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Wyrd and Other Derelictions
Wyrd and Other Derelictions
Adam Nevill | 2020 | Horror
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
179 of 200
Wyrd and other derelictions
By Adam L.G. Nevill

Derelictions are horror stories told in ways you may not have encountered before.

Something is missing from the silent places and worlds inside these stories. Something has been removed, taken flight, or been destroyed. Us.

Derelictions are weird tales that tell of aftermaths and of new and liminal places. Each location has witnessed catastrophe, infernal visitations, or unearthly transformations. But across these landscapes of murder, genocide and invasion, crucial evidence remains. And it is the task of the reader to sift through ruin and ponder the residual enigma, to behold and wonder at the full horror that was visited upon mankind.

A dead ship carries a terrible cargo across a black ocean. Below deck, signs of slaughter and devotion await to tell a ghastly tale.
On a barren and hostile shore a great ritual has been enacted successfully. The act of a god may have taken place. But what kind of deity did this?
An eerily silent campsite. No sign of life. Look closer and observe the grisly artefacts of annihilation.
In the very foundations of this dreadful house, was something supernormal called upon to abolish life so mercilessly?

Wyrd contains seven derelictions, original horror stories from the author of 'Hasty for the Dark' and 'Some Will Not Sleep' (winner of The British Fantasy Award for Best Collection).
I’ve followed Adam and his been a fan of his books for years, his characters, his monsters and his storytelling is just fascinating. He really uses his surroundings to influence his writing. So this was a bit different to read where the only humans you come across are corpses and usually torn to pieces or sacrificed! The Wyrd and other shorts are just brilliant and each one leaves you wanting and needing to know more!
I’m not great with long wordy reviews with words even I don’t understand I tend to write how I feel once finishing a book. I absolutely loved this book I have read Hippocampus a few times and would absolutely love a full novel! Below are just a few words on how I felt about some of the stories.


I’ve read this a few time and I pick up something I somehow missed in this short each time (don’t ask me how I have no clue)!
You genuinely feel you are walking the ship seeing what Adams describing! I would love to delve deeper into this tale and really hoping it will turn into a full novel!


Well that was just brilliant! Really drags you in! The best way to read this is sitting in a calm quiet place so you just get absorbed into following the trail we are lead on! Again I would love to know more it leaves you wanting more!!

Turning of the tide

Ok I’m good with the black lambs and human remains but dear god what did the dog do? 😂
It all started so well with the calming beach description then you keep reading and the sight
Of the phones and debris your stomach kinda lurches as you wait the the decimated corpses to follow! The poor golden retriever!


This one was full of gore and made my bones shiver! Great imagery on the monster too!! I love Adams imagination when it comes to his monsters!


I definitely hate dark craw spaces and certainly wouldn’t go delving in a cave like structures! This one definitely left me wanting to know where it was going and what had done this in the houses!

Hold the world in my arms for three days and All Will Be Changed

This creeped me out! Especially with the world being as it is now! Here you are walking in the footsteps of a world that’s changing that’s being changed by something!

Eagerly awaiting a new book!
Wyrd and Other Derelictions
Wyrd and Other Derelictions
Adam Nevill | 2020 | Horror
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
179 of 200
Wyrd and other derelictions
By Adam L.G. Nevill

Derelictions are horror stories told in ways you may not have encountered before.

Something is missing from the silent places and worlds inside these stories. Something has been removed, taken flight, or been destroyed. Us.

Derelictions are weird tales that tell of aftermaths and of new and liminal places. Each location has witnessed catastrophe, infernal visitations, or unearthly transformations. But across these landscapes of murder, genocide and invasion, crucial evidence remains. And it is the task of the reader to sift through ruin and ponder the residual enigma, to behold and wonder at the full horror that was visited upon mankind.

A dead ship carries a terrible cargo across a black ocean. Below deck, signs of slaughter and devotion await to tell a ghastly tale.
On a barren and hostile shore a great ritual has been enacted successfully. The act of a god may have taken place. But what kind of deity did this?
An eerily silent campsite. No sign of life. Look closer and observe the grisly artefacts of annihilation.
In the very foundations of this dreadful house, was something supernormal called upon to abolish life so mercilessly?

Wyrd contains seven derelictions, original horror stories from the author of 'Hasty for the Dark' and 'Some Will Not Sleep' (winner of The British Fantasy Award for Best Collection).
I’ve followed Adam and his been a fan of his books for years, his characters, his monsters and his storytelling is just fascinating. He really uses his surroundings to influence his writing. So this was a bit different to read where the only humans you come across are corpses and usually torn to pieces or sacrificed! The Wyrd and other shorts are just brilliant and each one leaves you wanting and needing to know more!
I’m not great with long wordy reviews with words even I don’t understand I tend to write how I feel once finishing a book. I absolutely loved this book I have read Hippocampus a few times and would absolutely love a full novel! Below are just a few words on how I felt about some of the stories.


I’ve read this a few time and I pick up something I somehow missed in this short each time (don’t ask me how I have no clue)!
You genuinely feel you are walking the ship seeing what Adams describing! I would love to delve deeper into this tale and really hoping it will turn into a full novel!


Well that was just brilliant! Really drags you in! The best way to read this is sitting in a calm quiet place so you just get absorbed into following the trail we are lead on! Again I would love to know more it leaves you wanting more!!

Turning of the tide

Ok I’m good with the black lambs and human remains but dear god what did the dog do? 😂
It all started so well with the calming beach description then you keep reading and the sight
Of the phones and debris your stomach kinda lurches as you wait the the decimated corpses to follow! The poor golden retriever!


This one was full of gore and made my bones shiver! Great imagery on the monster too!! I love Adams imagination when it comes to his monsters!


I definitely hate dark craw spaces and certainly wouldn’t go delving in a cave like structures! This one definitely left me wanting to know where it was going and what had done this in the houses!

Hold the world in my arms for three days and All Will Be Changed

This creeped me out! Especially with the world being as it is now! Here you are walking in the footsteps of a world that’s changing that’s being changed by something!

Eagerly awaiting a new book!
On the Prowl (Alpha & Omega, #0.5)
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first story, Alpha and Omega by Patricia Briggs, is an off-shoot of her Mercy Thompson series. This story focuses on a much-abused female werewolf in Chicago, Anna. The Merrick's son, Charles, comes to end the abuse and inadvertedly rescues her when he discovers that she is a rare Omega werewolf. Despite the short length of the story, Briggs still writes an exceptional story with unique characters and an intriguing plot. I look forward to reading the next full-length book in this new series, Cry Wolf (Alpha and Omega, Book 1).

The second story, Inhuman by Eileen Wilks, takes place in the middle of her Lupi series, but focuses on a woman, Kai, who can see thoughts. She has a secret relationship with her neighbor Nathan, who is not human, and this developments into some interesting events when he strives to protect her from a killer. Though this story ended with a "to be continued," I am intrigued enough that I want the next book, Night Season (The World of the Lupi, Book 4).

The third story, Buying Trouble by Karen Chance, features a minor character in the Dorina Basarab series, Claire. Claire believes she is a "null," a person that nullifies magic within a certain radius. When she discovers that she is to be sold like a slave, a very sexy Lord of the Fey decides to rescue her. The chemistry between Claire and him is far beyond magnetic and has some very interesting consequences for Claire. I was a bit disappointed that Claire does not get any full-length novels, as her story has great potential.

The final story, Mona Lisa Betwining by Sunny, is heavy in erotic material and light on plot. The story takes someplace in the middle of the Monere series and resembles Anne Bishop's Black Jewels series in many ways. Though Bishop's writing is superior, there is some uniqueness to this series, such as the use of moon imagery. I may check out the first novel, Mona Lisa Awakening (Monere: Children of the Moon, Book 1).

I like reading anthologies not only to get some extra morsels from my favorite authors, but also to be introduced to new authors without having to commit to an entire full-length novel. While Briggs story was certainly the best of the bunch, the other stories were good reads, and I was glad to be introduced to their styles and stories.
Scrappy Little Nobody
Scrappy Little Nobody
Anna Kendrick | 2016 | Biography
8.0 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Anna Kendrick has been acting (and singing) since childhood, and her autobiography chronicles her growth as an actress and person, as told in little snippets and essays. Grouped in assorted themes, we hear from various stages of Anna's life, spanning her childhood to present day, and learn how Anna, a tiny scrappy kid, became a famous, Oscar-nominated actress. The book touches on her fame, as well as her personal thoughts and feelings.

I've always enjoyed Kendrick and have seen several of her films (and heard her sing about a million times, thanks to my young children and the popularity of the film, <i>Trolls</i>) but didn't know a lot about her early career. Her autobiography does a good job of filling in some of the gaps of Anna's childhood career (working on Broadway at twelve - who knew?!), but isn't told in any chronological order, so we don't get a sense of any real span of her career from Point A to B. Most of the book is told in short little bits. Many of them are quite funny stories, and there are some truly laugh out loud moments. In many cases, Kendrick is a very relatable person, who seems like the type of friend you'd like to hang out with. At other points, she seemed a bit whiny, and for me, the book spent too much time with her protesting about some of the travails of being in the celebrity industry. I can only take so much "woe is me" from famous people who write books about their lives.

The book is on more solid ground when we're reading about Anna's early life, where you gain a true admiration for her talent, and with her silly and snarky stories about her misanthropic personality (misanthropes unite!). Still, the jumping back and forth in time makes it hard to get a true trace on the arc of her life at times, and beyond some of the complaining and expounding on the travails of award shows, press junkets, and the like, there wasn't as much about her post-fame life as I was interested in.

If you like Kendrick's films, or her twitter feed, you'll probably enjoy the book and its organization, even if you find yourself wishing for a little more at the end. She's led an interesting life so far, and I'm sure another autobiography down the road would be quite intriguing.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Rogue Lawyer in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Rogue Lawyer
Rogue Lawyer
John Grisham | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
5.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sebastian Rudd is not your typical lawyer per se -- he works out of his car or home, has (and needs) a bodyguard, and spends much of his time trying to bend the law as much as he can. Sebastian defends those who others will not: mostly criminals our society immediately condemns as guilty. He believes all are entitled to a fair trial and as a result, he finds himself hated by the police, other lawyers (especially the DA and all associated with the office), and much of his town. In addition, Sebastian struggles as a father, spending limited time with his young son, who is being raised by Sebastian's ex-wife.

This book was an interesting one. I almost didn't pick it up, as I'd read some negative reviews. In that respect, I found the book a pleasant surprise. It certainly surpassed most of the reviews I'd read. Good to start with low expectations perhaps? One of the biggest surprises about this novel is the disdain for the police, and truly, much of the legal system, that comes across via Sebastian. Not always something you see in a Grisham book. It's a theme that's hit over and over (it gets to be a bit much after a while). However, Sebastian has a bit of a right to be disgruntled - the novel weaves together a few different separate stories of his various clients - and several certainly aren't treated fairly by the legal system, or the police.

It's a daring choice to to put Sebastian as a rogue lawyer who works out of his van - your brain can't help but going immediately to Connelly's Mickey Haller (the "Lincoln Lawyer"). In that respect, Sebastian and the book fall short. It's hard to surpass a Connelly character. But Sebastian has his own unique charm and the novel grew on me as it went on. The story picks up considerably and I found myself drawn into the tales and Sebastian's woes. It's not the most uplifting of books- there's no amazing court battle victory here, and not a lot of characters you can root for - but the interconnected stories are intriguing and Sebastian is a complicated character who kept me thinking. I'll be curious if Grisham does a follow-up book on him.
All Hallows&#039; Eve (2013)
All Hallows' Eve (2013)
2013 | Horror, Thriller
6.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Sarah is our babysitter that is watching these horror shorts, she is trying to be responsible to the children she is babysitting for, the other characters we meet are from the shorts which are horror made and our typical heroines that don’t stand much of a chance against their enemies. The clowns are a big part of the film too appearing in certain parts right along the way and soon are just as involved in the horror.

Performances – This is a low budget movie and most of the shorts that were used, were done with actors that were just getting started, you can see the talent there without them being truly standout. Katie Maguire does the most work and is good for her part in the film.

Story – When it comes to anthology films we always need variety in the horrors we are watching, we get that which is good, the style of the shorts feels like 80s too, so we get to play with the trademarks of the horror for that era. The story outside that connections the stories works well too because it brings the unexplained to the mix to why the video was given to a child. We clearly have stronger stories which i feel was the third one and as always the middle ones are often the weakest.

Horror – When it comes to horror we get to see different styles of horror with an 80s theme throughout, each one gets to play on what we have come to know about where things will go, but with the low budget effects we know just what we have gotten ourselves into.

Settings – The film takes us to different locations which makes each story feel unique to what we are experiencing.

Special Effects – The effects are low budget which can make things look cheap, though they are used to make them have a grindhouse feeling which was nice to see.

Scene of the Movie – Most of the third tape.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – I felt the first story is too short and I wanted to see more.

Final Thoughts – This is a nice solid horror anthology which goes mostly for gore over suspense, it works and I can see the horror fans enjoying this one.


Overall: Nice low budget horror anthology.


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Lips Touch: Three Times
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor
Genre: Young Adult, paranormal/fantasy, romance
ISBN: 9780545055857
Published: October 1st 2009 by Arthur A. Levine Books
Rating: 5

Three stories. Three kisses, all with horrible—or wonderful?—consequences. Goblins hunt girls who long for what they don't have. The most beautiful voice can't be heard, even by a lover, or all who hear it will die. A young girl has been thrown into something she never chose, for a reason she doesn't know, with memories that aren't her own. Welcome to paranormal love.

These stories were fantastic. There were three things that stuck out about them:

1. None of them had happyland syndrome (description of Happyland Syndrome here: endings where everything wraps up perfectly. In fact only one of them ends at the end of the story: the others solve the main conflict and wrap up nicely. Taylor didn't have to write all the way to the end because I knew what was going to happen and was satisfied exploring the rest in my mind.

2. They pulled me into the story with the first sentence. There was no "I'm going to give this a try and maybe it'll be worth reading." No, it was enchanting and enticing from the first word, and it was because of the creativity in the prose and the language.

3. Great writing. Beautiful intricate descriptions that stuck with me and gave me the feelings Taylor wanted me to have—whether they be enticing and sensual, or terrifying and upsetting.

Here are my thoughts on the individual short stories:

Goblin Fruit

Really?… Wow… why was that so good even though it had a horrible ending?… and was it really that horrible? Yes, it really was. I had to double check and make sure that it really was the end! I'd been wondering for a while 'can an author write a good book with a good ending that isn't happy?' answer, Yes. Laini Taylor can.

Spicy Little Curses Such As These

This story was horrid and sweet at the same time. I had a thought of how the story would end, but the ending turned out to be much different. It wasn't perfect, but it was perfect enough to leave me smiling and feeling satisfied for the characters.

The Hatchling

I could not visualize how this story would have a happy ending, and it certainly wasn't perfect—there is one character whom I still fear for her sanity. But I was so amazed an the unwinding of the mysteries and secrets of the plot and was more pleased than I thought I would be with the conclusion.

For wonderful writing, creativity, and fantastic characters, I give this one five stars and two thumbs up—get it, first chance you can.

Content/recommendation: Ages 15+ for some language, little sensuality. No explicit violence or language, no sex.

This review is copyright Haley Mathiot and Night Owl Reviews 2010. Original Review: