirdly, this did not detract from the story. The biggest detraction, for me, was the so-called relationship between Malcolm and Elsie. If you add up the time they spent together, they probably weren't in each others company for more than 24 hours throughout the book, and yet Elsie has completely fallen for him. Not only that, but she is a complete limp lettuce where he is concerned. He walks all over her, is rude to her, only shows up when he wants sex. She is NOT okay with this (we get the monologues that tell us so), but she still "wilts" whenever he is near. Sorry, but I just didn't get their relationship at all!

The rest of it flowed easily enough. I found the supporting characters all interesting, although some of them had reputations I wasn't sure were deserved, or even why they had them. Apart from the main relationship, I found this book to be nicely written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Blood Debt (Touched, #1)
Blood Debt (Touched, #1)
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
In a genre gone mad about vampires and shifters - and yes, I love them too! - it makes such a nice change to read something that steps away from the 'norm' and takes a more unusual look at things. This is what Nancy Straight does with her Blood Debt. This is the first book so it has a lot of groundwork to do so that you know what is happening. Nancy does this whilst also making it seamlessly part of the story, so you pick up the details without even being aware of it.

The other thing that I have enjoyed as a stand-out in this book, is there is no love-triangle. Gasp, shock, horror! How on earth can a book make it without a love-triangle? Easy - make it a love-square instead!!! This was wonderful to read and there were some real LOL moments as Cami is fighting her guilt and Bianca is trying to encourage her without letting her know that she knows.

The family relationships were quirky and loveable, in most cases. Some were just downright weird. And in the middle of this, you've got Cami. She isn't sure who or what she is, why people seem to have high expectations of her and why she feels like she just isn't who they think she is. Out of her brothers, Beau is my favourite but of course, that's the way it's been written so far.

If you want to read a book about Centaurs, Greek mythology, fantasy then this is the book for you. Personally, I can't wait to get Book 2 and see what happens. There are 4 books in this series and Book 4 is due to be released at the end of January. Definitely recommended!
Eternal Flame (Guardians #1)
Eternal Flame (Guardians #1)
Valerie Twombly | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book has a twist on the tale of vampires in that they have been chosen by the gods as protectors of the human race and actually dwell in an alternative realm. They are all hot and some have special skills. They all have a weakness, which are silver bracelets, as we find out with Marcus.

There are too many excellent characters in here to name them all but I will admit to having a soft spot for Seth and Baal! An excellent book and, I hope, the start of a new series. How it ended leaves it wide open for the next book along, whilst also neatly tying off this story.

There are a couple of reasons I haven't given this 5 stars. For one, there is insta-love and... bonded mates or not, this bugs me. For someone who has not been in a relationship for 5 years and has been so hurt in the past, it just beggars belief that she would fall into bed with Marcus after the first date, no matter how big the attraction.

I would also liked to have known more about the gods, who they are and what their role in this is. I get the feeling they have a big part to play in this but we don't really hear much about them. Are they Egyptian? I'm not sure although Egypt plays a big part in this.

On the whole, a totally enjoyable paranormal romance with a twist. If you enjoy hot alpha males, demons and shifters all in one book then I can recommend this one to you.
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

July 23, 2016
52 of 230
The Jackal Prince ( Wild Rites Saga book 2)
By Anna McIlwraith

Book two of The Wild Rites Saga takes you to a hidden stronghold in the heart of Egypt - a kingdom on the edge of ruin, ruled by fear and forgotten magic.

Sounds like a great place for a vacation, right? Emma Chase isn't exactly thrilled by the idea, but the jackals will do anything to get their claws on her, for she is the Caller of the Blood, a human woman destined to command the magic of all shapechanging races - which is a teensy bit more complicated than it sounds. And while Emma and her weird assortment of friends, allies and protectors are safe on an enchanted farm in the California Mountains, the Jackal Prince's invitation is too dangerous to refuse. Problem is, accepting it could be just as deadly, especially since Emma's going to need the help of a powerful ancient with an unbreakable - and totally unfair - grudge against her.

Emma's got a few tricks up her sleeve, but she's human, and she can be broken. Somehow she'll have to get her friends out of the jackal kingdom alive before the jackals kill her first — or worse, find a way to claim her power for their own.

So I wasn’t expecting much from this book due to how much I struggled with book 1 but this really surprised me. I really enjoyed it, the Egyptian links were so good and it all just made so much more sense. I’m absolutely in love with Fern I think he’s just brilliant. The thing with this series it has or mentions shifters we don’t normally come across, like tarantulas and crocodiles were mentioned. I love something different. Push through book 1 and I’m sure like me you won’t be disappointed with book 2!