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A Collection of Short Stories
A Collection of Short Stories
Maggie Ffrench | 2020 | Children
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The stories are only a couple pages long each. (0 more)
Sadly the book has a bunch of errors. (0 more)
Created with the intention of parents or other caregivers reading it to children
A Collection of Short Stories by Maggie Ffrench was created with the intention of parents or other caregivers reading it to children and sharing the experience.

 Written my Maggie Ffrench for her grandson “Jamie’s” first birthday (if the story in the book is true) this book contains twelve imaginative stories to read to young children. All the stories focus on a fictional Jamie and his adventures both by himself and with his family.

 Some of the stories like “Bubbles” where Jamie climbs into a bubble and flies over the town, or “The Present” where Jamie’s clay creations come alive are firmly in the realm of imagination. On the other hand “The Box” where Jamie plays with a box and “Looking” where Jamie looks out the window are placed in reality. This (almost) even mix offers a good balance for families.

 What I liked best was that this book contains twelve short stories, each only a few pages long. Those pages even only have a couple of sentences on most of them at that, making them great for young ear who are easily distracted. Unfortunately there was quite a bit wrong with this book for how short it is. At least one of the stories cuts off without an ending and twice the book itself is referenced in stories. Some of the sentences are missing words completely while others have words like “controversial” which is an awfully big word (and strange one) to have in a children’s book. Then there is the page and a half that looks like it was photocopied.

 This book appears to have been designed for parents to read to small children. The introduction even talks about how important the author believes it is for parents and children to read together. I rate this book 1 out of 4 or 2 out of 5. The concept is good but sadly the overall book is not. This book did not appear to have been edited very well and comes off as extremely amateurish. Honestly I really wanted to like this book, but for me it missed the mark big time.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I love alternate takes on fairy tales, so I was super happy when I was asked if I wanted to review TaleSpins (TaleSpins #1-3) by Michael Mullin! I must say that I loved this book!

The three stories are all short and are written in rhyming verse and can be bought individually. TaleSpins (TaleSpins #1-3) is just the collection of three stories in one place.

I must say that I do like the cover! It has to do with the story of 8th Dwarf.

For my review, I will be reviewing each story individually.

8th Dwarf

This is a retelling of Snow White. In this story, there was an eighth dwarf called Creepy who was locked int he basement so he'd be out of sight and out of mind. He was disfigured and lived up to his name. Creepy tells us the story of what really happened.

I enjoyed the story of 8th Dwarf. I felt bad for Creepy though because all he wanted was to be treated like a normal person and not like a criminal. He tries to save Snow White from the evil witch so many times, yet Snow White is too thick to realize that the witch is taking advantage of her. I enjoyed the rhyming, and I loved the font changes and little pictures during the story. I don't know if this is included in the ebook version, but it is in the paperback version.

8th Dwarf gets a 5 out of 5.
The Plight and Plot of Princess Penny

This is the story of a 15 year old princess named Penny who is bullied at school by a girl named Darcy. Penny is tired of being bullied by Darcy and seeks out a witch to help her get back at Darcy. Along the way she meets a troll named Jink. Jink warns her to stay away from the witch, but Penny will not listen. When Penny steals from the witch, Penny is taken prisoner by her. It's up to Jink to help Penny.

The Plight and Plot of Princess Penny references many fairy tales. I enjoyed all the references because it took me back to back to my childhood, especially the reference to Hansel and Gretel. While I didn't find this story as interesting as 8th Dwarf, it was still fun to read. Sometimes, I felt as if it had gotten to be a bit long winded and found my eyes were starting to glaze over. However, the pacing would pick back up, and I'd be enthralled in the story once again. I believe this story helps to teach us that nothing is ever as it seems.

The Plight and Plot of Princess Penny gets a 3.75 out of 5.

Jack'd is a take on the original Jack and the Beanstalk story. A doctor comes home to find a valuable treasure of his has been stolen by a teenager named Jack. While trying to locate Jack, the doctor comes across an elf like person who spray paints choices as doors for the doctor to make/take. The doctor becomes responsible for what happens to Jack.

Wow, wow, wow! This is definitely my favorite story in the book! Mr. Mullin sure did save the best for last! Jack'd read like one of those old film noir detective least, that's how it read to me. I found it interesting the way that the doctor had the choice as to what would happen to Jack...kind of like those choose your own ending books. I also loved how the verse was written in this story. I never even saw the plot twist coming!

Jack'd gets a definite 5 out of 5.

TaleSpins (TaleSpins #1-3) is a fantastic take on classic fairy tales. Michael Mullin brings in his own style of writing to make the fairy tales we've all come to know become fresh again.

I'd recommend this book to anyone aged 8+ (except Jack'd due to the theme. Jack'd, I'd recommend to those age 13+) who wants to get a thrill out of fairy tales again.

TaleSpins (TaleSpins #1-3) by Michael Mullin gets a 4.5 out of 5 overall.

(I received a free paperback copy of this title from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).

    Arri: 100 Years


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    As its centenary year gets underway, ARRI looks back at its rich history, assesses the values and...

Assassin&#039;s Creed: Revelations
Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Oliver Bowden | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
No Den Defence to play (2 more)
A brilliant send off to Ezio
Combining Revelations with the Embers short film
The final journey of Ezio Auditore
Ezio Auditore is now old and frail in this final chapter of his life. Though he can still move and fight like an assassin, better than any civilized man, he is old and growing frail with each passing day.

Following the story of the third and final game in the Ezio story line, as seen in the Ezio Collection video game, and combining it with his final moments told in the 'Assassin's Creed: Embers' short film with more detail, as books do best.

The Revelations Novels offers us insight into the mind of an aging Ezio, as he journeys to Constantinople where the Templar Order are threatening to destabilize the Ottoman Empire. Ezio meets new friends even after all these years, such as Yusuf. Ezio also discovers more about his ancestor Altaïr and the mystery behind what lies in Altaïr's tomb beneath Masyaf.

His journey began as a pilgrimage, but quickly turns into a battle with the Templar's once more. With help from his new friends, and allies, Ezio must help stop the rising Templar army in order to find the missing keys to the Masyaf tomb. Through letters to his sister Claudia, and through the same format as the previous two Ezio novels, we read about Ezio as though we were watching him in the animus, but unable to control what happens, unlike the video game.

As mentioned in my previous review, I'm not sure how many times I can praise Bowden for his work on this series. All I can say is that he does not fail to entertain and reveal a new experience to the world of Assassin's Creed. If you have read my previous reviews then you know how much I praise this man for his work on the series of Novels he has written for the fans. Each one delivers a new thrilling experience and each one stays true to the events of the video game as much as possible. Of course each person who plays the video game plays differently. These novels give more of a sense of what the Assassin's themselves would have truly done in the events that unfold.
The Bane Chronicles
The Bane Chronicles
8.2 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
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The Bane Chronicles is a collection of short stories, all featuring the famous Warlock - Magnus Bane. Throughout the ages, we get to see him develop to the character that we know. We read more about the moments that made Magnus who he is today. 

I really enjoyed diving into this book, and I am glad I read it. Some stories I loved, some not so much, but I overall loved this book and will treasure it forever. It is written by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson. <a href="">Read my review of City of Bones,</a> in case you are interested what I think about the first book of the Shadowhunter universe. 

<b><i>1. What Really Happened in Peru by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★ </i></b>

A perfect introduction of the Magnus we all love reading about. We witness a couple of adventures Magnus has in Peru. We meet Ragnor and Catarina and witness a few of Magnus’s love interests. I loved how the characters were written and the stories made me giggle. Especially the scene of how the town reacts to Magnus’ lack of talent to play an instrument.

<b><i>2. The Runaway Queen by Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★</i></b>

Set in Paris. Hot air balloon ride. Magnus decides to assist to get the Queen Marie Antoinette to escape Paris. He also has a quite interesting encounter with a bunch of vampires. Fast-faced and beautifully written. I love that it captured a certain period of history, and really focused to get the facts accurate for those times. 

<b><i>3. Vampires, Scones and Edmund Herondale by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★★</i></b>

Set in London. In this short story, Magnus realises how unfair the Shadowhunter laws are. And how the Nephilim have to obey them. When Edmund Herondale falls in love with a mundane, the Shadowhunters don’t care at all. He is stripped from his runes. For me, it was very emotional to watch Magnus fall in love, but sacrifice a few years of his happiness so Camille can give love to a werewolf, who will age and then eventually die. Also, the necklace he makes for her means so much and I can’t even cope! I loved the cryptic future prophecy in the end - I think it brought some emotion to the story. 

<b><i>4. The Midnight Heir by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★</i></b>

Very action-driven story, that didn’t leave me too impressed. I liked the fact that some important characters are featured, but it feels like the writing of the characters was poor. Set in London again, Magnus tries to help the Herondales. He also gets to meet Tatiana Blackthorn again. Magnus learns the hard way that even though he wants to help Shadowhunters, sometimes there’s nothing he can do. 

<b><i>5. The Rise of Hotel Dumort by Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★★</i></b>

Hotel Dumort in New York is quite a well-known place in the Shadowhunter universe. Warned by a vampire that danger is lurking, Magnus finds himself into another adventure. He helps the Shadowhunters again. And he also meets with a very old warlock, who opens up a portal to Hell. Magnus is called to go, possibly speaking to his father, before he finds the strength in him to close the portal. He helps a human forget and therefore prevents him from committing suicide. He also finds art that Camille is somehow involved with what happened. It kept me glued to my sofa in anticipation. 

<b><i>6. Saving Raphael Santiago by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★★</i></b>

Raphael is one of my dearest characters, I have to admit. He was turned into what he despised the most. He never would have chosen blood and immortality. The fact that Magnus is there to help him save himself is so powerful. I really enjoyed this short story! Very emotional!

<b><i>7. The Fall of the Hotel Dumort by Cassandra Clare and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★</i></b>

This is probably the most emotional story of them all. It also might be the most important one for Magnus’s character development. His relationship with Camille is brought back and he has to do something very scary and brave to be finally able to move on. 

<b><i>8. What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything (And Who You’re Not Officially Dating Anyway) by Cassandra Clare and Sarah Rees Brennan - ★★★★</i></b>

Definitely the cutest story so far! Magnus and Alec are dating. It’s also Alec’s birthday and Magnus is thinking of a gift. Isabelle’s visit was also quite emotional to me. To see how much she cares for Alex and would be there for him. Also, the birthday gift that Magnus chooses in the end is too precious!

<b><i>9. The Last Stand of the New York Institute by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★★</i></b>

A powerful story with a lot of Easter Eggs. We are reminded of the Circle and of a couple of fights. The Shadowhunters will help out the Downworlders against other Shadowhunters. We witness Valentine’s cruelty in a new light. And we read about Magnus meeting Jocelyn and Clary. 

<b><i>10. The Course of True Love (And First Dates) by Cassandra Clare - ★★★★★</i></b>

A story written only by Cassandra Clare. This story will probably be the most popular one, as it features Alec and Magnus on their first date. The writing is good and I really enjoyed how real the date was. It had all those awkward moments that I’ve experienced. Moments that help you get to know the person better than a few rehearsed questions. This short story shows how much Cassandra Clare knows her characters and cares for them, and it is very eminent to see the difference, compared to the rest of this book. 

<b><i>11. The Voicemail of Magnus Bane by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan and Maureen Johnson - ★★★★</i></b>

In this short story, we read a couple of interesting voicemails. They are all sent to Magnus, by different people, when he and Alec break up. It is emotional and humorous at the same time, as you see people react in different ways. Isabelle’s voicemails are pure passion and I love it. 

<b><i>The Bane Chronicles is a book I will cherish, for it introduced me to a side of Magnus I never knew. The Bane Chronicles is worth reading, especially if you are a fan of the Shadowhunter universe. I would recommend The Bane Chronicles to everyone that loves fantasy and magic.</i></b>

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The Martian Chronicles
The Martian Chronicles
Ray Bradbury | 1950 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have some feelings about Ray Bradbury.

I understand why he is so well loved. I understand his importance in literature and in science fiction. I just don't like reading him. It's something I can't fully explain. I generally enjoy his stories and his ideas. He paints a beautiful portrait with his words, relying as much on the landscape as he does his characters, which I am normally really into. I like being able to peek into the social structure of the early days of science fiction to see how people envisioned the future and by extension, how they saw themselves. For some unknown reason though, I can never get myself settled and engrossed in a Bradbury story.

The Martian Chronicles has some highlights, to be sure. Favorites include <i>The Earth Men</i>, <i>Way in the Middle of the Air</i> and <i>Usher II</i> come immediately to mind. As simply a collection of short stories, I think I would like it more, but since he decided to thread them loosely together, it causes more trouble than it gains. Because of the nature of the narrative, we get a sort of dreamlike quality to the story. Rules that work in one story may not work in the next. The image of martian life that we are treated to seems a bit arbitrary and dependent on the tale that surrounds it at any given moment. And that's fine! It makes sense given that they were different stories published at different times. But there's nothing that really pulls them together into a cohesive unit.
The characters can at times, be a bit infuriating. The naivety and undisciplined behavior of many of the explorers irked me. <i>The Earth Men,</i> despite being one of my favorite stories, is the most egregious offender. An expedition to a new planet, especially one immediately after a failed one in which everyone died, is upset that none of the natives are thrilled with their presence? Their first and only concern is finding pats on the back? The redeeming factor in this story is the conclusion, which I find justified and well deserved. Maybe Mr. Xxx is right. (Which leads me to my frustration with Martian naming conventions throughout the various stories, but that's neither here nor there.)

Despite my grievances, I still appreciate the lofty ideas Bradbury puts forth and the perspective he brings. Maybe I'm too heavy into modern, harder SF to find solace in the whimsical worlds he presents here. I know it has it's place, that place just isn't with me.
Next Door
Next Door
Matt Shaw | 2021 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
82 of 250
Next Door
Compiled by Matt Shaw

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

From the mind behind "MASTERS OF HORROR" comes a new horror anthology to keep you up at night!

Whilst Matt Shaw is busy producing, writing and directing the feature film NEXT DOOR he decided to put together a horror anthology of the same name, and with the same theme as the motion picture. None of the stories in this collection feature in the film; the two products are completely separate other than the central concept of exploring who does live NEXT DOOR to us?

Given the fact these are some of the biggest names in horror, you can bet that whomever is living next door probably won't be the friendliest of characters...

The year is 2019 and technology has come so far that we spend more time staring at our mobile devices, and screens in general, than getting to know our next door neighbour. Gone are the days of knowing everyone who lives on the same street, or in the same village. Instead we leave our houses, avoid eye-contact or give the bare minimum of grunts to those we see and go about our daily lives without a care for anyone else. No more street parties, no more kindly neighbours checking in on you, no more Christmas cards from the little old lady who lives across the street. There's only "us" and our technology.

This anthology takes a look at who lives NEXT DOOR and what secrets they may be keeping. And who knows, maybe it will serve as warning to you that, really, you should be paying attention to those living close-by. After all, Fred West was someone's neighbour once...

Featuring stories by:
Tim Lebbon
Shaun Hutson
Ryan C. Thomas
Jeremy Bates
David Moody
Guy N. Smith
Matthew Stokoe
Justin Woodward
Gary McMahon
Rich Hawkins
Jim Goforth
Matt Shaw

1. A Family-Friendly Neighbourhood by Ryan C Thomas
This was actually quite funny and sweet in a gruesome clever way. All the toys turning into little knife wielding creepy thing only to find out they are their kids souls! They just want to be together 😂

2. Final Feast by Guy N. Smith

Quick little story of the cannibal next door! I loved it!

3. Insurgents by Rich Hawkins

A story of a war ruined mind, a soldier dealing with his demons. Well written just not my normal read.

4. Mirror Image by David Moody

A couple move into a new house with an extra handy neighbour. I enjoyed this one funny how my husband is so crap at DIY too 😂😂

5. Neighbour Hood by Tim Lebbon

Omg this has to be the creepiest one so far and the whole reason I never use my attics’!!!

6. Dinner Date by Jeremy Bates

A bit slower than the others think I just got a little bored. Never accept dinner invitations before getting to know the guy no matter how hot he is! Silly girl!

7. Why Does Randolph Draw by Matthew Stokeoe

Got to be honest I didn’t finish it I just got so bored after page 5! Just wasn’t catching me.

8. Saturday Night Whiskey by Justin M.Woodward

This was really god and well put together a kids last cry for help from his dodgy uncle!

9. Sixteen by Jim Goforth

This felt so rushed even for a short story! Although it’s a good lesson of don’t get involved with swinging neighbours 😂

10. Pornography by Matt Saw

Haha she didn’t see that coming

11. Somewhere in Here by Gary McMahon

This was one creepy ass story and for one so short I’m throughly creeped out!!

12 By Darkness Hidden by Shaun Hutson

This was pretty good a urban legend type story. Villages can be super strange places.

I really enjoyed this compilation got some great new authors added to my list too.