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Drakaina's Fire (Drak Defense Co. #1) by Raven Lovelace
Drakaina's Fire (Drak Defense Co. #1) by Raven Lovelace
Raven Lovelace | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
DRAKAINA'S FIRE is the first book in the Drak Defense Co. series and we are introduced to a first-class group of women mercenaries who are able to pull off jobs no one else can. They charge top dollar, and the US Government is happy to pay it due to their success rate. Oh, and the fact they donate some of their money to widows and children of war charities.

Daphne is the eldest and has eleven sisters (same father, different mothers) who are all Drakaina (female pronoun). Everett is the youngest General in the military and is ordered to learn more about the mercenary crew. Both of them turn into silly putty when they meet each other.

For a debut book, this was a good start. The general concept of the world - both the normal and paranormal one - has its foundations laid. The big bad has been made known to us and the reasons behind it.

However, there are sentences and phrases that are repeated unnecessarily, words spelt correctly but used wrongly (be instead of me), and some things that just don't make sense. The supporting characters fade into the background as you don't learn much about them, the exception being Charlotte but I still don't know much about her either. Also, Daphne and Everett are supposed to be leaders! Some of the things they do - both separately and together - just don't make sense or seem physically possible. For example, if you've got members of your team going missing, you're not going to go off by yourself with no backup, especially when you know what you're up against.

And don't even get me started on Daphne's blip about betrayal! My Kindle was very nearly damaged with this one. Of course, I'll believe the man who works for the enemy, who has just admitted kidnapping and torturing my sister, who baited a trap I've just walked into, over the word of my mate who has done nothing but be there for me since we've met. And how does said man reappear later when he's supposed to be absolutely and utterly dead! D.E.A.D! Apparently, Drakaina aren't as thorough as they think they are, nor is their fire as hot as they think.

On the whole, a good debut but it will definitely need to be tightened up to go forwards.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **
* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Clockwork Angel
Clockwork Angel
Cassandra Clare | 2010 | Children
9.0 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clare exceeds expectations with Clockwork Angel
Clockwork Angel is the first in a trilogy of books. This series is a prequel to The Mortal Instruments, also written by Cassandra Clare. Tessa traveled to London to live with her brother, when he appears missing she is captured. Saved by Will, Tessa lives within the institute with the Shadowhunters helping to find Nate, whilst also finding out what the Magister's evil plan is.

I've heard so many times that The Infernal Devices is so much better than the Mortal Instruments. In comparison I can definitely agree the writing and overall plot is improved. The main issue I had was that in some cases, it was too similar to The Mortal Instruments. My instant thought was Will was similar to Jace although I'm unsure if this was intentional or not. The love triangle was also reminiscent of Clare's previous work.

I enjoyed that Clockwork Angel was set in London rather than New York. I was getting fairly bored of being focused on New York so this gave us a chance to see a new institute. The different location and different time means the institute is extremely different to the one in TMI.

The big question of who is the Magister? in the first chapter was important in the book. I found it both predictable and unpredictable. If Pretty Little Liars has told me anything, if a character claims it's one person, it's probably not them. I was however surprised of who it actually was. So well played, Cassandra Clare.

One of the big improvements is that the adults actually take action. In TMI, there were so many times the teenagers acted purely because the adults weren't doing anything. I was so tired of the adults being incompetent that Charlotte and Henry were a welcome surprise. They also really tried to help Tessa find Nate immediately. There weren't multiple meetings with the Clave before they could do anything.

Clockwork Angel seemed to pick up a lot quicker than TMI and kept pace. The fighting scenes were written better. Less filler content was needed as we already know the world. Although there was a love triangle, a lot less content was put towards building on it. It seemed a lot more like a fantasy than a romance.

Please don't comment any spoilers as I haven't finished the other books yet. But I had a weird thought about Tessa's name being Gray. As the dark sisters are called Black and Dark, does the inclusion of the name Gray fit there? Is this an insight into who she will become? Or who she 'could' become if she is a bad guy? I just thought it was odd to use a name so similar.
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
Hocus Pocus and the All-New Sequel
A.W. Jantha | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can not tell you how disappointing this book was. Everything from the start of the sequel to the very end. I almost DNF the book, but since this is a sequel to one of my favorite Halloween movies as a child I wanted to finish the story. I knew it wasn't going to get better.

The beginning of the book is just a recap from the movie with more knowledge of the characters feelings and a little bit more about the Sanderson sisters. I'm pretty bummed out that the author left out my favorite scene from the movie which was when the kids ran up to the cop who really wasn't a cop! I just think that part should have been put into the book. 

Once you get to the sequel its 25 years later on Halloween day in Salem. Max and Allison have a daughter named Poppy. I'm curious to why the author wanted the daughter name Poppy when everyone else has normal names like the author wanted the character to stand out more? Poppy has two close friends, Isabella and Travis. Poppy has a crush on her friend Isabella, and Travis who looks out for Poppy helping her with school, and social life with the other kids when Poppy seems to be getting attacked by others.

To sum it up without giving away to much of the story, Poppy doesn't believe in her parents or her Aunt Dani's story about Sanderson's sister when they were kids. Poppy, Isabella, and Travis head to the Sanderson's house and pretty much did exactly what her parents did 25 years ago minus the black candle.

It seems to me the author tried too hard to make this sequel to be better or equal to the first Hocus Pocus that she was adding too much of the same stuff from the first story. I didn't like the same jokes and it wasn't nearly as funny. The story was just too much for me and didn't have enough originality for me. One thing that was irritating was that Sarah Sanderson would say Amok Amok Amok in the first story than with the sequel she always seems to be repeating herself with words like Afoot and such.

You do get to read some familiar characters from the first story which was nice. There is a new character named Elizabeth who is Winnie, Mary, and Sarah's sister. I honestly didn't think it was necessary to add another witch to the famous Sanderson witches. 

All in all this story wasn't it for me. Like I said I'm pretty bummed out about it. I couldn't get into the story, everything just seemed forced together and that the author was trying to hard to make this story stand out.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two girls grow up, as close (or closer) as sisters, until a boy and a strange man (?) come between them. Aurora is the daughter of a famous musician, who died when she very young; her mother still spends most of her days in a drug-induced haze. It's up to her best friend (whose name we never learn -- she's simply the narrator of this tale) to protect Aurora, who is described as lovely and other-worldly, from herself. The girls spend their days together -- watching movies in Aurora's bed, partying hard, dancing in mosh pits at concerts, etc. One day they meet a musician named Jack, a beautiful man/boy, who enraptures the narrator, and seems to set them on a course to be torn apart.

This is a very strange book. The first half or so is actually pretty compelling and interesting. The story of Aurora and the narrator's friendship is fascinating, and their "girls gone wild" story is plausible, if not a little much. Aurora's mom could clearly care less where her daughter is. The narrator's mom, Cass, was friends with Aurora's mom, but they clearly fought when the girls were young and are not on speaking terms, though Cass cares deeply for Aurora. This is all good stuff.

Once Jack arrives and Aurora meets Minos, a bizarre music producer, things get weird. The book takes on this mystical, paranormal feel, and it's just strange. It almost feels like this part of the plot was forced into what was otherwise just a good (really, good) story about friendship and teenage girls and life. I won't go into many more details about the plot, but the narrator basically goes on a quest, which I didn't completely understand and then the book just ends, leaving you hanging and everything unresolved. And despite the fact that there is another book in the series, it looks to be about the girls' mothers, not the girls, therefore giving me no resolution whatsoever! Grr.

That's not to say that McCarry's writing isn't lovely. It's a beautiful, poetic book - almost too much at times, as I found myself practically skimming to get to the actual plot. The narrator was a compelling character, and the whole story was so well-written that I could imagine every person, every wild party, every journey. I just think that it almost would have been just as good, if not better, without all the crazy characters and odd mythology-type "stuff" thrown in. But what do I know, really? And I'll probably read the second book out of total curiosity because Maia (Aurora's mom) and Cass were pretty fascinating.

This was probably closer to 2.5 stars for my overall feeling at the end, but bumped up a bit for the beginning and the general writing.

Bookapotamus (289 KP) rated Educated in Books

May 29, 2018  
Tara Westover | 2018 | Biography
9.3 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
All the stars in the Idaho Sky! Tara Westover is so very brave. And her book is hands-down, 5+ stars amazing. This is by far the most riveting memoir I've ever read. I am so fascinated by cult-like religions, as well as homesteaders/survivalists and end-of-the-world preppers - and this quenched every thirst I've ever had for all those things and infinitely beyond. This was the extreme of both of those worlds. I cannot believe this is real life. The epitome of "you can't make this sh*t up," I imagine those words running through Tara's head often.

This is a story of growing up in middle-of-nowhere Idaho with Mormon anti-government parents, who "home-schooled" Tara and her brothers and sisters, while preaching these crazy ideals on these poor kids who just didn't know any better. They believed everything their parents said (who wouldn't believe their own parents?!), and the abuse and neglect she had to essentially endure because of it, was heartbreaking. These kids grew up with no birth certificates, never stepping foot inside a classroom or a doctor's office, zero modern medicine (including for severe burns and brain injury!), living in filth and squalor, and the constant pressure to be of extreme faith and a tireless servant of a God, that required way to much of these poor children. And all under the watchful eyes of a father who takes no less than their utter devotion to that God, no matter what the consequences.

It pains me to see them choose sides throughout - you really do get the sense that these parents love Tara in all the way they know how, and they honestly feel that what they are doing is right and just, but it's just so blatantly wrong. I applaud Tara for trying so very hard - throughout every victory in her life without them, and coming out on the other side, not bitter at all, still feeling love for her family.

I was enthralled by this memoir. There wasn't any second of this book that dragged, or lulled - I literally could not put it down. The writing is so well thought out, every person rich with description and character, and you root for this strong-willed little girl to get out, and make something of her life and triumph over the family who may love her, but believe her to be evil because she just wants to be free. And we know, because of this amazing book, she finally is.

Love. Love. Love!
Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review and to Tara Westover for sharing her story.
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Geekerella (Once Upon a Con #1)
Ashley Poston | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
My review can also be found on my blog:
When the typical Cinderella story meets a geeky girl, a comic con and an actor instead of a prince, you get Geekerella. A story unlike any other Cinderella like stories, full with wittiness, geekiness and style.

We have Elle, who is our Cinderella. Her father passed away and left her with her stepmom and her two stepsisters. Elle is also a vivid lover of Starfield, sci-fi series similar to Star Trek and Star Wars. She is also a blogger, where she writes all things Starfield.

On the other side, we have Darien, who is an actor and just got the main character role for the new remake of Starfield. While he deeply loves Starfield, he is not allowed to show those emotions and let everyone knows he is a fan, because it will ruin his reputation. And that is the sole reason why fans don’t like him – he is just another guy that goes for the money and ruins their favourite fan fiction (we have all been there though, haven’t we?).

When fate somehow connects Elle and Darien together, under unknown circumstances they start texting to each other, without revealing who they really are. And that is when everything changes.

A story about love and friendship, but most importantly – a story that teaches you to “Look to the stars. Aim. Ignite.” A story that reminds you to keep believing in who you are and why you are doing what you love. This is an amazing reminder to all of you – to be the people you want to be, because once you are comfortable with who you are and what you love to do – nothing can stop you in being great! And most importantly – HAPPY!

While there were bits and pieces that I couldn’t resist but to cringe on, such as the falling in love through texting, or not being able to say no to your step sisters, or being afraid to tell your fans that you are a fan, while they keep accusing you that you don’t care. (How could this ruin a reputation? It could only make it better)…

While there were things that bothered me, this story was still a great revolution to the Cinderella retelling. No other story has shown a girl to fight for what she loves as strongly as this, without the help of magic or a pumpkin – even though her best friend Sage was really the fairy in this situation.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quirk Books, for providing me with an ARC copy of the book.

If you haven’t read it already, please do! It is worth reading it, as it has a powerful message inside of it. I recommend it to all of you out there!
Rainy Day Friends (Wildstone, #2)
Rainy Day Friends (Wildstone, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rainy Day Friends by Jill Shalvis is a Wildstone series book and of course another great one from this author. I loved the format of this book, and I really don’t think I’ve seen it before, of each page having an interaction between Lanie and her anxiety.

Lanie (Delaney) Jacobs is 30, starting a new job 2 ½ hours away from her old life and leaving everything behind (including her anxiety) for 2 months. Unfortunately her anxiety decides to come along for the ride. Lanie just lost her husband and what she finds out about her husband after his death would send anyone packing for a quick getaway. She agrees to take on a temporary job helping a family business re-brand their business and quickly finds herself in the middle of a real “Walton family” family.

Mark Capriotti is as rough and rugged as they come. He is an ex military man, an assistant sheriff, but at the end of the day, this tough guys heart has long been captured by his twin daughters. Having to move back home with his family to be a single dad to his girls was the last thing he ever thought would happen. He is grateful to have his mom, 2 sisters, uncles and more to pick up the slack of helping to care for Samantha and Sierra. He never wants to fall in love again, and isn’t that just what happens.

With a back story for Lanie that comes out piece by piece and secondary characters to help push it along, this story was really well told. My only gripe about this entire book was the abrupt ending. I don’t know if it was due to reading on an ereader that it felt more abrupt but it stopped and I was feeling like I missed some pages. As I said above I loved the anxiety quotes on each page, how many of us have those same thoughts on a daily or weekly basis. I loved how this family came together and stayed together through thick and thin. Being sarcastic myself, I enjoyed Mia’s sarcastic humor most of all. Even Uncle Jack, though sometimes behaving like a overgrown frat boy, had insightful wisdom to share with anyone who asked (or even those who didn’t).

Overall this story was well written for each character both main or secondary. I enjoyed following along on their journey of escape, attraction, hiding, and eventually not fighting the feelings. I received an advance copy of this novel without any expectations for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own (whether you like them or not ha).

Carma (21 KP) rated Free to Dream in Books

Jun 17, 2019  
Free to Dream
Free to Dream
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Free to Dream is the first novel I’ve read by Tracey Jerald. While it didn’t grab me from the beginning I am glad I stuck with it because I ended up enjoying the book about midway through. I will I could rank higher but 3.75 stars from this reviewer.

Cassidy left her old life behind as soon as she could. Her brother and 4 sisters came to live in Collyer Connecticut and opened a wedding planning business. It became successful but Cassidy couldn’t outrun the nightmares.

Caleb is an Army Veteran who runs his own private investigating firm. His brother is planning a wedding and needs Caleb’s help to vet the prospective company. Heading from NYC to Collyer Caleb meets Cassidy and is drawn to help her.

Cassidy and her family have each escaped a horror no children should ever be subjected to. While she struggles with recurring nightmares, her siblings are there to help and catch her when she stumbles. She has made a name for herself in the wedding planning business as someone who gets the job done, no holds bared.

Caleb is used to getting what he wants, when he wants it. Right now he wants Cassidy, but will learning about her past (and how it affects his family and friends) be more than he is willing to take on to get involved with her.

Cassidy hasn’t let her past define who she becomes, well not a lot if she can help it. Her brother Phillip has been her rock since she was 9 years old but will his secret destroy their bond? Overall this is a sweet tale of first love, and triumph over tragedy. A twisted storyline through everyone’s past and future which played out fairly well. As I said at the beginning of this review, the book failed to grab and hold my attention until about 2/3 way through. I picked up and put down numerous times (which I rarely do), thought about stopping but kept going (I don’t like to give up) and I’m really glad I did. The story toward the end held my attention and even had me chuckling out loud a few times.

I received an advance copy without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own. While I see there is a storyline upcoming for 2 of the characters I met in Free to Dream I don’t know as if I will run right out to purchase but surely add to my want to read section to revisit at a later date. I certainly don’t speak for everyone but these were my interactions with my first book by Ms Jerald.
The Ice-Cream truck (2017)
The Ice-Cream truck (2017)
2017 |
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Going into the Ice Cream Truck I have to admit I had some lofty expectations for the movie. When I read this movie was directed by the grand-daughter of one Elmore Leonard (if you have to ask, leave the room). Now yes, I know I shouldn’t let that factor into how I choose my viewing but its a good place to start.


Ice Cream Truck didn’t disappoint me, I mean sure yeah if you watch the trailer and expect to be watching some gore filled serial killer horror (Which from the trailer you could well expect that) then you may be a little disappointed. However stick with this flick because what you actually get is a well placed slow burning psychological thriller that waits till the last 10-15 minutes to ratchet up the action. Oh and there is a few pretty neat deaths. At first I felt fairly disjointed with the flick, people where dying and no one in the neighborhood seemed to give a shit or even know, but Director Megan Freels Johnston is taking her time and building towards something, all the while having Deanna Russo deliver an incredibly layered performance in a movie that is only a sharp 90 minutes.

So the movie sees Deanna Russo (Being Human, Gossip Girl) as Mary, Mary has had to relocate to some suburban neighborhood after her husband being offered a new job. She makes her way to the new house a few days before the rest of the family and meets all the local neighborhood stereotypes on offer including the Step-ford wives, the Local Hunky yard cleaner and the Ice Cream Man. She is about to find that they have moved to a suburban hell hole.

The Ice Cream Truck also stars Dana Gaier (Despicable Me 3), John Redlinger (Thirst, Banshee), Emil Johnsen (Isolerad), Hilary Barraford (Go For Sisters), Jeff Daniel Phillips (31), and Lisa Ann Walter (War of the Worlds).

Im not going to say this is the worlds best movie but its a definite recommend. Was I expecting something else? Yes. Did I like what was presented? Yes. Johnston has given us a well constructed thriller. The only place it really falls apart is that… Well the kills are pretty easy, I personally like some cat and mouse. However Emil Johnson as the Ice Cream Man is creepy as shit. Deanna Russo is great in the lead so no complaints on that front and we got a cheeky little twist that made me go… HUH.

Not the strongest recommend I have given but you should give this flick a go and like I say at only 90 minutes your in and out before you know it. Personally I think you will get a kick from this movie.
Furious 7 (2015)
Furious 7 (2015)
2015 | Action, Mystery
As most would expect from the Fast & Furious franchise, the 7th installment was full of the absurd, ridiculous and spectacular. How a former FBI agent and reticent street racer came to be the leaders of a highly sought after band of not-so-merry brothers (and sisters), hired to accomplish what special ops couldn’t is just part of the absurd. The ridiculous can be found in the escapades they find themselves mired in as well as the stunts they have to pull off to get out of said predicaments. But tied into the absurd and ridiculous are the spectacular adrenaline rushes charged with a lot of shiny metal and ferocious revs and rumbles of finely tuned engines.

Furious 7 tries to tie together the storylines of its predecessors. At least that was the original intent. But with only a couple weeks of filming left, the movie lost one of its leading men, Paul Walker in a horrifically ironic car accident. When the cast and crew, as well as Universal and Walker’s family agreed to finish filming, the movie became more about giving his character, Brian O’Connor, his last hurrah, a final dance with bullets he told his wife he missed before he finally accepted a more domesticated existence.

As much as I enjoyed Furious 7, it was hard to watch on so many levels. The fans will love the intense fight scenes, some wincingly brutal, some intricately choreographed. There are plenty of jaw-dropping stunts and heart-racing car chases, and plenty of one-liners to laugh or groan at, mainly from Dwayne Johnson’s character, Hobbs. This movie also had two villains, Jason Statham’s Deckard Shaw and Djimon Honsou’s Jakande; one intent on avenging his brother, the other bent on getting his hands on “God’s Eye”, a device that would essentially give Jakande control of the world, of course. The movie also introduced a new character named Mr. Nobody, played by an amusing Kirk Russell.

With the aid of CGI and Walker’s brothers, Cody and Caleb, as stand-ins, director James Wan was able to keep Brian in most of the film. That’s where I found some difficulty in watching the movie. Wan and his staff combed through footage that normally would’ve ended on the cutting room floor to find usable shots that Wan came to refer to as “Walker Gold” because each shot became more and more precious. I understood that sentiment as each of Walker’s scenes, especially with Vin Diesel and Jordana Brewster, became even more poignant knowing they were some of his last. Wan didn’t try to make the audience forget that Walker was gone, instead he made Furious 7 the satisfying closing chapter for the character Walker brought to life, effectively paying tribute to Walker himself.