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Scholé Sisters: Camaraderie for the Classical Homeschooling Mama
Scholé Sisters is the podcast for the classical homeschooling mama who seeks to learn and grow...

She's the One Who Cares Too Much (War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters #2)
Coral, the second of seven sisters, has been hiding her affair with the perfect man until her older...
Historical Fantasy

Satellite Sisters: Women's Humor, Health, Wellness, Pop Culture, Parenting, News
Satellite Sisters is a pep talk for modern women. Writer Lian Dolan, Business Leader Liz Dolan and...

She’s the One Who Won’t Behave (The War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters, #6)
Gypsum, the sixth of seven sisters, has always been a rebel. Yet no one thought she would go so far...
Historical Fantasy