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The Assassin's Blade: The Throne of Glass Novellas
The Assassin's Blade: The Throne of Glass Novellas
Sarah J. Maas | 2014 | Children
8.6 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
Exciting (1 more)
Character development (0 more)
Love the history
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So I red this book in the "emotional" order (before Queen of Shadows) and I was not disappointed but not exactly for the reason I expected.

I really enjoyed the short stories, each different but with key links between them. I felt that many of the relationships were rushed and in the case of Sam and Caleana it was not believable. There was not enough of the silly cute relationship stuff that goes on, very business like rushed relationship.

However, I now have absolute hatred for Arobynn, I think the other books I'd red by this point hinted that it was him but now, I am definitely seething. I loved that Sarah J Maas was able to invoke that in me. Just a shame that the love relationship missed the mark.

I think reading it in this order does mean that you can see a change in writing style, if this is something that would bother you then I suggest reading it first. Also, there was consistent revisiting of facts through the shorts despite them all being compiled in one book. I see why this was done but it still irked me.
This is the fifth installation of The Earthsea Cycle.In this book is a collection of short stories from different eras and locations within Earthsea. There are tons of links to other tales in this series throughout this book, including character crossovers. There's even a whole section on describing Earthsea at the end, giving a real in-depth history of the land and it's cultures.

I am getting a little bored with this series, but I think it's just because of how the writing has a rather archaic feel. This writing really does help create the universe, but it's just not my thing. I appreciate how effective it is in creating the world of Earthsea and immersing you in the book, though.

My favourite tale in this book is the final one, where a woman is allowed entrance into Roke School. I'm interested in seeing if equality returns to Earthsea - women with power are looked down upon, whereas sorcerers, wizards and especially mages are respected for their power.

I will stil finish reading this series, despite not loving it as much as I maybe should. 3 stars.