The Penguin Book of the British Short Story: 2: From P.G. Wodehouse to Zadie Smith: II
'Eclectic, entertaining ...almost all British, if not human, life is here' Boyd Tonkin, Independent...

Harpertrue Life - A Short Read: Little Girl Lost: The True Story of a Broken Child
The fourth in a series of true short stories from foster carer Mia Marconi. Kira first came to...

The Toilet Papers, Jr: a short-story collection of horror, humor, & fairy tales for kids
Don't you hate losing your place in your bathroom book? The Toilet Papers, Jr. is a short-story...

Project Genesis: The Short Story Prequel to the Genesis Rising Series
Global terrorism. The declining population. An uncertain future. Does the Sphinx hold the...
Genesis Rising science fiction pre-apocalyptic

Nightmare Magazine - Horror and Dark Fantasy Story Podcast (Audiobook | Short Stories)
Edited by bestselling, award-winning anthologist John Joseph Adams, NIGHTMARE is a digital magazine...

Short Stories
Stephen Fry, Anton Chekhov and Constance Garnet
Immerse yourself in a world where the wonderful Stephen Fry reads some of the more memorable short...

LIGHTSPEED MAGAZINE - Science Fiction and Fantasy Story Podcast (Sci-Fi | Audiobook | Short Stories)
Edited by bestselling anthologist John Joseph Adams, LIGHTSPEED is a Hugo Award-winning,...

Short Stories For Kids
Education and Games
Five fun short stories for kids are there in this interactive audio storybook app. With sounds,...