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Night's Edge
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Dancers in the Dark" by Charlaine Harris is set in the same universe as the Southern Vampire/Sookie Stackhouse stories, but with none of the incredibly annoying characters. How refreshing! It does go back to the same stuff Harris explored in her Shakespeare series and one of her standalone books (<i>Sweet and Deadly</i>? I can't remember if it was that one of the other, as they don't stand out in my memory too much anyway). The story wasn't terribly, though, and I was engaged. I kept thinking while reading, "Didn't I read another short story or novella in this universe about dancers?" Anybody else remember? I hate it when my memory goes wonky like that.

"Her Best Enemy" was too hackneyed, bringing in too many old standbyes. There's a tough girl reporter who is really a sweet woman who just needs a good man after a bad one took everything she had, a sexy man who is tougher than he looks and better able to protect her than even he knew, etc. I don't remember reading anything really strong by Maggie Shayne yet, but she's definitely on the romance side of the paranormal romance street, so that may explain my lack of enthusiasm.

Barbara Hambly's contribution, "Someone Else's Shadow," has us back in the world of dance. I wouldn't be surprised to see this one and the first story in a dance-themed anthology (they probably are, already, and I just don't realize it yet). It was the strongest story of the three (with reason, as Hambly is certainly the most experienced and IMNSHO best writer of the three). Sound plotting, good reasoning, likable characters who are well-rounded and believable, neither perfect saints nor disgusting sinners.

I kept thinking of Hope while reading the last story because the main character dances and teaches belly dance, and there's a lovely quote from the first time she dances in front of her love interest, <i>"It's all dancing. Skill infused with joy. Weaving jewelry out of dreams."</i>
The Frightened Little Flower Bud
The Frightened Little Flower Bud
Renée Paule | 2018 | Children
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I don’t usually read Children’s Books. I used to love them when I was a kid, and of course, those were the books on which I learned how to read. Those are the stories that I will always remember, with happiness in my heart and they will always have a special place in my heart.

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I was lucky enough to win The Frightened Little Flower Bud on a giveaway from Booklikes, and I couldn’t be happier! This is a short, cute story about one flower, and the process of how it blooms.

Before it blooms, it has many fears as to what is going to happen, it fears that the sun will dry it, and the rain will drown it, and that it won’t be as beautiful as the other flowers out there.

It reminds me of the fears that us people have every day before we go out of the door. We fear this and that, without realising to enjoy our lives, and live them like they are our last. A perfect description of how fear and doubt can let us down, but also a perfect example of what happens when you actually get the courage and go out there, and realise that yes - you can be the prettiest flower out there.

I liked how there are questions at the end of the books, to engage the little readers after reading it. However, in all honesty, I believe that the images inside the books won’t keep a kid there for very long, and they might not be the most exiting this in the world.

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Take It All
Take It All
Quin Perin | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
smut, in its most pure and beautiful form!
I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the authors, that I write a review was not required.

Quin and Perin write. smut. Pure and simple, down and dirty SMUT. If you don't like smut, steer clear cos let me tell ya, this here is one excellent SMUT book!

Now, I've decided that daddy kink really doesn't do anything for me, not really, but I did read The One With Daddy, since it's the first one in this little smut-fest. It's well written, but from only Dave's point of view. It's sexy, it's hot, HAWT, but it's not really my thang.

The One With The Politician, however, was right up my street! Again, told only from The Politician's point of view, it's all about him getting his rocks off since his wife ain't giving him what he really needs. And boy does he get them off! Hot, HOT HOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!

The One With The Jock? I need more of these two! I feel there is a longer story that they need to tell, a story out there, somewhere, in the minds of Quin and Perin and I hope they write it! Please write it!

Then there is a bonus read, that I also feel needs a longer drawn out tale! Reece and Elijah clearly have chemistry, even if they have yet to touch!

These four stories are NOT romances: they are purely and simply sex. And I make NO apologies for loving books such as these! Sometimes, you just need to read about two guys who have explosive chemistry getting down and dirty with each other!

Keep em coming, please God, keep these sorts of books coming at me, cos I NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED them in my life!

S0, only because they are so bloody short, and only because one character in each pairing has a say...

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Christmas in Marlow Center
Christmas in Marlow Center
Jordan Elizabeth Mierek | 2018 | Mystery, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Christmas in Marlow Center is a short Christmas-themed romance and mystery story by Jordan Elizabeth. Set in present-day December, Natassia is on her Winter Break and has arrived on her family farm to spend the period with her grandmother. Unfortunately, the family are unable to maintain the farm and are going to have to sell in the new year, therefore, this is Natassia's final opportunity to visit the place she loves. Yet, family secrets threaten to put an end to the Christmas festivities.

Meanwhile, Jesse, the tenant who lives in one of the farm buildings, is being plagued by horrifying family memories that occurred at Christmas-time. Unable to leave the past in the past, Jesse is dreading the coming holiday. Yet, when he meets Natassia, he feels a sense of hope. Perhaps he can move on, develop a new friendship, a relationship and learn to trust that other people will not judge him for the actions of a past family member.

While things are looking up for Jesse and Natassia in terms of relationship, problems with the farm cause enormous worry and strain. Just as things are beginning to fall into place, the remains of a body are found on the premises, unearthing family secrets dating back to 1964; secrets that affect both Natassia and Jesse.

Christmas stories are available in abundance and it is difficult to write something new and fresh without falling into traps, such as overly gushing romance or fake happiness. Jordan Elizabeth has kept the romance to a minimum, concentrating on family relationships, secrets and mystery.

Christmas in Marlow Center is a quick book to read, suitable for young adults and older. It is not too Christmassy, therefore, can be read any time of year. Unfortunately, the manuscript (at least the version I read) has numerous grammar and typographical errors, which slightly ruins the reading experience, however, it does not detract from the well thought out story.
Guns of the Dawn
Guns of the Dawn
Adrian Tchaikovsky | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A couple of years a go I was involved in a Twitter conversation about strong female characters in fantasy. The conclusion what that they were there but not very common. This book addresses this by adding another in the shape of Emily Marshwic.

Born into a priviliged family, she is nothing but practical, sparring with the local governor whom she blames for the suicide of her father. Then war breaks out with a neighbouring country and as the fighting drags on, taking the men of the Marshwic household, Emily ends up joining the army to do her bit. The war is brutal and through her experiences Emily finds out unexpected things about not only herself but those around her.

This story is entirely driven by character, not only of Emily but of all of those she meets and this is where Tchaikovsky shines, conjuring up a host of main and supporting cast, all of whom are three dimensional and painted in shades of light and shadow, even those whose lives are destined to be cut short. Emily herself is the central pillar of the book and is more than capable of that task.

The descriptions of the war - both of the frantic, muddled fighting and the times in between - is spot on, showing the futility of it all but also why the sides feel they must fight on. The plot is far from predictable and takes sudden turns onto new territory just as the reader becomes comfortable with the current situation.

The world is well drawn. This is definitely fantasy in style and there are magic users in the shape of the flame wielding Warlocks, but the main fighting is with muskets and flintlock pistols and it is clear that the war is driving technology on.

The only problem with this book? It is stand alone. I would definitely read more stories about Emily and will now be searching out Tchaikovsky's epic Shadows of the Apt series for future reading.

Advisory: Voilent scenes of battle and some sexual violence and references
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues (2013)
2013 | Comedy
I really wanted this movie to be epic. I wanted it to be the follow up that so many waited so long to see.

However, it fell just short of that goal in my book.


Anchorman 2 picks up in 1980 where Ron Burgandy (Will Ferrell) and Veronica Corningstone (Christina

Applegate) are married, have a 6-year old son, and are co-anchors for a local news station in New York.

Not long into the movie, something comes between the two, and we see Burgandy hit a new low as an

announcer at Sea World. But he is approached with an opportunity to work at the first 24-hour news

channel, and a chance to get his old team back together. Along with Brian Fantana (Paul Rudd), Champ

Kind (David Koechner) and Brick Tamland (Steve Carrell), Ron Burgandy takes the world by storm with

a new format, and vastly different “news” stories than what some traditionalists would call news.


As I said, there was so much potential for this movie that it just seemed to miss. It felt like they tried

to force too much of Brick’s “natural charm” that made him so popular in the first, even with the love

interest they brought in for him this go around. You top that off with recycled jokes, not just from

the first movie (which I would have been okay with), but from other movies as well. I immediately

recognized 2 from the Austin Powers franchise alone.


It’s not to say that the movie didn’t have its moments. There were quite a few times where I was caught

off guard by something I was not expecting, or where the joke fell naturally into place. But the rest of

the movie seemed forced. And one cameo in reference to MTV had me downright upset. But hey, not

everyone shares my view.


So my test? Would I pay to see this movie in theaters? No. Wait for it to come to disc/digital

download. I have a feeling it won’t be long before it gets there.
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