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Adam Silvera recommended Liesl & Po in Books (curated)

Liesl & Po
Liesl & Po
Lauren Oliver | 2011 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
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Book Favorite

"Okay, so I knew Lauren Oliver was a good writer, but damn! They weren't kidding when they compared this book to "The Tale of Desperaux" (which I also loved!) or "The Graveyard Book" (which I didn't finish, but found a scene very similar to the opening - it involved Bod Fading/Vanishing). Oliver's just a great storyteller, I had just gotten the book early morning at BEA and found that while waiting on line, I kept searching through my multiple tote bags to find this one so I can take advantage of the reading time instead of mingling with other fans on line. This hadn't happened to me for the two days I was there. My favorite characters were easily Liesl, Po, BUNDLE! and Will - who are the four obvious go-to-characters to have as your favorites, but their narratives were great. Different to Oliver's other novels, she wrote in third person and covered other characters beside her main, going so far to write about a guard named Mo (short for Molasses since he's so slow) and Mrs. Snout, owner of Snout's Inn and Restaurant. I'm excited to put this in the hands of my middle-grade peeps come this October, but any other lover of Lauren Oliver or YA will appreciate this story just as much. It has heart, deals with grief, and delivers questions about the Other Side as Oliver freshly explores it. "On the third night after the day her father died, Liesl saw the ghost." You'll ineffably thank me for recommending this. It's hands-down one of my favorite middle-grade stories and I'm already desperately eager to reread it."

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Town Bronze Box Set
Town Bronze Box Set
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
it was a wonderful read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

3 stories, about three young men, finding themselves in 1812 London.

I found these easy reads, not too taxing on the emotional or angst side, and they were a welcome change after a couple of books that were high on both scales.

I loved watching each man fall, in a way they did not expect. Given the time, these men could have been hanged if they were caught, but what I liked about these was THAT particular fact wasn't too stressed. In some historical books, those things are shoved down your throat on almost every page, but not so here. Oh it's mentioned, don't get me wrong, but it's mostly in passing, what might happen if they get caught.

The three shorts aren't particularly explicit, but they are really rather sweet in the steaminess level. I liked that, a lot. And they were all a bit different, so that was good.

Two things stopped me giving it 5 stars.

This is the first I've read of this author. I'm not sure if it's her general style, or just these books, but it was very WORDY. Lots of words used to describe things. I found it a bit off putting in places, to be honest.

And I found the three shorts kinda ended, totally out the blue! Very abrupt endings, that threw me!

The short bonus chapters made up for some of it, but still.

WIll I read more by this author? Possibly.

4 good stars

*same worded review will appear elsewheree
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Actual rating: 4.5 Stars

Post-apocalyptic stories are, by far, among my favorites to read, perhaps because it's a hypothetical possibility that could still occur in our future. From zombies to biological warfare, many stories offer a new perspective on the end of the world and William Meikle's Fungoid is no different.

Fungoid takes place in Canada and encompasses a wide range of characters and their interactions with one another and other individuals after the apocalypse falls upon the world in the form of a fungal outbreak, only in this case, the fungal epidemic appears to have a mind of its own as it voraciously consumes humanity. Those who manage to survive are left to fend for themselves as they search for a way to overcome their fates when all odds are against them.

Sometimes, a wide range of characters works. Other times, it doesn't. In this case, it does, when says a lot for Meikle's talent as a writer: his characters are well-developed and each possess their own distinct personalities. None of these characters are perfect: they have their own flaws and faults, and, in the true nature of horror, they aren't all good. The portrayal of a villainous character's decline from normality to the ultimate evil is often skipped over in favor of shining the spotlight on the heroes of a story. Meikle's unfortunate villain is spared no detail, and as a reader I was glad to find myself not only bewildered and frustrated by this character, but also found myself feeling sadness and sympathy for them.

The story is extremely fast paced, leaving little room for breathing as you flip through the pages. Given that the book is actually fairly short, it serves as a perfect read for a rainy afternoon inside. There's no shortage of action which is a necessity in a world where many people simply do not have the time to divulge to reading a thick, slower paced book. Meikle's writing is filled with twists and turns, where his characters are given a plausible route of escape or survival, only to find themselves forced to overcome obstacles that threaten to end their very lives.

Fungoid is a definite, must-read for fans of the horror genre, especially if you're looking for a new way of approaching the end of the world.

I would like to thank DarkFuse, William Meikle, and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced reader's copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.