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When She Woke
Hillary Jordan | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let the Color fit the Crime. Imagine a world where the people among you wear their crimes all over their bodies. People whose skin has been changed a different color to fit the crimes that they have committed.
Hannah Payne was one of those Chromes. Her whole body was now Red. Her crime? She had an abortion and had refused to name the father of her baby as well as the person responsible for its death. She has been shunned by her own mother and is a disgrace to her entire family. It's hard enough for Chromes to walk around everyday let alone get a job.
Hannah's father decides to help the best way that he can by putting her in a "christian" home so that she can repent her sins and begin on the path to righteousness. But this place is anything but that, there has to be a better way.
She finds a way to get out of the home, but the consequences of her actions, make it for a difficult road to get to a place of freedom.
Will she ever name the father of her baby, or the abortionist? Will there be a way for her to live as a chrome and have a slightly normal life? Will the people she meets along the way help her or hurt her?

When She Woke is an interesting novel that makes you think about what you would do if you new the person riding on the subway next to you was a murderer, or a theif, or a child molester. Just by the color of their skin.
There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
There's Someone Inside Your House (2021)
2021 | Horror
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Movie starts with a young teen coming home, the house is empty but the egg timer is ticking away, he calls out to see if anybody is home but there is no answer and he thinks nothing of it, finishes his phone conversation and goes to sleep. He is woken up in the middle of the night by the egg timer which is now in his room, this freaks him out and he calls the police, but is interrupted by random photos placed around the house of a secret he has been keeping and we soon have our first kill. A video of his secret is then sent to everyone and as this video also contains another jock, that jock is shunned at school and ends up sitting with a different group of teens, which is who the movie follows.
After the second kill, everyone becomes aware that the killer is going after those with a secret, meaning bad news for one of the teens.

This movie has many cliches used in teen Slashers, such as running anywhere but outside when trying to escape the killer, going to parties despite a killer being on the loose, the killer wearing a mask, people blaming each other and of course the killer having a plan to frame someone. Despite this (and the look a like masks which bared no resemblance to the victims) I did enjoy this movie. The acting wasn't spot on all the time but good enough for me. I also felt that the music wasn't right for the movie as it had more of a strangers things vibe than horror.
Circus of Wonders
Circus of Wonders
Elizabeth Macneal | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading The Doll Factory, I was on the look out for Elizabeth Macneal’s next book. Circus of Wonders has NOT disappointed me.

Elizabeth Macneal has described what it is like to be on the margins of society - an outcast because you don’t look the same as everyone else. Nell lives in a time where you are shunned for having birthmarks such as hers. She is considered to be bad luck, a curse. Not helped by the fact that her mother had died in childbirth. Her father constantly reinforces this, and won’t even touch her. Nell’s beloved brother is her sole comfort. He cares for her, and promises to take her with him when he marries.

But Nell’s father sells her to Jasper Jupiters Circus of Wonders. Jasper is a man who is hellbent on being a success, and thinks nothing of using Nell and others like her, to achieve greatness. Jasper and his brother Toby, are both survivors of the Crimean war, and clearly carry many secrets.

Themes such as exploitation, ownership, differences, power, sibling love, secrets, love and loss are central to this book.

Nell is a constant surprise. She goes from being a scared, vulnerable girl, to becoming the centre of attention, in control of all those who come to watch her. This is the other side to the P. T. Barnum story. We’ve probably all heard of ‘The Greatest Showman’, but there’s the other exploitative side that seems to have been brushed under the carpet. This book shows that side.

I loved this book, and I wouldn’t hesitate to tell you all to go out and buy it!
Zero Hour (Numa Files #11)
Zero Hour (Numa Files #11)
Clive Cussler, Graham Brown | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zero Hour is an 'Adventure from the NUMA Files' which means following the team of Kurt Austin, Joe Zavala and Paul and Gamay Trout on their adventures.

In truth the main players in this are Kurt and Joe with the Trouts taking a back seat. In fact Dirk Pitt has more of a role in this novel than they do. I'm not sure that is a bad thing, having find roles for four leading characters started to get a little stretched for me in the more recent books.

Back to the story, which could come straight out of a James Bond plot. Genius develops a weapon which taps into zero point energy and causes massive earthquakes. Feeling that the nations of the world have shunned him and killed is daughter he decides to turn the weapon upon them in revenge. It is up to Kurt, Joe and an Australian scientist (female, providing the love interest for Kurt) to stop him, against the clock and against all the odds.

This is a real old fashioned adventure story, a few twists here and there to keep the interest but nothing too demanding. It moves at a fantastic pace, has some brilliant set pieces and a typically over the top villain. There are multiple threads to the story which join up for a satisfying conclusion.

The narrative moves on at a good pace and never gets bogged down in too much exposition. There is the expected need to suspend belief in parts, but really not as much as other stories. This was an easy book to read and had that 'unputdownable' factor that should be expected. Probably one of the better NUMA files novels (which have in my mind always been the poor relation to the other Cussler series).

Overall I would rate this as a good, entertaining book, well worth a read if you like advemture stories.