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For the Murder (The Murder #1)
For the Murder (The Murder #1)
Gabrielle Ash | 2022 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
different but very good!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Diana needs a murder; a lone crow is a dead one. But to be accepted back into the murder that banished her, she needs to steal a very powerful blade. But others want it too, and Diana isn't too sure what's going on with her magic. Sasha isn't sure what these feelings are he has for Diana, but he also needs that blade to free himself from the demon who bound him. One of them will not be happy with the outcome.

This is different, and I do like me some different!

Diana is a crow shifter, with 3 legs (who knew?) but she isn't in a murder because her father is a bit of a con man (a LOT, really, by the time we get all the gory details!) and Diana, her mother and father were banished from the murder, but not her younger sister whose magic had been accepted by the murder. Dad wants Diana to steal this blade to get them back into the murder's good graces.

But, seriously, things are NOT as they seem. And Sasha wants that blade to free him from the demon who bound him to a lifetime of servitude. Something though, goes ping in both Diana and Sasha and instead Nobu, a cat shifter who really isn't, and they end up fighting together, rather than against each other.

I liked this, a lot. Like I said different. Humans with angel blood who are bound to demons. Shifters of all manner of being. There was a LOT going on, and at times I did struggle to keep up.

And I think this is the only reason I can't stretch to 5 stars, cos I did feel a little bit overwhelmed at points. Oh don't get me wrong, its a bloody good book, it really was, especially as this appears to be only the third book written by this author, and it is not short book, some 350 pages.

It's violent, some graphic scenes but I think they really are needed. Not explicit in any way, but there is romance, of a fashion, between Diana and Sasha, as their magic combines.

I really hope there are more books about the people in this book, a follow up for Diana and Sasha would be great!

4 good solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Improper Mage
Improper Mage
Taylor Westwood | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
IMPROPER MAGE is the first book in a new series by a new author, Taylor Westwood.

In a world similar to our own, Liana lives in Triaedian - a land where shifters, vampires, and mages all live in harmony?! As a female, she doesn't have many options, and the only magic she is supposed to know is how to help with her household. Luckily for us, Liana is not content with that and learns as much as she can by herself, being a strong and proficient mage, even if she can never show it.

One night she meets Damien, the King of Triaedian, who is fascinated by her. He has ruled alone for some time but, maybe, it is time for him to find his Queen. Liana is flattered until she finds out he has expressed interest in two others as well. Then she feels betrayed and played.

The interaction between these two is brilliant. Liana is seen as an 'odd' one in that she doesn't abide by society's rules for what a woman should do. Damien sees this and doesn't seem to want to change her, delighting in who she is. The attraction is hot and immediate but, once again due to society's rules, they are forbidden to act upon it until they are married. They do push the boundaries and have one particularly steamy moment, but will he marry her or one of the others?

I found the world-building to be brilliant, giving me enough information to see how the world worked without overloading me all at once. I also adored the hidden depths of others characters that sneaked through every so often. There is an overall story arc here so don't expect a HEA ending. What you do get is a fantastic ending that will definitely leave you wanting more.

I immediately went onto the author's website to see if there was any indication of when the next book was due out. For a debut book, this was amazing and I loved every word. Highly recommended by me!!

ps - and if you find out when Improper Queen is due out before me, please let me know! I need it!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Todd (Tangled Tentacles #3) by JP Sayle & Lisa Oliver
Todd (Tangled Tentacles #3) by JP Sayle & Lisa Oliver
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
doesn't quite hit the spot the other two do!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 3 in the Tangled Tentacles series, and you really SHOULD read books one, Alexi and two, Victor, before this one. There is stuff that happens in those books that is referenced here, but not fully explained. And, cos, you know, I said so!

I loved, I mean LOVED Alexi and Victor, and was looking forward to Todd, especially once I knew he gets 2 mates, dragons no less. But while I rally really REALLY liked this one, it doesn't quite hit the spot the other two do.

AND I can say, with fair certainty, why too. Which for me and a Sayle book?? Unheard of! The woman messes with my book head, and leaves me with so many freaking questions!

This book revolves around Todd, who is the youngest of 5, and an Omega. For the most part, being Omega means you are smaller, and weaker. Todd hates being Omega. So I was expecting a huge battle with Todd, finding his place with 2 mates, any mates really. But Todd, apart from the meeting and it's aftermath, just kinda goes with it, you know? Once Todd got the full story of Lucas and Ki, it was like "oh, ok then!)


The search for the missing shifters is hardly mentioned here. The story focuses on the missing dragon EGGS and where they went, and who has been taking for so very long. The missing eggs mystery was all wrapped up with a big fat bow FAR too easily for my liking, I'm afraid!

THAT said, however, the way things develop between Todd, Lucas and Ki is sweet and smexy and hella hot! And the baby thing surprised me! Dragon eggs AND baby kracken?? So cute.

And we get the insight into the final two brothers and their stories. Markov, who is currently missing, and that darn commander. And then there is Kelvin and the F-B-freaking-I-guy who has got him all a-fluster.

I will read them, because I feel (book feelings, people, are very important!) there are some things we don't know about these boys yet, and what happened to their parents and whether they really ARE the final kracken alive on the planet (NOT counting babies, of course!)

I gave this 4.5 stars, but can't log that in some places so I'm rounding it . . . .

up to 5 full stars, cos I did love Todd, Lucas and Ki together.

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice
Deborah Dorchak, Wendi Kelly | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice by Wendi Kelly & Deborah Dorchak
Tau's Pride: Sacrifice continues in the world of Angels, shifters, demons, Talutha, and goodness know's what else. I'm sure we've only scraped the top of the barrel as far as Kelly and Dorchak's imagination goes! Although this is only the second book in this series, I would highly recommend you read the first series, just to get a handle on the different characters and the relationships they have.

You may remember that I fell out with Cole in the last book. Well, he is making efforts to redeem himself, but to be completely honest, it's not really working with me. Then again, I have always been biased towards Harry. The fallout/effect from the last book is shown in this one, with the affects being far-reaching to everyone connected to Regina. I love that woman, I really do, but she really needs to start focusing on the bigger picture. She has so much help on hand, people who love her, that I wish she could take a moment to simply breathe. Actually, I related to Olivia in this book A LOT! There is always drama, always some crisis going on, and as for who is with who - well, I've actually given up on that now. I just figure that they are all together, in one way, shape, or form, and that will have to do. With so many characters, new and old, all interlinked in so many different ways, I just can't keep track in my mind over who is with whom! Another thing that Olivia mentioned is the fact that it is now the Pride, not the Pack. In fact, the pack is now given a lower-case when it's mentioned. I get that they are doing something completely new, and with new comes chaos, but I do feel a sense of sorrow that the cats seem to be taking over.

Now, with that all being said, I still thoroughly enjoyed this book, and read it in one sitting. You have bad guys, you have good guys, and then you have bad guys that you actually feel sorry for and want to help (Victoria and Simon anyone?). This book is extremely well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. The scenes also smoothly flow from one to the next without any jarring. The world building is amazing, and I am in awe of these two authors for not only providing such a distinctive story, but in a world is intricate and intriguing, and it will keep you turning the pages. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Victor (Tangled Tentacles #2)
Victor (Tangled Tentacles #2)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's a lot darker than book one, but I think the love level is so much higher.
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I ws gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 2 in the Tangled Tentacles series. It would help, but not totally necessary, to read book 1, Alexi, before this one. This picks up immediately from the end of that one, and the on-going story arc continues here. Actually, I take that back, you probably SHOULD read Alexi first!

I gave 4 stars to Alexi and Danik's story but this one far surpasses that! And I'm still left with questions and I don't freaking care!

Victor finds Azim at the end of book 1, half dead, and he knows straight away, that Azim is two things: a vampire and his mate. And Victor will do anything for his mate, except bond with him, while Azim cannot say yes. Victor is a little too focussed on waiting for Azim to consent, that he doesn't quite put two and two together and get pen and paper to Azim but hey, the Kraken is besotted! But I did love that, that Victor waited.

It takes time for Azim to be fully aware and awake but he knows Victor, deep in his soul and he knows Victor will save him. Azim suffered badly at the hands of a madman, and it takes time for those injuries to heal, with the help of the pool at the bottom of their building and those little snails!

We find out just what Todd was smirking at Alexi and Danik about, but given what that was, Danik was right to punch Alexi! What happens later in the pool though, was both slightly weird and beautiful at the same time. Not saying what but you'll figure it out!

It's a lot darker than book one, given where he was found and what condition Azim was in, but I think the love level is so much higher. Not just the smexy times, I mean the emotional times. Azim and Victor take the time to get to know each other as Azim heals and a lot comes out. Loved that. Smexy times are there, but more on a back burner, I think.

Hints to Markov (another brother) and Cassius (who leads the group looking for the missing shifters) are front and centre, but he is not next. Todd, the only omega and the youngest in the group of 5 brothers, is up next and his story, I think, might knock this off the favourite perch for two reasons: Todd gets 2 mates, and they are dragons!

Still with the questions though, but I'm trying really hard to shut my question asking book brain down, when reading Sayle books, the woman is a master at wrecking my head!

5 dark and deadly, but so much lovely, stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Markov (Tangled Tentacles #4)
Markov (Tangled Tentacles #4)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
thoroughly enjoying this series!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book for in the Tangled Tentacles series, and you really do need to read the other three, Alexi, Victor and Todd, before you read this one. There is an on-going story arc that is not really fully recapped here.

The first three books were fab, great and I really loved and enjoyed them. While I did enjoy this one, though, I found it missing. . . .something!

When I sat down to write this, I knew something was off, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but now I'm here, I have had a bit of a light bulb moment and I will come back to it in a mo!

We knew Markov had issues with Cassius, and that they were mates and Cassius had rejected him, so poor Cassius was not seen in a good light up to this point. But when we find out just WHY Cassius did what he did, you fully understand. Markov does too, and that's the most important thing. Once Markov knows the full story, he lets Cassius in, and it really was wonderful to read, them getting to be open with their feelings for each other. How THAT all resolved itself was amazing though.

We find out more about the missing shifters and what's been happening to them. Markov got first-hand experience of that. It does something, though, to his kraken and the result is both amusing and powerful, and both Markov AND Cassius benefit from that.

The other brothers all take part, and we get a lead into what is the final book . . .maybe. . . in this series. Given what happens here, at the bottom of the Mariana Trench, makes me wonder! It's clear from previous books that Kelvin, the last brother, and the F-B-freaking-I-guy who has got him all a-fluster will get together, but I wonder why they didn't get that message before now!

Back to what I felt was missing, and it really did just hit me as I started to type! Markov is a kraken and Cassius is a Hammerhead shark. They do get their smexy times in the sea, but what I really missed, and I've no idea WHY I felt it should be here, but, book feelings, people, was there was no time in the pool at the bottom of the Thalassa building and I missed that! There were no beautiful descriptions of singing from the kraken either. Oh, don't get me, he gets himself HEARD loud and clear, in more ways than one, but in the other books, pool time involves kraken singing and I don't get that here.

Still a very good read, and I am thoroughly enjoying watching these brothers fall one by one. Can't wait for Kelvin and what's gonna happen there!

4 very good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
It goes without saying that the <i>Going Down in Flames</i> series and I have had a rocky history – I wasn't a fan of the <a title="Going Down in Flames review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">first book</a> (but I totally saw potential!) and I became a little more fond by the second book.

The latest installment in the series doesn't make too much of a blip aside from the fortunate fact the series does <em>not</em> get worse. The series is very slow paced and <i>Trial by Fire</i> doesn't get any faster, but there are other aspects of the book that are much more redeeming and there is definitely plenty of excitement going around for the dragon shifters at the Institute.

In the midst of trying to figure out her love life (which is about as sad as mine if not sadder), trying not to get killed/attacked by rebels, and trying to figure out her connection to Valmont (her knight), Brynn continues to attempt changes to the Directorate's values that have been around for hundreds of years. Bryn actually <em>starts</em> some of those changes in the second book, <a href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener tag">Bridges Burned</a>, but further progress is definitely made in <i>Trial by Fire</i> as her peers slowly begin to support her – including Jaxon himself.

Jaxon is the Draco Malfoy of <i>Going Down in Flames</i> – I'm serious. This dude <em>worships</em> his father and just has a Draco air about him ever since the very beginning of the series (it does not help that he occasionally says, "MY FATHER WILL HEAR OF THIS."). But as the series progresses, Jaxon is beginning to shape himself into a memorable character – he's certainly not a jerk as he was depicted in the first book. And his hate relationship with Bryn?

It's really gotten to the point where their jabs are hilarious and entertaining to the book overall, because Jaxon's feathers get ruffled <em>so</em> easily. Clint and Ivy are fantastic side characters who provide Bryn with an overwhelming amount of support and I just adore love how they continue to play major roles in the series (YOU CAN NOT KILL THEM, CHRIS CANNON). Valmont just adds to the whole, "Jaxon's feathers get ruffled so easily."

And Byrn? Well... Bryn's okay as the main character. Still worries about her love life a lot, but it's not overshadowing the plot anymore. And since <i>Trial by Fire</i> further proves the slow progression of the revolution in the series, I'm sure it'll be well worth the wait by the time the last book comes out.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>