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LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 6, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
An incredible achievement in gaming
I must admit that Red Dead Redemption is one of my top games ever, the long awaited sequel was always going to have a lot to live up to. But RDR2 truly builds on the first game in every way.

The game world feels alive. I found myself taking forever to get through the massive story, just because I kept getting distracted by other things going on - so much so that I only finished the story in March (I bought it the previous October on day one).

It took a while to adjust to the controls - I found myself accidentally shooting people I didn't mean to, or punching my horse, which would mor often than not result in my death - but once I had the hang of it, I was hooked.

The story is quite incredible, all of the characters are well fleshed out, to the point that you care about most of them. RDR2 is a prequel story, so you know that the events unfolding are heading towards the first game, but getting there is a thrilling an emotional journey.

The game looks amazing as well, I found myself enjoying the copious amount of horse riding, just to admire the many views and vistas throughout.

The soundtrack is also great - used sparingly until it's needed, resulting in some breathtaking moments.

I can't recommend RDR2 enough, as long as you have the patience to go with it - it's slow burning at times, and it encourages you to fully sit back and take your time exploring this incredibly well crafted world, but the pay off is nothing short of spectacular.
Mr June (Calendar Men #6)
Mr June (Calendar Men #6)
Rosalind Abel | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Perfect hangover cure!
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 6 in the Calendar Men series, and I would recommend you read Jan through May before this one, if only to give you a better picture of this photo shoot and what's happened up to now. Not totally necessary though.

Having dumped his boyfriend right after shooting their photo for June, Ilias finds himself on a callout to a fight at a local doctor's office. Meeting Henry makes his heart swell with everything he had been looking for up to this point. There is just a small matter of someone dealing drugs out of Henry's office!

I'm really enjoying this series.

They have, for the most part, (May not included!) just the right amount of loves, drama, sexy time, emotions and the whole gamut of emotions that need to be in a book to make them engaging and enjoyable.

This one did seem a little longer than the rest, but they are all a similar page length.

I loved Ilias and Henry, both separately and together. They really are perfect for each other!

While it's painfully obvious (to me anyway) WHO is doing the dirty on Henry, I liked being proved correct, just as much as I would have liked to have been proven wrong!

I read this in one sitting while suffering from a book AND an alcohol hangover, so despite its longer length, there it will sit!

Great addition to the series. Love to see what happens next with this shoot!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Your House Will Pay
Your House Will Pay
Steph Cha | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Your House Will Pay is about racial tensions in LA, and it follows two families - one Korean-American, the other African-American - and the shooting of a black girl in the 1990’s. Shaun Matthews sister, Ava, was that teenaged girl, and the killing of another black teenager and the subsequent rallies and demonstrations bring back bad memories of that time. His family is trying hard to keep on the straight and narrow, especially after his cousin Ray is released from prison.

Grace Parks is a pharmacist in a Korean pharmacy and lives with her parents. She has a strained relationship with her sister who left home and refused to speak to her mother thereafter. She won’t, however, tell Grace why she won’t talk to their mother.

When a terrible crime happens, Grace is confronted with another crime that happened 30 years before, and the Parks family are forced to face the Matthews family.

I really loved this book - the build up and the slow reveal was really well done, I thought. It looked at a part of American life that I, as a white British female, would have little personal knowledge of - other than what I’ve read. It was so thought provoking. This isn’t an escapist read, and I could feel the tension coming off the page, but it was a page turner that I didn’t want to put down. I read this on The Pigeonhole, so due to the fact that they released a stave a day for 10 days, I HAD to wait 24 hours for each instalment!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for choosing such a great book for us to read!
The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Boring male power fantasy with little to no character development
It's hard to tell who is meant to be the protagonist of this film, the young boy, Jake, or the Gunslinger. Sure, we're introduced to Jake first, and only really meet the Gunslinger towards the end of Act 1, which should signal that it's Jake.

But Jake is boring. SO BORING. He doesn't really have any character flaws. Oh sure, he has problems, expositionally convenient plot device "visions", but no real, tangible character elements. He reacts violently towards another kid at school, but this isn't treated as a flaw and this isn't a movie where Jake is going to learn that there's a better solution than violence. At best he's going to learn that it's bad to use your fists to solve problems - guns are much more efficient.

The Gunslinger is presented with all the hallmarks of a protagonist. He's got a defined past and a defined character flaw. He's consumed with thoughts of revenge and will let the world burn around him to get it. The problem is, the story never gives him a point where he actually has to make a choice between revenge and something better.

The villain, while fun, seems to have no internal motivation whatsoever. Why does he want to destroy the universe? Because that's what semi-omnipotent bad guys want to do, I guess.

And I get it, he's called the Gunslinger, he shoots guns. It's all very straightforward. But that doesn't mean it's not still kind of boring to watch EVERY problem they encounter get solved by just shooting at it enough while every single woman in the movie exists to be murdered, assaulted, and grossly sexualized by the villain.

It used every trope in the book, it used them badly, and the script was just...not good.

Connor Sheffield (293 KP) created a post

Jun 12, 2017  
I may be a little bias with this franchise, but I can honestly say this looks incredible. It has taken the best elements of previous games such as the beautiful visuals of Black Flag, the ever evolving free running elements of AC3, Black Flag, Unity, and Syndicate.

It also has its own new elements as well though, with the new setting of Ancient Egypt, using an actual Eagle for the franchises famous 'Eagle Vision', which will allow you to fly and look over an entire settlement to discover the path you want to take to get to your target, or the path you're going to use to escape, and not to mention the new executions that are seen including throwing knife after assassinating a previous target, and shooting a bow after leaping from a tree, utilizing a slow motion element to allow the player time to target the enemy.

The new RPG system seems similar to that of Injustice 2, but obviously for one character and not requiring you to quit the game to equip it. The new combat system seems very reminiscent of Bloodborne from the Dark Souls series on PS4, including the ability to parry, and slide away from enemy attacks, which might mean the combat it somewhat more difficult compared to the often easy combat system of the previous games.

In Conclusion, I think Egypt is a perfect setting for this franchise, and a great place to begin the franchises reboot. I will certainly be pre-ordering this game, possibly the statue edition when it's announced. I know for a fact I will love this game, and I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

[Shots On The Bridge] by [Ronnie Greene] is a good piece of investigative journalism about one of the most notorious events in post-Katrina New Orleans.

As most people I was glued to my TV all throughout Katrina and I remember the news reports of a shoot out on a bridge involving police. As I recall the news reported that it was gangsters and looter shooting at the police. There were many reports of this nature in the confusion following one of the worst disasters in U.S. history. We now know that most of these reports were embellished at best or just down right lies.

[Ronnie Greene] did an excellent job relating the events as they occurred and giving a voice to the victims. The fact that these families were just trying to cross a bridge and came under fire by an overly armed unit of police is disconcerting enough but the fact that the police conspired to cover it up makes it even worse. Although it was wrong I could understand the officers reaction to the call of shots fired given the trauma that they had also been through. It is the cover up and lies that compound the wrongfulness of their actions.

I though [Greene] did a good job but he seems to jump around a bit too much. There is a lack of fluid transitions. Also, I feel his view was very one sided. I know that the police did something horrible but they were victims of Katrina as well and probably should not have been on duty at that point. If the correct relief and support had been provided this whole situation may have been avoided.

Goddess in the Stacks (553 KP) rated Rebel of the Sands in Books

May 19, 2018 (Updated May 19, 2018)  
Rebel of the Sands
Rebel of the Sands
Alwyn Hamilton | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amani is a girl in a country that doesn't value women, and treats them as useless property only good for breeding sons. The country is basically occupied by another country that the Sultan is "allied" with, but lets run roughshod over his people. She has her sights set on escaping her backwoods, dead-end town, and running to the capital city, where the aunt she's never met lives. All of that is derailed when she meets Jin at an underground shooting competition, and then later hides him from the armed forces hunting him.

The country is definitely middle-east inspired, but there's a lot of religion-bashing, and complaining about the culture oppressing women. It's the same problem I have with a lot of knight-and-castle era fantasy - just because historically in OUR world those time periods weren't kind to women, doesn't mean they have to be the same in fantasy. It's FANTASY! It can be anything you want! Break the tropes! It's a fine line to walk, taking the good parts of a culture without just cherry-picking and appropriating the culture, and who's judging what the good and bad parts are, anyway? So I understand it's difficult, but bashing the culture in a book inspired by their mythology is not quite cool, either. I feel like City of Brass, another fantasy book set in the middle east, hit a better middle ground of embracing the culture of the inspiration without bashing parts of it.

That gripe aside, I really enjoyed the world-building. I'm not quite sold on the characters yet - Amani is far too quick to abandon things she should fight for - but I'm interested enough to see how they progress in the next two books.

You can find all my reviews at
Tempest 4000
Tempest 4000
Back in the 80s when the arcade was king; Tempest was one of the more popular arcade games of the era. Anyone who turned their allowance or paychecks into quarters remembers the furious spinning and shooting combinations of the classic Atari game.

Tempest 4000 is the latest version of the classic game which blends new and retro graphics to

Create an updated version of the game. Playing the classic Claw, players must navigate various webs and fields to destroy and evade enemies which emerge from the center of the playing area and shoot and advance on the player. Players also will have a limited amount of Smart Bombs to use which destroy all in site which is a big help when enemies make their way to the edge of the playing area and start advancing their way to take out the players.

The game has some great new maps and colors and the action is fast paced and insane but will seem very familiar for fans of the original.

Playing on a PS4 Pro did have a bit of a learning curve as the control stick is not as ideal to circle a map as the disc of the original as I often found myself going too far or not far enough at first.

The gameplay is fast and intense but did seem repetitive after a while. No matter how many new maps, colors, and enemies it throws at you, it still comes down to how fast you can spin and shoot.

Tempest 4000 is a pleasant enough distraction for those looking for some updated nostalgia and a few hours of fun gameplay.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Walking Dead - Season 1 in TV

Jul 22, 2019 (Updated Jul 22, 2019)  
The Walking Dead  - Season 1
The Walking Dead - Season 1
2010 | Drama
The first season of The Walking Dead hits the ground (not) running
The first ever episode of The Walking Dead is one of the best hours of television I've ever seen.
After Rick Grimes falls into a coma following an shooting, he wakes up months later, abandoned in a hospital bed, and the whole world has gone to hell.
We have no idea how, we are not shown the outbreak. Instead, The Walking Dead jumps head first into the aftermath of a zombie virus outbreak.
He has no idea where his wife and young son are, but has reason to believe they're alive, and he sets out to find them in a strange new world.

It's a deliciously simple concept that sets the ball rolling, as we're introduced to the heart and would of the show - the wide spectrum of characters.

Stand out characters in season 1 include Darryl and Mearle Dixon, the latter who's casual racism and bad attitude cause issues withing the group. Shane is another character with many layers. The group mostly consists of characters that are looking to help fellow survivors, and as such, you will quickly find yourself caring about most of them.

The world of the Walking Dead can be harsh, and very violent at times, and the practical effects are a really nice touch The zombies look horrible for the most part, shuffling around (not running) causing big groups of them to be hugely dangerous, and there are some really tense moments as the series progresses.

It's a season at only 6 episodes but it ensures that there is no room for filler.

The Walking Dead hasbeen a hugely up and down and wildly inconsistent show throughout it's 10 years on air, so it's nice to look back on the early days, when it was pretty solid.

A must for any horror fan.
Black Christmas (1974)
Black Christmas (1974)
1974 | Horror
8.4 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Answer The Phone
With anethor remake coming out this friday, and that i already reviewed the 2006 remake. In going back to the oringal, were it alll started from. So lets take a little trip back to 1974.

Inspired by the urban legend "The babysitter and the man upstairs" and a series of murders that took place in the Westmount section of Montreal, Quebec, Moore wrote the screenplay under the title Stop Me.

The Plot: As winter break begins, a group of sorority sisters, including Jess (Olivia Hussey) and the often inebriated Barb (Margot Kidder), begin to receive anonymous, lascivious phone calls. Initially, Barb eggs the caller on, but stops when he responds threateningly. Soon, Barb's friend Claire (Lynne Griffin) goes missing from the sorority house, and a local adolescent girl is murdered, leading the girls to suspect a serial killer is on the loose. But no one realizes just how near the culprit is.

Margot Kidder remembered shooting the film as being "fun. I really bonded with Andrea Martin, filming in Toronto and Ontario. Olivia Hussey was a bit of an odd one. She was obsessed with the idea of falling in love with Paul McCartney through her psychic. We were a little hard on her for things like that.

Black Christmas eventually gained a cult following and is notable for being one of the earliest slasher films. It went on to inspire other slasher films, the biggest one of all being John Carpenter's Halloween (which was apparently inspired by Clark suggesting what a Black Christmas sequel would be like).

Black Christmas has been included multiple lists in various media outlets as one of the greatest horror films ever made. The film ranked No. 87 on Bravo's The 100 Scariest Movie Moments.

A overall classic slasher horror movie based around a hoilday.