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Sun of Blood and Ruin
Sun of Blood and Ruin
Mariely Lares | 2023 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s not often I have something negative to say about a book (you may have noticed), because I really try to choose books that I know I’ll enjoy. After all, who wants to read something they don’t enjoy? I did have high hopes that Sun of Blood and Ruin would be so much more. I was excited that this book was using Mesoamerican mythology and a bit of Mexican history, something I know nothing about.

I remember watching Zoro as a child, and this book felt like that in places. Except Pantera is female - she is a ‘master’ swords-person, a magician and a shapeshifter. So far, so good. Leonora de Las Casas Tlazohtzin is her alter-ego (or is it the other way round? Im never sure which way round it should be) - it’s a great disguise. She is the sister of the regent of New Spain, and promised to the Spanish Prince - who will ever guess that she’s really Pantera?

What didn’t quite gel with me was the way the story was put together. It didn’t feel like a cohesive novel, more like exciting shorts that had been joined together. I think if I’d read this as a graphic novel or a series of short stories, I would have enjoyed it so much more. The second half of the novel is far better than the first half, I will say that.

Perhaps I’m not the right audience for this book? I do like this genre though, and I do read a fair bit of YA Fantasy, so I’m really not so sure it’s that. It looks as though there will be a follow up, and I’d be interested to see if the style is in any way improved and where the story is going next - so this book is definitely a “like” from me.
The Bane Chronicles
The Bane Chronicles
8.2 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
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The Bane Chronicles is a collection of short stories, all featuring the famous Warlock - Magnus Bane. Throughout the ages, we get to see him develop to the character that we know. We read more about the moments that made Magnus who he is today. 

I really enjoyed diving into this book, and I am glad I read it. Some stories I loved, some not so much, but I overall loved this book and will treasure it forever. It is written by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson. <a href="">Read my review of City of Bones,</a> in case you are interested what I think about the first book of the Shadowhunter universe. 

<b><i>1. What Really Happened in Peru by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★ </i></b>

A perfect introduction of the Magnus we all love reading about. We witness a couple of adventures Magnus has in Peru. We meet Ragnor and Catarina and witness a few of Magnus’s love interests. I loved how the characters were written and the stories made me giggle. Especially the scene of how the town reacts to Magnus’ lack of talent to play an instrument.

<b><i>2. The Runaway Queen by Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★</i></b>

Set in Paris. Hot air balloon ride. Magnus decides to assist to get the Queen Marie Antoinette to escape Paris. He also has a quite interesting encounter with a bunch of vampires. Fast-faced and beautifully written. I love that it captured a certain period of history, and really focused to get the facts accurate for those times. 

<b><i>3. Vampires, Scones and Edmund Herondale by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★★</i></b>

Set in London. In this short story, Magnus realises how unfair the Shadowhunter laws are. And how the Nephilim have to obey them. When Edmund Herondale falls in love with a mundane, the Shadowhunters don’t care at all. He is stripped from his runes. For me, it was very emotional to watch Magnus fall in love, but sacrifice a few years of his happiness so Camille can give love to a werewolf, who will age and then eventually die. Also, the necklace he makes for her means so much and I can’t even cope! I loved the cryptic future prophecy in the end - I think it brought some emotion to the story. 

<b><i>4. The Midnight Heir by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★</i></b>

Very action-driven story, that didn’t leave me too impressed. I liked the fact that some important characters are featured, but it feels like the writing of the characters was poor. Set in London again, Magnus tries to help the Herondales. He also gets to meet Tatiana Blackthorn again. Magnus learns the hard way that even though he wants to help Shadowhunters, sometimes there’s nothing he can do. 

<b><i>5. The Rise of Hotel Dumort by Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★★</i></b>

Hotel Dumort in New York is quite a well-known place in the Shadowhunter universe. Warned by a vampire that danger is lurking, Magnus finds himself into another adventure. He helps the Shadowhunters again. And he also meets with a very old warlock, who opens up a portal to Hell. Magnus is called to go, possibly speaking to his father, before he finds the strength in him to close the portal. He helps a human forget and therefore prevents him from committing suicide. He also finds art that Camille is somehow involved with what happened. It kept me glued to my sofa in anticipation. 

<b><i>6. Saving Raphael Santiago by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★★</i></b>

Raphael is one of my dearest characters, I have to admit. He was turned into what he despised the most. He never would have chosen blood and immortality. The fact that Magnus is there to help him save himself is so powerful. I really enjoyed this short story! Very emotional!

<b><i>7. The Fall of the Hotel Dumort by Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★</i></b>

This is probably the most emotional story of them all. It also might be the most important one for Magnus’s character development. His relationship with Camille is brought back and he has to do something very scary and brave to be finally able to move on. 

<b><i>8. What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And Who You’re Not Officially Dating Anyway) by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★</i></b>

Definitely the cutest story so far! Magnus and Alec are dating. It’s also Alec’s birthday and Magnus is thinking of a gift. Isabelle’s visit was also quite emotional to me. To see how much she cares for Alex and would be there for him. Also, the birthday gift that Magnus chooses in the end is too precious!

<b><i>9. The Last Stand of the New York Institute by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★★</i></b>

A powerful story with a lot of Easter Eggs. We are reminded of the Circle and of a couple of fights. The Shadowhunters will help out the Downworlders against other Shadowhunters. We witness Valentine’s cruelty in a new light. And we read about Magnus meeting Jocelyn and Clary. 

<b><i>10. The Course of True Love (And First Dates) by Cassandra Clare - ★★★★★</i></b>

A story written only by Cassandra Clare. This story will probably be the most popular one, as it features Alec and Magnus on their first date. The writing is good and I really enjoyed how real the date was. It had all those awkward moments that I’ve experienced. Moments that help you get to know the person better than a few rehearsed questions. This short story shows how much Cassandra Clare knows her characters and cares for them, and it is very eminent to see the difference, compared to the rest of this book. 

<b><i>11. The Voicemail of Magnus Bane by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★</i></b>

In this short story, we read a couple of interesting voicemails. They are all sent to Magnus, by different people, when he and Alec break up. It is emotional and humorous at the same time, as you see people react in different ways. Isabelle’s voicemails are pure passion and I love it. 

<b><i>The Bane Chronicles is a book I will cherish, for it introduced me to a side of Magnus I never knew. The Bane Chronicles is worth reading, especially if you are a fan of the Shadowhunter universe. I would recommend The Bane Chronicles to everyone that loves fantasy and magic.</i></b>

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Ross (3284 KP) rated Game Of Thrones - Season 8 in TV

May 29, 2019 (Updated May 30, 2019)  
Game Of Thrones - Season 8
Game Of Thrones - Season 8
2019 | Action, Drama, Fantasy
Some moments of good old treachery and skullduggery (0 more)
A lot of the short time was wasted (0 more)
A bit of a let-down
I don't think I will ever understand why the decision was made to squeeze the final season into 6 episodes. This seems to have put all the onus on ending storylines quickly and less on building tension. And yet, so much of this series was slow, drawn out padding.
There were two episodes of pretty much non-stop action. These were visually stunning, however so badly written and incongruous. Given how well the series as a whole has tried to mimic medieval European history, to have a battle start and end in a very short time was simply nonsense. No attention to likely battle plans was attempted (a sieging army wouldn't attack, and a besieged army wouldn't come out onto the field of battle), it was just a CGI-heavy, smoky, frantic fight.
The rest of the series was a much slower pace, which is GoT's style. However those episodes were so flat and dull as to be like someone else entirely had written them. Gone was the political wrangling, the back-stabbing and the two-facedness (generally, there were some brief moments of this).
The focus of each episode was also almost solely in one place, where it has always been at its best by showing so many things at a time. Rather than this being the convergence of all story threads, this just came across as storytelling-by-numbers.
I had no problems with Daenerys' change in character - it had been so well hinted at that you didn't have to be the 3-eyed raven to see it coming. It also felt totally in line with her past decisions, and family history, and this was one of the few parts I felt were well written and understandable.
A lot of fan-favourite characters got shat on in the final few series, but I don't see why people are surprised - the main character of the first series was beheaded in that same series, so this was quite normal for GoT.
I really did not like the final outcome of the series, with Bran on the throne and the whole scene with all the lords (some of whom I still don't recognise) was painful - why would they listen to Tyrion and go with his "can't defeat a story" nonsense.
Overall, it was not a finale worthy of the series as a whole, but it was a reasonably enjoyable and at times thrilling conclusion to an epic story.

And one good thing to come out of this is the motivation it will give other writers: get on with finishing your stories or Benioff and Weiss will do it for you!

Sarah (7798 KP) May 29, 2019

Couldn't agree more! Such a disappointment. Did you watch the behind the scenes documentary that was aired this week? That was quite interesting at least.

Jack Reacher (2012)
Jack Reacher (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
6.9 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Leaping straight from the pages of author Lee Child’s long-running popular novels and short stories, the tough-as-nails Jack Reacher has arrived on the big screen as the latest starring role franchise for Tom Cruise. Although described by Child as 6’5”, 250 pounds, with blond hair, Cruise does an admirable job of bringing the no-nonsense former military investigator to life.

For those unfamiliar with the series, Reacher first appeared in the 1997 novel Killing Floor and has appeared annually in new novels and short stories. Adapted from the tenth book, 2005’s One Shot, the film tells the story of a horrific sniper attack on the citizens of Pittsburgh. Faced with overwhelming evidence against him and being coerced into confessing to avoid the death penalty, the suspect in the shootings simply asks for them to find Jack Reacher.

This is easier said than done as after leaving the military, Reacher lives pretty much off the grid. He travels by bus, and aside from making occasional deductions from his monthly military pension, there is very little to indicate his existence since he doesn’t keep too much of the trappings of a traditional lifestyle or routine.

But thanks to a shared past with the shooting suspect, Reacher goes to the police after seeing the news reports and agrees that the evidence against the suspect is overwhelming. Reacher also admits to having past encounters with the suspect which explains his arrival as he promised that should the accused shooter ever get in trouble again, Reacher would be there to ensure that justice prevails.

At this point the accused’s attorney Helen (Rosamund Pike) enters the picture and informs Reacher that she seeks to ensure the accused gets a fair trial. A big chunk of her motivation comes from the fact that the district attorney prosecuting the case is her father. Helen believes that his perfect record is due largely to the fact that suspects get badgered into signing confessions to avoid the death penalty rather than having their day in court.

The presence of Reacher does not prove popular. The district attorney who pleads with his daughter not to use him in her case because Reacher’s credibility is highly suspect due to his unconventional existence. Undaunted Reacher does what he does best which is solving cases and in the process stirs up plenty of trouble as he quickly realizes everything is not as it seems. The supposedly open and shut case is just the tip of a much larger conspiracy in which he and Helen now find themselves squarely in the crosshairs.

The film cleverly mixes humor, action, and drama with a very credible plot that rarely strains plausibility. The characters have very clear-cut motivations and flaws and do not come across just polished and flawless cinematic heroes. Cruise keeps enough mystery about Reacher to keep the character interesting even though throughout the film I was very aware that I was watching Tom Cruise play the character rather than becoming the character.

There is some solid supporting work in film especially by Robert Duvall and writer-director Christopher McQuarrie does a great job with the pacing of the film as well as providing a framework for Cruise to do what he does best. This bodes well for the future as the duo is scheduled to team up again for “Top Gun 2”, and the next “Mission Impossible” movie.

While there are segments the film that are a little slow in the buildup, the payoff was highly satisfying if slightly Hollywood cliché-ish. Thanks to a great cast and a clever script the movie does hold your attention. I, for one, am hoping that there are further cinematic outings for Reacher in the near future.