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The Suicide Tree
The Suicide Tree
Shayla Raquel | 2018 | Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What I liked most about this book was the interwoven stories of Knox, Arlo, and the mysterious person who harmed Arlo (0 more)
After thinking about it I would say that the reasoning behind Arlo’s childhood assault (for lack of a better term) was a bit on the anti-climatic side (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
The Suicide Tree by Shayla Raquel was a surprisingly good book. It was not quite what I expected but after reading it I am honestly not sure what I was expecting. Early on it talks about the Suicide Tree being a real tree and I could not help but look it up. What I found is that the Suicide Tree is actually a tree called Cerbera Odollam and is found in Asia and India. I find it interesting Knox uses this tree’s nickname for his tag because of the specific properties this tree has. I will leave it up to the interested reader to look up those properties for themselves. The story was so good that I am afraid to say too much without the risk of spoilers.

 Trigger Warning: Although I don’t usually feel like I need to add these to my reviews I feel this may be an exception. The death of Knox’s parents is a tragedy and a large part of the story and is brought up very frequently.

 Knox Kevel’s parents died in an explosion three years before the story begins. Knox, being almost a computer genius becomes a hacker known as The Suicide Tree while his parents are still alive. After their death, he works for people on the black market and attracts the attention of the FBI. The FBI gets ahold of him twice and he is facing prison time when Arlo Jenson pops in. Arlo wants Knox to work for him and if Knox agrees Arlo will call in a favor with the DA and have Knox’s charges dropped.

 Knox ends up flying to Italy with Arlo, in hopes of finding the person who hurt Arlo as a child. Knox and Arlo stay with Norah, Arlo’s sister, and her daughter Jessa. The four of them team up and travel to many well-known cities in Italy trying to discover the truth. The truth about what? Well, you will just have to read The Suicide Tree to find out for yourself.

What I liked most about this book was the interwoven stories of Knox, Arlo, and the mysterious person who harmed Arlo. It was actually hard to find something that I didn’t really like about this book. After thinking about it I would say that the reasoning behind Arlo’s childhood assault (for lack of a better term) was a bit on the anti-climatic side. I was hoping for something a little more in-depth than what was offered.

 In all honesty, I believe just about anyone could read this book. There is little in the lines on inappropriate material in this book. The book is also relatively short and does not require a lot of dedication making it perfect for the occasional reader. I would rate this book 4 out of 5 because the plot line was well thought out and there was very little that I questioned after finishing the book. The story was strong and extremely entertaining. I would recommend it to anyone who wants a quick read.
American Gods
American Gods
Neil Gaiman | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
I'm trying to remember whether or not I've read any of Gaiman's other novels before, and I'm fairly certain that I haven't. I read [b:Good Omens|12067|Good Omens|Terry Pratchett||4110990], but that was co-written with [a:Terry Pratchett|1654|Terry Pratchett|], and the collaboration was genius. I know that the entire world seems to love Sandman, of course, but I'm just not a fan of graphic novels. In fact, it took me a while to realize that the Good Omens co-author and the Sandman author were one and the same.

I've certainly read some short stories, too. The most memorable, <a href=",_Glass,_Apples">"Snow, Glass, Apples"</a> was reprinted in an anthology I read recently. I find it disturbing, so I won't re-read it. Well-written, of course—it wouldn't be so very memorably distressing if it weren't so masterfully done! (I found the <a href="">text online</a> if you care to read it, but please understand that the story deals with pedophilia, necrophilia, and incest here. It is the polar opposite of all things Disney.) Snow White was never one of of my favorite fairy tales, and Gaiman definitely pushed it much farther down the list.

In any case, I don't know what I was expecting from Gaiman, but <i>American Gods</i> wasn't it. I like stories with happy endings, and within the first few chapters I was fairly sure that there wouldn't be one. Is Gaiman fundamentally opposed to joy, or is it just happiness that he doesn't allow?

The novel is epic. It is masterful. All that stuff from the big critics is dead on. The book could be used as the backbone of a mythological scavenger hunt if a teacher were willing to run a very unstructured but engaging course that way. I certainly enjoyed that aspect of it, and it made me glad that I was reading it on my iTouch so that I could look up anything I liked online at any time, no matter where I happened to be (which was almost always at home or somewhere else that had wifi access, happily).

I seldom want to see illustrations in any book, but yes, I think I would like to see good pictures of some of the characters Gaiman described in this one. On the other hand, without artwork I spent time imagining what the characters looked like based on the descriptions. I don't normally stop to do that, as such matters as seldom relevant to a plot, but these beings caught my fancy. Not enough that I would sit through an entire graphic novel, I'm afraid, but if I saw one now I might flip through it to see how the artist's renderings compare with my versions.

I'm seldom able to identify an overall Theme to the books I read. Most of them, honestly, are fluff. I'm fine with that. I read them because they entertain me. <i>American Gods</i> is different. It is entertaining, but it isn't light or fluffy in the least. It definitely has an easily identifiably Theme and Tropes and all those elements that I recall from long-ago classes, the sorts of things that put me off from my original English major because I hated tearing other author's works apart instead of writing anything original. (Now, I begin to understand that we were being taught to recognize what makes for good writing so we might have some hope of possibly creating some of it one day.)

I somewhat timidly conclude that <i>American Gods</i> is the first piece of Literature I've read in a very long time, and well worth the time spent reading it. (I find it rather amusing that it would be British Literature, despite its title, due to the author's nationality.) I'm not going to state the theme, because that would be a spoiler, and I hate putting those in reviews&mdash;but it's something that I see as a Truth, and one that needs to be stated far more often, especiallly today. It's even more interesting that it took a Brit to say it.

The book is dark, although it does have some very bright spots in it. I will acknowledge that I was going through a particularly bad time with regards to my health when I was reading it, but I still think it might be best for some people to read this one when in a fairly positive state of mind.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I love alternate takes on fairy tales, so I was super happy when I was asked if I wanted to review TaleSpins (TaleSpins #1-3) by Michael Mullin! I must say that I loved this book!

The three stories are all short and are written in rhyming verse and can be bought individually. TaleSpins (TaleSpins #1-3) is just the collection of three stories in one place.

I must say that I do like the cover! It has to do with the story of 8th Dwarf.

For my review, I will be reviewing each story individually.

8th Dwarf

This is a retelling of Snow White. In this story, there was an eighth dwarf called Creepy who was locked int he basement so he'd be out of sight and out of mind. He was disfigured and lived up to his name. Creepy tells us the story of what really happened.

I enjoyed the story of 8th Dwarf. I felt bad for Creepy though because all he wanted was to be treated like a normal person and not like a criminal. He tries to save Snow White from the evil witch so many times, yet Snow White is too thick to realize that the witch is taking advantage of her. I enjoyed the rhyming, and I loved the font changes and little pictures during the story. I don't know if this is included in the ebook version, but it is in the paperback version.

8th Dwarf gets a 5 out of 5.
The Plight and Plot of Princess Penny

This is the story of a 15 year old princess named Penny who is bullied at school by a girl named Darcy. Penny is tired of being bullied by Darcy and seeks out a witch to help her get back at Darcy. Along the way she meets a troll named Jink. Jink warns her to stay away from the witch, but Penny will not listen. When Penny steals from the witch, Penny is taken prisoner by her. It's up to Jink to help Penny.

The Plight and Plot of Princess Penny references many fairy tales. I enjoyed all the references because it took me back to back to my childhood, especially the reference to Hansel and Gretel. While I didn't find this story as interesting as 8th Dwarf, it was still fun to read. Sometimes, I felt as if it had gotten to be a bit long winded and found my eyes were starting to glaze over. However, the pacing would pick back up, and I'd be enthralled in the story once again. I believe this story helps to teach us that nothing is ever as it seems.

The Plight and Plot of Princess Penny gets a 3.75 out of 5.

Jack'd is a take on the original Jack and the Beanstalk story. A doctor comes home to find a valuable treasure of his has been stolen by a teenager named Jack. While trying to locate Jack, the doctor comes across an elf like person who spray paints choices as doors for the doctor to make/take. The doctor becomes responsible for what happens to Jack.

Wow, wow, wow! This is definitely my favorite story in the book! Mr. Mullin sure did save the best for last! Jack'd read like one of those old film noir detective least, that's how it read to me. I found it interesting the way that the doctor had the choice as to what would happen to Jack...kind of like those choose your own ending books. I also loved how the verse was written in this story. I never even saw the plot twist coming!

Jack'd gets a definite 5 out of 5.

TaleSpins (TaleSpins #1-3) is a fantastic take on classic fairy tales. Michael Mullin brings in his own style of writing to make the fairy tales we've all come to know become fresh again.

I'd recommend this book to anyone aged 8+ (except Jack'd due to the theme. Jack'd, I'd recommend to those age 13+) who wants to get a thrill out of fairy tales again.

TaleSpins (TaleSpins #1-3) by Michael Mullin gets a 4.5 out of 5 overall.

(I received a free paperback copy of this title from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).
Nightblade&#039;s Vengeance
Nightblade's Vengeance
Ryan Kirk | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*** I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

This summer I read the first Nightblade trilogy: I loved the first one (the world-building, the three different stories running in parallel and occasionally crossing over), enjoyed the second one (character development was the focus plus setting up the conflict in the conclusion) and tolerated the final book (largely a repeat of the same plot as the first two plus a number of loose ends left un-tied).

Given how I fell out of love with the series as it went on, I was a little tentative about reading this, the first in a new trilogy following on from the events of the first. I have to say it was very poor.

Pretty much nothing happens throughout the book, the sole focus is on political manoeuvring and the nightblades have become a shadow of what they were to be at the end of the first series.

The king is dying and has no heir, so one of three lords looks likely to be chosen to take the throne (or decide to take it). There is some unrest within the populace of the Kingdom towards nightblades (ninja-like warriors with a spidey-sense warning them of danger and allowing them to sense each other) - rumours are spreading that nightblades are demanding unreasonable payment for protection and are harming those they are supposed to be serving. And a particularly weak nightblade, the daughter of a dayblade (whose powers are used to heal rather than in combat) killed in service, by a mysterious warrior who subsequently vanished, is looking for vengeance (hence the title).

And that is pretty much it. The plot is very basic, the narrative takes an absolute age to cover what few events are happening and the vocabulary is pretty limited (I think at one point within three paragraphs about 6 things were said to have happened "in a moment" or "for a moment").

Twice in the book the phrase "to cut a long, boring story short" was used and I can't help but think Kirk was referring to what he himself should do.

I wasn't sure after ending the nightblade trilogy whether I would return to the world of the nightblades. Now I am certain I won't.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Watching You in Books

Mar 20, 2019  
Watching You
Watching You
Lisa Jewell | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Enjoyable, easy read with a puzzling plot
There are twenty-seven painted houses in the lovely neighborhood of Melville Heights. Joey Mullen resides in one with her husband, Alfie; they live with Joey's brother Jack and his pregnant wife, Rebecca. Joey is struggling to get her life together after coasting for a while. This attempt isn't helped by the fact that she seems to have developed a crush on her neighbor, Tom Fitzwilliam, who lives two houses down. Tom is a well-known and beloved headmaster, credited for helping several schools improve their outcomes. He lives with his wife and son, Freddie, who closely monitors the neighborhood with his camera and Internet connection. And then there's teenage Jenna Tripp, who attends Tom's school. She's wary of Mr. Fitzwilliam, who seems awfully attached to her friend Bess. It doesn't help that Jenna's mom, who has mental health issues, is convinced Mr. Fitzwilliam is stalking her. This group of individuals is tied together by Tom Fitzwilliam--and soon by a gruesome murder that will change everyone's lives.

I really enjoy Lisa Jewell's novels and this was another very readable book from her. The chapters are short and quick, with the information flying at us, making you wonder what on earth is going on in Melville and who we can trust. There are a lot of stories going on simultaneously--Jenna, Joey, Freddie, and more--and we can see that they are all loosely related to Tom. So, can we trust him? Is there more to this adored headmaster than meets to the eye? Jewell is highly adept at making you wonder, unable to trust anyone and at keeping you guessing as things slowly unfurl.

The characters in this one were interesting; there are enough of them that you don't get too attached, though I did feel sympathy for poor Jenna, who has a lot to deal with regarding her mother. Mostly, we hurtle along with our group toward their own doom. I worked things out fairly early, but it didn't prevent my enjoyment of this one, as it's very readable and well-done.

Overall, this is an enjoyable, easy read with a puzzling plot and a story that will draw you in from the beginning.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>.)

This is my first time reviewing a poetry book, so hopefully my review will do this book justice as it's a wonderful and well written book of poetry.

god-chaser by Sari Krosinsky is a short book of mainly poetry and some prose. The main subject of this book are gods although there are a few prose and poetry from the author's memories.

I think the title of this book suits it. Most of the prose and poetry contained in this book deal with all sorts of gods, so the title "god-chaser" works perfectly. It's even mentioned in one of the poems.

I like the simplistic design of the cover. I assume the photo of the woman on the cover is the author. I love the tree in the background as well. The cover, to me, symbolises the whole "what you see is what you get with this book." Yes, the cover could've been more decorated with pictures of gods and goddesses but this cover works for this book.

The pacing of each poem and story is perfect. I found myself devouring each story and poem as I read them. Not once did I grow bored with this little book of prose and poetry.

When it comes to dialogue, most of it is easy to understand. There are a few words that I didn't know what they meant, but over all, the prose and poetry is easy to understand. I must mention here that the poems and stories spoke to my soul!! There are a few swear words in it, but not many.

My favourite piece in this book is a prose piece entitled "Election Day Memorial, 1984." I can't pinpoint why it's my favourite but I just love the way it's written. I also like the dry humour used in it.

This is definitely a great book for fans of prose and poetry as well as those that are into mythology. When I heard this book dealt with mythological gods and goddesses, I had to read it! The author does a fantastic job with the wording. It is beautifully written.

I'd recommend this book mostly to fans of prose and poetry aged 16+, but I think mostly everyone could benefit from reading it as it's a lovely read!
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

What if scientists have been wrong about the way the human body works? What if there are thousands of tiny creatures controlling each and every organ, making sure everything in the body is in working order? This is the idea that Mark Murphy has based his books upon. These creatures are called min and not only do they help the body to function; they have their own lives to deal with as well.

<i>Minology II: The Disquisitive Saga of Filbert Monkston</i> is the second of the <i>Minology stories</i>. Filbert is a seventeen-year-old min who has grown up in the Gutlands as part of the Kushnick tribe. However he is beginning to question their religion. Why do they have these beliefs? Why do they sacrifice food? An argument with his father sparks off a series of events that cause trouble for many min.

After storming off, Filbert and his friend Gordon come into contact with a strange group of travellers. Not realizing how dangerous they are, Filbert and Gordon get drawn into a trap. Baron Floppy, Filbert’s father, on the other hand, regrets the outburst at his son and is extremely worried when he never returns home. Along with a search party he goes out to find his son. As the story leads up to reuniting the father and son an old mystery is uncovered and finally solved after many years of it being left unanswered.

As with the first <i>Minology</i> book, this is a lighthearted read containing a lot of humour. Many of the min are not the most intelligent of creatures resulting in rather a lot of misunderstandings which can be particularly amusing. The storyline itself can be quite gripping as the mystery unravels.

Although <i>Minology II</i> does not exactly follow on from the previous novel, it would be handy to read the books in order as the first story provides more information about who the min are and a little about the body they are inhabiting.

Overall, <i>Minology II</i> is a good short read, however could have done with another proof read before publication. It is a shame that the writer cannot tell the difference between the words ‘were’ and ‘where’!
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<b><i>‘’I was born to destroy everything you ever loved before me.’’</i></b>

It is very hard for me to judge this work and write a book review. It's hard to tell you what I think because I don't feel like I'm an expert in poetry.  I love reading poetry, but I don't read it as much. I love poetry, but maybe I don't understand it.

<b><i>Bright Pink Ink: New and Selected Poems</i></b> has a jolly vibe to it, a lot of love & happiness, emotions of loss, missing loved ones and love, as well as a feminist vibe that is refreshing. It was an enjoyable read. 

However, it also holds a little bit if monotony with it, very short poems or poems that are written as prose. I encountered a few repetitive sentences on a few occasions and while I know that repeating a line is common in poetry to straighten the meaning and add rhythm - in this occasion it wasn't pleasurable to read. 

<b><i>"Maybe I should tell them about my husband's laugh. A sound that erupts as suns inside me till I float - free as dust." </i></b>

I loved <b><i>‘’A poem from 4/14/2015 read on 6/21/2017’’.</i></b> It is written quite well, with two parallel stories happening while you read, in a different timeline. I really enjoyed it, despite the great annoyance that is the date. The only logical date format I know of is day - month - year. 

There were a lot of feminist vibes through the poems, which was pleasantly enjoyable. On this topic, <b><i>"Mortal Gods Demand a Sacrifice"</i></b> was my favourite one. 

<b><i>"The moon must've thought you were the sun." </i></b>

Thank you to the author Laura Dinovis Berry for sending me a copy of Bright Pink Ink in exchange for an honest review. 

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